✧ Chapter Seventeen ✧
Dazai awoke to Chuuya fast asleep next to him, his mouth was agape and he looked positively awful, but it didn't stop Dazai from sitting and staring at him, he poked his cheeks and ran his hands through his hair, trailing his fingers on the sides of Chuuya's body, just cause he felt like it.
After maybe around twenty minutes Chuuya finally stirred, he kept his eyes shut enjoying the feeling of Dazai's hands tracing patterns on his hands and body. He could have fallen asleep again if he hadn't felt a somewhat testing poke on his cheek causing him to instinctively frown
"Happy birthday, my ugly little Hat-wrack." Dazai whispered pressing a tender kiss to Chuuya's lips
"Thanks, my sweet lanky piece of shit." Chuuya muttered back, hugging Dazai warmly despite his harsh words.
"We should go wash up and eat, I'm starving" Chuuya spoke, though he didn't budge from Dazai's arms
"We're going to eat soup right?" The older questioned looking up at Dazai who could only chuckle
"If you can cook it." He murmured, Chuuya remained silent as he thought about it to himself
"How about we cook together?" Chuuya suggest excitedly his eyes twinkling
"Chuuya, I'll burn it."
"Dazai, you can't burn soup."
It wasn't that Dazai couldn't cook, he could cook a decent amount of food, without burning it, after all, he had to eat to survive, death by starvation wasn't a very appealing way to die. But he wasn't an amazing chef either.
Without much further complaint the two males got up and walked to the bathroom, brushing their teeth and occasionally elbowing each other in the ribs as if they were teenagers who didn't know any better. They didn't bother to change out of their pyjamas and decided that they'd just put their clothes in the washing once they finished cooking.
Soup was an odd thing to eat for breakfast, especially on your birthday but it had become somewhat of an inside joke for the two of them, the first time Chuuya was spending his birthday with Dazai the only thing they had to eat was packaged soup, then only a month a few weeks later on Dazai's birthday they were much in the same position as before with nothing but packaged soup to eat. Then it became an odd inside joke/tradition.
"Alright now pour the vegetables in"
"How much?"
"Just pour, I'll tell you to when you stop." Chuuya commanded standing glued to Dazai's side.
Once the soup was done they sat down at the isle and ate together.
"So are we going to do anything later?" Chuuya asked, expecting Dazai to say that they'd stay inside all day.
"Mhm! I'm gonna take oo out to dinna" Dazai spoke with his mouth full before flashing Chuuya a smile.
"Really?!" The older asked feeling shocked, Dazai swallowed all of his food and then stared at him unimpressed.
"What do you mean really? Of course, it's your birthday I'm not going to just have you stay home all day." Chuuya grinned broadly his heart swelling with happiness
"Am I allowed to know where we're going?"
"Nope, it's a surprise but just make yourself look nice."
"If I make myself look nice you need to tuck your hair behind your ear."
"Like when I was with Dostoevsky and Shibusawa?"
"Do you like my hair like that?"
"Mhm, you looked really good like that, punchable, but good."
"Well maybe, I'll wear my hair more often then." Dazai spoke, taking a strand of his hair and tugging on it gently.
The two of them then decided to decorate the apartment, Chuuya was going to have a small party for his twenty-fourth birthday, so he wanted to decorate the house a little.
Three hours later people started coming, Kyouka and Kyōyō, Atsushi, Akutagawa, Tachihara and Gin, Higuchi, Kenji, Yosano and even Hirotsu decided to stop by.
Akutagawa and Atsushi sat on the couch and watched as Kenji and Dazai set up a game, Kyōyō was trying out some of Kyouka's newfound favourite foods along with Higuchi. Gin argued with Tachihara about the flavour of wine they were drinking but overall everyone was enjoying themselves.
Chuuya now sat watching fondly from the kitchen isle as Dazai and Kenji played this dance battle game and Dazai nearly threw a tantrum when Kenji won yet another game, causing Chuuya to chuckle lovingly.
"Hoowee, you have fallen hard." Chuuya turned to his side to see Yosano swirling a cup of wine with a knowing smile
"I never thought while fighting you nearly two years ago that I'd see you staring at Dazai with heart eyes"
"I'm fucking not."
