3.0 They're Gross
The members of the band Sunset Curve stood inside Julie Molina's bedroom, waiting for the girl to arrive home from school. They had already looked through the entire house, and ended up there, bored as hell. Reggie Peters was sprawled across Julies bed, Alex Mercer was looking at the objected laid out on her bureau, Robin Mercer was looking out Julie's window as she sat on a bench, and Luke Patterson was watching the girl. Alex made his way over to the brunette, and he nudged his shoulder. Luke looked up at his friend and cocked an eyebrow. The blonde simply just nodded towards his twin sister before leaving Luke to return to the bureau. Luke let out an audible sigh before seating himself next to Robin on the window seat. "What are you looking at?" He questioned the girl, not taking his eyes off of her.
Robin shrugged as she continued to look out the window. "I guess I'm just trying to see how people act nowadays. I mean, a lot has probably changed during the last twenty-five years." The girl glanced over at him and chuckled. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" Luke responded, trying to play it off by looking out the window.
"I don't know." Robin spoke softly, returning her gaze outside. "I just thought you were looking at me."
Luke shook his head as he stood up. "Nope, I was not looking at you." He spotted a strangely decorate box on one of Julie's shelves, and approached it.
The Molina girl entered her bedroom as her eyes widened as she noticed the four ghosts. "What are you guys doing in my room?" She snapped at them.
"Uh..." Alex and Reggie whimpered in unison as Robin turned from the window.
Luke, who had frozen as he was reaching for Julie's box, decided to speak. "We were looking for the kitchen?" Reggie, who was still laid down on Julie's bed, pointed towards his friend.
Julie shook her head as she looked at all of the ghosts. "This... This can't happen, It's creepy." Her head snapped towards Reggie. "Get off my bed, please?" The boy leaped off the bed, scared of the girl.
The brunette raised his hand. "Hey, Julie? What's in the box?" He asked her.
"That's off-limits." Julie replied.
"Oh, okay. Okay." Luke let out a nervous chuckle. "Girl stuff." He spoke in a higher tone, causing Julie to cross her arms over her chest.
Reggie smiled as he glanced back at the box. "Like butterflies and glitter?"
Robin rolled her eyes as she stood up from the window seat. "Guys, come on." She made eye contact with Julie before continuing. 'I'm deeply sorry about them."
Julie nodded at Robin before looking back at Luke. "It's none of your business." Her gaze moved back to Reggie. "And yes, there might be some glitter." Reggie smiled, proud of himself for guessing correctly.
Alex triumphantly picked up a picture frame from Julie's bureau and let out a gasp as he twirled it around. "Hey! I actually picked up something!" He smiled before it dropped to Julie's bed. "I dropped it." The boy frowned as he looked up at Julie.
Robin looked down at the picture and saw a mother and daughter smiling. "Oh, is that your mom?" She asked Julie, leaning down to get a closer look.
"Yeah, and it's my favorite picture of us." Julie answered, approaching the ghosts who were now all at her bed. "So, if you break it, I'll break you." She grabbed the picture from the bed, causing all of their heads to snap up at her.
Alex shrugged, moving backwards from the bed. "Well, sorry, because we're kind of unbreakable at this point."
His sister nodded. "He has a point, Jules."
Julie sighed, shaking her head. "I don't get it. You guys can mess up my bed, pick up your instruments, but you can't pick up other stuff?" She furrowed her eyebrows as she spoke to the ghosts.
"I know, right? It's hard." Luke spoke, agreeing with her, "But for some reason, our instruments, easy."
"Yeah, like super easy." Reggie nodded as he stood up. "Oh, and check out what I learned today." He held his hands our into the air, and his bass fell into them, causing the boy to fall backwards on the bed.
Julie cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah, that looked super easy." She stated, her voice laced with sarcasm.
Reggie let out a groan as he tried to move the bass off his torso. "It's like I always thought. Our instruments are attached to our souls." Luke continued with his earlier thought.
