My feet hit the floor as the cool wind of the night rushed against my face. Trees passed me as I ran down the town trail. I couldn't sleep, Jackson was filling up my mind with what could have been, I decided that maybe a run could clear it up but it made it worse. Now I was thinking of ways that I can redeem myself from the awkward phone call.
Diego and I wanted to break up the next time we were in school so that he can have a relationship with Jeff. I kept trying to tell him that no one at Clovis East will notice but he said that Moon Crest Pack would. Curse of a small school.
Now that we were not going to be together, I could try to court Jackson and perhaps convenience him that he can save me from my 'broken heart'. So that he would hold me in his arms and tell me that I'm not alone. Press his lips against my forehead and looked into my eyes. He would smile his kind smile that pulls me in. He would lean in and-
I stopped in the middle of the dirt trail and took a deep well-needed breath, huffing as my chest pumped up and down. Bending over, I rested my hands on my knees and let my hair from my ponytail fall in front of my face. My lungs desperately clung to the cool night air I needed to get my breathing back to normal.
In my mission to calm down, I spotted something in the corner of my eye. Something grey and furry, like a dog. I turned my head curiously, towards the woods I see reddish yellowish eyes, more yellow than red. At first, I was startled but, as the animal looked at me kindly, I soon became determined.
"Hello?" I called to the dog, my tone soft and welcoming.
It backed up hesitantly before stepping forward confidently, paws tiptoeing on the dirt. The animal left the shadows to reveal all of itself. It was a wolf-dog; its grey fur was long and clean, its teeth white, and its coat brushed. It didn't look wild, it looked like it was a house pet. What's it doing in the woods?
I let out a small gasp and its ears perked up as it heard me. It lifted its head suddenly and took a step backward. "Where are you from?" I asked knowing that it couldn't answer.
The wolf stepped forward like it didn't hear or understand my question. It got dangerously closer and I stopped for a second. It had the undeniable ability to hurt me but for some reason, I didn't think it would. I smiled at - I glanced under for a quick second - him and he walked closer. I reached my fist out so he could sniff it, he understood letting my hand rub on the top of his head.
Immediately, I began to pet him as he stepped closer, and I grabbed his face with my hand like I would with a dog and kissed the tip of his nose. It was beyond dangerous, putting my face so close to his but I felt this pull to do so, my limps unable to protest craving the warmth of an animal. I couldn't stop myself.
"Spencer." A deep familiar voice called from behind me and I jumped up, surprised. Spinning around quickly to see Derek, Diego's older brother, standing there in a black jacket and black jeans. His blond hair is the only thing that sticks out in the darkness of the night.
"What are you doing here, Derek?" I asked confused, the wolf growled from behind me.
"Looking for you." He said nonchalantly. "and Jackson."
"Jackson isn't here," I told him looking around to prove my point. Nothing but the cool air and forest smell of the nearby woods.
"Jackson could never stay away from you." A smirk played on his rosy lips. "He's here." I turned around to see but there was no one in sight. I caught the wolf-dog staring at me. "Come on, you're a smart girl, look at it." I clenched my eyebrows but looked at the wolf-dog anyway. "Look at him really good, look at how oddly familiar the wolf looks. Place its face."
Looking deeper into his yellow eyes, I saw how much the wolf resembled someone familiar in a way. The shape of his eyes, the way his head tilted, the swagger in his walk. "Jackson?" I whispered, my voice uncertain.
Suddenly, I felt a harsh pull on my arm from behind me, and my back hit the front of someone's hard chest. "Shift, Jackson, she already knows." The wolf growled harshly at Derek but stayed a small distance away. Nothing else happened, the wolf didn't magically appear as Jackson. He didn't approach us, the wolf just stayed where it was, his eyes narrowed at Derek threateningly.
I felt soft lips graze against the crook of my neck, my hair on the other side. "If you don't do it then I'll change her instead." Derek threatens with a slightly cocky tone. In replace of the soft lips, I felt the tip of two sharp teeth on my neck. My heart beat in my ears making the vein on my neck throb. I could feel Derek hold onto my arms tighter. I couldn't get out of this, his hold on me was way too strong. Stronger than a normal person. Questions swarmed around in my head as I tried to make sense of what was happening.
The wolf in front of me stalked towards us, slowly shifting into something else. Someone else. His naked body stands in front of me and my eyes glaze over his tanned skin. His face morph's into Jackson's with his sharp jaw and hazel eyes. They looked into mine and a shiver erupted throughout my body. I was in shock, there was no way this could be happening.
"Let her go," Jackson growls in an animalistic way. I gulp at his eyes become threatening, I was beginning to feel scared of both of them.
"Sure, but now you've gotta explain this to her," Derek says behind me, he pushed me harshly into Jackson. His bare skin touches mine, I look up at him terrified. What is he?
He stared at me with a solum face and my heart broke at his worried look. I tried to look away but I couldn't. I didn't understand what had just happened, I could guess of course. I've watched movies, and I've seen chick flicks. He's a werewolf or a shifter. That's all I can guess, he's something different.
"Spencer." He whispered, "I'm so sorry."
Diego update
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