Come With Me
Warning: violence, implied mpreg, implied rape(small hinted), miscarriage
Please read with caution if you find this uncomfortable. You can always not read this and wait for the next oneshot. Thank you.
Aleks drove up the driveway, parking next to the shinny car that belong to someone he wishes is dead. He turned off his car and stopped, took a breath and prepared himself for mental torture. He got out of his car and saw that the hose was recently used. He looked around and saw soup. Softly assumed the asshole was cleaning his car. Aleks sighed and walked to the front door to ring the doorbell. He waited and heard a voice yelling, he smiled when he knew who it was. The door opened.
"Oh Aleks! Hi," James said.
"Hey James," Aleks said back. He saw James' hair. "You got wet?" James smiled all embarrassed with a snicker, not a very happy one.
"Yeah, me and Max were cleaning his car," James said and pointed at the shiny car. Aleks saw and looked at the car next to it. A mom looking car, looking lame next to a car that belongs to a cholo. A low rider, scaring the neighbors.
"And left your car looking like shit?" Aleks said with a grump tone. James hung his head with a smile, snickered again.
"We just didn't have enough time," James said with a shrug, eyes moved back up at Aleks. A smirk got to Aleks' lips.
"It would buy me more time to see you soaking wet," Aleks winked. James chuckled a "ew."
"Well, would you like to come in?"
"Yes, I would," Aleks said. James smiled and let him in, closing the door behind him. Aleks took a few steps into the living room and felt his blood boil. He saw him. Max, James' husband. Dark skinned and very big, looks like he does wrestling. He looked up at Aleks.
"The fuck you lookin' at?" Max asked.
"Nothing," Aleks said back. James soon came in.
"Babe, what's for dinner," Max asked to ignore Aleks.
"It's a surprise," James said, hinting something.
"It better not be your Mexican shit," Max said. James bit his tongue, Aleks sensed that and knew what was wrong. Calling him Mexican when he's Puerto Rican. James gave him a dull and forced smile.
"Okay, babe," James nodded. James went back to the kitchen to clean dishes, Aleks followed behind.
"Why do you take that shit?" Aleks whispered.
"It's none of your business, Aleksandr," James angrily sighed. James went to the sink and started washing dishes. Aleks was next to him, still talking to him.
"It is, I care about you," Aleks said. James ignored. Aleks rolled his eyes, silently grunting. "Look, I wouldn't care if I didn't come here almost everyday and-."
"Not to mention; flirting with me, I'm a married man," James included. Aleks flashed a confused and shocked face.
"I'm sorry, is that so bad?"
"Yes, I'm married, have a child, and planning to put a bun in the oven," James said, but dropped the sponge and forks when he heard himself. He covered his mouth with his wrist, feeling Aleks' stare on him.
"You're planning to have another kid with him?" Aleks asked. James didn't say a word, he looked away. "Does Peter know? How will your career be affected by this?"
"I raised a child since I was 21 and changing houses and offices almost every year. I managed, Aleks. And I still will," James grumbled. "And unless you want to be kicked out again, I suggest not saying a word about this conversation. You understand?" Aleks gave him a look and looked down. "Understand?" James repeated himself.
"Understood," Aleks said. James nodded and went back to the dishes. Aleks looked away and sniffled, feeling angry.
"While you're at it, can you get that deep fryer net and dumps dit on that plate?" James asked. Aleks nodded and got the net, dumping the contents on the plate. He wowed at the deep fried balls.
"What are those?"
"Deep fried mashed potatoes stuffed with a ground beef hash," James said. Aleks' mouth started to salivate after hearing that. "And the plate next to it is cheese corn sticks."
"Can I try one?"
"Sure, but be careful, it's hot," James said. Aleks scoffed and have James a sly look. "What?"
"You think I'm real stupid, huh?" Aleks said. He got a ball and yelped, dropping the ball back on the plate. James laughed.
"Fucking idiot! I told you to be careful!" James laughed. Aleks giggled and sucked in his slightly burnt finger. James went back to the dishes again, eyes peering over his shoulder to see Aleks.
Aleks' eyes got narrow and put his finger deeper in his mouth. James snickered a "eww." A laugh stopped Aleks and wiped his hand on his shirt. Aleks stood next to James, looking in the same direction, the sink. James' smile grew and snickered. Hot and sweet whispers flees into James' ear, asking him to smile nicely. James brought a small smile on and got a soft chuckle. James' smile got lost and he pushed Aleks away.
