The Cow Chop house was oddly calm. There was no new toys to play with or videos to shot at the moment, mostly editing. Everyone was in their rooms, quiet and calm. James enjoyed the silence very much with all his heart. He can relax and not worry about the big kids making his little baby cry. And he can be with his little boy with no trouble in hand.
James was feeding little Peter with a bottle of milk. He was kinda uncomfortable since he was holding a bottle of his own breast milk. He was just unable to nurse since he is chest was too flat, preventing latch on.
Nevertheless, he was happy little Peter was able to drink. James smiled at his little boy's face, so soft and tiny. The little boy opened his eyes and looked at James.
"Hi Peter," James whispered. Peter sighed and kept drinking. James stared at him and kept smiling. "I love you always. I'm never letting anyone touch you, ever. You got that?" Peter grunted a few times and James made a pout with his brows pushing down. "What? Is baby upset with me?" Peter closed his eyes and grunted, opening his eyes again. Jame chuckled and gave his boy a smirk. "Alright, alright. Calm down grumpy pants. I will let one person hold you, only if I'm in the room."
Soon, the bottle became empty. James put the bottle down and moved Peter to a burping position. He rubbed and patted his back. James puts himself in Peter's face and smiled, saying hello again. Peter cooed and wiggled in James' arms. Peter probably wiggled the burps out and made James giggle. The single mother watched Peter fall asleep on his shoulder, pressing his cheek and parting his lips.
A door bell rang and James' heart dropped to the floor. He prayed and prayed as he heard someone's footsteps go down the stairs and to the door. He heard the door open and then close, quickly heard shouting of pure joy. It was Aleks and now Trevor. James grunted and almost cried.
They shouted about something coming in the mail. James assumed something useless or will be destroyed in milliseconds once the boys start banging their heads together. He already tore apart a gift Aleks bought, completely useless for everyone. Waste of money. Aleks was angry but never said a word about it.
Since James got used to the idea of being pregnant and being a mom, he was being a mom with the boys. Telling them not to catch the house on fair and patronizing them when they do their stupid experiments. He was on his toes and was very moody. He didn't appreciate a good joke here and there.
He heard footsteps to Trevor's room. Some voices talking about the mail. James didn't care and looked at Peter to put his mind at ease. He softly stroked his face with his thumb and smiled. More footsteps and voices. Peter smiled to James' touch. They sound like they're making a plan. James lay a kiss on his tiny nose.
There were banging and shouting. Peter was making pre-cries, getting scared. James hushed him and tried calming himself down. James told Peter that everything is okay and it's only the boys being dipshits. James stood up and bounced Peter.
The shouting got louder and there was laughing into the mix.
James took deep breaths and was able to reduce Peter to mere whines. James sighed and pressed his lips to Peter's head, releasing with a kissing sound. "It's okay," James repeated to the little boy. It was calm until a big crash sounded with everyone screaming. Peter cried in fear and scared James. James put Peter down in his crib and ran to the boys to scold them again.
His eyes got wide and his body loosen to what he saw. Trevor was on the floor with Joe trying to help him up. The place was covered in paper trash and a hole in the wall. James looked over and saw some new dirt bikes. James looked at the boys and his look got cold.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" James said in his shock and angry voice. He stepped to the wall and examined it, looking at the boys next. "Why would you do this? It will take weeks to repair this!"
"It was only an accident," Aleks said. "Chill the fuck out." James looked at him and gave him this dull and cold look. He stepped forward to Aleks, kept his locked stare on him.
"I have a scared and crying fucking child in my office. You're telling me to chill out when you put a hole in the Goddamn wall and scared my baby?" James asked. Aleks grew quiet and swallowed his words. James rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Now what? You're going to clean this as I calm Peter down?"
"Yeah," Aleks said. James nodded and walked back to his room. He sighed and shook his head. He shouted one last time.