"You so are."
"Whatever, he looks cute."
"Hmm yeah guess so, not my type though. Oh! Speaking of which what are you going to wear to the dinner?"
"The red suit you all bought me."
"Dazai's been looking forwards to see you in it."
"You're turning red." Yosano hummed,
"S-shut it!"
"You really are in love." She sing-sang, nudging Chuuya slightly at the sides, Chuuya looked at her then back at Dazai who glistening from sweat, smiling brightly as he danced
"Yeah...yeah, I am."
With the party now calming and only a few people left- namely, Yosano, Gin, Dazai, Akutagawa and Atsushi, plans were being made between them.
"So Chuuya will come to my house, we'll get him ready and then we'll drive him to the restaurant, you'll have to do the same." Yosano spoke mapping out the plans, she had drunk a little more than usual so she was much chattier than normal, it wasn't unwelcome though.
"Akutagawa and Gin you stay here with Dazai and I'll take Atsushi and Chuuya."
"I don't mind it but why?" Gin asked as she put her hand up shyly
"Cause I think it will be an interesting combination."Yosano shrugged.
They all looked at each other puzzled, but neither of them complained or questioned her.
Chuuya was now in Yosano's house, sitting at a dressing table as Yosano
sprayed various hair products to make his hair curlier and bouncier.
Dazai on the other hand was on the verge of tears because he hated every single suit he put on.
"I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING THEY ALL LOOK TERRIBLE." He cried as threw himself on the bed.
Gin sighed at Dazai's mental stress and then turned to her brother trying to come up with something to say that may help comfort the former Mafioso. Akutagawa looked at her but didn't say anything and instead turned to look through the rest of Dazai's closet, he picked a few things out, then looked around the room at the scattered clothes.
And then he found something he thought Dazai might like.
"What about this?" He spoke as he held up a black suit with a redshirt
"If you leave two buttons open of your shirt, I think it would look nice." He spoke slightly unsure of himself, Dazai stared at Akutagawa in confusion, this was the second time he had done this.
"How are you doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"Picking things out."
"I don't know." The male shrugged glancing at his sister who smiled In return.
Dazai took the suit and sprinted over to the bathroom to get it on, once he did, he messily did his hair, by tucking it behind his ear, he then walked out of the room.
"Wow...you look really good." Gin spoke, standing up and fixing his messy collar with a smile
"The redshirt matches with Chuuya's suit as well" she continued, then reached up to brush some of his hair behind his ear properly. Akutagawa hummed in agreement, watching as Dazai walked over to his mirror to look at his reflection and quite surprisingly he liked the way he looked, the red matched his dark hair and eyes and the black didn't make him seem obnoxious like the white suit he had tired before. He also liked how the suit would end up complimenting his eventual fiancés suit and how it didn't make him feel like he was wearing something akin to what he wore in the Mafia (suits often did that to him)
He turned around flashing a satisfied smile towards the two siblings
"Okay! I'll wear this one!" He declared as he did a happy little spin, Gin nodded with a giggle but then noticed how Dazai was glistening with sweat,
"Though I think you should shower first, you're sweating buckets."
"And then we can go to the jewellery store and get the ring." Akutagawa spoke as he began to pack up the clothes that Dazai had thrown around while in his distressed crying episode.
"You can get Atsushi-Kun's necklace while you're there too."
Dazai agreed before he walked into the bathroom, singing merrily to himself.
"You're getting the man-tiger a necklace?"
"Yeah, he kept staring at it in the sore and he wouldn't admit he wanted it, so I'm going to get it for him."
"That's- that's the cutest thing you've ever done." Gin gushed happily as she tried to keep herself from hugging her brother obnoxiously tight.
"Whatever." He muttered with an embarrassed cough as she patted him on the back slightly,
"I'm proud of you alright?"
"I know."
Dazai re-emerged from the bathroom thirty minutes later and Akutagawa and Gin stared at him breathlessly, neither of them had the slightest feelings for him but even they found themselves falling for him.
"Now, now I know I look handsome but I'm taken" Dazai boasted as he placed his chin between his thumb and pointer finger in his signature pose, Akutagawa blushed and rolled his eyes at the older's stupidity, his sister giggling happily at Dazai's antics.