"Stop," James said. Aleks coughed and nodded. "Just put more of those potato balls in the deep fryer." Aleks nodded again and did so, feeling awkward. He took a sit at the table and sighed.
"Look, I'm sorry," Aleks said.
"Just forget about it," James said. Aleks nodded and sighed again, pulling out his phone. He checked his text messages and social media feed. All boring. Bored and later losing the awkward feeling, he was soon greeted by his favorite six year old.
"Aleks!" Peter shouted as he ran up to Aleks to give him a hug.
"Hey! How's it going buddy?" Aleks asked.
"Good! Are you going to stay for dinner?" Peter asked, jumping as he's holding Aleks' hands.
"I'm not sure, is your parents okay with it?" Aleks asked. Peter ran away to the living room and asked his dad, came back with a happy face. "You can stay!" Aleks was a little surprised for Max to let him.
"You never asked me," James said with a hand to his hip.
"You like Aleks so I know you will say yes," Peter said. James blushes and coughs. "Aleks is going to stay! I'm so happy!" Peter clapped and pulled a seat out next to Aleks and took a sit. He kicked his feet and hummed happily.
"So, how was your day?" Aleks asked Peter.
He lost it, Peter went on and on about his day. What he and James did, videos games and watching cool TV shows. Said his favorite one was the comedians. Laughed his head off each type they cracked a joke. Peter said he loved them all, each joke was better in their own way. The adult jokes did stump him. Aleks laughed and kept listening.
Max then came in, dipped James for a kiss. When pulled away and put back on his feet, James forced an embarrassed chuckle. Peter didn't seem happy to see him. Max saw the food and cringed.
"Babe!" He shouted. "What's with your Mexican shit?"
"Oh, don't worry, I bought you baby back ribs," James said. Max's look softened and kissed James on the cheek.
"You know me so well," Max purred. James giggled, Aleks felt his fist get tight, but had to let them go. He had to let all of this go.
Soon, dinner was ready and everyone was eating. James sat next to Max on one side of the table while the other side was Peter sitting next to Aleks, Peter in front of James. Peter got the cheese corn sticks and chew them right off. Aleks enjoyed the potato ones, thanked James for the meal. James smiled and said you're welcome. Peter shared his cheese sticks with Aleks, had a little sword fight. James chuckled, but had to step in and tell them not to play with their food. They laughed and went back to eating.
Aleks started a conversation with James, James being a little nervous at first. They talked about Cow Chop and wacky ideas for new videos, Peter had to put his two cents about it. Bringing up old ideas and Peter's idea for water fights never rest. Throwing ideas at each other and then slowly turning into a funny contest. James being very laid back now and trying to crack the best jokes and laughs. Aleks was lowkey flirting with James, Max caught his drift.
"So, Aleks, you like ribs?" Max asked to stop the flirting.
"No, too messy," Aleks said. Max looked at him funny, confused. "I don't like having stuff on my face. Just freaks me out."
"Weird, thought a guy like you would like it," Max said and took a bit from his rib.
"What do you mean?" Aleks asked.
"You being a Twink and all, probably getting bukkaked on a daily basis," Max said. James face palmed.
"Oh my Lord..." James sighed.
"You heard me, bukkake."
"There is a child here, don't say that," Aleks said.
"He's my kid and this is my house, I can do whatever I want," Max said, teeth clenching.
"Does seem like it when-," Aleks was interrupted by James banging the table with his fist.
"Aleksandr," James said firmly, scared everybody, "zip your mouth and behave before you're shown the door." Aleks eyed him, waiting for a disclaimer or joke. No laugh. He nodded and went back to eating. Max looked at James, smirking at him. Aleks looked at them, he cringed at Max. He knew what that look means, he's going to fuck James.
After dinner was done, Aleks helped clear the table. He said his goodbye to Peter and James. He walked out, but was stopped by James. "Look, I understand you're worried and overprotective of me, but I'm fine. After I tell Max I'm pregnant and we got a new member of the family, will all be happy and this mess will be sorted out. Alright?"
Aleks nodded. "Alright."
James smiled and closed the door. Aleks walked to his car and hopped in. Sighed and hit the dashboard. He drove off.
Four months later
Aleks drove to James' home, a little nervous from the phone call. It was midnight and pitch black. Even with light, it's hard to see. Aleks parked and stepped out of the car, walked to the front door and saw James. He was sitting on the step of the door, hugging himself with a dull expression on his face. Aleks sat down next to him and sighed.
