truth or dare
James POV
The next morning I woke up and went downstairs only to see Lily rushing about. When she saw the she stormed over. "Why aren't you ready yet!" She screamed. "It's Saturday" I said in a monotone voice. "Oh I was sure it was Friday. Sorry" her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Let's go get dressed and go to breakfast" I said as I walked up the stairs to my new dorm. I missed the boys already. It was way to quiet without Sirius. That's it. A few minutes later I walk downstairs in a Jean's and my Gryffindor t-shirt to meet Lily. She was wearing a green shirt and black leggings with white convers. Her hair is up in a plaited bun at the back of her head. "Ready to go?" I asked her. "Yep. I need my coffee, probably an addiction by now" she laughed.
We left our dorm and started to walk down to the great hall having fun banter as we were going through the entrance hall. Many people stopped and stared. I wouldn't believe it either if I saw Lily Evans walking with James potter and not trying to strangle him.
Lily's POV
As we walked into the great hall I was met with the familiar stares that we got from the entrance. I walked over to my friends who were sitting with the marauders. I sat next to Alice and Remus and poured myself a large cup of coffee.
"Lily leave some coffee for me" Remus said as I poured myself a second cup in about 10 minutes. "How do you even like that stuff?" A very disgusted looking Mary asked. "Just because you dont like it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't Mar" Remus said as he poured himself another cup. "Would you like some?" He questioned. "Nah I'll stick to my tea please and thank you" she said as she grabbed the milk.
"So I was thinking" james spoke up. "That's a first" Sirius chuckled at his own joke. "Hilarious" James deadpaned. "Do you guys want to meet up in our common room at around 4 O'clock to play truth or dare?" He asked. "Yeah sure" Peter, Remus and Sirius said at the exact same time. Without looking up from there food the four marauders highfived eachother and went back to eating. Scary.
When 4 o'clock came the marauders, me, Marly, Mar, Alice and tonks (who came along for the laugh) were all spread out across our common room.
"Ok so Sirius truth or dare?" I asked him. He smirked and unsurprisingly said dare. "I dare you to hug mcGonagal everytime you see her." "Please that's like Tuesdays for me". He then went on saying that he planned to propose to her on there 1 year anniversary, ew. "Ok Remus t or d?" "Marauders dare are never good... truth"
"Your no fun Moony. Oh well. Who to you have a crush on?" Lupin blushed magenta "forfeit" he said. "What's forfeit?" Alice asked. "It's basically another question or dare that you must do" James explained. "Ok Moony, who was your first kiss?" Oh god. "Can I have another question?" "Nope it's a forfeit". "Ok then don't murder me" he said with his hand over his mouth. "It was Lily". The room went quiet for just a second but the silence was ended by Sirius and Tonks. In about 5 seconds the whole room was in tears. "How did it happen!!" Marly managed to choke out through the never ending laughter. "We were in the library and I fell and I just happened to bring Lily down with me. She landed on top of me and when she was trying to get up. I honestly have no idea what happened but a second later we were kissing. We literally just said nothing about it then. Things were akward for about a year." He explained which only brought more laughter.
The game continued and eventually it was my turn to be asked. Mar turned to me and smirked " you have to say all the people you have snogged"
Oh Shit. "There was Remus, Lyol, Diggory who may I just say was the worst snog I've ever had. Even worse than Remus. No offence" "some taken". "Then last year there was that boy stephen from hufflepuff. And that's it"
We ended up all saying who our first kiss was. It started at Marlene. "Second year Amos Diggory". Oh god. Next was Alice. "Rory Finnegan in 2nd year." "ha". "Not funny Mar. It was weird and wet" oh my lord. Next was Mary, "Dorcas Meadows in 3rd year." "Awwww you two would be so great together." "Shut up Lily and I knooooooooww! But she's with that Lincon girl from Ravenclaw". Oh well next was me. "Remus as you all know" "aww I was your first kiss Lily? What an honour". "Shut up sloppy tongue" "Lily!". "What!?". After laughing about that next was Sirius. "Hmmmm" he stroked his chin. "I think it was some 4th year when I was in first year". "Was it that one that you kept saying nice arse to until she kissed you to make you shut up". I could practically hear the smirk in James' voice. "No that was 2nd year." "James your next." "I think it was Emile Vance in 2nd year". "Is that the one who follows you around like a puppy?" I asked. " yeah she's this years prefect with Remus.". "If she talks about you during our rounds I will hex her and then you". "Yikes, I really dont think she can talk about anything else" Tonks grimaced.
Next was Dora. "It was Lockhart on a dare in 4th year. Worst snog I've ever had." I shivered. Lockhart is like a young James potter. Constantly asking me out. I've given up going down to the great hall for breakfast on valentines day because no matter how many times I tell him I'm allergic he always gives me 7 Lily's. Why 7? I honestly have no clue. Thankfully it's not more though. If there is too many Lily's around me i could have seizures (but they are not commmon) or my lungs could stop and I would usually have to use my epi pen. Unfortunately for me my epi pen doesn't work in Hogwarts so I have to go to the hospital wing to get potions if anything goes wrong. Thankfully nothing has happened in Hogwarts yet. Just a few hospital wing visits for trouble breathing or rashes.
"I'm so sorry for you. He literally thinks he is the best wizard on the planet." James said with a look of disgust on his face. "Did you know that he removed all of the bones in Diggory's leg once after he broke his foot after a party". I couldn't help but laugh at that. James really knew how to make me laugh. He is always so sweet and kind..... and handsome. I'm not even going to correct myself there. He is really good looking. All the marauders bar peter are though.
Lastly was Peter. I was surprised that he actually had kissed someone. "Bonnie Parkinson in 3rd year." Oh a slytherin wasnt expecting that from a marauder. "You kissed a......" Marlene trailed off. "Yes Marly. He kissed an actual human being. A girl at that, I wonder how he did it...". I laughed. Wow I'm laughing so much today! That's a weird thought. Bit really I barely even smiled over the summer since.... well since what happened.
"Hey I've kissed more people than Lily!" "Really?" I asked incredulously. "Well no but I could have. I've kissed 3 people. That's one less than Lily and she kissed Remus and that shouldn't count because, well its Remus! No offence bro." "Once again some taken"
We continued to play truth or dare and by the end of it, 2 bottles of fire whiskey was drank, Alice and Peter were passed out on the couch, Sirius was wearing one of my bikini tops (I have no idea when he got that) and Remus and Tonks were playing chess in the corner. James was refereeing the match and was commentating in his extremely drunken state.
Eventually Sirius and Marlene passed out on the carpet in a tangle of Limbs, Remus and Mary went back to the Gryffindor dorms and Tonks was going to stay the night with them. Tonks didnt have any friends in hufflepuff. I have no idea why, she has a great sense of humour, she's incredibly pretty and she has a cool ability that most wizards and witches don't have. I really liked her. I also know that Remus really likes her. I try to get her to hang out with the Remus as much as possible. Whether by inviting her to the library of just abandoning her with him at hogsmede for a while. They seem to get along really well. (A.N. Get ready for this lads) There might be something there that wasnt there before.
Just to let you know that I dont own Harry Potter. At all. Whatsoever. I am not jk Rowling. Unless my parents are lying to me. 😕.
I dont own any of the pictures either by the way. Just thought you ought to know. *dramatically faints* Anyhow hope you are enjoy my story so far and thanks for reading. Luv you all.
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