Julie's father entered the room with a, "hey." He popped his head through the open door. "Everything okay?" The four ghosts froze in their positions as if her father could see them.
"Yeah, everything's fine." Julie answered, nodding awkwardly.
"I thought I heard you talking to someone."
Julie shook her head, hoping he would leave quickly. "Nope." She pointed to her laptop on her desk. "It must have been my laptop... That I just closed."
Her father let out a chuckle. "Okay. If you need anything..." He pointed towards the door, and Julie nodded, wanting him to close it. Julie's father left the five teenagers alone in Julie's bedroom.
Alex let out a sigh, rubbing his temples as Reggie began to speak again. "Your dad seems like the kind of guy who likes to barbecue."
Robin nodded. "Yeah, I get that vibe, too."
Reggie gasped. "I bet he has a great ribs recipe."
"Oh my god!" Robin smiled, clapping her hands together. "I would love to try-" The girl's smile faded. "Wait, I can't eat anything anymore."
Julie groaned. "I don't know, but if you guys want to talk to me, we have to do it in the studio. He's worried enough as it is." The girl explained.
Luke shrugged. "He seems chill. You should just tell him about us."
"You're kidding, right?" Julie snapped at the boy. Luke gave her a blank expression, not understanding why she wouldn't want to just tell her father. "This past year, everyone's been watching over me, being super nice, as if they're waiting for me to snap. If I tell my dad I met a ghost band, I'll be back talking to Dr. Turner three days a week."
Robin nodded, turning away from Julie. "Okay, yeah. Maybe telling him isn't the best idea."
Luke made his way back towards the shelf with the mystery box on it, and Julie groaned. "Oh my gosh, I thought I said to leave it alone!" She yelled at the boy.
"I know, but you should have just said nothing, because now I can't stop thinking about it, so..."
Alex nodded, wrapping his arm around his twin sister. "Yeah, when I first told Luke that our parents didn't want him dating Robin, he went crazy and it just made him want her more." Robin frowned, lightly pushing her brother away from her.
Luke sent Julie a pleading expression. "What's in the box, Julie?"
"It's just my dream box, okay?" Julie placed her hands on her hips, not impressed by how Luke was acting like a nine year old boy. "Whenever I get a thought, I write it down and get it out of my mind."
"Like lyrics?" Luke raised an eyebrow, being even more interested in the box now.
Julie let out a huff before she answered him. "They would be if I still wrote music like I used to with my mom. Now it's just full of stuff that doesn't make me sad."
Alex stood up from where he was seated. "But, I mean, you do play. We heard you this morning."
The girl's eyes widened. "In the garage?" Robin slapped her hand over her eyes as she shook her head. How was her brother such an idiot? "So you were there too?" Julie questioned the four ghosts.
The ghosts looked between themselves as they all muttered some sort of gibberish, and Luke slid himself onto Julie's bed and looked up at her. "So, where is your kitchen, by the way?" He asked the girl, sliding his hand undnenr his chin.
Julie leaned down to speak to the ghost. "Okay, we need to set some boundaries. For starters, stay out of my room!" She yelled, pointing towards her bedroom door.
"Come on, guys." Robin spoke, leading the boys to the door. "I told you this was a bad idea."
"You were the one who wanted to come in here." Reggie corrected his best friend, causing her to slap the bak of his head. Reggie let out a groan as they all exited the room.
Alex, who was the last one, poked his head back in through the door. "Hey, uh- Sorry to both you again, but did you get back into your music program?" He asked Julie.
Julie shook her head, looking down at the picture of her and her mother. "No. No, I didn't."
The boy frowned. "I'm sorry. That really sucks."
"Thanks." Julie responded as Alex awkwardly looked up at her cieling. "Is that it?"
Alex's eyes snapped back to Julie as he nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. This is getting weird." Julie waved to him as he slipped his head back through the door into the hallway.
