the cupboard
An. It's been way too long I've been so busy I'm sorry I'll try to update more often. Also loving how we are in June but oh well it's Christmas still here. Time to move on. Ha just kidding christmas is forever. Also im free from hell, sorry school. so chapters every week im hoping!
Tw: blood and emotion I guess.
After having a questionable nights sleep Lily woke up on the 24th of December. Oh great. Her sister was getting married today. It was only half six in the morning so Marlene wouldnt be up for another six hours, Remus another two, Peter two and a half, James four and a half and Sirius seven or eight hours on a good day. She decided she would get started on sending gifts to her family to be under the tree that night. Her thoughts drifted back to the house she was currently in. She hadnt seen any decorations up, and they still had to decorate the room for the Boxing day ball.
She'd be going home early on the 26th as Petunia would be on her Honeymoon with Vermin, whoops what a mix up her thoughts just corrected themselves, Vernon. So she could finally have a conversation about safety with the. Ever since Rachel, her cousin had been murdered, it was a constant thought on the teens mind. Currently being the only muggleborn at hogwarts made her a victim and her family.
She started wrapping her mothers present first. It was a hamper of all her favourite chocolates, bath salts, hair products and makeup kits that they sold in hogsmead. Her mother always found it hard to find the right makeup for her skin so Lily bought her magic makeup which was much easier.
Next she packed her fathers gift. He was very interested on the workings of magic, such as the magically expanded bag Lily carried around with her. She had tried to explain the undectectable expansion charm ro him multiple times but he was just more facinated by the bag itself. So for this Christmas she made bought him a wallet with his initials on it and placedthe charm on the object and she put different wizarding sweets in it for him to try.
She found it extremely difficult to shop for her sister as anything magical would start an argument, so Lily settled in getting her some notepads, a cook book and some gardening equipment. she wrapped it in a pretty yellow crepe paper and tied it with a red bow.
She then took out a small pristine white bag, put a bejewelled picture frame in of the soon to be wedded couple and she added some fake petunia flowers on the frame. A tear fell down her face but she wiped it quickly so it wouldnt go further than her nose. She sniffed and started to write the card.
Dear Tunie,
I remember when we were younger and you would plan your wedding to a sinch. You would talk about all of the flowes and how they would be set in arangments of four flowers per bunch.
There would be Roses for Mum, You would have the Petunias, Dad would have the Sweet Williams and for me you would put Andromedas because you didnt want me to go into an allergic reaction at your wedding, and andromedas were close to lillies.
I hope your day is as amazing as you planned and i know you dont want me there but could you send me a picture, i know how beautiful you would look in your dress.
Have an amazing time with Vernon in new york and feel free to write to me any time.
She quickly sealed the envalope so she wouldnt have to re-read the letter. She put all the gifts in a large Christmas bag and placed a shrinking charm that she had created herself on the bag. The spell made the object that the spell was casted upon lighter and smaller, to undo the spell you just had to say the key word. She then called for Marlene's owl, Treaky, and tied the now smaller bag onto it's claw. She added a tag with the key word onto the bag that read 'spitfire'
Lily's father called her that due to the colour of her hair and her love for plants.
She went to send treaky on his way but the owl persistently nipped at her finger until she realised the owl wanted some of the treats Marlene gave him before every flight.
She smiled at the bird for a second before it bit her finger again and she got up.
"Cheeky owl" she murmured to herself before leaving to wake her friend.
Lily walked into Marlenes room and opened her blinds to reveal the bright winter sun. The scottish girl just groaned and turned her face into her pillow, her wild curls behind her in a halo.
"Marls where to you keep Treaky's treats? I need him to deliver presents."
Marlene just grumbled into her pillow again, something Lily couldnt distinguish.
"Come again?"
"Cupboard under the stairs" and she promptly passed back out. Lily just sighed and walked back out of her room.
When she made it too the bottom of the stairs Fleamont and Marie were already eating breakfast.
