1.0 Wait, We're Ghosts?
Robin Mercer felt her entire body jolt as her eyes flew open. She recognized where she was as her bedroom right away and let out a sigh of relief. The girl sat up in the bed, rubbing her eyes softly as they became used to the lighting of the bedroom. "Hey, baby." Luke Patterson grumbled as his arms wrapped around Robin's waist. He pressed his lips against her neck, lightly peppering kisses.
"Luke?" The girl's eyes widened as she looked back at the boy sitting behind him. He sent her smile before leaning his chin against her shoulder. "I thought that we..."
The boy cut her off, pressing his hand against her chin. "I love you, babygirl."
Robin's heart melted as the words left Luke's mouth, and she no longer cared about what had happened earlier. She just missed having him. It did not matter that the two had only been broken up for a day. It had been the longest day of her life. She did not know it at that point, but it was also the last day of her life.
She bit her lip softly before shaking her head. "Are you sure that you're not still mad at me?"
"Why would I be mad at you, princess?"
The girl's eyebrows furrowed out of confusion. She let out a scoff. "What?"
Luke smiled and brushed a piece of Robin's hair behind her ear. "Just shut up and let me kiss you, yeah?" Robin nodded as Luke leaned in closer towards her, and their lips touched.
Robin suddenly moved away from Luke as she heard the faint sound of their song, Now or Never playing.
"One, Two, Three,"
"Take off,
Last Stop,
Countdown till we blast open the top..."
As the music grew louder and louder, Robin felt herself being dragged away from reality as the world around her became blurry. She shut her eyes tight as the music became too loud and pressed her palms against her ears. The girl felt her surroundings change before she landed hard on a floor. She heard groans around and jumped up, seeing her boys, Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer, and of course, Luke Patterson.
Robin suddenly noticed that they were back in their old music studio, and her eyes widened as she looked around. "Wh- How did we get back here?" She questioned the boys before noticing a girl standing in front of them. "Shit, who are you?"
The girl let out a blood curdling scream, causing the four other teenagers to scream in response. They were just as confused as she was. Robin grabbed onto Luke, pulling herself closer towards her as the girl ran out of the studio. Luke's eyes widened when he noticed his arm around his former girlfriend, and he awkwardly moved away from her, causing Robin to frown. "What the hell is going on?" He questioned his friends as he looked around the studio. "And who was that? What is she doing here?"
"How should we know?" Reggie retorted before noticing that all of their instruments where missing. "What happened in here? What did they do?"
The four teenagers continued freaking out for a few moments before the girl returned to the studio once again, but this time with a cross in her hands. She walked around the studio, holding the cross into the air, and it seemed as if she could not see them. "Are you still here?" She questioned the air. "...whatever you are?" Her breaths became shaky. The girl let out a sigh before dropping her arms. "I know I saw something. I'm not crazy."
Luke, who was now standing behind the girl with the group, let out a chuckle. "Well, we're all a little crazy."
The girl turned around and let out a scream, once again, and held the cross out. "Oh my god!" Alex exclaimed, bringing his hands to his ear. "Please stop screaming!"
Her screams stopped, and her face became stern. "Who are you, and what are you doing in my mom's studio?"
"Your mom's studio?" Robin frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "Honey, this is our studio."
Luke tried to walk around the girl, and she shoved the crossed at him, causing him to jump. "Trust us. The grand piano is new, and..." He hopped on top of the piano, sliding around her. "And..." He turned, his eyes meeting the real love of his life. "My couch!" He giggled before hopping onto it. He noticed the acoustic guitar hanging on the wall and frowned. "That is definitely not my six-string." He sat up, looking around the studio. He walked towards the girl. "Can you give me just one second?" The girl shot glares at him as he crossed her, walking back to his friend. "Just give me a second. Thank you." He lowered his voice. "Guys, what is going on? How did she get her stuff in here so fast?"
"Maybe... Maybe she's a witch." Reggie suggested, staring up at the ceiling of the room. "There are chairs floating on the ceiling."
Alex shook his head as he rolled his eyes. "Okay, there is no such thing as witches."
Reggie crinkled his nose. "You sure? I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts."
The blonde haired girl's eyes widened as she glanced between all three of the boys. "Wait, we're ghosts?"
Luke nodded his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "You didn't get told that by whoever it was who was with you after we died?"
Robin bit her lip harshly as she shook her head. "Uh, no. No one mentioned that."
