JUNE 10, 2019
The flight back to Korea was more than tiring. Jeongguk wanted nothing more than to teleport back to their apartment and to his comfy bed instead, just so he could escape the reporters and the press.
They have just returned from a fatiguing trip from Paris, where they had their two-day concert and a few days of filming for their Run BTS! content. They've wrapped up their North America, South America, and Europe tour with a bang. Needless to say, the entire trip wore him out.
Upon arriving at the airport, the reporters were surprised to see Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok wearing sunflower headpieces. They focused their attention solely on them, making Jeongguk sigh in relief.
The rest of the members went straight ahead to their dorm while Jeongguk, on the other hand, had plans for himself.
He left his luggages and bags in the hands of his manager and told him that he needed to drop off something real quick at a friend's house, hence why he hailed a cab and told the taxi driver to go to the Bamseom apartments.
The silent treatment that his dear girlfriend had given him only lasted for a week. He was extremely happy when he had received that text of her wanting him to sing her to sleep. Since then, he started to be careful with his words and tried as best as he could to make up for what he had done by sending sweet nothings to her.
Sometimes, though, he'd think of himself as a fool as they weren't even together and he didn't need to do all these things for her. Their relationship was just for fun for goodness sake, but why was he going to different lengths just for her?
But then again, she was his friend. Friends do that... right?
On the way to her apartment, Jeongguk once again double checked the gift box that he was holding.
Oh, right. He had bought her gifts - another thing that friends actually do so he didn't feel odd about it.
The gift box was quite huge, but Jeongguk didn't really mind it. He didn't go overboard, anyway. He bought her various things from London and Paris - five boxes of French Laduree macaroons, chocolates from Debauve & Gallais, the cliché plaid French beret, tea from Whitard and Twinings, digestives and custard creams to go with the tea, two shadow boxes from Benjamin Pollock's Toy Shop, and a stuffed dinosaur from the National Museum.
Okay, maybe he did went a little overboard.
As soon as he finished checking up on the gift box, he realised that they were nearing the apartment complex. Jeongguk fished out cash from his jacket and when the driver stopped at the main entrance, he gave it to him, muttering a keep the change before heading out.
It was actually his first time entering her apartment. The last time he went here was when he picked Lisa up for her birthday but he wasn't able to get past the reception area. Oh well.
As soon as he went inside the lobby, he immediately went to receptionist and said, "Hey, good evening. Can you give a call to Lalisa Manoban and tell her that someone is looking for her down here in the lobby?"
The receptionist looked up and ask, "Name, please?"
His lips thinned, "JK."
The woman behind the desk nodded. She then proceeded to call someone on the telephone and exchanged a few words with the caller before saying, "He's wearing all black and a- oh? Okay? Just let him in? Okay, ma'am." She then looked up at him and said, "8th floor, room 808."
He nodded as thanks and proceeded to the elevator. It was an awkward two minute ride, him listening to Bigbang's Haru Haru before the doors opened to the 8th floor.
As soon as he reached door 808, he felt like a nervous wreck. What the heck? It's as if it was his first time meeting her.
Before he could knock, however, the door already opened, revealing a panicked Lisa. The word cute automatically popped in his head.
"I- uh, hey, Guk." She looked behind her, seemingly frightened, "You didn't tell me you were coming."
He scratched his nape, "Uh, yeah. Surprise?"
Lisa licked her lips before replying, "Listen, my unnies... they're k-"
She didn't get to finish before Jennie came to view, mouth turned into a grin. Uh oh, Jeongguk didn't like that smile.
"Hello, Jeongguk." She pushed Lisa away to stand in front of him, looking down at her nose at him even if he was taller than her. "What a lovely surprise and oh! You even bought a gift. How thoughtful of you." She exclaimed and grabbed the box he was holding.
"Actually, that's for Lisa-"
"Thank you so much." She went back inside the room, leaving a red-faced Lisa.
"Don't mind her. Come inside." She gave him way and he entered the apartment. He quietly followed her to the living room, where the rest of her members were.
Not knowing what to do, he bowed 90 degrees, "Good evening." When he straightened again, he saw that Jisoo was laying down on the couch, Chaeyoung was lounged on the floor, and Jennie was just exiting what seemed to be Lisa room (the cat stickers were enough evidence).