"Good morning dear. What are you doing up so early?" Lily jumped in surprise as she hadnt noticed the older Potter's on her way down.
"Goodness you scared me. Good morning Mr. And Mrs. Potter. I always wake up this early. Have to get things done" she smiled.
"Please no more of the Mr. And Mrs. Potter you make us feel old" Fleamont chuckled so Lily nodded in agreement.
"I just need to grab Marlene's owl treats from the cupboard. I hope you dont mind?" She asked.
Maria stuffed a piece of toast in the teens hand.
"Oh thank you" Lily said in surprise.
"And of course dear. Only thing is we moved all the owl care to the second floor. There is a room to the right of James and Sirius' bedroom. Be careful there could be a few of those pesky little pixies in there" Lily smiled and nodded as she started to make her way upstairs.
She saw the two marauders room and on the right of it, a large dark brown oak door. The door handle looked older than the rest of the handles on the floor.
She sighed and creaked open the door only to be attacked by a cloud of dust. She coughed and waved her hands through the air to blow some of the dust away. The room was dark, the only light was through a small tinted window at the very bottom of the room.
The first thing she noticed was the chills that went through her. There wasnt anything scary in the room, only a few chairs, a cupboard and some bird cages a food dishes. She looked around for a few minutes but she couldn't find the owl treats. She then went over to the wooden locker and opened it to see if they were in one of the drawers. What she wasnt expecting was the shadowy black wisp that emerged from it.
"Shit" she whispered to herself.
A boggart. And her wand was in her room. She decided the best course of action was to just run from the room, until she heard the voice.
"Lily. You said you would help me"
It's fake. It's not real. It's not real. She isn't here.
She tried to make a run for the door again.
"Lily where are you going you said you could help me. But you didnt. You couldnt."
The voice grew much quieter.
"Or maybe... you just didnt want to?"
Lily decided to face the voice. Maybe she could use wandless magic she had been practicing.
She turned and every thought of defending herself was lost. Her brain was empty, void of any thoughts she had.
'Rachel' stood exactly the way she would stand in real life. Her arms were crossed across her chest and one of her feet was lay behind the other. The only thing was the sinister look on her cousins face.
"You arent real. Rachel us gone" Lilys voice broke with emotion.
It felt as if something was trapping all the air in her throat. It was hard to breath and atmosphere was thick.
"Sorry. This scene hit too close to home?" The smirk on the boggart disappeared and the scene changed to Lilys worst nightmare.
She could see the flash of green light and Rachel's body hit the floor. But the there was another and Alice's body lay on top of her cousins. The flashes continued aswell as the constant screams. On from the boggart and from Lily.
Why is it so real?
"PLEASE STOP!" She cried sinking into her knees as Mary's body fell on top of Marlenes.
"THIS ISNT REAL. NOTHING IS REAL" she sobbed and then screamed again as she tried to catch her mothers body before it hit the pile. A of their eyes were blank and still but their mouths were moving in sync with eachother, all facing the red head. The same phrase being whispered.
"Lily couldnt save us, or maybe she didnt want to" the whispering got louder as more bodies piled.
Remus', then Sirius' and Peter's, all of them repeating the phrase. The killing curse never left a mark but there was huge streaks of blood on their faces and body. It was horrific and terrifying that this could be a scene she may have to witness. It was a war.
"please just stop it. Ridikulous. Ridik-" she couldnt finish as more loud sobs made their way through. There was only one body not on the pile.
When he entered the scene he was normal. There were no signs of abnormalities and that's what was so scary.
The chanting was still growing in volume from the large bloddy pile of her loved ones behind.
"I would have given my life for anyone on this pile" James told her.
The next movements were quick.his face filled with anger and he swung at her, fist closed, making her dive into the pile of cages to avoid him. She groaned as blood trickled down her forehead and arms from the sharp metal.
"I didnt mean to" she gasped and cried to the figure closing in on her.
