4.0 Julie's Box!
After a crazy concert where people could actually see and hear them play music, four ghosts were freaking out in their old studio. Alex Mercer paced back and forth while Luke Patterson, Reggie Peters and Robin Mercer watched from the couch. Reggie, who was in the middle, said to his friend, "I think he's practicing his model strut," in a whisper.
Luke continued staring at his friend as Robin shook her head. "He does this whenever he's stressed out... So pretty much all of the time." She explained to the boys before she leaned her head against the back cushion of the couch.
"He's so nervous, he's almost make me nervous." Luke frowned as he played with the rings on his fingers.
Alex stopped walking suddenly to face his friends. "Okay, look, you guys know I don't handle change well." He clapped his hands together. "All right? Death? That was a change." The blonde haired boy took in a deep breath before continuing. "Okay? Then we became ghosts. All right? Another change. And... and now we can be seen whenever we play with Julie. Big freaking change!" He exclaimed, waving his hands around in the air.
Luke shrugged. "Yeah, but bro, it was a good change. With Julie, we can play on stage again and be the band we never got to be."
He looked over at Robin as he spoke, and the girl nodded in agreement. "I think this is a good thing, Alex." Robin spoke softly, not trying to upset her brother. "I mean, not that we died, but I think this is the best case scenario."
"You gotta be down for that." Luke continued, still looking at Robin.
Alex nodded as he let out a huff. "Yeah, I mean, who wouldn't be? I just..." He stared at his friends and sister for a second before shaking his head. "You know, I want to figure out why."
The lead singer of the band stood up, shaking his head. "Forget why. Man, I say we invite Julie to join Sunset Curve." He looked towards Reggie and Robin, who were still on the couch, hoping they would agree with him.
Reggie stood up as well. "Yeah, totally." Both of the boys were now looking down to Robin.
Robin let out a sigh before joining her boys. "Yeah, we definitely think about it. And, with a new lead singer, this band would be legendary." She did not look at Luke while saying this, knowing he would get pissed.
"Hey!" The boy wearing the orange beanie snapped his fingers in front of Robin's face, causing her to look at him. "I'm our lead singer."
The girl shrugged. "I'm sorry, but I'm also not sorry. She has the voice of an absolute angel, and she can make us visible. So, I pick her."
Reggie draped his arm over Robin's shoulder. "Robin's right. Without her, we're just elevator music."
Luke frowned, looking between his two friends. "Well, you don't gotta be so mean about it." He noticed Alex beginning to pace again. "And we're on the runway again." The three ghost's heads snapped towards Alex.
"Okay, I'm sorry, all right? I just..." Alex paused before shoving his hands into his pockets. "I gotta go clear my head." He started walking towards the door, and tried to grab the handle. He failed.
Alex tried to grab the handle once again, but could not. "Dude, you're a ghost. Just poof out." Robin let out a chuckle as she watched her brother continue to grab the handle and failing every time.
The drum player turned around. "Don't tell me how to ghost!" He snapped at his sister before turning back towards the door. He let out a sharp breath before poofing out of the studio.
The boys turned to Robin with wide eyes, wondering how she was taking her brother freaking out so well. "I told you. He does it all of the time. I'm used to it."
Reggie nodded before looking at the two people he was standing between, and his eyes widened as his position. "No! I'm not doing this again!" He exclaimed, raising his hands into the air as he backed away from the broken up couple.
"What?" Robin frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.
The raven haired boy shook his head frantically. "I'm always in between you two, and I'm sick of it!" He began pushing them towards the door. "You guys have to go somewhere and sort this out, or I swear to god, I will cry."
Luke turned around, putting his hands on Reggie's shoulder's. "Reg, man, I'm confused."
Reggie frowned, stepping back. "Go." He pointed towards the door. "Talk. You guys don't have to make up, but, please, make this less awkward for me. I'm begging you."
"Okay?" Robin nodded, looking towards her ex-boyfriend. "Julie's room?"
"Yeah." Luke sent her a smile, and the two of them poofed into the house. The boy let out a chuckle as he watched as Robin began to look around the room, awkwardly. "He's so weird."
