♡ Chapter Six ♡
Everyone other than Seven and Five stared in absolute disbelief at the spot where their hostage had once stood. They had witnessed people dying before, so it wasn't a feeling of sickness and nausea that they felt uncomfortable by, but rather the eerily calm and almost enthusiastic nature that Dazai had displayed in regards to suicide, his words had sent a pleasant yet terrifying chill down their spines.
There was a suffocating silence between the five clueless teenagers, eyes darting at each other as if waiting for someone to say something, but even the usual jokesters, One and Two, were at a loss for words.
The silence however was swiftly cut into and melted away when they heard ecstatic cheering and whooping mixed with a series of shouts and swears, from below where Dazai had fallen.
And just as quickly as Dazai disappeared, he reappeared, this time he was levitating on the broken piece of fence that they had seen outside; it was surrounded in a red hue along with the other intruder from before, Chuuya. The ginger continued to whack him with his hat, being acutely aware not to make direct skin contact with Dazai while still swearing at him.
Three stared at them incredulously, feeling as if she was about to burst into either tears or anger, she was undecided on which one though, unfortunately, she didn't get the chance to decide either as a hearty, satisfying laughter filled the air. Seven, still next to Five, clutched the sides of her hat as she cackled.
"O-oh man- that!- that was worth one million yen! God the looks on you-your faces were pr-priceless, I-I mean I-I-knew he was g-gonna escape, but- but that was better than expected, pfft-" she continued to laugh as she walked to the spot where Dazai had previously stood. Three's eyes followed Seven's shoes before she lifted her gaze to make eye contact, her vibrant green ones clashing with Seven's electric blue ones.
"you knew? You knew he was going to escape? That my plan would fail?"
The green-eyed girl interrogated, her fingers curling into her palms, forming trembling fists.
Seven stared for a moment, probably contemplating what to say before eventually, she sighed with a shrug.
"To be honest I didn't even expect you to capture him." She replied truthfully, flashing a look of mock guilt, whether it was to annoy the other girl or not was debatable but nonetheless, Three felt tears of anger prick at her eyes
"So-so YOU KNEW IT WAS GOING TO FAIL AND YET YOU SAID NOTHING?? WHY?!? WHAT-WHAT WAS THE FUCKING REASON?!?!" Three hollered, her bubbling anger getting the best of her, in return all Seven could do was shrug again
"To teach you a lesson-"
"What?! What lesson is there to be taught?! How to bloody die?!" The twins raised an eyebrow with a smirk, their speaking habits had rubbed of on her.
"YOU-" Seven began raising her voice, shooting a scowl in Three's direction
"-you didn't listen to my instructions when I said you need to know your enemies like they're your best friends. You simply did the bare minimum because you thought you were smart enough to do things without any proper research." the dark blue-haired girl stated matter of factly
"WHAT?! What's there more to know? I know their names, abilities, ages, alliances. What else is there to know?" Three retorted causing Seven to sigh again, mumbling something under her breath about throwing herself off of the building with Dazai next time.
"Fine, let me show you then"
Dazai was quick to notice how everyone stood straight when she said that, she was clearly very respected, whether it was because they were afraid or they looked up to her Dazai wasn't quite sure yet.
"Let's start with the elephant in the room then" she pointed towards one of the twins flashing them a big grin.
"Two! What's his name?" Dazai noticed that she didn't even need to analyse the twins to know which one is which, that was impressive.
"Dazai Osamu" Two replied simply.
"Now, let's see... Six! What's
Dazai-Sama's ability?" Chuuya and Dazai glanced at each other 'sama? What was that about? They only broke eye contact when Six's timid voice replied,
"It's No longer human, it means no abilities work on him and he can nullify anyone's abilities as well.
"Four! Where does Dazai-sama work?"
"The Armed Detective Agency." He answered coolly as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.
"Correct! That's the information you know, right Three?" Three reluctantly nodded as she slowly bit her cheek.
"One more question, what do you think of his partnership with Chuuya-sama?" The teens glanced at each other, eventually One decided to respond, albeit reluctantly.
"Well...they argued a lot....honestly they looked as if they didn't know anything about what the other was doing." He finished, lifting his hand to scratch the back of his neck.