"And those bikes better be outside of the house!" James said before closing his door. James got Peter with a smile. "Ada boy, yeah, let's try to put you back to sleepy time," James said softly and laid Peter against his shoulder and hushed him. Peter slowly reduced to whines and then silence. He yawned and went back to sleep. James sighed.
He let Peter sleep on his chest for a while until he remembered that he needs to get to emails. He put Peter in his crib and went on his computer. He checked his emails and messages, a message from Cry.
"Yo, James, wanna be part of this podcast me and Felix are doing? It already started so you can be our guest. It's called Mama Cave. Wanna join?"
James thought to himself. Can he really? He can talk about Peter and being a single parent. He smiled and replied to Cry; Fuck yeah! When is it?
Cry responded kinda fast; Tomorrow, 12:00 pm.
James smiled and looked at Peter, sleeping soundly. He did remember the boys and went over to them.
He saw it was clean, but the hole was still there. Aleks looked at James, James walked away to the kitchen to grab some snacks. He walked back to his room and closed his door. James opened his snack and took some bites. He just wants the next day to roll around.
Next day
He was done making the video for Cow Chop and got to his computer. He joined the skype call and greeted everyone. He got the layout of the show and that they will come back in a few minutes. Cry and Felix explained more on the show and that they might have James as a guest more often since he's one of the few people that they know and has a child. James smiled and agreed. The show started and Cry asked James the question that they already answered.
"Who is your lover and how many children do you have?"
"I'm single and have one kid," James said. "One-night stand, but it doesn't hurt me."
"Oh, but don't you worry?"
"Well, I worry about my son. Other than that, no. I don't have time to be sad or worry about having someone have my back. I know no one will be there, only me and my little boy," James explained.
"Damn, fucking showed me," Cry said with a laugh.
"Wait, Cry, don't you have another kid on the way?"
"Yeah, Narci was begging for a baby so here we are. I wanna nap so fucking bad," Cry laughed. "But Felix fucking went through worse."
"Like what?" James asked.
"I have three kids and they're from one guy, but he left after I told him I was pregnant with my third kid." Felix slammed his desk with his elbow and got close to his mic. "This fucking idiot said 'babe, I'm not gonna wear a condom, it'll be fucking fun' so I was like, oh cool, he's down for another kid. Guess what, fucking liar. Left me and blamed me. He's fucking retarded!" Felix ranted.
"Damn, but you got someone new, huh?" Cry asked, hinting something.
"Yeah, Ken."
"Wait! You're dating Ken??" James exclaimed.
"Yeah, fucking big and strong motherfucker," Felix said and bit his lip. "So fucking nice that he's bad and sexy!"
"Enough!" James said. Cry laughed.
"Jokes on you, he's going to fuck me tonight." Cry laughed harder as James only chuckled.
They continued the show, having conversations and little cat fights. Harmless. Comparing breast size, Cry being happy that his is bigger than James'. Felix having the biggest rank. Cry sounded exhausted and fell asleep near the end of the podcast. Felix had to call Russ' number to tell him to put Cry in bed. It ended off and they parted ways until further notice. It was late when James stopped and he sighed.
James checked up on Peter and saw that he was still sleeping in his crib. James felt bad since he had to put him and his crib in the car to get home. James pouted and picked Peter up with a few wiggles from the baby. He yawned and still slept. James walked to the front door and opened his car, placing Peter in his car seat. James jogged inside and got the crib, picking it up and grunting as he walked it to the car. He placed it in the back of the car and closed the back door. He went to the driver's seat and started the car, driving to sweet home.
He had time to think about his life and what he said on the podcast. There is really no one having his back. James sighed and kept driving. He doesn't need anyone. He took care of Peter very well so far considering he had to take care of him in the Cow Chop house. He sighed and remembered how he really needed to visit often when others are there so James can leave Peter in a room for seconds.
He sighed again and just wanted to get home to catch his Zs like Peter before he started to cry.
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