Boggarts weren't meant to be so complicated. Was she really so weak that she had so many fears?
"Dont lie Evan's" his voice was so angry and loud. She just started silently crying again.
She made a third attempt to reach the door and succeeded, running straight into James potter's arms.
Fear instantly ran through her. It was all an illusion. She's not out yet. How could she be so stupid to leave her wand upstairs.
"Hey hey hey it's ok. It's ok. Whats wrong flower?" James asked concerned his eyebrows scrunching up as he stroked her hair.
"No it's not real" she just sobbed. It was all some sick illusion the boggart was playing at.
"Lily-flower I can assure you this handsome face is very much real" Sirius smirked beside her.
"Lily just try to copy my breathing. I'm right here" he placed her hand on his chest. Sirius left to give then some privacy.
She felt his heart beating. He was here for her. She took breaths in time with the rise and fall of his chest and lay her head on his shoulder.
James had just woken up to hear screaming from the next door. He tried to pry it open but there was something magical blocking the door.
When they finally got it open Lily just pounced into his arms and continued sobbing.
"You're bleeding!" He exclaimed.
"The boggart attacked me."
They made eye contact that couldn't be broken. Lily could count every shade of green and brown in his eyes. There was even a speck of yellow in his left. They held so much comfort, compassion and kindness within. And when he smiled gently at her his eyes crinkled in the corner. He was so amazing. She loved him. She loved him. Lily almost felt light headed. It was as if realisation struck her. She knew this now but how long had she been in love? How could she have never not loved him? Her face heated up at the thoughts and the tips of her ears were tinted pink.
James looked down at Lily and into her eyes. Her beautiful emerald green eyes that looked like gemstones he would see in his mothers jewelry box. She was so brave and smart. He just wanted to hold her and hug her. He loved her. There was no question on it. They had such a great dynamic. Whether it was just waking up and sharing a bathroom, to doing homework together in the evening. Even just walking ti class together. Their relationship was so easy. And no matter how many times he's told himself to move on, to find someone new. To get over the red haired beauty, he couldnt. It was almost as if he was drawn to her, like a magnet. He noticed her blush and that made him blush aswell. Hen he remembered the gashes that carved into her skin.
"Let's get you cleaned up" he told her.
"No I can do it myself dont wo-" he cut her off again by grabbing her hand and leading her downstairs.
His parents had already left to go to work leaving the teens home by themselves.
"Just sit on the counter I need to get the first aid kit"
She hopped onto the side of the marble counter and waited for James to return.
'What do I do? He's going to be so close to me I'm so confused already and now he's going to be right in my face and his lips- oh my Merlin his lips will be so close to mine what if I just-'
Her obsessive thoughts were shut out when the other teen strolled back onto the kitchen with a small smile on his face.
"I'll do your arms first"
"Thank you" she whispered in return.
The alcohol stung the cuts for a few seconds but she knew it was necessary to prevent infection.
"Ok your arms have been wrapped now we can do your forehead. They arent deep so I just need to clean them. Do you mind?" He shyly nodded towards her legs so he could stand in between them. His face was tinted pink and Lily created the mental image already.
He started cleaning the wounds and the yelped when the disinfectant made contact with the scratches. He automatically hugged her without thinking.
"Sorry Lils"
She just nodded and he went back to the injuries.
He finally finished and the both sighed.
"You didnt have to do that. But thank you"
It's now or never she thought and leaned in to kiss him, but backed out last minute so she just kissed his cheek.
"You missed" he murmured
"What?" She questioned, her face full of confusion.
"Fuck it"
He pulled her in for a chaste kiss and for a second she didnt move. Just as he was about to pull away, she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
When they broke apart they lay their foreheads together and both smiled contentedly.
"How did we get here?" She laughed.
Also: Jily bitches. It's happening. There will be about 7 chapters left in this book.
Long wait I'm sorry bout that.
Love you all!!
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