Now THIS Is Part Twenty Eight ][ The Red Guitar
(A/N: I was dared by UneFilleDeLaNuit to use these following words in a Janiel story. Pineapple, pyramid, Lego, guitar, eyeball.)
One day, there was a pineapple- wait no, it was a guitar. Yeah, a red guitar. And this red guitar was the most fabulous guitar in the entire word. It was the one and only Daniel Preda's guitar. Daniel was a incredibly famous pop-star.
Daniel Preda-tor was an icon for young teens all over the word. And also 25 year old Joey Graceffa, who was Daniel's , or as most people called him Danny's, biggest fan.
Joey worked in a Lego factory but his DREAM was to meet ever-so-fabulous Danny. Joey had just finally, finished making a GIGANTIC pyramid out of these Legos and so he decided to go to his favorite cafe, Café Pour Les Gens Magnifiques.
He was just walking down the street, a few meters away from the cafe, when he accidentally bumped into someone. Joey looked up to see who it was but they pulled their hood further over their head and ran off. But Joey noticed something fall from their pocket. A tiny keychain with a little red guitar. Joey thought this looked so lovely and he couldn't bear the thought of not returning it to the mysterious stranger, so he ran after them as quickly as possible.
Down streets, round corners he tried his best not to lose sight of them but they were rather tall and so he managed to follow him through the crowded streets until they reached a dark alleyway and the mysterious stranger finally stopped running. Joey finally caught up to him and just as he was about to say "hey-" the figure took off their hood and Joey was able to see what they looked like (from behind).
He knew that head.. he'd know that hair ANYWHERE. It was Danny Preda. His idol.
Joey said and Danny whipped around startled.
"What? Who are you? Why did you follow me?!"
"..Uh sir?? Are you alright?"
"You- you- omj- you're DANNY PREDA!!!"
"Shhh keep it down!! No one can know I'm here!!"
"Wh- wh- omj! Sorry! I just really really really love your music!! ..Wow.. your eyeballs are so beautiful.."
"..sorry that was weird.."
"so a fan are you? You're not my ..typical.. kind of fan.."
"what do you mean?"
"Well my typical fan would usually consist of a screaming tween girl.. although you're not that far off with the screaming.."
"Oh, haha sorry about that.."
"hey, it's okay, what's your name?"
Daniel said with a smile.
"O-oh uh, it's Joseph, but I prefer Joey.."
"I love meeting fans... when they aren't trying to tear my clothes apart.."
Daniel said and shuddered at the reminder.
"Yeah... I definitely understand why you'd keep undercover.... OH! That reminds me! Here!"
Joey passed him the small red guitar keychain
"Oh, this was my grandfather's, he gave it to me before he passed away. I keep it on me every show I play. He was actually the one that inspired me to follow my music career, made me who I am today."
"Wow that's amazing"
"Here, you keep it"
"wh- what?? No, I can't possibly.."
"No, I want you to have it"
"Wow... I really don't know what to say..."
"How about you say you'll see me after my next show?"
Daniel said and handed Joey a VIP pass backstage to his next Vegas show.
"O- okay.. I'll see you... there.."
Joey stuttered and Daniel winked before pulling his hood back over his head.
"Farewell Joseph."
He said before sneaking out of the alleyway and disappearing down the street. Joey would never forget the time he picked up that little red guitar keychain.
(A/N: Heeyyy hope y'all liked this, it turned out actually pretty cute :D wellll thanks for reading, love you, see you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)
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