Chapter Four
"You ready to go?" I asked, sticking my head around the corner from the bathroom. I frowned when I saw Brad with his laptop out.
"Babe, I'm sorry, but something came up with work and I need to handle it."
"But you're on vacation. Isn't someone else supposed to be handling it?"
He waved me away. "Just go without me. I don't want you to miss out."
"It's one waterfall hike and it's not long. Can't we do this first and then you spend a couple hours working?"
Brad looked up and gave me that cold stare, the one that meant he was starting to get fed up with me. "It's time sensitive. We have plenty of other days to hike together."
"Brad, this is really important to me."
"What's so important about this waterfall?"
"It's about spending time together! I wanted this trip to be just us. No work, no friends or other people. Exploring a new place together, good food, sex, just being together."
"We spend plenty of time together."
"No, we don't. You're always working, or you want to go out with your friends, or you've got some event to go to."
"My career is important to me. My friends are important to me. So are my hobbies and the ways I choose to relax when I'm not working."
"Am I important to you?"
"Oliver, I don't have time for this," he said, his voice hard and growing louder. "I'm tired of having this same argument, over and over. I'm on a trip with you for two weeks. I'm sacrificing all of those other things in order to be with you."
I could feel myself shutting down. I hated when he raised his voice and got angry with me. I hated when he made me feel like I was the one who was wrong, and like he was making a huge sacrifice to spend time with me. Like spending time with me was a chore, just another box he had to check on his to-do list. Just something else he had to fit into his schedule.
"Okay, I'll see you later," I said, grabbing my backpack and walking out of our room. I didn't wait for a reply.
I could go on the hike by myself, but I wasn't as familiar with the area. Or with hiking, since I hadn't done a lot of it in California. And I wanted someone by my side to experience it with me. Frustrated, I stood by our rental car and pulled up a map so I could get directions to the trailhead.
It was then that I remembered Cooper from the plane. He did live around here, and he'd been so friendly. I know we talked about me reaching out, but would it be weird if I did? Deciding that I didn't have any other options, I figured it was at least worth a shot.
"Hey, it's Oliver from the plane. I planned on Marymere Falls today, but Brad can't come with me. Are you interested?"
I sent the text, and then immediately second guessed it. Cooper could be working. Or with family. Or doing anything else. I probably wouldn't even get a response for hours. Even worse, we'd only talked about me reaching out for recommendations. Asking him to hike with me was a lot more than that. Would he remember me? Would he want to meet up with a stranger?
I sighed and leaned against the car, preparing to wait a few minutes before I gave up and took a walk around the harbor instead. I hoped that somehow this day would get better.
My phone vibrated on my coffee table. When I picked it up to look I didn't recognize the number, but I saw the name 'Oliver' within the text. I smiled, but then that smile faded as I read his message. His douchebag of a boyfriend had already ditched him.
I replied right away. "Oliver! Great to hear from you. Sorry about Brad, but I'd love to join. When are you going?"
It didn't take long for him to respond. "You sure? Hope I'm not bothering you. I can go anytime today."
"Not bothering me. A hike sounds great. Meet you there in an hour?"
"See you then! And thank you."
I got up and grabbed one of my hiking backpacks. It was half packed already, and all I had to do was throw in water, food, and anything else I might need. It would be nice to see Oliver again, and to get outside for a hike. It was turning out to be a beautiful day, with more blue sky than clouds.
As I pulled into the parking area, I drove slowly. I didn't know what kind of rental car Oliver had. Worst case, I'd wait for him on the sidewalk near the bathrooms. I parked my truck and got my pack out, and I spotted a brunette guy getting out of a car a few spots away.
Oliver was cuter than I remembered. His medium brown hair was perfectly styled, and his chestnut colored eyes were large, soft, and warm. They were eyes I knew I could get lost in, and I reminded myself that he had a boyfriend and he was only visiting. He was off limits in more ways than one. When he saw me and smiled, the dimple appeared in his left cheek. Even if he wasn't off limits, he was way too cute for me. I imagined he'd go for a guy who looked like a Ken doll, rather than a bearded, tattooed guy who looked like a lumberjack.
I forced myself to stop thinking of him as a potential boyfriend and walked over. "I'm glad you texted! I was just hanging around the house today, so I'm happy to get out and do something."
"Oh, good," Oliver said. "I was worried I was bothering you or that maybe you were working. I didn't want you to feel obligated to come."
"I'm not working yet. I won't have another fishing job for months. Usually I help out at my dad's logging business in the meantime, but I wanted to take a week off, sort of as my own vacation."