After they got out of Dazai's home and walked to the car, Gin bid them goodbye saying she had to go back home as she was starting work early tomorrow, leaving Akutagawa and Dazai alone to drive to the store. Despite the unlikely duo, however, the atmosphere wasn't awarded and quite a pleasant one.
"Aren't you nervous?" The younger male asked, knowing that if he ever decided to do this he'd have probably had over thirty mental breakdowns by this point, whilst the only thing that phased Dazai was the fact he didn't like what he was wearing.
"I am, even though I know Chuuya will say yes ."
"Still...the idea of proposing makes me want to hide for the rest of my life."
"If you propose, I can assure you, you'd make Atsushi cry" Akutagawa looked terrified at that, he didn't want to make Atsushi cry, he'd hurt him enough. Dazai sighed immediately understanding what Akutagawa was thinking
"Happy tears, he'd cry happy tears Akutagawa-Kun."
"He still thinks he's blessed to have the bare minimum of love, you should see the way he stares at you when you leave after you give him food."
Finally, after another five minutes, they made it to the store, Akutagawa parked his car not too far away and then walked beside Dazai until they reached the inside of the building.
"Hellooo!" Dazai called out enthusiastically as he walked to the counter, greeting the worker from before, a boy with dyed blonde hair and brown eyes smiled brightly when he saw Dazai all dressed up
"Ahh hello, today's the day right."
"Sure is."
"Well here you go, I wish you the best of luck." He spoke sliding two black slick boxes towards Dazai. The brunet took them and opened them, his eyes gleaming when he saw what was inside. Dazai had never expected to feel slightly emotional towards wedding rings but that's exactly how he felt.
He turned to Akutagawa and showed him, despite saying that neither he nor Atsushi were allowed to look before. They were indeed beautiful, Akutagawa wanted to reach out and hold one and look at it closer but before that, he looked up at Dazai for permission,
"Go on." He encouraged softly, Akutagawa stared down and took it from Dazai's palm gently, it was Chuuya's one, Akutagawa knew from the engravings patterns that Dazai had designed on the inside and out.
"What do you think? Do you like it?"
"I- uh, I...I really like it, it fits Chuuya-San really well." He mumbled, trying his best to keep his cool about Dazai asking him for his opinion and the fact that he really thought the ring was stunning.
Akutagawa handed the box back to Dazai and then went over to one of the displays and pointed out the necklace to the worker as well as a golden ring with a small sun on it for Gin. Once they were done Dazai called Yosano asking him if Chuuya was done.
"We'll be done in twenty minutes, just go to the restaurant and we'll drop him off there."
"Tch, fine~"
"Don't worry I won't keep you from your precious much longer."
With a whine Dazai reluctantly agreed and allowed Akutagawa to drive him to the restaurant, they talked, though not much.
It didn't take very long for them to reach the restaurant and Akutagawa couldn't help but wonder how Dazai was able to afford to come to such humongous and grand restaurant as this, it was pristine, boasting a lot the fact it had a rating of five stars and grand glass doors at the front. It was a hotel but had a restaurant meshed into it.
Dazai turned to the younger man
while in the car and smiled at him,
"Thank you, Akutagawa-Kun !" He then got out and bent over, just as he was about to close the door, Akutagawa spoke
"Good luck Dazai-san." Dazai thanked him again and then closed the door, watching as he drove away. Dazai then stuffed his hands in his pockets like he usually did and walked into the restaurant.
It was a hotel well known for being one of the best in Yokohama, the restaurant was at the very top of the building and was accompanied by a roof for smoking or just getting a view of the city. Dazai had gotten a table in a far isolated corner where they would be secluded, he didn't want people to stare or interrupt them, he just wanted to spend some alone time with Chuuya in another place other than at home.
Thankfully due to the fact it was a Sunday, there weren't many people around and with it being such a large place it seemed enjoyably empty, especially the seat that Dazai had chosen, it was near the large window, then on the other side of the table a large aquarium wall stood proudly with all variations and species of fish, plants decorated the entirety of the interior in pretty pristine white pots.
