I'm looking at Yoongi with my mouth wide open.
"You're what?"
"I'm your bff."
My mind isn't processing this so I repeat once again, "You're what?"
He slowly takes out his phone and slides it across the table to me.
I look at his phone and then at him. He can't be serious. There's no way my bff is Yoongi. No way he's he guy I sent a NUDE too.
No way.
No way.
NO way.
As soon as I send it Yoongi's phone lights up. It's a text from "weirdo" and it says the exact same thing.
I feel my lungs slowly close up and it feels like I'm going to have an asthma attack even though I don't have asthma.
"Jimin are you okay?"
I shake my head no.
"No you can't -"
"I am. I was surprised too. That's how I found you at the bar last night. You texted me a lot of gibberish."
"Oh my gosh."
My whole body starts heating up and I cover my face once again.
"I sent you my nude."
I hear Yoongi laugh and even though it's beautiful I don't want him to laugh.
"This is so humiliating." I mumble in between my hands.
Yoongi continues laughing and I uncover my face glancing at him.
"Don't laugh at me." I say my face heating up more.
"It's just funny how we've been texting each other this whole time."
He's smiling so hard and I'm guessing it's because he's trying not to laugh. It's honestly breathtaking.
Seeing him smile and laugh is heaven.
I wonder why he doesn't smile or laugh much.
I'm sure he causes tsunamis with his laughs and thunders with his smiles.
"Are you going to keep texting me? Even though it's me?" I ask afraid. I've gotten used to texting him and not being able to would suck.
"Sure. If you want to keep texting me."
"Okay." I reply with a smile.
"So why did you get wasted last night?"
I start cutting the pancakes he made for breakfast. He's sitting in front of me watching me intensely as if I'm the most interesting human.
"I was .. well you know how I ... well."
I can't speak to him because he makes me nervous. Not to mention he knows about Hoseok and the nude and about cute boy aka him.
It's super awkward.
"Use your big words, ChimChim."
I drop my fork and knife when he calls me that. "What?" My cheeks get red.
"You called me ChimChim."
"Yeah. So?"
I shrug still feeling my face get hot. He gave me a nickname. Sisiiansksososlslslslslmmsnsnsjsknsnsjsks.
"I don't know. It just surprised me."
"Okay? Well continue on."
"Well like I was saying. You know how I ... how I like Hoseok right?"
Yoongi nods his head.
"Well I saw him post something on Instagram and it hurt my feelings. Then I was okay. I thought to myself 'this is enough Jimin. You don't need that boy in your life' so I decided to go get a drink-"
"Have you ever even tried beer before?"
"Sure I have. I drink alllll the time. On the weekends I'm at the bar trying everything. Beer, vodka, you name it."
Yoongi smiles and throws his head back. My tummy gets butterflies at the sight of this.
"Okay Jimin. Whatever you say. Continue."
"So I went and asked for a beer and surprisingly the guy didn't ask for my ID which is good because I'm not even old enough. Anyways, after that one nasty beer I wanted to try something different. So I asked for some weird beverage and it was so pretty! It was blue! I loved the color. It tasted awful too. Like it tasted like actual shit. It burned my throat I felt like I was swallowing fire. Even though it tasted like shit I still drunk it and then-"
"You're getting off track." Yoongi says.
"Oh. Right. Sorry. The whole point is that one drink turned to like fifteen and I got drunk because I was celebrating getting over Hoseok for good."
Yoongi nods his head tapping his finger on his chin.
"Very well. Its a good thing you're over Hoseok anyways because he got Choa pregnant."
"What? Seriously? Oh my. Well I'm glad I can't get anyone pregnant. Because you know I don't like girls. I mean girls are cool and all. They're very pretty, but they look odd. Not in a bad way! It's just I don't know. Like their boobies are weird. They're just two balls of fat like sitting there. I've grabbed a pair before. You know like before I accepted the fact that I was gay. I swore it was a phase so I try to fuck with some girl. She had huge boobs when she snapped off her bra all I could do was stare. Then she grabbed my hand and placed them on her boobs! It felt squishy and warm and weird. Like I tried to get hard but I couldn't. It was so embarrassing. Poor girl."
"You blab a lot."
"Sorry." I reply embarrassed.
"The good news is you passed the test."
"What test?"
"I told you Hoseok got Choa prego and you didn't flip out."
"She's not really pregnant by the way."
"So you lied to me?"
"You have no shame." I reply shoving a pancake in my mouth.
"None whatsoever."
He gets up from the table and walks over to a cabinet. He takes out a pill bottle and turns to look at me.
"I can imagine you have a headache."
I nod my head slowly.
"Great. Take these."
He hands me two orange pills and I stare at them.
"Are they drugs? Are you trying to poison me?"
"Totally." He replies.
I smile at him and take the pills. "Thanks."
"Well I better get home. My parents must be worried about me. I think Kookie told them I was staying over at his house, but still."
"Okay sure."
I grab my empty dish and take it to the sink where I wash it. After washing that and the cup I was drinking out of I realize something.
I have no car.
Yesterday I walked to the bar because it's close to my house.
"You forgot something?" He asks with a smirk on his face.
Why is he so attractive? I don't understand.
"Can - can you please give me a ride home?"I whisper fidgeting with my hands.
I continue to fidget with my hands and then he speaks again.
"Just kidding. I'll give you a ride home only because I want you to leave."
"Fair enough." I reply and he smiles grabbing his keys.
"So do you live by yourself?" I ask finally noticing that his parents were never around.
"Nah. They're on a business trip. It's the first time I stay alone because now I'm finally old enough to stay by myself. Since I'm a big boy."
"Oh. I'm a big boy too." I reply proudly.
He looks at me and grins. "Are you a big boy though?" There's a hint of tease in his voice and it makes my breath hitch.
He laughs, "Because I mean you're quite small like a little bean." He says putting his hand on my shoulder.
"N-no u-u-uh. I'm seventeen! Well almost eighteen. I'll- I'll be eighteen in a month."
"Im not just talking about your age." He replies removing his hand from my shoulder and looking around for something. This gives me time to relax and stop stuttering.
"Are you picking on my height?" I frown.
"Maybe. You're also just tiny. Height and size. You're tiny."
"I've been trying to gain muscle." I say ashamed of my tiny frame.
"You don't need too."
"Why not?"
"I like you like this."
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