Chuuya was about to protest, but then not only did Dazai shake his head in disagreement but Seven also turned around and flashed them a knowing smile.
"This is where you're wrong, and-"
She turned her attention to Three
"-Proper research and a drop of attitude would have helped."
Three glared at her but didn't retaliate.
"Dazai Osamu-" Seven began,
"-is currently a member of the agency whose partner is Kunikida Doppo. However, before this, he was the youngest executive in Port Mafia history, where he stayed from the ages of fifteen to eighteen. During that time his partner was Chuuya Nakahara, who also became executive shortly after and together they were known as Double Black, they were and -in my opinion- still are, virtually unstoppable. Which is why I don't think any of us will be able to catch him without using dirty tricks, next! One of Dazai's obsessions and what he's so infamously known for is suicide, he's spent most of his life attempting Suicide. And failing, might I add."
"So- so if we had known all of that, we'd have known that their attack wasn't a coincidence and that it was planned?" One asked, with his hand up as if he was an eager school student, Seven for the first time smiled sincerely, with no smugness.
"It's wasn't, they just knew what they had to do when they saw one another. The rock you threw was an alert for Chuuya who was waiting outside, he too was unaware though."
"What? But how?" Two asked,
"You know how to react when One does something, so do Five and I, it's the same thing"
The two twins let out an 'ohhh' of understanding, then nodded at each other.
"Furthermore, if you had known of Dazai-sama's odd love for Suicide and immense trust in Chuuya-sama you would have known that he wouldn't hesitate to jump and that Chuuya will always be there waiting for him and vice versa."
Three could feel her anger continuing to rise at the fact she had been proved wrong -that, and she felt unbelievably betrayed- until finally, she snapped. She pulled out her gun from behind her white coat. Pointing it directly at Seven's head
"Just cause you don't have a family to save like the rest of us, doesn't mean you can fuck around." She spat.
Everyone reacted to her actions immediately as if they were all some big chemical chain of reaction.
Despite the speed, Dazai had still noticed that Five had been the first one to react, drawing out one of his Katana's from behind his back, the tip of it only a centimetre away from Three's neck. The second fastest to react were the twins who had activated their ability, causing Three to be surrounded by two purple Dragons. All three of them had chosen to protect Seven.
Four on the other hand had finally moved from leaning on the wall, pointing his gun at the back of Five's head, his expression completely unperturbed. Six had dropped her head to avoid looking at what was happening, but her fingers drummed the floor near her gun, it was on the side where Four stood as well and it was her left hand, which Dazai had found out was her weak hand.
"Watch your mouth Three."
Five warned, his red eyes narrowing dangerously, completely ignoring the feeling of cold metal to his head.
Seven dismissed the fact she had a gun pointed at her and simply used her pointer finger to lower it, her expression darkened as she took steps closer to Three, their faces perilously close. Seven used her teeth to take her glove off of her right hand with a smirk, Three tensed as she noticed Five shiver slightly. Once the black glove dangled between her teeth she let it drop to the floor, the silk black fabric landing on Three's shoe.
"Say that's again-" she snapped her fingers causing the glove to combust.
"And my glove won't be the only thing catching on fire" Seven warned lowly.
That similar stifling silence enveloped everyone again.
So Seven's respect derived from fear and admiration, it just depended on who you looked at, Dazai noted, awfully similar to how he used to be. Seven then stepped away, clapping her hands together.
"Right then! Everyone, lower your weapons and go to the car, we're relocating. I still have something I need to discuss with our targets, also...Five can you stay?"
Five nodded simply as he tucked his Katana away into its sheath. Seven let out a sigh of relief, flashing Five a small thankful smile as he made sure that everyone was listening to her instructions. He then walked up to her, grabbing her hands in his
"You're shaking." He muttered with a frown, she smiled sheepishly back at him.
"Well I was just held at gunpoint by one of my friends, that tends to be nerve-wracking" she murmured.
Seven then stretched her back muscles, turning around to face Dazai and Chuuya. Her face reddened as she looked at the two adults faces, her bare hand tugged at Five's, who just chuckled lightly, slipping his hand into hers giving it a squeeze of silent triumph, she nodded then looked at Dazai and Chuuya again, shyly.