The girl nodded, not realizing his eyes were on hers. She stepped up to Julie's bureau, looking down at all of her picture's. "He means well." Luke moved closer towards her by instinct.
Robin felt his fingers move a piece of hair behind her ear as he appeared next to her. "You were great today." She continued to stare at the bureau, not daring to look up at him.
"Thanks, Luke. You were, too."
Luke bit his lip as he looked down. "But seriously, the crowd loved you. Especially those football players."
A laugh left Robin's lips as she finally looked up at him. "Oh, so, this is what this is about?" She crossed her arms over her chest.
"I mean, it was weird hearing them talk about you like that." Robin shook her head as she listened to him. Luke stepped closer towards her, looking down at her. "But they were right. You looked so good up there."
Robin's eyes widened, and she placed her palms on Luke's chest. "Stop it." She giggled, crinkling her nose.
Luke looked down at her hand and then back to her beautiful brown eyes. "What?"
"You're being you." The girl answered him, looking down at her hands.
"Want to know what else they said?" Her eyes drifted back up and met his as she nodded. "That I was giving you a look."
She frowned and cocked her head to the side. "What look?"
"The look I always give you when we play together."
Robin chuckled as he stepped forwards, lessening the space between them. "Oh, that look." She let out a heavy sigh as she looked down. She knew that look too well. It would always lead to the two of them ripping each other's clothes off directly after the show. He had given her that look at The Orpheum. Obviously, the universe had different plans.
While the girl was thinking about the boy in front of her, she had not noticed that he had completely closed the gap between them. "What's going on in your head, pretty girl?" Luke questioned her as he brought his right hand to her cheek, lightly caressing it gently with his thumb. As soon as she felt him touch her, her eyes snapped back up to his. She subconsciously smiled. Robin missed having him touch her like this. She missed Luke looking at her as if she were the only girl in the world.
She missed him.
But this wasn't right.
Luke's eyes drifted down to Robin's lips before he slightly bit his own bottom lip. She noticed him begin to lean towards her, and her eyes widened. Robin was in a panic. She looked around the room as Luke continued to lean closer towards her lips, and she saw Julie's dream box. She knew she would regret this, but Luke's curiosity was the only thing that could stop this. "Julie's box!" She practically yelled out, causing Luke to stop dead in his tracks.
"Uh..." Luke furrowed his eyebrows as he moved backwards, incredibly confused. "What?"
The girl began to walk towards the box. "You wanted to see what was in Julie's box, right?" Luke nodded, beginning to follow her. "Well, she's gone, so here's your chance."
A childlike smile appeared across Luke's face, and Robin knew she had succeeded in distracting the teenaged boy. Luke quickly passed her and grabbed onto the box. He opened it and grabbed the first paper he could find. Robin came up behind him, trying to see. "If somebody hurts you, I'm gonna get hurt too." Luke mumbled the words as he read them off the paper. "And my life, my life would be real low, zero. Flying Solo."
Robin chuckled as Luke looked back at her. "That would actually be really great lyrics." She noticed Luke beginning to glance back down at her lips. "Let's go show Reg'." She muttered quickly before poofing back into the studio.
Reggie let out a gasp before falling off of the couch. He looked up at the girl with terror in his eyes before realizing it was Robin. "Oh shit, it's just you." Robin nodded before letting out a sigh. "Did the two of you solve your differences?" He questioned the girl.
"Something like that." She groaned before collapsing onto the couch as Reggie sat back down next to her.
It was a few moments later when Luke arrived back in the studio with Julie's poem in his hand. He was waving it above his head as he ran to his guitar.
After two hours of songwriting, the three musicians were able to come up with a melody they thought went well with Julie's lyrics, and they were still continuing to add to it. Luke continuously played his guitar riff vamp as Reggie and Robin tried to figured out what they thought would sound good with it. "What do you guys think of this?" Robin smiled before beginning to pluck a few strings, creating a riff that went along nicely with Luke's vamp.
Reggie smiled and nodded. "Sweet, I'm feeling that." He responded, watching her finger move against the strings of the violin. "And then I come in with a little..." Reggie nodded his head three times before beginning to strum the strings of his bass with a third part.
"Then Julie comes in with her killer lyrics." Luke smiled, looking back towards Robin.