"Anyways, she's not a witch." Alex rubbed his temples, bringing them back to their original conversation. "She's just scared." He motioned back towards the girl, who was still holding out her cross. "Okay, let someone with a softer touch handle this."
"You have a softer touch?" Robin let out a snort, causing her brother to send her a glare. "Alright, you go ahead then."
Alex made his way towards the girl before speaking very loud and clearly. "Why are you in our studio?" He questioned her.
The girl shoved the cross into Alex's chest, and it went straight through him. "Oh my gosh." She let out a gasp. "How did you do that?"
The blonde boy rolled his eyes. "Okay, well. Clearly, you're not understanding..." He turned back towards his friends. "She doesn't get it." He faced the girl once again. "Okay, look. We're ghosts, all right? We're just four ghosts, and we're really happy to be home. So, thank you for the flowers. They really brighten up the room."
Luke stepped forwards. "We're actually in a band called Sunset Curve."
Reggie smiled before adding in, "Tell your friends."
Robin moved in between Alex and Reggie so she could talk to the girl. "Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us. It was going to change our lives."
Alex nodded, leaning towards his sister. "Im- uh- I'm pretty sure it did."
The girl shook her head. "This is freaking me out."
She grabbed some sort of device out of her pocket. "What is that? What are you doing" Luke questioned her, pointing towards the device.
"It's my phone." The girl answered. She let out a groan. "No! Stop talking to them. They aren't real. There's no such thing as cute ghosts."
Reggie let out a giggle. "Oh, think we're cute?"
The girl sent him a glare before returning to tapping keys on her phone. "Who are you calling?" Alex asked the girl, leaning towards her.
She glanced up at them, lifting the cross back up. "I'm Googling Sunset Swerve."
All four teenager's eyes widened before they exclaimed together, "Sunset Curve!"
The girl let out a shaky breath as she nodded her head, turning her attention back towards her phone. She had pulled up an article on their band. "Whoa. There is a Sunset Curve." She nodded, looking up at them. "You did die." The four nodded in unison. "But not last night." Robin glanced up at Reggie, furrowing her eyebrows. "Twenty-five years ago?"
The raven haired boy let out a scoff. "What? No. No, no, no. Th- Th- That's impossible." He stumbled out. "After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird, dark room where Alex cried." Robin frowned. She did not remember any of this.
"Well..." Alex's pitch went up a few octaves as he looked between his friends. "I think we were all pretty upset, okay?"
Luke nodded. "But that was just for an hour. We just showed up here."
The girl shrugged. "Look, I'm just telling you what my phone says." She showed the teenagers the article. "See? You died in 1995. When you were seventeen. It's now 2020."
Reggie's eyes widened. "So, this is the future?"
"Wait. So- So, it has been twenty-five years?" Alex questioned the girl, who nodded. "I have been crying for twenty-five years? How is that possible?" He exclaimed.
Robin bit her lip, letting out a chuckle. "You are a very emotional person."
Alex shook his head frantically. "I am not!" He retorted before he and his sister argued amongst themselves.
They were interrupted by a little boy walking into the studio. "Thought you were too afraid to come out here." He said to the girl, and the four ghosts separated for him to walk past them. "Talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?"
The blonde haired boy shoved his hands in his pockets and turned to Reggie. "He can see you."
"No he can't." The girl snapped at him, causing her brother to frown.
The boy glanced behind him. "What?"
The girl's eyes widened before she shook her head. "Uh.. What do you want?"
"A normal sister, for starters." The little brother joked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Stop being weird and come eat."
The brother walked out of the studio, leaving the girl alone with the four ghosts. She looked up at them. "He couldn't see you."
"Yeah." Robin nodded. "I mean, that's usually how ghosts work."
The girl groaned before walking past them. She stopped at the doorway and turned to them. "Look, I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn't your studio anymore. You have to leave." She started to leave again.
"But, wait. We-" Luke stepped forwards, trying to stop her, and she turned around once again. "We didn't get your name."
"It's Julie." She responded.
Luke nodded, letting out a chuckle. "I'm Luke..." He tried to approach her, but Julie held up the cross once again. "... by the way. And, this is-"
"Reggie. I'm Reggie." The boy sent Julie a smile. "Hey."
"Alex. How's it going?"
The three boys glanced down at Robin and raised an eyebrow in unison. The girl let out a groan before speaking. "Hi, I'm Robin."
Luke gestured to his friends. "Ba-da..." Julie rolled her eyes before exiting the studio.
Reggie turned towards his friends and smiled. "Julie seems nice."
