After I woke up this morning, I went on a jog in the cool air. I could feel the summer weather ending and fall beginning. I heard the wrestling of the tree branches as the wind flew through them. My ponytail followed in suit, flying in the wind as my body tensed and untensed. I went home after, threw on a skirt and long sleeve.
So, this morning was pretty good. On my run, I could stop thinking about Jackson. It was odd I usually thought of him all the time but this morning I felt as if I could get him out of my mind as if he was calling out to me. Like I needed to be there for him but I need to speak with Diego as quickly as I can. So as soon as I was done getting ready I headed to his home. I remember the roads from last time and his huge fancy house was easy to spot.
I parked the car in front of his house and pet Auggie who was beside me. I had to bring him because I needed him by my side. I felt so off today and being with the one thing that has stayed constant in my life felt like a release.
"Auggie, you have to behave. I'm going to leave in the car with the windows down, I'll be back in twenty minutes to check on you." He cocked his head to the side making me smile at him. "I love you, Babe."
Auggie stayed in his seat as trained with his tail wagging like crazy. I couldn't bring him in due to the house being filled with vampires. My dog's senses would heighten and he would try to protect me. I don't want him attacking the wrong person.
After making sure everything is fine, I exit the car and head to the front door. I knocked on it and waited for someone to answer. Suddenly the door swung open to reveal Camilla in her pajama bottoms, a T-shirt, and her thick dark hair in a messy bun that rests on top of her head.
"Spencer?" She says groggily. "God, you're an early bird like my brother." I chuckle at her. "Come in, I'll go get Diego."
I stepped into her house and looked around at the familiar items placed on the walls. I walked by old pictures of them that I hadn't really noticed before. If I had then I probably thought they were old relatives from way back. There never were photos of them as children only what they look like now. It led me to think that once I'm gone, and passed away, they will still be alive and young. They will go through the lifetimes of other people and loved ones. They will watch them leave this world all the while they still remained. Immortality seemed more like a curse than a blessing.
I gently ran my fingers against the tan walls as I entered the living room. It lacked many furniture and television which explained Diego's ignorance of human culture. Does Jackson watch television? Is it something the supernatural doesn't do? Do they just have incredible abilities that they are never bored of in life?
"Spencer." I heard a perky alive voice. "What brings you here?"
I turned to Diego and gave him a small smile. "Is Derek home?" He looked at me with narrowed studying eyes.
"No." He simply answered.
"Then we need to talk," I said, he stepped down the last of the stairs and sat on the couch. He patted the side of him as if he already knew what it was about. I was certain that he didn't.
"What's it?" He asked me curiously. I was so nervous that I couldn't even look at him.
"How's Jeff? You guys doing okay?" I procrastinated, and he smiled at me.
"He's good, he's in Pismo to visit his friend." He said.
"Right, he talked to me about that," I mumbled, finally, I looked into his eyes which stared back at me.
"Spencer," He says softly and my cheeks heat up from the nervousness. "why are you here?"
I soften at the look of his kind trusting eyes that he hides behind his curly brown hair as if to keep that side of him a secret. But I know, he's not a bad guy he shows everyone. He's caring and sweet and a beautiful person... and I'm going to ask him to do the impossible.
"Diego, your brother... he's close to the man. The man that's been terrorizing Jackson and his pack. He's the reason why you warn me not to contact Derek but he knows. Your brother knows the man, maybe a little bit but that's all we need. He just needs to tell someone about all of it. To save hundreds of lives." I explain but he just stares at me confused, his dark thick eyebrows crinkling as he tilts his head. At this sight, he looks more like a dog than a vicious vampire.
"I don't- he's not going to tell anyone anything." He finally states the obvious.
"He doesn't trust you and he knows that I'm in love with Jackson but there's one person he truly trusts. One person who can get through to him without Derek suspecting anything."
"And who is that?" He asks, still not catching on. I take in a deep hesitant breath.
"Camilla," I tell him, his face switching from all different kinds of emotions. Confusion, anger, betrayal, and lastly, sadness. He understands why I'm asking this, he knows that it's the only option for Derek but Diego is struggling with the idea of sending his little sister in the middle of it all.
"I can't. I won't." Diego mutters. "She's my sister for fuck sake, Spencer. I can't get her mixed up in this. How could you even ask me that? I-I-"
"It's my choice, brother." Says a gentle calm voice. My head shoots in Camilla's direction as she descends the wooden staircase. Her thick hair was now styled lazily and her makes up covering the redness of her skin and enhancing her beauty even more.
Sometimes I feel jealous when I'm around godlike creatures. Tori, Camilla, Claire... all of them are so utterly gorgeous. As a human, I could never compare to them. It tortures me to think that Jackson could have someone much better than me but he's stuck with normal ole Spencer Murdock.
"Camilla, we cannot have this discussion because the decision has already been made. You are not facing danger as a child." Diego growls protectively.
"I have been a child for centuries! I have seen things that normal children could not even imagine. I have done things that men in prison haven't even thought of. I may be a child but my mind is well-aged, brother." She argues.
I want to hear the rest of this brother-sister argument but the ring of my cell phone distracted me. I checked the screen to see a stranger's number across it. Curiously, I answer it, secluding myself from the others.
"S-Spencer?" Asked a familiar broken voice.
"Um- I- something happened. My brother- he- he needs you." She stutters, a sob stuck in the back of her throat.
"What happened?" I asked hastily.
"I can't- just go to Cayden's home." She hangs up the phone leaving me in confused silence.
I run into the living with a panic feeling bubbling inside me. Is Jackson hurt? Is he alive? Did I lose him? I couldn't even think properly making me bump into a hard body. I looked up at Diego scared.
"What's going on?" He asks worriedly, studying my panicked face as I looked up in fear.
"Something happened and I need to see Jackson. I don't know where he is. He's at Cayden's house but I don't know where he lives. I can't- I can't- Jesus Christ!" I fumble.
"Spencer, calm down. I know where the beta's home is located. I'll take you." He tells me and I let out a breath of relief.
I couldn't thank Diego enough, even after I offered Camilla up he still wanted to help. I felt awful, I could never serve up his sister to the madman that terrorizes this town. Never will I ask him again.
"I'm coming," Camilla said as she grabs her jacket from the coat hanger. We make our way out of the house quickly and got into Diego's car. Camilla takes my keys to take Auggie back to my house and meet us at Cayden's. In the car, Deigo speeds off for my sake.
I pulled out my phone, dialed Tori's number, and left it on speaker. I needed to know exactly what happened before I get there. I need to know if he's safe.
"Hello?" Answered Tori.
"What happened?" I asked quickly, I couldn't beat around the bush with this.
"Spencer," Tori was relieved, "I was worried that he got to you too."
Did this mystery man attack again? "Claire called me, she said something happened and he needs me." I ignore her previous comment.
"There was a fire, Claire and Jackson got hurt. There are second-degree burns all over his body. He's wrapped up right now and hasn't talked since it happened besides asking for you. He keeps saying your name." Tori took in a sharp breath before saying, "His father didn't make it."
"I'm on my way right now," I tell her and hang up. My breathing stuttered a bit as I waited to arrive at the house.
Jackson lost someone so close to him, he lost a parent and I need to be there for him. I need him to know that I'm here and I'll never leave him. He has me forever and always.
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