"And Sunset Curve is reborn!" Reggie exclaimed as the three continued their vamps.
Julie Molina entered the studio outside her house with a frown. "Guys, you aren't supposed to be out here playing alone." She reminded the three band mates.
They stopped playing and turned to her. "But, we're not alone." Reggie smiled before both him and Luke draped their arms across Robin's shoulders. "'Cause we always have each other."
The human girl let out a groan before unplugging their speaker. "But, we have the volume level on one." Luke complained, setting his guitar on the ground.
"But we rocked it on volume ten." Reggie bobbed his head as he spoke. "You waat us to play it again?"
Julie responded by simply unplugging the second speaker. Robin looked up towards the two boys. "I really don't think she does." She shook her head.
As Reggie and Robin set their instruments down, Luke began to bounce up and down from excitement. "We've actually been waiting for you to get home." The other two nodded. "Okay, so we have some pretty major news to tell you. We had a band meeting earlier, and..." He pointed to Reggie, who began patting his legs as a drumroll. "We want to invite you to join Sunset Curve!" He shouted, throwing his arms into the air. "And no, you're not dreaming." Robin rolled her eyes at Luke's last comment.
"I said that you should be the new lead singer, but that made Luke a little pissy." Robin groaned, looking towards her ex-boyfriend. "So we're still deciding on th-" As she continued, Robin turned back to Julie, and was surprised to not see a look of excitement on her face. "Why do you look like I killed your cat?"
Julie let out a sigh before explaining herself. "Sorry. I'm honored, but I can't think about anything but Flynn right now." Robin nodded, beginning to understand her, while the boys just became even more confused. "She's still mad at me for lying. She hasn't even texted me back."
Robin looked up at Luke, who just looked pissed off. She elbowed his side, causing him to yelp and look down at her. She motioned towards Julie, and Luke nodded. "Uh... Yeah, it looks like you're in a tough spot." Luke stated awkwardly before placing his hands on his hips. "So, you wanna join the band?"
"Oh my god." Robin rolled her eyes at the boys standing on either side of her.
Julie narrowed her eyes. "Read the room, dude." She snapped before walking past the three ghosts.
Luke grunted before running after her. "Oh, come on! We need you, and you need us because you need music." Julie stopped right before she reached the door and turned back to them. "We found this poem that you wrote, and Robin, Reggie and I added this really cool melody to it. It sounds awesome." Luke looked down at the poem in his hands.
"Where'd you find that?"
Luke's eyes widened out of fear before he pushed Reggie in front of Robin and humself. "Uh... Definitely not in your dream box."
"You went through my stuff?!"
Luke began sprinting to the other side of the room as Julie chased right behind him. "Yeah, we can do that now!" Reggie called out to her.
"No!" Julie snapped as yer and Luke circled the piano. "No, you can't! Boundaries! Give it back!" She placed her hands on either side of the table as Luke stopped at the keys.
Luke hopped onto the piano for dramatic effect, causing Robin to roll her eyes. "No! Hey, you need to realize how insanely talented you are. Okay? Listen to this." He looked down at the lyrics in front of him. "If somebody hurts you..." Julie tried to snap the paper out of his hands, but she was not quick enough. "If somebody hurts you, I'm gonna get hurt too." He finished.
"And my life,
My life would be real low,
Flying solo."
The boy finished the chorus before Reggie added in a last touch.
"It's a killer melody." Luke spoke to Julie.
She let out a sigh. "I wrote that about Flynn when she was helping me with all my mom stuff." Julie explained to the three ghosts. She put her hands into her pockets. "I gotta go."
Julie shook her head before walking back towards the door. "Hey, what about the band?" Luke asked once again.
"Oh, I almost forgot." Julie spoke, opening the doors. "Stay out of my room!" She yelled at the three bandmates before shutting the doors to the studio.
Luke jumped off the piano, running after her. He stuck his head out the door of the studio and called after her. "We will if you join our band."
Word Count - 2547
Author's Note -
I'm sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I've been really busy and kinda just lazy. And I just got back to school and had to resettle in and see all my friends. But I hope that you all enjoy this chapter! I really liked writing it!
Please comment what you want to see in future chapters, and do not forget to vote!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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