Dazai thought it was an amazing place, it was grand and elegant and it was posh enough for Chuuya but also laid back and comfortable enough for himself, even if unfortunately this was his entire rent for the month, it would be worth it for Chuuya's birthday.
Dazai had booked the reservation with both his and Chuuya's name so then Chuuya didn't have to go through the trouble of finding him.
Now he sat and waited, staring out at the city from the grand window. He then felt his phone vibrate in his pocket prompting him to take it out and see that Kunikida was calling him.
"Hello~ to what do I owe you the pleasure Kunikida-kun~?"
"You're proposing aren't you?"
"Well...good luck, not that you'll need it."
"Kunikida-kunnnn~" Dazai cried with watery eyes
"So you really do care about me!"
"Of course you dimwit." Kunikida snapped as Dazai sniffled dramatically
"You're the best Kunikida-kun! Thank you."
"Right, enjoy your meal."
"I will!"
"Muah! Bye Kunikida-kun!!" Dazai laughed when he heard Kunikida sigh behind the phone. The call ended and Dazai continued to stare at the screen with a smile as all his friends sent their wishes of good luck, amongst those was also Okamoto and Seven.
7: Have a good night with Chuuya-sama! Make sure you spoil him rotten tonight! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dazai raised an eyebrow that along with a light chuckle as he typed back a clueless reply.
Dazai: What are you implying?
7: Oh nothing~ hehe. Just have fun! ~(˘▾˘~) <3
7: oh and make sure you make sweet hot love! ~
Dazai: shut it. ( ̄^ ̄)凸
7: fine, fine.
Dazai chuckled at Seven's antics. Thankfully, on the other hand, Okamoto was much more kind about everything and instead wanted to make sure that both Chuuya and Dazai were happy before anything else to take place.
Oka: Good luck Dazai-San! Make sure you talk about things properly and treat him like a prince.
Dazai: I will! ^0^ thank you for helping me!
Oka: It's no problem at all! I was happy to help. Hopefully, he'll be a lot less conflicted when telling you what he wants from now on.
Dazai: I hope so it would make things a lot easier between us.
Oka: yeah it would. Anyway good luck! Oh and please don't just propose, I don't think I can take another sex complaint.
Dazai: okay okay I got it! -_- I'll see what I can do, maybe.
Oka: alright alright I was joking (kinda). Anyway bye~ ^^
Dazai: bye!
Dazai placed his phone back in his blazer pocket and decided to watch the fish in the aquarium swim around in the electric blue water.
Dazai stared at the fish noticing two particular fish swimming side by side in a little dance, he noticed how they swam in circles and around each other in perfect sink, as if it was some type of mating dance of sorts, he was rather mesmerised by it, finding it quite beautiful.
His attention however was quickly snatched away when he saw a nearing figure dressed in red walking towards him. Dazai suddenly completely forgot about the two fish and instead kept his eyes glued on the figure his heart beginning to race in anticipation.
Chuuya's face came clearly into the view and Dazai was willing to bet that if he stood up right now his knees would give out from underneath him.
Chuuya looked so good, so pretty, so hot, so sexy, he looked ethereal. He was wearing that red suit that he had been gifted on Christmas: the wine red jacket with rolled sleeves and wide-legged matching trousers, he was also wearing the long black gloves that came with the suit. However what didn't come with the suit was the tight black crop top that hugged his chest with two strings curled around his neck just underneath to where his choker wrapped around his neck comfortably, his stomach was exposed despite his insecurities (Dazai couldn't help but wonder if it because of that time he had said to him that he liked his stomach). Chuuya's shoes were also black and had a slight heel that clacked against the dark black vinyl flooring every time he stepped closer to the brunet. His ginger hair was the same as always but it did seem slightly curlier than normal. Any form of makeup that Chuuya usual wore was nowhere to be seen, leaving his freckles on full display.
Dazai was positive that if Chuuya signed up to a modelling agency he would be hired right then and there on the spot, how could he not he was the hottest person on the planet.
The other looked at him just as surprised, feeling equally as if he might faint when his eyes fell on Dazai. The way his hair was styled just as he liked it, the matching red and black suit and the fact that some of his buttons were undone, his chest was bandaged but it didn't matter, Chuuua still found it attractive, (he did question his sanity about it sometimes). He could see the captivated look on the younger's face making any doubt that Chuuya had previously had over the way he looked completely disappear.