"I want to make a deal with the two of you." Seven began,
"A deal?" Chuuya asked causing Seven to fluster
"It's simple really, we give you any information you want on us and our organisation-" she then locked her eyes on Chuuya's
"And that includes the black market stock we stole from Port Mafia. All you have to do is guarantee that you'll help my friends and their families."
Chuuya and Dazai spared each other a quizzical glance
"That's it?" The ginger questioned in disbelief, honestly, he had expected more from individuals who were managing to outsmart the Mafia and even the agency (apart from Ranpo, he hadn't even spared a glance at the case) Seven and Five looked at each other warmly, then back at the adults
"There isn't anything more valuable than our families and our freedom."
Dazai smiled sincerely, she was incredibly good at persuasion, even if he got the impression that they were after something else as well, he couldn't sense any malice in what she was saying, however, so without much further thought Dazai had agreed.
"Alright, we agree." Seven's expression morphed from a hopeful expression to a wide grin as she began to jump around and cheer from excitement, her happiness was short-lived, however.
"Seven if we don't go, they'll start to question us." Five sated, causing the girl to stop her triumphant giggles, he continued to stare at her clearly unamused. She sucked in her cheeks, not making eye contact with him
"Alright, alright, lay off it will you?' Five shook his head giving a wave and a smile to Dazai and Chuuya before he started off towards the exit. Seven watched his back then turned to Dazai and Chuuya
"We'll see you later then!" She beamed, Chuuya however folded his arms
"How? We haven't set up a time to meet"
"Don't need one, I know just where to find you!" Before either Chuuya or Dazai could bombard the navy haired girl with questions she had ready runoff. Both Chuuya and Dazai chuckled lightly as they heard her whoops and cheers as she descended the stairwell.
They now sat in the car as Chuuya drove the two of them back to their hotel. But Chuuya still had a lot of questions and maybe, just maybe, Dazai knew the answers.
"Do you think that's all they want?" The older began, Dazai's attention got snatched from watching Chuuya in the side view mirror, lifting his head from his palm.
"Seems like it."
"I just don't understand, they've got such advantage, especially Seven. From what I gathered she doesn't have a family, why would she go out of her way to make a deal with us?"
"It's simple really, she cares. If I had to bargain with someone for your safety or Atsushi's and the rest of the agency, I'd be more than willing to."
Chuuya, now waiting at a red light, turned his head to make eye contact with the brunet, staring at him in surprise, a year ago he had left him after using corruption outside in a potentially high-risk area and now he was preaching about his safety, 'honestly what a hypocrite', the ginger thought but that didn't stop his cheeks from reddening, unlike the traffic lifts that had just turned green.
"You're being too nice again..." he mumbled in embarrassment, Dazai blinked then let out a laugh,
"Oh right, sorry. Ahem- make sure you drink your cup of milk before bed love, we don't want you missing out on the extra inches~ " Dazai sing- sang with a lopsided grin, Chuuya slightly amused rolled his eyes, coming up with a sly idea.
"Those extra inches went somewhere else."
"Ohhh~? Where is that my dear Chibi?" Dazai asked, with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
"Your ego." Chuuya retorted with a snort at his joke, Dazai gasped dramatically, placing the back of his left hand to his forehead, the other clutching his shirt over his heart.
"How could you?!"
"I'm not the one who had my mind in the gutter." Chuuya chided as he placed his elbow on the side of his door, leaning his head on his wrist, gazing at Dazai.
"Unless....you were hoping my inches went down there?" He added smugly. Dazai felt his whole body malfunction: his breathing stopped and his heart had just gone into overdrive, his will to live had suddenly skyrocketed and his 'friend' was threatening to say hello any second now too.
"Of-of Course not! It was just a joke Chuuya. Do I look gay to you?"
"From certain angles, yes. And that's coming from someone who is."
Dazai choked on his spit, nearly going into cardiac arrest. There was no way, right?
Yeah, Dazai had made fun of him for his rather odd way of dressing; had called him gay a couple of times too, but he didn't think he actually was gay.
"Wait- you're gay?"