Jisoo smiled at him, "Hey, Guk." Unlike Jennie, he didn't find her to be intimidating. In fact, she's actually the most approachable in the group - her and Chaeyoung.
Chaeyoung bowed back and held out a pack of gummy worms, "Want some?"
He shook his head, "No, thank you."
Lisa cleared her throat and grabbed his arm, "We'll just be in the kitchen, unnies. We'll be back."
"Okay, kids. Use protection!" Jisoo yelled as Lisa lead him to the kitchen.
"Sorry about my unnies." She started as she sat down at the dining table, "They're just overprotective, especially Jennie."
"I figured out, too." He followed suit, sitting down. "Anyway, I came here just to drop off something yet it seemed like Jennie noona put it in your room already."
"Yeah, you didn't have to, but thank you very much." She said and then perked up as if she remembered something, "Do you want dinner? Jisoo cooked boneless bbq chicken wings and Korean pancake."
As if on cue, his stomach growled, making the girl laugh. "Yeah, would that be fine? Airplane food wasn't really that appetising. I haven't eaten since we left Paris - except several snacks."
"Well, today is your lucky day. Jisoo doesn't really make chicken wings that much but if she did, it tastes like heaven." She boasted as she prepared his food.
"I doubt that. Jin hyung cooks the best chicken wings." He couldn't help but boast back.
"Let's see then." She said as she placed two plates in front of him: one with wings and one with Korean pancakes. His mouth watered at the sight.
"Thank you, darling." He smiled at her before digging in.
"How's your tour?" She asked, sitting down beside him again.
"It was tiring." He shrugged biting into the heavenly wings. Gosh, Jin hyung's wings would be put to shame with this one. "Although, seeing the fans made me quite sad and happy at the same time."
She chuckled, "Yeah, it always feels like that, doesn't it?" He nodded in agreement, "How's your injury?"
"I'm fine." He stopped eating and faced her again, "Listen, darling, I really am sorry for what I said that other day. I just... I was frustrated and I didn't know what to do."
Lisa rolled her eyes, "It's okay, Guk. I've told you this a million times already. Chill your ass out."
"I know, but-" He stopped mid-sentence when he saw her face inching nearer. Suddenly, his heart pounded. What was she doing?
Surprise was an understatement when one of her hand cupped his cheek and her gaze landed on his lips. Lisa, what the hell?
Unconsciously, he closed his eyes, predicting what would happen. Here goes nothing.
However, his fantasy was cut short when he felt her wipe something on the corner of his lips. He opened his eyes, dazed, seeing Lisa wipe her hand on a tissue and her eyes staring at him weirdly.
"What?" She asked, one eyebrow raised. Wow, what an embarrassment.
Jeongguk huffed, "I thought you were going to kiss me."
She snorted, "In your dreams, Guk." Her eyes suddenly widened and she stood up again, "Oh, shit, I forgot to give you water."
He continued eating and watched Lisa as she pulled out a glass from the cupboards and filled it with water. "Oh, Lali," He called out, "Namjoon asked me about your schedule. He wants to know if when will you guys be available."
She froze, "Um. Let me think..." She slowly walked back to him, handing him the glass of water, "I think June 17th and 18th. Why?"
He shrugged and took a sip, "He wanted both of our groups to have a formal dinner since apparently, we're dating."
Jeongguk wasn't sure if he heard it right but she muttered thank God, I didn't even have to suggest this idea to him under her breath but faced him with a grin on her face, "Well, that's great! Just send me the deets, yeah?"
"Sure." He replied, stuffing the remaining Korean pancake in his mouth. "Done!" He managed to get out.
"That was fast." Lisa took his dishes to the sink - to which he objected, "Shut up, Jeon. Besides, you've got to go home now. You look like you're about to sleep."
He went to stand beside her, trying to grab the plate from her hand, "Give me that." She shook her head and he sighed.
Not knowing what he was doing, he went closer to her, wrapping his arms around her small frame and resting his chin on her shoulder.
She smelled heavenly.
"Uh, Guk, what... what are you doing?" Lisa asked in a low voice, hands turning the faucet off. His heartbeat felt loud in his ears now, his hands clammy.
