A/N: there are some Spanish in this chapter. So I used google translate if there are any errors feel free to correct them.
After the cafe, I decided that I wanted to know more about Spencer. At a distance. Just because I can't be with her doesn't mean I can't get to know her as a friend. And protect her.
I can't tell anyone about our connection otherwise the others would take this chance to attack me with her. My pack would die to protect their Luna but she's unfortunately human. I don't know how my pack would react to that.
So I'm at school the next day trying to find a student in an ugly jacket because I can't find my first class. This school is huge and packed to the max, I'm surprised I can't find a jacket-wearing kid anywhere.
"Hey, doggie." A terribly familiar voice called behind me. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly who it is.
"Leave me alone, Diego," I tell him and go back to searching for a helpful student.
"You lost, Puppy?" He mocks.
I sigh and turn to the annoying vampire. Diego stands there with a smug look on his face that I would love to hit. His gothic style seemed to get the attention of a lot of girls, all types of girls. I honestly don't know why, sure he's attractive, but he's a dick.
"Leave me alone." I waved him away irritated.
"You wish." He says still standing there. "I'm waiting for someone."
"Whatever." I scanned the crowd again and then looked back at my schedule. Where the fuck is my class?
Suddenly, the delicious smell of Spencer hit my nose as fresh as the first time I smelt it. I turned my head rapidly trying to find her. I caught sight of her barely ten feet away and watched her walk my way with her ugly jacket on.
My heart fluttered when she smiled at me. Her crinkles under her eyes showed drastically but I didn't care. It gave her character.
"Thank god you're here," I said smirking at her. "I need help with my first class."
"I wish I could help." She says in front of me, I frowned at her. "Diego asked me to help him first. He caught me at the library early this morning."
Spencer walked over to him and gave him a small smile. Diego smirked at me and all I wanted to do was rip him to shreds. I let out a low growl that I knew he heard.
"Amo a una mujer hermosa que me muestra los alrededores." Diego says still smirking at me.
Before I could respond to whatever he said Spencer beat me to it.
"Línea lisa ¿Funciona en todas las chicas?" She responded.
"And she also speaks Spanish!" He exclaims smoothly. "I kind of want to figure out what else you can do." He winks at her and I feel my blood boil in anger.
Spencer chuckles at him and grabs his forearm. "Let's just go find your class, player." She comments.
Diego hands her his schedule and she scans through it. I, being petty, decided to leave them alone. I didn't want to but there was nothing I could do. She can be friends with whomever she wants. It's not like I can fight Diego without it seeming weird to the people around us.
"I can't believe she went with him!" I exclaimed to Tori who sitting with me in the cafeteria.
I'm still pissed off about what happened this morning and when I finally found the first class I had to rant about it all to Tori. Of course, I told her that I like Spencer but nothing more than that.
"Obviously, Diego just wants to get on your nerves. Now that we weren't attending a mostly werewolf school, he wants to assert dominance." She says before biting into a cookie.
"Ha, gay!" Cayden says as he continues to be distracted by his phone.
"Well, he needs to find someone else to assert dominance on," I mumble.
"It isn't like The Jackson Hale to get attached to a girl." He comments and I shoot him a glare. "Take a picture, baby, it lasts longer."
"Cayden is right." Tori sighs. "You can't get attached to a human when your mate is somewhere out there."
I fake chuckle. "That's if I find her." I lie. My hands sweat a bit.
"Find who?" Stacy asks from behind us. Her hands wrap around me from behind and rub my chest. I sigh and grab her wrist to make her let go of me.
"My mate," I tell her and she frowns.
"You'll find her soon enough," Stacy says as she sits next to me. "But for now, you have me." She pulls out a familiar vape.
"Stacy, you aren't supposed to be smoking anything at this school," I whispered at her. "Especially wolfsbane."
"This school has too many rules. Plus this doesn't have any wolfsbane." She said boredly.
"That doesn't matter," I growled and she immediately looked at me. "Follow the human's rules or get kicked out. Your choice."
Stacy put her vape back into her bag, terrified of what I might actually do. Which is nothing but she doesn't know that.
Her phone chirped and she went back to her old self. She smiled at the message and looked at us.
"Gotta blast, nerds." She announced.
Stacy gets up and walks around to Tori, she twirls her ponytail between her fingers. Stacy smirks as Tori tenses under her touch. She bends down and hovers her lips over Tori's earlobe. I watch as Stacy's pink glossy full lips whisper little secrets in my best friend's ear.
Whatever Stacy said is none of my business so I didn't feel the need to use my hearing. I'm not the type of person who demands to know everyone's secrets.
Stacy pulls away from Tori and blows a flirtatious kiss towards Cayden who was watching the whole thing unfold. He smirks at her playfully. As soon as the strawberry blond girl leaves, Cayden chuckles.
"That was hot." He comments and Tori kicks his shin under the table. "Ow."
"Is she mad?" Tori asks referring to someone we both know.
Cayden turns his head towards Kate who was across the lunchroom. Her eyes narrow this way glaring at Tori. I could basically feel the jealousy radiate from her.
"Oh yeah, she's pissed," Cayden says senselessly, I roll my eyes at him.
Tori facepalms and groans. "I'm a bitch." She admits.
"Why don't you just accept her?" I ask curiously. If she is so miserable without Kate then why doesn't she just change that? "The pack has plenty of gay couples, and your parents are the most open-minded people I've ever met."
"It's not that simple." She says softly. "Imagine that you thought you were straight for basically your entire life and then all of a sudden you fall deeply in love with someone of the same gender." Tori looks deeply into my eyes. "I just need time to process this. My whole world got rocked just by the presence of one girl."
"Tori, I'm here to support you in whatever you decide but this isn't one-sided. Kate really loves you and will wait for you no matter how long it takes. Just don't make her wait long, she doesn't deserve that." I tell her.
"We both are here for you, always," Cayden adds on.
She looks at both of us. "I'm scared." She whimpers.
Both Cayden and I hold her hand in ours.
I walk into the locker room eager to see Spencer again. We both have soccer PE together, she wears this black spandex that shows the distinctive curve of her ass. She also wears a grey Nike sports bra because she sweats from working hard. At times, I could smell the salt dripping down her bare fit stomach or I'd hear her moan slightly from working out. I was thankful to the Moon Goddess for making me a werewolf, It's something to look forward to every day.
I open my locker door and slip off my shirt, throwing it in the metal locker. I went to grab another shirt before I heard a cough come from far next to me. I turn to see a smug Diego looking at me, shirtless himself.
"Looks like something still thinks their body is a temple." He snickers as he glances me up and down.
"What are you doing here?" I say, putting on a shirt. "You don't even have sports PE."
"Actually, puppy dog, I have Volleyball PE." He says irritated. "You know I don't work well in the sun."
I smirk at him. "No, I don't. Why don't you work well in the sun?" I mock.
"Whatever, I'm just here telling you that Spencer and I got to bonding. Looks like I'm having a coffee date with her after school." Diego tells me with the sole point of getting me upset. And it's definitely working.
I narrow my eyes at him threateningly but he just laughs at me, leaving me behind with this new information.
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