night memories and the potions git
A.N) I have no updating schedule. Probably should have one.
Is once a week enough or should I do more?
Also please feel free to share your opinion, good or bad, about the story. Love you all ❤.
Lily's POV
I read the letter that Petunia sent me. Holy shit my sister hates me. I guess I always knew that she didnt like me, but hate?
I couldn't contain the emotions I was feeling so i put on my blank face and ran. I threw my beautiful flower filled bracelet into the box and made my way to our dorm.
"Oi mudblood, who are you running from?" I heard some slytherin cackle amongst their group of laughing cronies. I shot a quick hex over my shoulder. Next thing you know she's on the ground crying laughing while rolling around. "YOU'LL *GIGGLE* PAY *GIGGLE* FOR THIS" she spat out inbetween fits of laughter.
When I got to my common room I found Marlene already there, looking at me with sadness. But no pity. I hate being pitied. After a few exploded vases I was calm again.
Time skip to the next day. Brought to you by your fabulous author.
I didnt go to dinner that night because I knew If I did I'd have to face everyone who read that letter. Hell most of them didnt even know I had a sister. So I went straight to my room and told Marlene to leave and go have dinner. I organised all my books for the next day and got my small leather satchel ready on my desk. I checked the time and it was half 10. Where did the time go? I don't have heads duty for the first weekend. I got into bed with my beautiful silk sheets and fell asleep almost instantly. Well I had a good 5 hours sleep until the nightmares came. It was just gone half 3 when they came. I woke up screaming and crying like I usually do. I was prepared for them so I put up silencing charms in advance so I didnt wake James. It was the same as usual. I was outside my aunt's house kicking a ball around with Rachel. Then the sky went all dark. Rachel lived in the country with no houses or shops for miles, so my aunt and uncle went food shopping leaving me and Rach at the house. It was a warm day, maybe 25° outside so there was no reason for it to be this dark. Then a green light flashed by my face missing me by mere centimetres. Then a whole battle broke out. It was me against 5 death eaters in their mask and cloaks. I was screaming at Rachel to take cover and to run. I took down 4 of the death eaters and was in the middle of fighting the 5th when he fell to the ground after I hit him with a stinging hex. I immediately said the incantation and my beautiful doe patronus burst from my wand. I was shouting into it about how there was 5 death eaters in a front garden. I gave them my location. I didnt see the 5th death eater getting up. "Crucio" whe spoke. Not that I heard him I was on the ground. All I felt was pain and more pain. Like white hot knives carving me from the inside out. After around 10 minutes he stopped. The pain didnt leave, it just lessened. I saw him turn to Rachel who was hiding behind the small slide in the garden. "No please dont." I croaked out, my voice strained from screaming. I heard him say the first word. No no no. I used the last bit of remaining energy I had to stand up and block his dark curse. I collapsed back on the ground. "Crucio". For the second time that afternoon I wa son the ground shaking and screaming. It stopped and I tried to get up again. "AVADA KEDAVRA" he shouted and Rachel collapsed on the ground. Dead. That's when I wake up.
I couldn't go back to sleep so i took out my book and started to read.
When my alarm went off I got up and left to go to the shower.
I got out of bed and left the room and went straight to the bathroom. I learned from my last years of school that James always gets up 40 minutes after I do so I don't have to worry about being walked in on. I got my shower and dried my hair with my wand. I brushed my teeth and went ot get dressed. Then I remember that I didnt bring clothes. Well shoot. It's ok i still have 10 minutes before James comes down and i have a towel. I grab my towel and wrap it securely around myself. Then i made a run across the common room.
I was half way across when I heard a whistle. I turn around and who's there but Sirius, Remus and Peter. Remus looked mortified as did Peter but Sirius just looked amused. "Oh em hi what are you doing?" I asked while pulling my very short towel down. "Just scoping out the hot almost naked chicks" Remus slapped Sirius across the head and looked away. I coughed and started to slowly backed up the stairs, not wanting to turn around and show off anything else. "Well you leave nothing to my imagination, no wonder James liked ya" I blushed tomato red and started going faster. When I got to the top of the stairs I was out of sight I heard the boys talking again. "Well she left not much to the imagination" I heard Remus say breathing through his teeth. Surprising and then I heard Peter. "She's hot". "If I wanted that I'd tap that" ew Sirijust disgusting. I shot a hex at Sirius and he yelped. A little like a puppy. "You wicked witch" he shouted at me.
I got dressed and came downstairs to still see Sirius, Remus and peter on the couch except this time they were joined by James. "And her legs James. Her legs they were awesome. "I swear to god Sirius black. Comment on my body again and you'll lose a limb." He paled and turned to Remus. "Remus the mean lady hurt my feelings" he sobbed dramatically. I rolled my eyes I left the common room to walk to breakfast.
I got my time table. It went like this for today
Ancient R.
Care of magical creatures
Care of magical creatures
Free period
Free time
All students must be in there common room by half 8 every night with the exception of prefects and heads.
Ok. I finnished my breakfast and went it wait outside the potions room. I saw snape waiting outside the class room. We have potions with the slytherins. This year is just so splendid. Haha. I'm actually going mad. Slughorn showed up and let us all I'm the room. I sat beside Remus up the top while the other marauders sat down the bottom. "I'm sorry for earlier Lily, Sirius can be an absolute prat sometimes" he apologized. "It's all ok Remus. You're my friend, and as much as I hate to admit it so is Sirius." I grimaced. Me and Sirius had a lot in common and I actually really liked him. He was like my big brother. Like literally he called me his baby sister when he was mad drunk the other day. Me and Sirius got along quite well before this year though. I found him in the common room one night with tears on his face. It was after he was disowned. He got the letter of his mother saying he was officially out of the family and that he could bit make contact with his brother. I comforted him and he told me his problems. I never knew things were that bad in the Black house hold. We were actually quite close after that. He came along with me and Remus during out study sessions sometimes.
Slughorn explained the curriculum for this year and went to put is in pairs for the year.
"Ok. I'm putting all of you names in a hat and I will call out your name. You will pick out a name and they will be your partner for the year. No changes or exceptions now. Remus is can pick first."
He looked worried for a split second then he relaxed a bit. "Sirius" "MOOOOOONY YAY. WE'RE PARTNERS!" "Mr. Black, do be quiet in this room" slughorn exclaimed over Sirius' noise. "Ok Lily your turn" please dont be- "can I pick again sir" I pleaded. James looked at me in confusion. "No my dear, who did you get?" "Snape" I grimaced. "Ah the potions dream team" he smiled. I had to hold back a gag. I picked up my stuff and sat beside the slimy git. The furthest I could away. "Lily please I'm so-" "save it. I will be professional but you will not talk to me unless you need something to do with the potion" I snapped back at him.
James got paired with Frank and peter with Emile Vance. I didnt really care about anyone else.
"Now turn to page 394 and start making your shrinking potion. You have till the end of the next class" slughorns voice boomed through the class room. This was going to be a long long year.
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