"Well, thanks for doing this. Brad had something come up with work and said he couldn't go. I could have gone by myself but I'm kind of a beginner when it comes to hiking."
"You would have been fine. It's an easy trail and it's only two miles, but I understand wanting to go with someone. I can be your personal tour guide."
Oliver smiled at me. "That sounds great."
We started down the path, going by the shore of Lake Crescent before walking through a small tunnel under the road to get to the forest on the other side. I talked about the lake as Oliver stopped to take a few pictures. He seemed interested in hearing about Olympic National Park and the climate around here.
"It's so different from California," he said, looking around at the trees and moss. "It's beautiful."
"The rainforests on the peninsula get over one hundred inches of rain each year. You're going to see a ton of moss."
"It makes everything look so green." He stopped in front of the tree on the other side of the road. "Woah, the branches are covered in moss. And there are ferns growing right on the tree!"
I couldn't help but smile at his reaction. I loved showing people the beauty of Washington. I knew I was lucky to live here, and I wanted to share it with as many people as I could.
Oliver marveled at the giant, old-growth trees in the forest. Some trees still had yellow leaves hanging on, so there was a bit of autumn in the scenery among all the green. I noticed a few rays of sun filtering through some nearby trees, and I drew Oliver's attention to it.
"Wow, that's gorgeous," he murmured, as he took a few pictures with his cell phone.
I wanted to talk with him, but I let him enjoy the nature around us instead. It was the reason he was visiting Washington. I led him across the bridge over the creek, and then we took the steps up to the viewpoint for the waterfall.
Marymere Falls wasn't huge. It had an almost delicate, fairytale-like presentation. The water came down in a long, thin cascade, and then gently fanned out as it hit the rock beneath it. Bright green moss clung to the rock, framing the waterfall.
"This is incredible," Oliver breathed, transfixed by the scene before him.
I leaned on the railing next to him, watching him more than I watched the waterfall. He had a lightness to him, a cheerful and kind temperament that made me want to be near him. I yearned for a man in my life. I wanted someone to come home to, whether that was after a fishing job or after a day of work logging. I wanted a man I could hike with or sit on a beach with as we watched the sun set.
He can't be that guy, I reminded myself. Yes, I met a cute guy, but he can only be a friend. He has a boyfriend. He's only visiting. I would have to be careful. I couldn't let myself feel anything for him. Besides, I probably wouldn't see him again after today. This was a one-off hang out, and it only happened because his boyfriend couldn't be here.
Oliver turned to me and smiled. "You actually grew up here?"
I nodded. "Born and raised right on the peninsula."
"I'm jealous. What a magical place to grow up."
"Magical is a perfect way to describe it." I held out my hand. "Let me get a picture of you in front of the falls. I'm sure Brad would appreciate seeing you with them."
"Yeah, that'd be great!" he said, handing me his phone.
I took a few pictures of him from different angles, and when I gave him back his phone, he asked if I wanted a picture.
"I've been here quite a few times, so I don't need one of myself, but let's get one together. It's not the first time I've played tour guide, and it'll be a nice memory for me."
Leaning in close to him, I made sure to bend my knees so we looked like we were the same height. I was amused by the contrast between our appearances.
"You're much prettier than me," I joked. Oliver snorted and I got a picture of him laughing, his eyes shut and his smile wide across his face. "I like having a funny picture for every normal one I take," I told him, letting him see the photos.
"I like your beard," he said, still smiling enough that his dimple showed.
"Thanks! It keeps my face warm when I'm out at sea. Here too, since the mornings can get pretty cold."
"I can only grow a struggle beard," Oliver continued. "The goatee part looks okay, but my cheeks are patchy. I'm kind of jealous."
"You look great without a beard. Why cover up that face when you can show it off?"
Oliver blushed a bit, and I knew I needed to pull it back. I was being sincere, but I was also crossing the line into flirting. I didn't want to give him the wrong idea or make him think I didn't respect his relationship.
"Thanks," he said, and then changed the subject. "I'm not really ready to go back yet. It's such a nice day. Is there a trail around the lake?"
"In some areas, but if you want to keep hiking we can go to Mount Storm King. It shares a trail with the falls and we'll pass the turn-off for it on the way back."
"Mount Storm King? That's quite a name."
I laughed. "It's not as intimidating as it sounds. It's about five miles, if you're up for it?"
"Sure, let's do it!"
I smiled as we left the falls and headed to our next trail. I was happy to have more time with Oliver and make his trip even better.
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