"Hey..." he spoke shyly going to sit down,
"Wait don't sit down!"
"Hah? Why?"
"Do a little spin first." Dazai asked, spinning his finger in the air. Chuuya blushed furiously as he frowned, but not helps he walked closer to Dazai so that he was directly in front of him and did and embarrassed spin, feeling his cheeks warm as he felt Dazai's eyes travel up and down his body.
Chuuya stopped once he did a full turn and stared down at the brunet, who was looking at him with parted lips, Chuuya leaned downwards and kissed him, still feeling fireworks exploding inside of him at the sensation, it hadn't gotten old even after some months.
When they parted the stared at each other's eyes
"Happy birthday Chuuya." Dazai whispered watching as Chuuya looked away flustered, Dazai kissed his rosie cheek and grinned brightly, the other stared at him momentarily then went to sit down at the table, placing his gloved hand under his chin and stared Dazai, content with admiring how good he looked. Dazai noticed and smiled
"You like?" He asked as motioned at his face and body making Chuuya laugh at his boyfriend.
"I like, a lot actually." He relief making Dazai beam brightly at the compliment, watching as Chuuya turned his attention to the city below, his eyes sparkling
"It's so pretty... I didn't even know this place existed."
"I came here with Kunikida-Kun and Atsushi-Kun for a mission once, and it reminded me of you."
It was true, the moment Dazai had stepped foot in the restaurant he had thought of Chuuya, how he'd enjoy the casual yet sophisticated atmosphere it harboured. He remembered that as he looked around he could picture the ginger sitting by the window with a glass of wine more than pleased with his decision to come here and so Dazai knew at once that he'd have to being Chuuya here and what better time time that than his birthday?
"Wasn't it...pricey?" Chuuya asked carefully, he obviously appreciated it, in fact he he loved the fact Dazai had worked so hard for his birthday, it made him unfathomably happy, but he didn't want Dazai to waste everything he had on him
"It's was-" Dazai began, he didn't want to lie to Chuuya and say it hadn't been expensive, but he didn't regret in the least.
"-but it's okay, I wanted to do something special for you." he finished and took Chuuya's gloved hands in his own with an endearing smile
"So don't worry about how much it costed me and just enjoy being here." Dazai lifted their hands and kissed the top of Chuuya's hand with a wink, the ginger blushed
"You damn womaniser."
"Actually you're a man Chuuya, unless-"
"I was just suggesting, I wouldn't care."
"I appreciate it but I'm not."
A waiter then came by to ask for their orders, as they waited they talked about fond memories they had spent, past birthdays, made jokes about absolutely nothing, gossiped, flirted, argued.
Once they had gotten their food they were somewhat quieter, instead they had causal conversations about work and things they had done in the year they hadn't seen each other.
"Once we're done eating let's go for the roof, I have your present."
"I swear to god if you ask me to commit suicide with you I'm only doing it once I turn old and wrinkly."
"I wasn't going too- wait- would you actually?!?!!"
"Yeah I don't want to see myself get old. If I don't get killed in action we'll jump off together somewhere." Chuuya spoke causally, not realising that he sounded like a madman and had definitely not realised that Dazai could not feel anything other than plain euphoria.
"I thought I'd never hear you say yes to killing your self with me " Dazai gushed, brining his hands to his face
"I've been thinking about it -believe it or not- and it's much better than watching my hair go white and my skin droop."
"True, but you'd still be good looking at every age." Dazai replied giving him a smug grin
"Whatever." Chuuya hummed,
"But anyway, I don't want to be the reason you die anytime soon so let's not commit suicide for a while." Dazai spoke seriously before taking a sip of his champagne.
"Never thought I'd hear you say no to a double suicide."
"You know when I jumped off that building to save you."
"I'd never wished to not die more in my entire life." Chuuya looked up from his food in surprise, looking at Dazai with a moronic expression
"What?" Dazai asked
"You care about me? Us, that much?"
"That's the stupidest question you've ever asked Chuuya."