"Bi to be precise, but I like men more." Chuuya shrugged nonchalantly, Dazai felt his mouth go dry at that confession his eyes fixing onto the road ahead
"Right- yeah- okay- Chuuya's gay, Chuuya's gay, yeah- that- that makes sense" he muttered to himself in a dazed state
"You're malfunctioning" Chuuya laughed.
There was a brief moment of silence, until Dazai couldn't help himself
"So- then have you been with a man?" Chuuya hummed in acknowledgement
"Well yeah."
"How come you didn't tell me when we were younger?" Dazai asked, there was a pause for a moment before Chuuya shrugged
"I only started trying it out when you had left." He admitted as he turned around a corner only a mile away from their hotel.
It had happened a week from when Dazai had left, he had gone to drink his dejection away and had met a brown-haired male who offered to buy him a drink. Chuuya wasn't an idiot and knew exactly what the man was asking for, feeling empty and slightly flattered by his charm (which he had heaps of) Chuuya decided to play along and in the end, he felt some sort of relief from it, thus it became a normal occurrence. Chuuya couldn't explain why it had suddenly happened, he had never slept with a man in his life -never considered it either- the times he had slept around had been incredibly sparse, but it made him realise that sex with men was sometimes a lot more enjoyable than with females, though of course, it depended.
It seemed like everyone but Chuuya knew exactly why he had decided to go and sleep with a man so unexpectedly, it was as plain as day, he missed Dazai, he had lost the one consistent male in his life and was subconsciously looking for someone to fill in that gap, granted that gap was only filled temporarily by these late-night rendezvous, but it counted for something.
"Well...I guess since you told me then I should tell you that I'm bi as well" Dazai muttered, looking away, for some reason it had always distressed him, this idea of him liking males was scary, not because of people not accepting him, or religious views, but rather because he had always been so adamant about a double-suicide with a woman, it made him feel like a hypocrite.
Chuuya upon hearing this nearly crashed into a couple who were crossing the street, he waved his hand at them apologetically and then threw a glare towards the brunet.
"If this is a lie Dazai Osamu I swear to god."
Dazai didn't say anything, his gaze fixed on the road in front of him, Chuuya looked at him in disbelief.
"You're not joking, are you?" The mafioso asked, his eyes darting quickly from the road to Dazai, noticing a small shake of his head.
"No, I'm not, I like guys too."
He was being serious, Dazai liked men too. But did he like anyone? Any man in particular?
"So....do you like someone then? A guy I mean?"
'This is dangerous' Chuuya thought if he got one messy answer, all of his feelings could be crushed, still however if this person made Dazai happy then he'd be more than happy to accept him. Chuuya sighed feeling conflicted,
"Yeah...yeah, I do..." Dazai breathed, leaning his head on the dashboard, just as the older stopped at their hotel parking lot. Their eyes met, a shy smile spreading onto Dazai's face.
To say that Chuuya was astonished was an understatement, Dazai was actually being straightforward with something and it was something he seemed insecure about, his sexuality.
"Am I...am I allowed to know?" Chuuya asked quietly as he leaned his head on the steering wheel.
As their eyes met, rays of the setting sun seeped through the patchy clouds, painting their faces in warm orange light, creating a solace warmth around them. Dazai studied Chuuya's face, the freckles that were scattered all over this face like little stars illuminating a night sky, small scars from injuries he had in the past. Chuuya's ginger hair seemed to glow in the sunset light as it curled and framed his face, Dazai had to use all his willpower to refrain from kissing him right then and there.
There was no tension between them, as they stared at one another without saying anything. At this moment it should have been painfully obvious that they were very much crushing on one another, but it seemed as if they really were both just as stupid as each other when it came to one another.
"I'll tell you, eventually...At the end of our mission? Is that okay?" Dazai asked he wasn't quite sure why he was asking for permission to confess, he had a feeling it was because he, for once, couldn't predict the outcome.
Chuuya didn't understand why it had to be after the mission, why the brunet couldn't just tell him now, but he was going to respect his boundaries and not question it further.
