it's Halloween you rag tag team of bitches!
If you cant read the title because it's too long it says "it's Halloween you rag tag team of bitches" this is a two part chapter. This one will be focused on Lily and her friends and the next is about the "rag tag team of bitches"
(Edit holy shit I forgot to upload this. I'm sorry if it's not Halloween anymore where you're from but in Ireland *hello my beautiful Irish people* I have an hour left!)
3rd person/lily if you know what I mean POV
Ah. In the beautiful castle of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and wizardry a certain group of 2 english nerds, 1 Scottish beauty, and a magnificent Lesbian (I thought you were American?) We're all in deep slumber. Twas 1 o clock in the after noon when The curly haired red head woke up. After Lily was stood up by the good lookin', raven haired, glasses wearing, crooked grin, man of every girls dreams (except Lily's), marauder, she and the other girls decided to eat chocolate drink wine and curse every man in existence. Although they all know of the love potion it was still a turning point where Lily understood that she and james were just not meant to be. She could even understand why that thought could even cross her mind. We could still be friends she thought to herself. Yes. We could. Just friends.
At half one she decided to wake the other girls. "WAKEY WAKEY CHILDREN IT'S TIME FOR LUNCH" as it was miraculously Saturday because of the Authors Laziness, lunch was served earlier than usual.
Marlene turned over to see Lily right infront of her face, holding 2 advil and a glass of water. As hungover as they all were, they've already missed breakfast and are seriously looking forward to their sunday lunch.
"Oooh I hope there's pudding" Alice whispered to herself a bit louder than she wanted to. The other girls laughed at their shy friend and got dressed.
Lily into her grey sweater, black Jean's and her convers.
She decided that she'd leave her her in it's natural wavy curly state.
Alice put on her sunflower dress and her doc martens. She put a flower crown in her hair and left it straight, not bothered to style it.
Mary put on her Jeans and a purple hoodie, leaving her hair in her braids
Marlene just stayed in her pyjamas and left for breakfasts and still managed to look like someone from a catalogue.
"Ay I look like me ma" she complained. "I would kill ti look like your mother Marls" Lily told her as they walked their way to the great hall ignoring any and all stares they got. The usually gang of well dressed ladies looked like a group of women in their 40's coming home from cocktail night at the strip club, All while looking sexy at the same time?
After they ate and talked with the marauders. Dumbledore stood up to make his speech only to be interrupted by Sirius as usual by screaming SPEECH at the top of his lungs. "Thank you mister Black. Now as you know tomorrow is the Halloween feast and Ball. Remeber it is a masquerade ball. No one can no your identity. Adds to the sun I think" he hummed to himself for a minute. "Now ladies and gents you will find a suit or dress in your dorm depending on your preference which was taken into consideration the second you entered the school. You unfortunately cannot change the colour but a pair has been set up for you but all of the teachers in the school. You and your partner will be given a colour and you will find your partner at the ball. You will make new friends or simply meet up with present or past friends." With a twinkle of the eye and a small wave he dismissed everyone from the hall.
Because the ball was a surprise by the teachers James, Lily and the rest of the prefects wont have to organise or decorate. The ball is for 4th years and over for plot convenience.
Deadpool: stop breaking the forth wall that's my job!!
Me: what the fhuuuuccc
Lily and her team of bad asses made their way back to their dorm to go see what coloured dresses they got.
Lily turned off just before the Gryffindor common room to go to the heads dorm. Whispering the password she stepped in. "Lily flower I'm not high" Sirius slurred from the couch next to Remus. "He actually isn't. Just very very drunk. On weed" Remus whispered from beside him smiling dreamily from his place of the couch. Peter was asleep on his face at the edge of the common room near the bathroom and james was lounged on the back of the couch like a cat behind the two other very high teens.
She just slowly nodded and okayed herself to her room where on her bed lay the emerald green long ball gown. It had pockets (hell yes) and a belt of silver gem stones around the waited that was sinched just a bit. It had mid way sleeves that were kinda just flowing from her shoulders. It was a gorgeous dress. The colour made her eyes look even more vibrant which she didnt like. That was it though. The dress was just spectacular. It made her hair look like a fiery Auburn sea. She couldnt wait to see the other girls and show her the dress. The mask that came with it was the same colour as the dress with the same type of gems on the frame of it.
Downstairs James and Sirius were having a staring contest but both had their eyes closed. Remus was cheering on Sirius telling him that he'll ask Marlene out for him if he wins. They all eventually passed out. Sirius manage to win the staring contest after James accidentally opened his eyes to blink.
I have so may fucking exams to do. And it's no longer Halloween. I'm sorry and I'm gonna try and upload later today. I have half a chapter written and it's actually look fairly smexy. HAPPY HALLOWEEN YOU RAG TAG TEAM OF BITCHES!
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