Alex let out a groan. "Did you miss the part where she kicked us out, or.." Reggie's face went blank. "Yeah.. Okay."
"She was kind of rude." Robin sighed as she sat down on the couch.
The boys sat down on the couch in unison as they all shrugged. "I mean, we did just poof into her house unannounced." Robin rolled her eyes at Luke's response before she began to look around the studio. Alex and Reggie turned towards their best friend sitting in between them. "What?" Luke frowned.
Reggie motioned towards Robin, who was no longer paying attention to the boys, and Luke shook his head, not understanding. "Are you going to talk to her or something?"
Luke let out a groan as he laid his head back against the couch. "We just found out that we've been dead for twenty-five years. I don't think my relationship with Robin is the most important thing at the moment."
Alex narrowed his eyes at Luke. "Dude, a few days before we died, you said she was the most important thing in your life."
"Yeah, well that was before... you know..." Luke responded, shoving the pillow against his face. "I don't know, guys. The things she said just really got to me."
"She said you twisted her words."
Luke's head snapped up to look at Reggie after the boy spoke. "She said what?" Reggie's eyes widened as he shook his head, putting his hands up in defense. "I did not. She said what she said, and it upset me. End of story."
Robin turned back to the boys after giving herself a tour of the studio. "Do you want to go spy on Julie and her family?" The boys frowned at her, wondering why she would ask that. "What? I like how they decorated the studio, and I want to see the rest of the house."
Reggie nodded as he stood up from the couch. He turned to the other two who were still seated. "Come on, boys. The lady has spoken." Alex and Luke groaned before standing up, as well.
The four ghosts made their way out of the studio and passed through the front door and into Julie's house. Her, her brother, their father, and Julie's aunt were seated around the table. "Moving from here is only going to help you move on." The aunt spoke to her family members as the ghosts passed through the door. "You've got to rip that Band-Aid off and get the pain over with."
Julie looked up from her bowl filled with pasta and saw the band walking towards her table. Robin sent her a wave which cause her to gasp. Robin held her hands up, stopping the boys from walking any closer. Julie let out an awkward chuckle. "That's me. Ripping off the Band-Aid." She joked, causing a laugh from her brother.
Julie's aunt grabbed the young girl's chin. "There's my brave girl."
Robin smiled as she leaned towards the girl. "Hey, Jules. Can I call you Jules?" She sent Julie a wink before glancing around their dining room. "I really love what you guys did with the place."
"You shouldn't be here." Julie practically growled back at Robin, causing her aunt to gasp.
Julie's eyes widened as she turned back towards her aunt. "I'm just here to help, Mija."
Alex grabbed onto Robin's hand, pulling her back towards the boys. "Uh- I think that's our cue to leave."
"I mean, you should be at pilates. Thanks for bringing us food." Julie sent her aunt a smile as she hugged her. She then turned back towards the ghosts and glared at them.
Reggie raised his hands into the air as he started backing up. "We should have called first." They left the family alone and made their way back into the studio.
The blonde haired boy glanced around the studio as his eyebrows furrowed. He pointed up to the second floor. "What's up there?" The other shrugged as Alex poofed himself up there. "It's our instruments!" The boy exclaimed before poofing himself back down with all of them. Luke practically squealed as he grabbed his guitar and swung the strap around his shoulder. Reggie took Robin's violin and handed it to her before grabbing his own bass. "Come on, guys. Let's play!" Alex smiled as he sat down behind his drum set. He started drumming a beat which caused the other three to begin playing on top of them.
This lasted for a minute or two before a very angry Julie came barging into the studio. "Guy! Guys, stop!" She tried to shout over the music. "Enough!" She screamed at them as Luke noticed her, but continued to playing simply to spite her. "Stop! Cut it out!" Robin was the first to stop playing, and she grabbed onto Reggie's shoulder, halting his music. She made her way towards Luke, grabbing his hand to stop him from playing any more. Alex stopped after Luke did.
Luke's eyes went to Robin's as his cheeks turned pink. He bit his lip awkwardly as her eyes widened. The girl began to move back slowly as Julie continued to yell at them. "The whole neighborhood could hear you. I thought I told you to leave."
The Patterson boy's eyes widened. "Wait, people can hear us play?"
"Yes!" Julie nodded. "And so did my dad and my brother!"
"Wait.. Wait-" Alex smiled as he stood from his drum set. "So, only you can see us, but everyone can hear us?" The boys nodded. "I mean, what kind of ghosts are we?"
