5.0 The Pretty Blonde
The three ghosts stood around the grand piano in their old studio as Luke Patterson leaned over his notebook. Reggie Peters patted a rhythm against the piano as Robin Mercer played a few chords on the piano, trying to match it to their new song.
"Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day.
I know all your secrets,
You know all my deep dish.
Guess that means that somethings are never-"
Reggie's head popped up and he cut Luke off mid verse. "Wait, so..." He let out a sigh, causing both Luke and Robin to look up at him. "When she says 'deep dish' is talking about, like, pizza, or..."
Alex Mercer suddenly appeared, seated on top of the piano, causing his twin sister to move from her position seat in front of the keys. "Where have you been?" Robin questioned her brother as she stood next to Reggie. She felt his arm drape across her shoulders, and she smiled.
"Uh, kind of everywhere." Alex nodded, explaining too his friends. "Yeah. No, I met a new ghost friend."
"For real?" Reggie's eyes widened. Of course, he knew that there were more of them out there, but he didn't exactly realize that they would ever meet any.
Alex smiled. "Yeah, he answered a ton of questions."
"Yeah, like whether Julie was going to join the band or not?" Luke snapped, grabbing his song book from out from under Alex.
As Luke slapped the book back down on the piano, Alex glanced back towards Robin and Reggie, confused as to why Luke was freaking out. "Uh, well... We didn't... We didn't really get to that..." His tone perked up as he continued explaining to Reggie and Robin. "But I think I know why we're here." Robin nodded, urging him to continue. "Okay, so all ghosts have, like, unfinished business. So, we need to do our unfinished business so that we can cross over."
"Where would we go after we crossed over?"
Alex furrowed his eyebrows at his sister's question. "Why would it matter. We'd be crossing over." He scoffed, not understanding her.
Robin shrugged, looking down at her hands. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'd like to know where I'm going to be spending the rest of eternity." Reggie giggled softly, glancing down at his best friend.
"It doesn't matter where. We would be crossing over, and that's kind of the whole point of being a gh-"
Luke shook his head, cutting Alex off. "Why would we do that?" He asked the blonde boy. "I'm just saying, this is like our second chance. All we need to do is get Julie to play with us." Julie rolled her eyes, her stance sinking. Luke noticed right away and raised an eyebrow. "What's your problem, Rob?" He crossed his arms over his chest.
"You just seem very insistent on wanting Julie in our band." Robin replied. "And don't get me wrong, I think she would be a great fit, and I would love to have her here, but for you it seems different." Luke frowned, not understanding why this was bothering Robin the way it was.
Reggie let out a sigh, feeling the tension grow between the pair. "But not only can Julie sing, she can write too. We made a killer melody to one of her lyrics." He grabbed onto Robin's hand as he spoke, not wanting her to think that he was siding with Luke.
Luke picked up his song book and placed it in Alex's lap, wanting him to read it. "Oh, without your drummer. Cool." He groaned, his head bopping as he read through the lyrics.
The brunette patted Alex's back before he responded. "Drumming is so '90s. Okay? We're just going to stomp our feet now." Luke stomped his right foot twice into the ground as he spoke.
"Okay." Alex plastered a fake smile across his face as he looked towards the singer. "Well, you know what else is so '90s? Being rude. All right? Get woke. These are sensitive times." Robin's eyes widened as she laughed at the words that came out of Alex's mouth. Alex slapped Luke's song book against his chest, causing the boy to groan. "I learned that from my ghost friend." Alex smiled, leaning towards the other two ghosts.
Reggie smiled. "Woke." He nodded, repeating Alex's words. "That's a cool word. What does it mean?"
"No clue." Alex answered, shaking his head.
The band had spent the afternoon preparing their new song for Julie Molina's friend Flynn. Julie had decided it was time to share her secret about the band with Flynn, and the song was supposed to help Flynn believe her. Luke rushed around the studio, nervously checking to see that everything was in it's correct place. "Luke, calm down." Robin giggled, setting her violin down on the piano. "It's going to be fine."
Luke grabbed onto the violin and shoved it back into his ex-girlfriend's hands. "This is important."
Julie appeared next to Robin. "Robin's right, Luke. She'll believe us. There's no need to stress." Luke frowned as Julie spoke, not liking that she didn't side with him. There was a knock at the door and the five band members jumped. Julie ran to the sliding door and opened it to reveal Flynn. "Thanks for coming." She spoke to her friend, who did not look pleased to be there. "We just wanted to rehearse the song so it was perfect, which it's not, but whatever." Julie placed her hand on her hips, and Robin appeared next to her.
"No, if I'm gong to hear a song from your imaginary ghost band, I want it to be perfect."
Robin chuckled at the girl's response. "I like this girl." Julie glanced down at her and glared.
"So, get back in there." Flynn continued, not having heard Robin's words. "All of you." She pointed beyond Julie. "You too." Flynn's finger pointed directly at Robin, causing her eyes to widen.
The blonde backed up. "Uh... Julie, are you sure she can't see me?"
Julie smiled, motioning for Flynn to come inside. "Robin's a little freaked out that you pointed at her, but the boys aren't out here."
Flynn nodded. "Robin's the pretty blonde, right?" Robin's mouth opened as she smiled. She placed her hands over her heart. Flynn walked past the two of them, and Julie closed the doors behind her.
As Julie reentered the playing space, she looked around at her four band members, Robin having just gotten back into her position. "All right, are you guys ready?"
"Hells yeah." Luke nodded, pulling his beanie back onto his head.
