meeting on the platform
Lily POV
I can't believe it. I'm in my last year at hogwarts. Im walking through kings cross station by myself for the first time. I guess I'm 17 this should be a normal thing, but I am nowhere near normal. You see I'm a witch, I go to Hogwarts school of witchcraft with my best friends Marlene McKinnon, Alice prewett and Mary Macdonald. It's really not fair they all look like models. Marlene with her mad curly blonde hair that just stays in place in its elegant ringlets and her curvy figure. Alice and her petite figure and gorgeous face, and last but not least Mary with her super model body. Me? I have red wavy hair that falls down to my bum and pale skin that's covered in freckles that goes red with any emotion and my green eyes which stand out like a horse in a crowd of sheep. People think my eyes are pretty or just think they're contact lenses. Or as James bloody Potter says "they look like a thousand emeralds". Oh please they look like grass. Attractive right? Note my sarcasm. Now where was I? Ah yes I'm a muggle born witch that goes to a magical school. Unfortunately for me there is a raging war going on in the wizarding world and people like me are at risk. A mad lad who goes my the name 'Lord Voldemort' is going around murdering muggle born and anyone who gets in the way of stopping him from getting power. Disgusting right? What no one knows is that Voldemorts followers have been attacking my house constantly for the past summer. I have my protection wards up and I hope it's enough to protect my family. I'm 17 so I can use magic outside of school now. Yay. I have a secret about the summer that's quite traumatic. No one knows only my family but some people are about to find out fairly soon. Not that I know that yet. Stupid inside voice.
I run through the wall between platform 9 and 10 with my cart and my beautiful brown owl curtis only to ram right into someone else's cart. This leads to me, clumsily as always, to topple over the side of my cart knocking over the person at the receiving end of my hit. I really just wanted to get on the train and go meet my friends. It's not that I'm an introvert or anything I just have a short temper that can go off easily and I really dont want to scare the new first years.
"Oh my god I am so sorry I wasnt looking where I was going are you alright-" my rambling was cut off as I noticed who I was currently collapsed on. James.fucking.potter himself was looking up at me with his usual lopsided smirk. I quickly jump off him, mentally cursing myself for being so nice. "Sup Evans" he says while getting up and fixing his red jumper. I take a second to take in his appearance. He is incredibly tall at around 6ft 3, which hair that looks like he stuck his head out a window of a car going 100 kilometres an hour, so messy uggh. He wears these cute little rectangle glasses that keep slipping down his face. Wait Lily cute!! I internally scold myself. He is wearing a red jumper and just some normal black Jeans, most girls would say he is the most handsome boy in the school, and they wouldn't be so wrong he is a fairly good looking fella with his eyes that I just made out to be a really pretty hazel colour, not mud brown like I thought. I only then realised that I was still on the ground of the station staring at him. I coughed and went to get up only to trip over case and fall back down. "Oi Lily-flower hows it going down there" I can practically hear Sirius blacks, or manwhore as I call him, grin as I get up and fix my cases. "Oh is that Marlene?" I say jokingly. "What, where is she? Is my hair ok? Will someone please tell me!! HOW'S THE HAIR!?" He screams the last part while looking around frantically for any sight of the curly haired witch. "Just messing with ya" I say while holding in a laugh "say you dont like her, do you Sirius?" James says with a smirk. "What. No I dont like her. Who's Marlene . What's a woman?"
"Really Sirius" a voice behind me makes me jump. "Jesus Alice you terrified me" I say as I get up to hug her. Her medium length blonde hair is in a high ponytail and she has really big hoop earrings in. 'So Alice' I think as we separate. "Bye Potter, bye Black I have a heads meeting to go to." I forgot to mention I'm head girl. Hmm I wonder who head boy is. Probably Remus. I really like Remus, he's my study partner and we were prefects together for the last 2 years. We are actually quite close. I know he's a werewolf and to be honest I dont give a damn. I once found him folding his socks. Such a werewolf thing to do.
Me and Alice get on the train and leave to find Mary and Marlene. When we do find them they're in a compartment with 4 other people. 'Great' I think. We open the door and who is there but none other that the marauders. They all look really uncomfortable for some reason. I looked over at Remus and he just nodded towards the corner of the compartment there I see Marlene and Sirius snogging eachothers faces off. Ew. But I mean I've been tryinto get them together for ages but still it's just, Ew. "Well anyways hi Remus, Peter. They greet me and Alice and we sit down. Me inbetween Remus and Peter.(🤢🤮)
Peter pettigrew is a chubby, short boy who was unlucky in the looks department. I never really spoke to him, he always just seemed kinda off to me. He has sandy coloured hair and watery blue eyes. His eyes were so much less impressive than his 3 tall very handsome friends. James with his hazel eyes that in a weird way always sparkled.
Remus with his eyes that almost looked like ocean waves due to the colour shifts in them from a dark navy blue to a light turquoise. And then Sirius with his striking grey eyes that contrasts with his long black silky hair that anyone would kill for.
We talk about multiple random things and I came to realise that the marauders are actually quite funny. It actually was nice to have a distraction about what happened over the summer.
(A.n) hiya this is my first chapter of this story. I would really appreciate some feedback good or bad just to tell me what I should change. For the first few chapters I'm just trying to find my writing style. Thanks love you all 💗
Also knock knock
Who's there?
Obv not J.k Rowling because she wrote the Harry Potter series not me
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