Luke shrugged. "Who cares, man? People can hear us play!"
Reggie wrapped his arm around Robin, pulling her into a hug, as he spoke. "We might be dead, but our music isn't."
Julie's father walked into the studio, causing Julie to freeze. "Dad!" She gasped.
"Hey." Her dad nodded. "Just making sure you're okay."
"Yeah, I'm fine." Julie clasped her hands together and awkwardly looked around. "I just had to turn off the CD player."
Her father looked at the instruments, and his eyes narrowed. "Wait, is this the junk that was in the loft?"
Robin frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "Junk? This violin cost over three hundred dollars."
The dad walked around their instruments before tapping against Alex's drum set. "Someone of this stuff is in pretty good shape." He smiled. "Hey, maybe we can make a couple of bucks."
"What?" Alex exclaimed. "Yo, stop touching my drums." He yelled as the father spun his finger around on the symbols. Alex looked towards Julie. "Tell him to stop touching my drums!"
Julie's father made his way back towards his daughter. "I liked that song you had on."
"Sweet!" Luke giggled, approaching Julie's dad. "We're Sunset Curve."
Reggie nodded. "Tell your friends."
"It's just an old CD I found." Julie spoke, sending glares to her new ghost friends.
Her father nodded slowly. "Still, it's nice that you're listening to music again. Out here you can play whatever you want, whenever you want." The dad's hands went through Luke and Reggie as he spoke, causing both of the boys to gasp.
"That's nice." Reggie smiled, completely ignoring the fact that a hand just went through his body.
Julie's eyes narrowed. "Stay out of this." She snapped at Reggie.
Her father tilted his head to the side. "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't..."
Julie suddenly realized her father heard what she said. "Oh no, no, no. Not you. I mean, uh- Er-" She stuttered out. "You know, give me a minute."
She grabbed onto her father's hand and started to pull him out of the studio, but he stopped her. "Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey." He put both of his hands on her shoulders. "We'll figure out this music program thing."
"Thanks, dad." Julie nodded, eager to get him out. She motioned for him to exit the studio, and he left. Julie shut the door behind him.
Luke smiled, waving his hands into the air. "He likes our song."
Robin shook her head. "He's a dad. He doesn't count."
"Why can't you guys just be normal ghosts?" Julie snapped at them, causing their attention to go back to her. "Hang out at an old mansion. I hear Pasadena's nice."
The girl groaned loudly before leaving the studio. Alex smiled. "I think she's warming up to us."
Reggie nodded. "Yeah, I've always wanted to go to Pasadena." Reggie went to turn to Luke, but he quickly poofed out. "That's rude." Reggie frowned before moving towards the couch. "He misses you, by the way." Reggie said to Robin, who raised an eyebrow. "Luke. He just won't admit it."
"I saw him after I died." The girl spoke before she sat down next to her best friend. "I didn't see what happened to us after we died or anything. I woke up in my bed, and he was there. And everything was normal." She smiled slightly, biting her lip. "He told me he loved me again, and it felt so good. I should've realized it wasn't real, but... I think I just really wanted it to be." She glanced out the window, seeing Luke talking to Julie outside the garage. "Why are they talking?"
She quickly poofed out of the studio, followed by Reggie and Alex. "Look, I'm sorry we came into your life." Luke spoke to Julie, neither of them realizing Alex, Reggie, and Robin had joined them. "But.. what I just felt in there actually made me feel alive again." Robin smiled as she listened to Luke speak. "And seeing Robin smile like that again... I can't even describe that feeling." Robin's eyes widened as her brother began to rub her back. "We all felt alive again. So, you can kick us out if you want, but we are not giving up music. We can play again! That's a gift no musician would ever turn down." Luke let out a sigh. "You've got to know that. Clearly, your mom is into music."
"Was. She passed away." Julie nodded, and everyone's expressions dropped.
Luke's eyes widened. "I am.. so sorry."
"Yeah, we- we didn't know." Someone finally spoke up from the sidelines, and it was Alex.
Julie shrugged, shaking her head. "It's all right." She shoved her hands in her pockets. "You guys haven't seen her anywhere, have you? From wherever you're from?" She questioned them.
Alex glanced down at Robin, and she shook her head. "No." Alex answered her. "No, I mean, you're kind of the first person we've seen."
Julie nodded, and Reggie pursed his lips. "Yeah, but she's not dead, so it doesn't answer her question."