Reggie glanced down at Flynn, who was right in his space. "Can she move, please? I don't want to walk through someone again." He asked Julie, trying to shoo Flynn away.
Julie nodded, looking back towards her best friend. "Actually, can you go over there?" She pointed to the empty chair near the center of the room. "Reggie needs some space to rock out, and he feels kind of weird walking through you."
Flynn let out a laugh at Julie's words. "Boy, when you create a world, you really live in it." Reggie frowned at the girl's response.
"Just sit." Julie groaned, grabbing the chair and shoving Flynn into it. "If you'll notice, there's no equipment that will produce a hologram." She explained motioning around the room. "Feel free to look around." She left her best friend and made her way towards the keyboard and microphone. She let out a deep breath before beginning to talk once more. "Robin and the guys took a poem that I wrote about you and put it to music." Julie explained.
"Aww, I wish I didn't have to talk to your dad after this." Flynn crossed her arms over her chest, still not believing her best friend.
Julie let out a soft chuckle. "It's called 'Flying Solo'. I hope you like it." She reached over to the electronic music beat maker, beginning to plunk out the opening chords. Julie returned to the piano to begin the verse.
"If I leave you on a bad note,
Leave you on a sad note,
Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day.
I know all your secrets,
You know all my deep dish.
Guess that means,
Some things they never,
They never change."
Reggie nudged Robin's shoulder as they listened to Julie sing. "This song is kinda how I feel about you, too." He smiled.
"I love you, Reg." Robin giggled, wrapping her arms around her best friend.
Luke frowned, watching their exchange. "Guys, stay in position." The pair separated after Luke spoke. He knew that he shouldn't be jealous of them. The two had always and would always be just best friends. But, he also knew that he would never be able to connect to Robin on the same level that Reggie did.
"We both know what I,
What I,
What I mean.
When I look at you,
It's like I'm looking at me."
On the downbeat of the chorus, the four ghosts jumped into their places, all beginning to play their instruments. Flynn let out a yelp, her eyes widening.
"My life,
My life would be real low,
Flying Solo."
The ghosts sung the background vocals for Julie as they watched Flynn try to recover in her seat.
"My life,
My life would be real low,
Flying Solo without you.
Yeah, yeah, hey!
Yeah, yeah, hey!"
Luke smiled as he twirled around, strumming his guitar. He approached the seated girl, causing her to tighten up even more.
"Yeah, yeah.
My life,
My life would be real low,
Flying Solo without you."
Robin chuckled as she watched Julie dance towards her best friend. The blonde girl felt Reggie grab her hand and twirl her around. Julie kneeled down, talking Flynn's hand, before continuing onto the next verse.
"Yeah, you know who I'm liking,
Way before I like them.
Duh, 'cause you like them first."
Flynn let out a laugh, finally seeming to open up to this new idea of the ghost band.
"And if somebody hurts you,
I'm gonna get hurt too.
That's just how we work,
Yeah, that's just how we work.
It will never change.
We both know what I,
What I,
What I mean.
When I look at you it's like I'm looking at me."
As he noticed Reggie and Robin dancing together, Luke made his way over to the microphone set up on the other side of Flynn's seat. He frowned softly, as he watched the way Reggie looked down at his girl. He loved her, Luke knew he did. But was it as a friend or something else?
Julie grabbed onto Flynn's hand and helped her up from the seat before bringing her towards Luke.
"My life,
My life would be real low,
Flying Solo.
My life,
My life would be real low,
Flying Solo without you."
As Luke yelled, "Hey!", he pointed it at Flynn, causing her to flinch slightly.
"Yeah, yeah.
Hey, yeah, yeah."
She brought her friend to the band members, hoping they wouldn't scare her friend like Luke did. Robin sent Flynn a smile as she plucked the strings of her violin.
"My life,
My life would be real low,
Flying solo without you."
As the girls approached Reggie, the music dimmed, but only slightly, with Luke and the beat maker continuing. Flynn pushed her hand through Reggie's shoulder, and gasped when it just went through him. "Weird right?" The boy smiled.
"Their ghosts!" Flynn exclaimed, looking around at the four of them.
Alex spoke up from behind his drumset. "Oh, we prefer, uh, musician spirits." Robin nodded, pointing back at her brother.
"Julie..." Everyone looked back at Luke as he strummed his guitar strings. "So, does this mean you're joining our band?"
"Umm..." Flynn shook her finger at the boy. "Actually, I think you're joining her band." Robin giggled hugging Reggie.
Julie rested her elbow on Flynn's shoulder. "I'm going to go with what she said." Alex began drumming to the beat, bringing the chorus back in.
"My life,
My life would be real low,
Flying Solo.
My life,
My life would be real low,
Flying Solo without you.
Hey! Yeah, yeah.
Hey! Yeah, yeah.
My life,
My life would be real low,
Flying Solo without you."
Reggie's bass cut out as Julie began vocalizing, singing it directly to her best friend. The raven-haired boy chuckled, wrapping his arm around Robin to pull her in for a side hug.
As Julie finished singing, she rested her forehead against Flynn's and giggled. "Still want to talk to my dad?" She questioned the girl although she already knew the answer.
"No, I'm good." Flynn shrugged before the two girls embraced in a hug.
Word Count - 2149
Author's Note -
Hey guys, sorry this chapters kinda short and a little sucky. I just got back from school, so hopefully I'll have a lot more time to write chapters and upload. Sorry I haven't uploaded anything in a really long time. I was super busy at school and don't have time to do literally anything outside of school and work.
But I'm home for the summer, and will hopefully have a lot more free time!
Please comment what you want to see in future chapters, and do not forget to vote!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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