Maybe he was being gentle because he couldn't exactly tell how he felt, he felt happy knowing Dazai was finally comfortable enough to accept the fact that staring at men and occasionally commenting about their faces or asses wasn't very heterosexual of him. It was actually pretty funny how Dazai would say all this and then deny the fact he liked men, but then call Chuuya gay just cause he dressed a lot better than him.
However, this still begged the question, who did Dazai like? Was it someone he knew? Were they nice? How much time did Dazai spend with them? All these questions bounced all over his brain.
Chuuya was trying to keep his feelings out of Dazai's sexuality, he really was trying. He was telling himself that there was no way in hell Dazai would ever like him, despite that he just couldn't shake the feeling that there was a small possibility that he did. It would make sense as to why he had been so caring lately; more willing to open up as well.
Chuuya was also aware -thanks to Atsushi- of how Dazai had changed as a person all around. Ever since almost all of his friends had died in their -some would say- battle with Dostoevsky, Dazai had seemed to try and appreciate every moment with his friends.
Chuuya looked at the slightly nervous brunet, causing him to take his glove off and then place his hand on top of Dazai's, giving it a small squeeze
"You can tell me whenever you feel comfortable" Chuuya smiled, Dazai felt his heart thump against his ribs, he really didn't deserve to be around Chuuya, let alone love him. Chuuya deserved so much more.
They got out of the car and back into their hotel room with nothing but enjoyable silence between them.
"Ahhh~ home sweet hotel~" Dazai huffed as he closed his eyes briefly allowing himself to sink into the couch. He could feel the couch absorb his tired limbs encouraging him to close his eyes, he kept them shut for around two or so minutes until he heard shuffling around him and felt curious about what it was, so with a lazy sigh he pried open his eyes.
And then he nearly choked on his spit, out of all things he expected to see, a half-naked Chuuya was most definitely not one of them. He debated whether he should say something but instead, he opted to just watch.
Chuuya's torso had changed a lot since he had last seen it -Dazai knew because he would occasionally sneak glances towards him when they were younger- but now he wanted to take in as much as possible.
Dazai noticed that his shoulders -like his face- were littered in freckles, his skin was milky white, with occasional pinkness tinted on places like his shoulders and his chest, there were also a few scars here and there on his lithe body but the only one that was particularly noticeable was the one on his stomach. His arms were sculpted yet still looked gentle.
Dazai felt breathless as he watched him, slightly mad that he had never appreciated how beautiful Chuuya was until now.
He couldn't help but think how utterly ethereal Chuuya would look underneath him at later hours of the night, the moon slipping through the gaps of the curtains illuminating his skin and his facial expression -oh god, his expressions- what Dazai wouldn't give to see an expression like that in real life. He was so caught up in imagining less than holy scenarios that he didn't notice Chuuya squirm under his gaze.
Dazai blinked, clearing his throat nervously, he'd been caught. Despite that he really didn't expect to see Chuuya look so upset, so he looked away.
Chuuya sighed as he wrapped his arms around his stomach,
"Do I....do I look fat?" He murmured, his gaze falling to the floor, Dazai stared at him stupidly, what kind of question was that? Chuuya fat? Was he self-conscious about his weight? Why? He was utterly perfect and that was a fact.
Chuuya turned his back to Dazai, he had wanted to see how the detective would react if he were to change in front of him, but it didn't stop his uneasiness gnawing away at his brain, he was self-conscious about his weight, he had been since he was young and truthfully he had decided to take this secret with him to the grave but he just couldn't help but want to ask Dazai if he did look fat. His hands trembled nervously as he held his stomach, jolting slightly when he heard shuffling behind him and a deep sigh from Dazai.
He then felt bandaged hands gently grip his bare shoulders, Dazai then moved Chuuya's hair from his back onto his other shoulder, leaving his neck bare. Dazai's dexterous hands moved from his freckled shoulders down his arms, wrapping around his waist to hold onto his fingers, urging them to let go of his stomach and drop by his side. There he felt Dazai's fingers slip in between his.
Chuuya could feel his heart hammering loudly against his chest, threatening to jump out his rib cage, butterflies enveloped his entire being, making him almost feel sick. As if to make it worse, he could feel Dazai's hot breath linger over his back, eliciting shallow unwarranted breaths from him.