"I don't know," He admitted, "I just miss you." The truth. He inhaled her scent once more, tigheting his hold on her waist.
He felt her smile and slowly, slowly, she turned to face him - their faces now inches away from each other.
"I don't know what I'm about to do," She murmured, gaze on his lips, making him lick it unconsciously, "But I'm going to do it anyway."
Jeongguk was about to ask what the hell she was talking about when suddenly, she pressed her lips on his.
Time stopped.
Lisa's lips were soft, delicate, gentle - just like how he imagined it would be. The knot in his stomach tightened as he felt her hands around his neck, pulling him closer as he finally responded to the kiss with the same sweetness.
His left hand moved on its own accord as it travelled from her waist to cup her face. She tilted her head, deepening the kiss, her mouth forming a small 'o', which gave way to his tongue. Fuck.
The kiss turned from gentle to heated in a matter of moments. Jeongguk bit her lower lip, emitting a moan from the girl. He didn't know why, but his pants tightened at the sound. Good God, Lalisa, why are you doing this to me?
His hand was about to travel south when-
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" A voice shrieked from the kitchen entrance.
Panicked, the both of them pulled away from each other, catching their breaths. His face was scarlet and he couldn't bear to look at her, afraid of what he might see in her eyes.
Chaeyoung stood at the doorway, eyes covered with her fingers. He was about to speak when Lisa beat him to it.
"Uh, it's nothing, Chaeng. What is it?" Lisa asked, voice shaky. He finally looked at her and saw that she had a fake smile in her face, "You can lower your hands now."
"Um... Jisoo asked if she can have a box of macaroons." She smiled awkwardly at him.
"Ah, actually, she can. The two boxes are for Lisa and the rest are yours." Satisfied with the answer, she went back to the living room with a huge grin in her face.
Now it was only the both of them left.
Lisa cleared her throat awkwardly and looked anywhere but him," I, uh, Guk, um... "
"Yeah," He chuckled, scratching his head, "I think... I think I need to go now." It was getting late, anyway, and his hyungs must be looking for him now.
"Sure! Of course, of course. I'll walk you to the door." Lisa replied almost immediately, going to the entrance of the kitchen. He followed, still thinking about that goddamn kiss.
"You're leaving?" Jisoo asked as she spotted them both. She was now eating the macaroons at the carpeted floor, Jennie now occupying the couch.
"Yeah, my hyungs are already looking for me." He replied with a small smile, "Thank you."
"Thanks for the macaroons, Guk. You're the best." Chaeyoung gave him a thumbs up to which he laughed.
"Bye, bye, Guk." Jennie did a little wave and once again, he bowed before going to the door.
It was the both of them - again.
Lisa tried her best to not sound awkward, but it was still evident in her tone as she said, "Thanks for the gift, Guk. I appreciate it."
"It's nothing." He replied turning the door knob, "I'll just text you the details, yeah?" She nodded, and he gave her a nod before leaving the apartment.
What the hell just happened?
As soon as Jeongguk left, Lisa almost fell to her knees in relief.
She just kissed him, what the actual fuck.
In her defense, she didn't know what she was doing, okay. His lips were just so... so inviting and so soft and so...
Friends kiss, right?
Goddammit, Lisa! Focus!
She shook her head, trying to erase the kiss from her mind while walking back to the living room.
Her members were still in the same position as they were before, except for Jennie who was now sitting up straight and was staring at her.
"So? Any updates about the dinner?" She asked, hand on her hip. Typical.
"I didn't even have to suggest the idea to him, actually. He just asked me about our available schedule because Namjoon wanted to have dinner with us." She plopped down on the beanie and crossed her legs, "So, I guess, we'll be meeting the rest of Bangtan soon."
"We better, my tongue was itching to ask him right then and there about what he said, but thank God I was able to control it." Jennie replied, laying back down.
"Unnie, whatever you're planning, don't."
Jennie shrugged, "I don't know what you're talking about."
As if.
Later on, she decided to text him, just to lessen the tension between them.
10:58 pm
thank you
for the gift
you didn't
have to,
you know
but i wanted
to so....
what are you
gonna do about
it darling?
Lisa rolled her eyes. He, too, seemed to be forgetting about the kiss.
Thank God.
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