Just Friends
After a month, James finally set rules for the Cow Chop house. No buying useless things if it will not benefit everyone, doesn't have to include Peter into the mix. Especially since Christmas is getting really close. Things for a video are different and are of use. If they use too much space; to the trash where it belongs. The boys like to tiptoe around his rules as much as they can. They hide their stuff and play with it in their rooms or when James take his nap or caring Peter. So they have time to fuck around. Aleks seems to catch the boys' attention when he acted differently including him being on James' side at times, protesting at their ideas when it gets too stupid. They question him and he says fuck off. Pushing them away and slapping them. He explains violently and rushed a little that it's only because they needed to give James a break. Some agreed while others called him on his bluff.
"You wanna fuck James and kiss all over him," Trevor said. They were in the kitchen and snacking.
"Shut the fuck up," Aleks said back as he got his Twinkie.
"You wanna kiss all over his body and probably cuddle like the true lovers you are. You probably wish that one-night stand guy was you," Trevor taunted. Aleks pushed him to the counter and made him fall hard. Joe and Aron had to hold Aleks back before he went full out. Aleks kept kicking and squirming to get out of their grasp. They held his arms down so he can't swing or grab anything, still kicking regardless.
"Shut your fucking mouth, Trevor!" Aleks screamed. Soon James ran in and saw it go down.
"What's going on?" James asked.
"Aleks wants to date you," Trevor grunted as he got to his feet.
"Fuck you! That's not true!" Aleks screamed. James looked at Trevor and shook his head, he stormed away back to Peter. Aleks was let go and stormed to the basement to cool off. Aleks shoved Trevor out of the way as he got to the stairs. The rest of the boys walked to their office and didn't say a word. It was awkward from that point.
Soon, Aleks got to his office and sat down at his desk. Aleks shared an office room with James so he had to hear him baby talk and Peter crying a few times. His cries went pretty fast since James was top on his feet and knows Peter's patterns and cues. Aleks would peek here and there on the two. Aleks finds himself doing nothing but listening to the two, but shook his head and kept working, responding to emails, or video editing.
"Aleks," James started, "please watch Peter. I need to go to the bathroom. I'll leave him in his crib so just watch him, call me if he cries." Aleks nodded and James put Peter down. He went to the bathroom. Aleks turned and watched the baby, watching his every move. He scooted forward and rested his chin on his palms, elbows resting on his knees.
Peter yawned and moved his legs around. He had James' eyes and skin, though it is a little darker to a soft tan color. His hair was covered by a hat, but it was extremely dark brown and slightly curly. Peter moved his eyes to Aleks, who only stared with a dull expression. Peter sneezed and got a reaction from Aleks.
"Bless you," Aleks laughed. Peter sneezed again. "Bless you again." Peter stuck his fist in his mouth and sucked on it. Aleks smiled and kept staring at him. James soon came in and thanked Aleks.
Aron barged in and smiled as wide as he could. "It's snowing, guys!" They gasped and Aron ran outside.
Aleks stood up and got his coat. James picked up Peter and walked to the backyard door. Aleks walked out and met the other boys and the two dogs, having fun. James stood by the door and watched them and the snow fall. He looked at Peter and saw that he was unfazed by this new event.
"Look, Peter; Snow!" James said with joy. Peter only kept sucking in his hand and yawned. He laid his head down and felt sleepy. "I guess you don't give two shits about your first snow."
Joe got a snowball and handed it to Peter, only staring at the cold white ball. James chuckled and Joe just threw the ball at Trevor. Starting a snowball fight with all the boys. James watched and looked at Peter just one more time, Peter yawned big with his eyes shutting real tight. He let go of his yawn and his eyes relaxed, falling down slowly, slipping into his second nap today. James smiled and watched the fight again. Aleks, Joe, and Aron ganged up against Trevor. Trevor was calling bullshit on all of them and he soon got blinded. Joe ran up and tackled Trevor and they landed on the outside couch. They toppled to the ground with grunts and shouts.
James laughed. Aleks got a bit snowball and threw it straight down Trevor's face. He cursed and got up. James kept laughing and had to catch his breath. The fight kept going, but Aleks stopped and walked by James to get inside. He stopped when he noticed James kept staring at him.
"What? You wanna say something?" Aleks asked harshly.
"I don't know, don't you have something to say about me?" James asked with sass. Aleks kept walking and James shook his head as his eyes roll with frustration. He sighed and kissed Peter's head. James kept watching the boys fight and laugh at them.
Soon, it was time to get home. James put Peter in his car seat. Peter whined and was going to cry, but James hushed him to sleep. James then went back inside to get the crib, seeming to never get stronger. Once the crib was in the back of the car, James sighed and cracked his back with millions of popping. James was about to get to the driver seat until Aleks stopped him.
"James, about what Trevor said earlier today," Aleks started. "I really don't like you that way, we're still friends through." James sighed and nodded.
"Yep," James said and got in his car.
"James, I didn't mean to offend you or anything, I really-"
"It's fine, I don't want to get my head stuck in the clouds of emotional shit," James said. He gave a small smile that he didn't really enjoy. "We're just friends," James said quietly and started the car, driving down the road to get home. Aleks stood there and nodded softly to the ground.
"Just friends."
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