Then he felt a soft kiss at the back of his neck; Chuuya thought he was going to faint, a pleasurable jolt ran down his body, making his toes curl.
"I think you're one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen." Dazai muttered, pressing another kiss to Chuuya's neck. The smaller could feel the lingering sensation of where Dazai's lips had been, burning his skin, a shaky breath and a small whine left his body, unable to help himself. Dazai had to tell himself mentally not to turn the older around and kiss him until he thought he was gorgeous.
Chuuya, now, feeling comfortable, leaned into Dazai's touch, bringing their hands to where his belly was, so that now Dazai's hands were circled around his waist, the intimate actions making them both turn red slightly.
They then began to sway back and forth basking in each other's warmth, they should have felt embarrassed by this but quite honestly that was the last thing they were thinking about right now, they were just too caught up with the feeling of each other.
"You're gorgeous" Dazai spoke softly pressing their bodies impossibly closer
"Chuuya." He whispered tenderly, his voice going much deeper than it should be, Chuuya had to stop himself from shivering, he also had to stop himself from turning around and kissing him into oblivion. Instead, Chuuya leaned his head back so he and Dazai made eye contact, flashing him a smile
"You're not lying are you?" the shorter questioned, he knew Dazai wasn't lying but he still felt like he wanted to confirm it.
"I don't lie to pretty people." Dazai chuckled, Chuuya looked away in embarrassment lightly giving Dazai's hand a squeeze
"It's my speciality."
"I know"
"You're beautiful"
"I kno- wait-" Chuuya flashed him a playful frown as Dazai burst into laughter, he let go of Chuuya and ran towards the bedroom, the smaller laughing as he followed him.
The two were now in the bedroom, Dazai sat on the bed, his back against the mahogany frame, his eyes scanning through the files he had managed to get earlier, it was hard to concentrate though, his actions from earlier kept replying in his mind. It was as if they were a couple and the thought of being in a couple with Chuuya made him want to break out into a silly grin.
Chuuya was at the end of the bed looking at which shirt to choose -actually they were Dazai's- but it didn't matter, he still needed to put something on wether it was his or Dazai's. Once he picked what he wanted, he walked to the living room,
"Did you find anything ?" he asked slipped on the red jumper Dazai had worn at the cafe the other day,
"Remember that boy with blonde hair and red eyes?" Dazai asked, still scanning through the papers absentmindedly
"Uhhhh, Five right?" the ginger replied, as he sat down on the couch
"Yeah him."
"What about him?"
"He has an ability called 'un vis devenit realitate"
"What language is that?"
"Romanian- I think?" Dazai responded causing to Chuuya hum in acknowledgement
"He has an ability, but it says that it's unknown, so either he can't control his ability or he doesn't know how it works." There was a pause as Chuuya contemplated what he had just heard
"What do you think?"
"I think it's both." Dazai stated carefully his eyes meeting Chuuya's, someone who can't control their ability and isn't aware of their potential is incredibly dangerous, Atsushi was a good example of that.
"Then I guess one of the questions we'll need to ask him is what he does and doesn't know."
And as if on cue the doorbell rang, Chuuya then got up and walked over to the door, he halted abruptly in exactly the spot where Dazai had kissed him, feeling that flush of warmth rush over him again, he shook his head in an attempt to dismiss it, though he knew it would come back at times it was least needed.
Chuuya took a deep breath before he opened the door, only to find the very people he had seen on the roof only an hour or so earlier.
Seven and Five.
"Hiya! We've come to be interrogated!" Seven exclaimed as she gave Chuuya a lopsided smile, that made her look a lot like a llama
"Chuuya-san your face is red." Five spoke flashing him a sincere smile
"I- well uh-"
"Realx~ it's already painfully obvious~" Seven sing-sang before leaning in closer to the mafioso's face
"That you have a crush on Dazai-sama" She whispered with a mischievous smile, Chuuya flushed in embarrassment giving a sheepish wave of his hand.
"Shut it and come inside," Chuuya spoke opening the door wider, letting the two walk-in, Seven smiled
"You're not denying it though."
