Chapter Eighteen
When I woke up, I was filled with a sense of dread and sadness. Part of it was because my vacation was ending and soon I'd be back to real life, with work and chores and the monotony of the same things happening over and over again. But part of it was because everything was different now - I was going back home to pack up my stuff after the end of a relationship, and I was leaving someone I didn't want to say goodbye to.
I slowly sat up, careful to be gentle and not disturb Cooper. He'd need to wake up in a few minutes so we could make breakfast before we had to start driving to the airport, but I wanted a moment to look at him.
His dark eyelashes rested on his cheekbones, matching the color of his beard and the short hair on his head. His face had a boyish charm when he smiled, but with his face relaxed as he slept, he was handsome in a rugged way. He was a man I'd feel lucky to wake up to every day.
I leaned down and nuzzled his nose with mine. Before he even opened his eyes, his arms were around me, pulling me down on top of him.
"Do we have to get up?" he mumbled. "I wanna keep you here."
"And I want to stay," I replied, pushing my face into his neck, his beard tickling my face. "But unfortunately I have to go home."
Cooper rolled us to the side and finally opened his pretty hazel eyes. He kissed me, letting his lips linger before pulling back. "I can make us breakfast while you pack up."
I kissed him back, nibbling on his lips and then deepening the kiss. His hands were in my hair, and then he ran them down my back before wrapping his arms around my waist. Our bodies were pressed together and I pushed one of my legs between his. I couldn't leave without being with him one last time.
"Maybe we can take some granola bars and bananas in the truck for breakfast instead. You know, so we have more time."
"I like that idea," Cooper replied, a grin spreading across his face.
An hour later, after a quick shower and rounding up all of my stuff, my bag was packed and sitting by the front door. I couldn't believe the time had gone so quickly and the whole trip was over. I wanted to rewind the last two weeks and start all over again.
Cooper walked over to me, truck keys in hand. "You got everything?"
"I think so."
"Well, as much as I want to keep you, we better leave so we make sure to get to the airport on time."
I wrapped my arms around Cooper and buried my face in his chest. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to have to say goodbye to this man. Cooper was incredible, and Washington was amazing, and I felt like I was leaving home instead of going home.
Cooper rubbed my back as we stood there, and I wished I could freeze time. There was a lot I wanted to say to him, but it wouldn't do any good for either of us. I knew he liked me, but there was a possibility I was reading too much into this entire thing. We got along like two old friends and the sex was amazing, but was it just a great two-week-long hook up?
Before I could doubt the situation and Cooper's feelings anymore, I gave him one last squeeze and stepped away. "You're right, we should go," I said, picking up my bag.
For the first few hours of the drive, we listened to music and talked and laughed with each other. Only Cooper could make a long car ride this fun, and the thought crossed my mind about what it would be like to go on a multi-day road trip with him. But as we neared the airport, the mood in the truck changed and we both got quieter.
Cooper pulled up to the curb near the departures area and glanced over at me, a shy smile on his face. "I had a really great time with you."
"I feel the same. This ended up being an amazing trip, and it's all because of you."
He nodded. "So, where does this leave us? Am I going to see you again?"
My heart sank in my chest as I was reminded of the distance we were about to face. I gave him a half smile. "I'd love to visit again. I don't know when that'll be, but we should keep talking. You can text or call me anytime."
"Maybe I can make a trip down to California once you get settled into a new apartment?"
"I'd like that. I mean, if you can get away from work and it's not too much of an inconvenience."
"You'd never be an inconvenience."
Cooper saying something sweet like that was going to be my undoing, so I took his hand and brought it to my lips for a quick kiss. Then I set his hand back down, turned away, and opened the door to get out. I sighed as I looked towards the entrance of the airport and the crowds of people standing around inside.
Cooper retrieved my bag from the truck and brought it over to me, and I set it on the curb and stepped forward, hugging him tightly. I didn't want to let go. His large, strong arms encircled me and we swayed in place. I felt my throat tighten and forced myself to take a deep breath. I was not going to cry. Not because I was saying goodbye to someone I'd only known for two weeks. That would be pathetic.
"Thank you for everything," I whispered.
Cooper let me go, and I didn't know if I should kiss him. Suddenly, everything was awkward. Cooper looked uncertain also, standing there with his hands in his pockets. I picked up my bag and Cooper nodded at me. "Have a safe flight. Let me know when you land. I mean, if you want to."
"Okay. Have a safe drive home."
He smiled at me, but it wasn't his usual big, bright smile. I turned and began walking away even though every part of me wanted to go back, get in his truck and go home with him. As I approached the doors of the airport, I wanted to look back, but I felt like I'd fall apart if I did. So I kept walking, feeling like I was leaving my heart behind.
-Cooper -
Goodbyes sucked. I watched as Oliver disappeared inside the airport, not turning to look back before he did. I wish he would have looked back. It made me feel like I wasn't going to see him again.
As I pulled my truck away from the curb and headed back toward the highway, tears flooded my eyes. I liked Oliver so much. Even though I knew it had only been two weeks, I felt like I'd met the man of my dreams.
But it wasn't meant to be. I was going to be alone again, like I always was. I didn't want to be, but I couldn't see myself moving out of Washington, away from my family and my home and my job. I knew I was choosing all of those things over love, but I wished I didn't have to. I wished I could meet a great guy here on the peninsula, one that would stay.
When I got home, my house seemed too quiet. All traces of Oliver were gone, and I missed his cheery presence already. I couldn't stand to be there by myself, so I got back in the truck and drove over to my parents' house. I needed to be around my family and remember why I was staying in Washington and all the great things I had here.
I pulled up to the house and saw Rhett outside chopping some firewood for my parents.
"Need a hand?" I called out.
"Nah, I'm almost done." He set the axe down and wiped his brow. "Is your friend gone?"
I nodded. "I just got back from taking Oliver to the airport."
He stared at me, his expression wary. "You okay?"
"I'll be okay. It sucks, but I can't change it." I kicked at a small chunk of wood on the ground. "It's dumb to feel like this anyway. I only knew him for two weeks, and he was in a relationship for the first few days. I mean, I'm stupid, right? For going after a guy that just got out of a serious relationship, especially when he lives 1,327 miles away. Not that I'm counting."
Rhett kept staring at me, grunting but not saying anything. This was symbolic of me and Rhett's relationship. I rambled on and on, either talking through my feelings or annoying him with an endless stream of corny jokes, and he simply listened. He usually only spoke to ask a question or contribute something important to the conversation.
"And I'm not going after Oliver like thinking of moving to California," I continued. "I couldn't leave you and Annabelle and Mom and Dad. But I treated him like a boyfriend while he was here. You know, paying for his food at restaurants and cooking for him and setting up a picnic dinner for us on Cape Flattery."
"And bringing him to meet the family on Thanksgiving," Rhett pointed out.
"Okay, there was that. But I wasn't going to let him spend Thanksgiving all alone. It probably wasn't smart, or good for me, because it meant I liked him even more when he got along with everybody. It felt like he belonged."
With a sigh, I sat down on one of the logs. Rhett picked up the axe and began chopping again, and I let the repetitive sound wash over me as I stared up at the sky.
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