Later that evening, Reggie and Robin were together in the studio, just the two of them. "So, are you going to talk to him?" Reggie questioned his best friend as they both sat down on the floor.
Robin shook her head, running her fingers through her hair. "I don't really feel like talking to him, you know?" Reggie nodded as he listened to the girl speak. "It's just a lot has changed over the past couple of days, it feels like, and I don't really know what I'm doing anymore." The raven haired boy took a hold of Robin's hand, seeing how upset she was. "Everything is just so different now."
"I get that." Reggie spoke, before he noticed Luke hiding in the corner. The two boys made eye contact, and Reggie knew what he had to do. "But you still love him, right?"
The girl nodded her head. "Yeah. Of course, I do." A smile appeared across Luke's face as the words left Robin's lips.
"And if he were to tell you that he loved you still, what would you say?" Reggie continued to question the girl, keeping his eyes on Luke, who was still hiding.
She let out a soft chuckle, causing Luke's smile to grow even wider. He loved her laugh. "I don't know." The smile on Luke's face faded. "I just feel like we all need to figure out what's going on right now, and we would be a distraction to each other that no one needs right now." Reggie nodded, moving his eyes from Luke back to Robin. "It hurts me to see him all the time and feel weird about how we are right now, but I just don't think it's going to help anything."
"Uh-huh." Reggie took in a huff before nodding for Luke to join them. Luke shook his head frantically, causing Reggie to roll his eyes. "Oh, hey, Luke!" Reggie exclaimed, probably louder than he should of. "How great of you to join us." Robin's head snapped up as she saw Luke trudge towards them. The boy sat down on the ground across from Robin as Reggie jumped up. "Alright, well, I'm going to go see what Julie's doing. You kids have fun."
The pair sent a glare towards Reggie as he poofed out of the studio. Robin sighed before looking at Luke. "Hey." Luke awkwardly sent her a wave in response. "What's up?"
"Nothing much." Luke moved his attention to his sneakers as he played with the laces of them. "Julie's going to sing 'Bright' tomorrow in front of her school to try and get back into the music program.
Robin's eyes widened. "'Bright'?" Luke nodded, continuing to play with his laces. "But we wrote that song together."
Luke shrugged. "So?"
This hurt Robin. "We always sing the songs that we wrote together."
The boy looked up at her. "We're not together anymore, Rob." Luke stated very matter-of-factly.
"But that's our thing."
"Well, it's not anymore." Luke bit the inside of his cheek before continuing. "Because it would just be a distraction that no one needs right now."
Robin frowned as she stood up from the ground. "You were spying on me?" Luke shook his head, bringing his attention back towards his shoelaces. "Yeah, because I literally just said that two minutes ago."
Luke shook his head once again, looking back up at her. "I poofed in here, heard you guys talking, and stayed to listen. Reggie knew I was here."
"Yeah, that's why he was asking you all of those questions."
"And let me guess, what I said bruised your ego?"
The next day was the big day. Julie was going to sing in front of her school, and the four ghosts wanted to be there for her. They poofed into the High School's gymnasium as the band Dirty Candy was performing. Julie looked at them and frowned. "What are you doing here?"
Luke sent the girl a smile. "We want to see you stick it to the man. Isn't that right, guys?" Alex and Robin nodded as Reggie watched the girls perform their musical number.
Reggie's eyes widened as he stared at their costumes and choreography. "Man, I miss high school."
The girls finished their number, and the lead singer, a girl named Carrie Wilson, plastered a fake smile across her face before speaking to her peers. "Thank you!" She placed her hand over her heart. "Make sure to check out my new YouTube video!" As the students cheered for her, she knew she was missing something, and then it hit her. "Oh, go Bobcats." They students cheered once again as Carrie and her dancers exited the stage.
Both the principal of the school and the director of the music program made their way to the center of the gymnasium, facing the students. "Thank you, Dirty Candy!" The principal exclaimed.