Dazai emerged from the bedroom
"Denying what?" He asked as he ran his hand through his hair
"Oh, nothing~ anyway-" Seven sat down on the floor with her back resting against the couch, whilst Five had decided to seat himself stiffly on it instead. Dazai sat opposite Seven, also on the floor,
"Do you two want anything to drink?" Chuuya asked the two teenagers
"Do you have anything fizzy?" Seven asked.
"Yeah, those carbonated soda's, Ramune."
"Then we'll have those!"
Chuuya walked off towards the kitchen to get the drinks, leaving Dazai alone with the two younger ones.
"You'll tell me anything, like, anything at all?" The detective finally asked
"Yup! Any information you want, we'll tell you everything." Seven replied.
"But before that, you're uhmm.. okay with me adding sama to your names right? I mean I look up to you and Chuuya, that's- that's why.." she asked, breaking eye contact as she scratched the back of her neck causing Dazai to blink at her stupidly
"You look up to us?"
"Heh, yeah. I have since I was young."
"It's fine with me, Chuuya?"
"Yeah, I'm okay with it."
The young girl nodded with a sigh of relief, before beaming at Dazai, 'god she's like a walking ray of sunshine' Dazai thought to himself in amusement taking an immediate liking to her.
"Alright let's start." Dazai spoke, clapping his hands together
"So then, what's your goal? Who's Your Boss? What info do you have on her?"
Seven and Five looked at each other again,
"Straight to the point, huh?"
"You said anything."
"Yeah yeah, Our boss's name is Kim Young-hee - though she goes by Silver now, to match her ability- I'm pretty much the only one who knows anything about her reasoning for her plan. Her plan is to try and kill both the Agencies and Mafias best members, starting with the two of you. I don't know much but I know she and Dostoevsky had a close relationship, in fact, I think she liked him. So when she heard he was dead and it was the Mafia's and Agency's doing she planned her revenge. Which is why all my friends were captured, for their strong abilities."
Chuuya and Dazai glanced at each other as the smaller placed the drinks on the table, Five thanking him quietly
"What do you mean by 'all your friends? What about you?" Chuuya asked as he leaned onto the arm of the couch
"My family and I got caught in a crossfire between her and another group back when I was ten, and to save my family from dying I gave my life up to Silver, she was more than pleased because of my strong ability, though she did keep me in solitary confinement for three years."
"Three years?!"
"Speaking of abilities, what is Silvers ability?
"She can make anything made of or wearing silver do whatever she wants and that in includes humans and animals." Seven spoke rubbing the back of her neck sadly
"Everyone who works for Silver has chips embedded in their necks, so we can't disobey her very much." Five finally spoke up.
"She sounds mad." Chuuya spoke
"She's not that bad when you meet her."
"And what about your names? Why are you all named after numbers?" Chuuya asked
"When we were taken in by boss, she had someone erase our families and our memories with our names. Then she decided to name us after numbers, though we did pick the numbers ourselves."
"No she's definitely mad." Chuuya grumbled and Seven sniggered behind her hand.
Dazai thought about it and then decided that he needed to stop putting the most important things to the side.
"So Five..your ability is the one I'm most intrigued about. And if you don't mind, we'd like to talk you about your ability, in private." Dazai added his eyes flickering towards Seven briefly.
"It's nothing against you Seven," Chuuya added kindly, giving her a small smile, then whacking Dazai around the head, muttering something about showing some sympathy towards her.
"Nah, it's alright. Those files do a shitty job at handling his ability, it's only natural you'd be concerned." She spoke as she waved her hands animatedly, she stopped abruptly as she stood between the bathroom and the bedroom, she turned her head as she scratched her head, with a sheepish expression
"Uhhh...do I go in your room or?? Cause I feel like it's kinda weird to wait in the bathroom...then again the bedroom is..uhh...hehe..."she mumbled meekly.
Dazai and Chuuya glanced at each other and smiled
"Yeah don't worry you can go to our room." Dazai spoke warmly, the navy haired girl beamed at him and then put her thumbs up
"If you say so, Woah! You guys share a bed, that's a bit zesty." She added airily as she shut the white maple door with a click (as she continued talking to herself) Five laughed a little at Dazai's and Chuuya's bemused expressions.
"Ignore her, she's not normal." He joked, a faint dust of pink covering his cheeks.