"Sorry, it's just all your ideals all your ways of thinking have complete changed, I didn't think I was that big of a part of it."
"You are, a very big part actually...anyway that's not the point, are you done eating?"
"Yeah why?"
"will you come up to the the roof with me?"
"Yeah, though you didn't need to get me a present, you've already done enough."
"Well I wanted too, so shush."
Dazai got up and walked over to Chuuya, holding out his hand for the latter to take, Chuuya looked at him before talking his hand and letting the taller lead him over to the roof hand in hand.
They walked up a set of stairs and then up to the balcony. It had a low railing made of darkly coloured cement with black metal bars for extra protection which were tangled with golden fairy lights, anything else that added to its charm was the city that surrounded it. Dazai felt Chuuya let go of his hand and spin around talking in the full view of his surroundings, his expression was worth a million praises, he looked so amazed by it all, Dazai was amazed by how beautiful Chuuya looked, the wind blew his hair subtly and the lights illuminated just the right parts of him, everything just looked breathtaking.
Chuuya ran up to the railing a dazzling laugh escaping through his lips as he took in his surroundings.
"Osamu this is amazing! It's so..so perfect, wow." Chuuya breathed with sparkles of love in his eyes, pushing some of his hair out of his face and tucking it behind his ear to get a better view of everything.
"Isn't it beautiful Daza...ai...?" Chuuya turned around and saw Dazai standing in front of him with a small silk black box sitting in his palm. He stared at the detective curiously, then reached do it his hand toward the box, looking hesitant to take it.
"It's your gift." Dazai assured, making Chuuya relax ever so slightly.
The older stared for a moment and then stepped closer to Dazai, taking the box out of his palm, holding it tightly in his own and using the other to carefully open the lid, his eyes blew open in shock and then stared up at Dazai
"Dazai... is this?"
Chuuya felt his breath hitch in his throat and his eyes water as he looked up at Dazai, he took the ring out carefully and then placed the box in the pocket of his blazer. He stared down at the ring, taking in all of its small well thought out, details. The ring was blue with patterns he recognised as no longer human, it was the blue stripes of Dazai's ability whenever he activated it. The pattern was engraved on outside of the whole the ring and when Chuuya
inspected the inside he saw the name of Dazai's ability, written delicately in cursive.
'No longer human'
Chuuya looked back at Dazai who was now holding out his own ring, the older stepped closer yet again, peering down at the ring and saw the patterns that tainted his skin when he used corruption intimately designed onto it, he looked on the inside too and saw his own ability written on the inside
'For the tainted sorrow'
Chuuya watched as Dazai slipped the ring with the name of his ability onto his finger and then took Chuuya's hands in his own.
"Marry me Chuuya."
Chuuya let out a breathed laughter and a cry before throwing his arms around Dazai's neck, pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss. The taller in response wrapped his hands around Chuuya's waist brining their bodies close, their mouths parted so their tongues could meet in a useless battle. Chuuya pulled Dazai downwards so he didn't have to stand on hips tip toes any longer
causing them to stumble backwards so that Chuuya was leaning on the railing.
Their tongues pointlessly fought until they both ran out of breath and Dazai had no choice but to part away from his partner, he stared down at the spectacular view underneath him, Chuuya was staring right back at him breathless, the fairylights from the railings glowing around him, allowing Dazai's dark eyes to fall to Chuuya's shiny, red lips. The city below somehow seemed even brighter than before, and with the positions they were in, it was if they they had somehow jumped of the building and time had stopped mid fall, it was exhilaratingly beautiful.
"I guess that means yes?" Dazai whispered as he got closer to Chuuya's face again brushing their lips together as he spoke. Chuuya didn't say anything again and opted to kiss him before giving him a half assed answer -quite true to his nature.
"I think furiously kissing you and crying is a good enough answer." Chuuya replied shivering when Dazai laughed and his breath fanned against his ear.
Dazai moved his arm from Chuuya's waist and to his cheek wiping his tears away. He then let out a satisfied
"I might have to ask you another question." Dazai murmured
"And that it is?"
"How we're going to spend the rest of our night." Chuuya smirked with chuckle, then pressed a soft yet needy kiss onto Dazai's lips.
"Surprise me again."
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