Flynn nudged her best friend's shoulder. "There's your chance! Go talk to her. See you in music class." She smiled as left the girl and ghosts, making her way towards the bleachers.
"That was sweet." The principal joked, causing no laughs from the students. "Okay then. Before we let you go, we have a few more announcements..."
Reggie frowned before he looked down at Julie. "What are you waiting for? This is your time." He asked her, motioning towards the stage.
Alex cocked his head to the side. "You look really nervous. Like yack in a bowl nervous."
"Alex, don't make it worse!" Robin slapped her brother's shoulder lightly.
Julie let out a sigh, shaking her head. "I just don't think I had enough time to work on the song."
"I wouldn't have given you the song if I didn't think you were going to rock it." Luke told the girl, causing Robin to roll her eyes. He turned to the stage. "Now, there's a piano on that stage with your name on it."
The girl nodded before running towards the entrance of the stage. As Julie walked towards the piano, the assembly had ended so students were beginning to leave the bleachers. She sat down at the piano before playing the first couple notes of the song.
She shook her head, looking towards the ghosts. "You got this!" Luke cheered her on. She sighed before continuing with the opening of the number.
"Sometimes I think
I'm falling down.
I wanna cry.
I'm callin' out
For one more try
To feel alive."
Students began to stop and listen as Julie sang.
"And when I feel
Lost and alone,
I know that I
Can make it home.
Fight through the dark
And find the spark.
Life is a risk,
But I will take it.
Close my eyes and jump.
Together I think
That we can make it.
Come on, let's run!"
As soon as the chorus hit the downbeat, Robin felt herself land on the stage with Julie and her violin in her hand. She let out a laugh as she noticed the same thing happened to the boys. Them and all of their instruments were there. Students let out cheers as the new band members just appeared in front of them. Julie's eyes widened, and she grabbed the mic and stood up.
"And rise
Through the night,
You and I,
We will fight
To shine together.
Bright forever."
Students began congregating closer towards the stage, and Robin new that everyone could see them.
"And rise
Through the night,
You and I,
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever."
Robin noticed the confused look on Reggie's face and she playfully messed up his hair. "Just go with it, dude. They can see us!" Luke moved towards a microphone to begin his verse.
"In times that I
Doubted myself,
I felt like I
Needed some help."
The boy made eye contact with Robin as he sang, causing her to her smile as she played her violin.
"Stuck in my head
With nothing left."
Robin moved her way towards Julie and the two danced together, laughing at each other's foolish moves.
"I feel something
Around me now.
So unclear,
Lifting me out.
I found the ground.
I'm marching on!"
Reggie jumped to Luke's mic, ready to harmonize with him on the next part.
"Life is a risk,
But we will take it.
Close my eyes and jump.
Together I think
That we can make it.
Come on,
Let's run!"
Everyone joined them for the chorus.
"And rise
Through the night,
You and I,
We will fight
To shine together.
Bright forever."
Reggie grabbed onto Robin's hand, dragging her up to the drum platform to dance with him.
"And rise
Through the night,
You and I,
We will fight to shine together.
Bright Forever!"
Robin moved to a microphone before singing the next section by herself.
"In times that I
Doubted myself."
Luke smiled, watching the girl he loved sing, before he unconsciously ran towards her with his microphone. Robin giggled, singing into the mic as Luke backed up, leading them to the center of the stage. He began to sing the next part alone.
"I felt like I needed some help.
Stuck in my head.
With nothing left."
Robin took over the next part, grabbing the microphone from Luke as he began to continue playing his guitar.
"And when I feel
Lost and Alone.
I know that I
Can make it home.
Fight through the dark.
And find the spark!"
Julie, while walking backwards, accidentally went straight through Luke, causing the students to cheer as they began the last chorus.
"And rise
Through the night,
You and I,
We will fight to shine together.
Bright forever.