Dazai and Chuuya smiled at each other, Five and Seven seemed to like each other. Ironic how they could notice when other people were in love but they couldn't with each other.
Finally, Dazai inhaled deeply as he made eye contact with Five's crimson red eyes.
"Your ability then, what do you know of if it?" Five, feeling comforted by Dazai's gentleness relaxed his posture with an exhausted sigh
"My ability allows me to make people's dreams come true...as far as thoughts, feelings, objects and scenarios. But I have barely any control of it, I've only been able to do it once properly."
Chuuya and Dazai looked at each other with thoughtful expressions then back at the blond, urging him to continue speaking,
"The only time I've been able to do it is when I was younger, my parents were very poor, so poor that we barely even had enough to eat. My sister one morning told me about a dream she had, where on the eighteenth of every month we would wake up with a bag of money at our door. A week later that's exactly what happened."
"How did you know that it was you?" Chuuya asked
"On the night of the night of the seventeenth, I woke up glowing red. And then the next day my sister opened the door to our home to feed at his cat that always visited and instead there was a basket full of money, enough to last us two months." Five replied, his expression was fond and happy as he recalled the days when he lived a peaceful life with his family.
"I see." Dazai replied thoughtfully as he tucked his hair behind his
"Chuuya can you get Seven-kun, we'll need to devise a plan, I need to get them away from Silver-
"Shouldn't we kill her?
"That's preferable."
"But before that I'll need to ensure that families safety, they're the priority."
Chuuya nodded and went over to the bedroom to get Seven and have her join in and help with whatever Dazai was concocting in that genius brain of his. He wasn't sure what to expect when he opened the door but Seven posing in front of the mirror with his hat on, nearly gushing with excitement certainly wasn't one of them. Chuuya closed the door and then leaned against it with an amused smile
"Nice hat you got there." He chuckled causing the younger girl to jolt, and hide the hat behind her back
"Uhm- I'm sorry!" She exclaimed completely flushed, Chuuya just laughed and waved his hand in dismissal,
"It's fine... though I have been meaning to ask you something, how come you know I like Dazai?"
"The fact you're ignoring my apology and asking me that just proves it. I know so much about you and Dazai-sama because when I spent those three years trapped on my own with nothing but a computer, I discovered a lot of security camera recordings with the both of you and I thought you were amazing. Eventually that led me to spend a lot of my time watching your missions." She paused as she took out Chuuya's hat from behind her back, fiddling with it in her hands with an almost sad yet oddly proud smile. Chuuya could hear shuffling being the door but was too caught up with what Seven was saying to check what or who it was.
"A large part of the reason I am the way I am today is because I looked up to you both when I was younger. You both had great teamwork and at the time if I was sent out on a job I was on my own. You both had fun and laughed and, of course, argued. You both became sort of like a comfort for me." she continued as she beamed at Chuuya with a thankful smile
"I was One-Hundred per cent her favourite!!" Dazai called out from behind the door, Chuuya felt his brow twitch, opening the door with an aggravated slam
"You eavesdropper!! We were having an important conversation!"
They began to lightly bicker again whilst Five and Seven just stood there, trying their best not to laugh.
"Actually, I liked Chuuya more. If I'm completely honest, I think he made you look cool." Seven replied, giggling when Dazai faked being shot, though he supposed it wasn't too bad seeing how happy Chuuya seemed.
"How come you saw us on your computer?" Chuuya asked suddenly
"You'd be surprised what type of things you find on the dark web, the first time I saw you were on a surveillance camera, you were both on the back of Chuuya-Sama's motorcycle and I thought you were amazing! I also was intrigued by why Dazai-sama wore so many bandages. He looked like a walking mummy. The other times I saw you was on small websites of the two of you."
"The one you subscribed to!" five spoke up from the kitchen as he took a packet of crisps out
"YOU- YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY THAT!!" Seven shouted blushing to the roots of her hair, Dazai, Chuuya and Five all erupted into laughter.
After almost six minutes of laughter and teasing Seven. The four of them walked back into the living room to devise a plan on how they would go about capturing Silver.
But despite it being an intricate and well thought out plan, it never took place.
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