"I think she knows what he meant." Robin patted Reggie's back after speaking for her brother. She looked back up at Julie and sent her a warm smile. "I'm sorry for your loss, Julie."
"Thanks." Julie returned the smile. "Sorry I got mad. You guys are kind of good."
Luke frowned. "Kind of? You know that's like twenty-five years of rust just getting disked off."
"Yeah." Reggie smiled before glancing back towards the studio. "Do you play the piano too?" He asked Julie.
"No. No, I don't play." She answered him. "That was my mom's stuff in there."
"No way!" Luke chuckled. "She's an amazing songwriter."
Julie nodded, glancing down towards the ground. "She was." She looked back up at the boy as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, how would you know?"
He shrugged. "There's a song on the piano. If it's hers... Your mom was really talented."
Julie shoved her hands in her pockets before she began to walk back towards her house. She stopped and turned back towards the ghosts. "I guess..." Their heads snapped up at her in anticipation. "... if you need a place to stay, you can stay in there." She motioned towards the studio. "There's a bathroom in the back, and a couch that turns into a bed if you still use any of that."
Reggie raised in tiger into the air very quickly. "Dibs on the shower!" He stated, causing Robin to let out a snort. Reggie laughed at her. "I just really like showers and sometimes the occasional bath." He explained to his best friend as she nodded, still giggling at him.
"This..." Julie shook her head as she glanced between the four ghosts. "This is just too weird." She walked back towards the house.
Alex wrapped his arms around his sister, pulling her into a hug, and she smiled. Reggie looked up at Luke, and the boy motioned for him and Alex to leave. Reggie's eyes widened as Luke's glare grew. "Uh, Alex, why don't we head back inside, yeah?"
"I'll come with you guys." Robin smiled, starting to walk back.
Luke slapped Reggie's arm, and the boy let out a yelp before continuing to speak. "No! You two should stay out here. It's a nice night. Very warm."
Robin watched as Alex and Reggie walked uncomfortably back into the studio, and she chuckled. "Those two are so weird." She smiled, turning back towards the boy she loved. "So..." She giggled awkwardly, not really sure what to say.
"So..." Luke returned before moving towards her. "Twenty-five years, huh?"
"Yup." Robin nodded. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Luke raised an eyebrow, trying to pretend he didn't know what she meant. "I mean, you did the thing where you make Reggie feel uncomfortable until he forces Alex to leave with him." Luke let out a laugh; of course she knew that he would always do that. "So, what?"
The boy shrugged, throwing his hands into his back pockets. "I don't know. I just feel like we never got a chance to really talk about everything."
"Yeah, because you were twisting my words and just getting mad at me."
Luke let out a scoff before running his hands through her hair. "I didn't want to fight before a show."
Robin shook her head as she felt her eyes begin to water. "You were the one who said that I should leave and that you couldn't do this anymore." She motioned between the two of them. "You did this. I wanted to resolve everything, but you weren't having it." She let out a broken chuckle as she shook her head. "I can't believe I almost forgave you because of how you played the song at the sound check. God, thank you for reminding me what a jerk you are, Luke." Luke tried to open his mouth to speak, but Robin was gone. He let out a curse before he felt his own tears rush down his cheeks.
The boys had decided to leave the studio for a bit, but because of her fight with Luke, she did not feel like going with them. She did feel a bit alone in the studio, though, so she made her way into Julie's bedroom on the second floor of the house. "Hey." She sent the girl a smile. "Sorry to intrude, but the boys left, and I didn't really feel like being alone tonight, so can I stay with you for a bit?" Julie nodded and cleared a spot on her bed for Robin.
"What's up?" The girl questioned Robin as she sat down next to her. Julie noticed that Robin was feeling a bit down. She did not know her that well, but from what she had seen, she was not usually this sad.
Robin let out a sigh. "Luke and I were together when we alive, and then we broke up the night before... you know."
"Yeah." Julie nodded. "I'm sorry. Why'd you guys break up."
"We got into an argument about his parents and the band, and he just kept not understanding what I was trying to explain." Robin explained to her new friend. She had never opened up this fast to anyone, but with Julie it seemed sort of easy. "He's always like that. He never actually listens to people." She frowned, looking down at her hands. "But, he made his choice, and now it's been twenty-five years."
Word Count - 4542
Author's Note -
I love this story already! I love Luke and Robin's relationship even though they're fighting. They both love each other so much, and that is really going to show throughout these first few episodes!
Please comment what you want to see in future chapters, and do not forget to vote!
Have a nice day, lovelies 💕
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