And rise
Through the night,
You and I,
We will fight to shine together.
Bright Forever!"
The song finished, and the students cheered for them. As soon as they bowed, the ghosts disappeared from the student's sight. They were suddenly back on the gym floor, and their instruments were gone. Robin smiled as Luke wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her around. "That was amazing, you guys!" Luke laughed before setting the girl down on the ground. "You were so great, Rob."
Robin looked up at him and giggled, shaking her head. "It was team thing. I think Julie sounds really great with us."
The boy who was running the technology for the assembly rushed up to the stage, looking around. "Hey, where'd the rest of the band go?" He questioned Julie as the students stared blankly at her.
"Wait, were those holograms?" One of the girls of Dirty Candy asked, causing Carrie to glare at her.
Julie's eyes widened before she nodded. "Yes! Yes, they were holograms." She forced out an awkward laugh. "Um- I plugged it into the ceiling projector before the show. I'd explain it, but it involves algorithms and science stuff." She told the students in the gymnasium, who just applauded her once again.
"That's wild." Luke stated, watching all of the students carefully. "They could see us when we were playing, but not when the music ended."
"We should double check." Reggie spoke before running up the steps to the stage and circling his hips in front of all of the teenagers. No one noticed, and he frowned, making his way back to his band. "I don't think they can see us."
Alex rolled his eyes before turning back to Julie. "I wish I could see you." He let out a groan.
The principal clapped her hands together before turning away from the stage. "Alright, people. The show's over. Let's get back to class, please." The students then exited the gymnasium slowly.
Carrie and her friend had remained for a second. "What was that?" Carrie snapped at her dancer. "Were those holograms?" She imitated as Reggie moved closer towards them.
"Hey there." Reggie spoke, trying to get the girl to hear him. "Hi. I'm Reggie." The girls continued arguing as Reggie followed them towards the exit of the gymnasium.
Julie sat down on the edge of the stage, leaning towards her teacher. "Mrs. Harrison, I am so sorry for not asking for permission. I just wanted to show you I belong here."
Mrs. Harrison nodded. "As amazing as that was, your spot's already been filled by another student." She motioned towards a very small freshman boy carrying a bass that was twice his size.
"Come on, that thing is way too big for him!" Julie exclaimed as she watched the boy struggle with his instrument.
The teacher shrugged. "He'll grow into it." She let out a sigh. "I wish I could help you, but my hands are tied."
The principal stepped up behind Mrs. Harrison. "Mine aren't." She stated. "And as much as I didn't approve of this little stunt that you pulled, I will not go down in history as the principal who kicked Julie Molina out of the music program."
Julie smiled as she let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you!"
"But..." The principal raised her pointer finger into the air. "When you win your first Grammy, I want to be thanked."
"Definitely." Julie nodded, watching the principal walk away.
Mrs. Harrison giggled before pulling Julie into a hug. "Congratulations! Welcome back!"
As Julie made her way to an obviously upset Flynn, Robin shook her head. "I feel like this is private." She spoke, beginning to push the boys out of the gymnasium.
They walked into the halls, seeing all of the students in groups still freaking out about their performance. Luke made his way towards a group of boys in varsity jackets. "That girl up there was so hot, oh my god!" A brunette boy groaned as he opened his locker.
One of the other boys let out a laugh. "You think Julie's hot, dude?"
The first boy shook his head. "Nah, the blonde chick."
"Chick?" Luke frowned, wanting to hear more of their conversation.
"But beanie boy was giving her the look." The last boy stated, leaning his elbow against the lockers
The brunette crinkled his nose. "What look?"
The last boy chuckled. "The look that says 'I want to rip off all of your clothes right here and right now'."
Luke let out a huff as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I was not giving her a look like that. And stop talking about my girl like that."
"What are you doing?" Luke jumped as he heard Robin next to him.
He shook his head, starting to drag them away from the boys, but the first one spoke again. "All I'm saying is that she's a fine piece of all, and I'd show her what a real man is like."
Robin's eyes widened. "Oh my god. Are they talking about me?" Luke nodded as they two turned a corner, seeing Alex and Reggie waiting for them. "Boys are disgusting." Robin rubbed her temples.
The boys thought it would be funny for them to do a pyramid and scare Julie when she turned the corner, so Luke stood on Alex and Reggie's knees because Robin refused. Julie came walking towards them and the three ghosts yelled her name, causing the girl to gasp. "You! Stop doing that!" She exclaimed. "I'm serious."
Luke jumped down with a smile. "Woah! This one's all on you. We were already here." Reggie explained to the girl. "Well, actually, we were over there, and then we came over here." He pointed towards further down the hallway they were currently in.
"Are we not going to talk about what just happened?" Luke waved his hands through the air as he spoke.
Julie nodded, sticking her hands in the pocket of her jumpsuit. "Yeah, the whole school saw you. It's kind of freaking me out..."
"Okay, good, because it's kind of freaking me out too." Alex stated, agreeing with her. "You know, you could see us, and then people could see us whenever we play music." Then he touched the shirt he was wearing. "And my clothes are made of air, but for some reason, I'm still getting a wedgie."
Robin groaned, shaking her head. "That is way too much information, dude. Please never tell me anything like that again."
Luke rubbed Robin's back. "The important thing is that we rocked that place. They were loving you!" He said to Julie.
"Are you kidding? They loved us!" Julie laughed. "That was a great song, Luke. Thanks."
Robin frowned, looking up at Luke. He simply shrugged. "And did you guys see the cheerleaders looking at me?" Reggie questioned his friends. "I think they were looking at me." He grabbed onto Luke's biceps, looking straight into his eyes. "Please tell me they were looking at me."
Luke placed his hands on Reggie's cheeks and smiled. "Bro, they were looking at you."
"Oh, I knew it!"
"And the football players were watching Robin." Luke took his hands off of Reggie's face and crossed them over his chest.
Robin rolled her eyes. "Yeah, they're gross."
"I'm so..." Alex mumbled as he start down at the ground. "I'm so confused, you know?" Julie cocked her head to the side, not understanding. "The afterlife should come with instructions or a quick start guide or something."
Julie nodded, looking between the four band members. "Well, the good thing is that everyone thought you guys were holograms, and I got back into the program." She stated before looking towards her feet.
"Why do you look so bummed?" Reggie asked her.
Luke wrapped his arms around his three boys pulling them towards him. "Yeah, you're making this face." The three boys exaggerated a frown.
Julie cocked an eyebrow. "That... is not my face."
Robin shrugged. "It's your face."
"And things just got weird between me and Flynn." Julie explained to her ghost friends. "She asked about you guys, and I couldn't say."
Reggie smirked. "Sweet. Girls are already talking about us." Luke held up his hand and Reggie high fived it. Robin smacked his shoulder, causing Reggie to groan.
Julie shook her head. "Stop, I'm serious. I can't tell her about you guys for the same reason I can't tell my dad. She'll think I've gone off the deep end."
The janitor walked towards their group, causing the ghosts to move so he could walk in between them. "Well, this dude definitely thinks you've gone off the deep end." Robin giggled, pointing to the janitor.
The janitor stared at Julie for a second before sighing and walking off. The girl rolled her eyes. "I've got to get to class."
She started to walk past them. "Later, Julie!" Reggie smiled, watching her leave. "Oh, and tell those cheerleaders I'm single!"
"And that he's dead." Alex continued.
Reggie shook his head frantically. "Oh no, no, no! Leave that part out. Leave that-" He turned to see that Julie was no where to be seen. "She's gone."
Word Count - 4709
Author's Note -
This chapter is so long omg.
I did not realize it was this long when I was writing it, so I guess here you all go!
Please comment what you want to see in future chapters, and don't forget to vote!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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