"How do you feel?" Aleks asked.
"Fucked up," James said. Was expected from this whole shitshow. Aleks stayed quiet for a moment.
"How are you holding up?" Aleks asked.
"I want to murder or leave this glorified dump," James said. "I told Max and he doesn't care. He didn't even care that I was in pain, crying over it." James pulled on his sleeves together, felt angry taking over his brain and body. Aleks rubbed his back. "Do you know much that hurt? How much pain it was? All for a dead baby. And Max just shrugged it off like it was nothing..." James' breath started to get heavy.
"You can manage, right?" Aleks asked with a small smile.
"How can I when the thought of that baby could be Peter? Hell, it could be. Max didn't visit me or Peter at the hospital when he was born." James sniffled and sighed. "But... You were there, Aleks."
Aleks looked at James, watched him raise his head with a smile. Sniffled and chuckled.
"You were there to meet and hold Peter for the first time. You always commented how cute he was and how pretty chubby he was," James chuckled. "You even helped me with him. You changed his diaper and kept him company when I'm too tired to even lift my hand." Aleks smiled.
"Yeah, I really couldn't leave you there. I just cared too much," Aleks said. "I really want you to come with me. You, Peter, and myself can have fun and just do family stuff. And it's probably not so surprising that I kinda have a crush on-" Aleks got interrupted again by James, but instead was being kissed.
James' hand was grabbing to Aleks' shirt, pulling him very close for the kiss. Aleks was beat red, but relax and returned the kiss. James let go of his shirt and kept the kiss going. Hands started to move to each other for their own embrace.
The door swung open and made the two jump and pull away, saw Max in his highest anger point. Teeth clenched so hard they could break. James shook and started to stutter. "M-Max, b-baby! I can-!" Max punched Aleks square in the face.
"I wanted to do that ever since I saw you!" Max growled. Aleks quickly stood up and ran, Max followed and was on his tail. James panicked and went in the house.
Aleks got to his car, but Max grabbed to Aleks' collar and pinned him to his car. An evil smile greeted Aleks, he gulped. Max lifted his fist and swung at Aleks. Then to his stomach four times, gasping for air. Max was about to swing at Aleks' pretty face until he got hit as well.
He fell and got hit more by something wooden. A bat. Over and over, being beaten on the head, back, and arms. Being shouted at by James. "You didn't care for the dead baby! What if that was Peter? What if we lose him too? What if..." James stopped and fell to his knees. "What if it was me?" Aleks stood up and walked to James, felling on his knees too.
James looked at Aleks' face and gasped. He held to his face and checked around it, pouting and rambling. "Poor baby. Are you alright? What hurts? Do you need a doctor?" Aleks chuckled and held on to his hands.
"I'm fine," Aleks said.
The two heard tiny footsteps getting closer to them. They saw Peter, walking to the adults. Max smiled and reached out, calling out for him.
"My son, Peter, help your old man, will ya?" Max asked. Peter looked down at him and kicked him in the face. Max grunted to the pain. Aleks and James gasped to this cinnamon roll angel kicking someone in the face.
"Peter!" James shouted.
"If my mommy said stop touching, it means stop touching! You bukkake!" Peter cursed. They were all surprised by this hidden side of Peter. Peter huffed and turned to the other two, gasping at Aleks' face. He ran over and hugged him. "Aleks! Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine," Aleks said with his eyes rolling.
Later, Max was put in bed with a ice pack to his head. James told him and lectured him about never giving a shit about his family, ending it with "I'm leaving and taking Peter with me." He begged him to not go through with it, trying to convince him that he's changed. James shook his head and took off.
James and Peter packed their things and drove to Aleks' place, their new home. Aleks handed him a bunny hoodie, bright orange since that was his favorite color. He thanked him and put it on. James told him to go unpack his stuff in his new room. No hesitation was made when he finished his sentence. Peter ran with his suitcase and slam it on his new bed. Smelled nice and was very fluffy. He laid down on it and sighed. He got off and went back to unpacking.
The hyperactive orange bunny put his clothes in the dresser and felt happy for once. He looked around his room, took a big and deep breath in. So clean. No smoke or gross oder. He walked to the closet and opened it, jumped inside. Big and empty, unlike at Max. Always full of Max's stuff.
Peter walked out of the room to find Aleks and James. He saw the kitchen; so shiny and clean. He looked at the living room and saw a fireplace. He started to plan out every event here. Roasting s'mores, sharing stories, anything. He checked the bathroom and saw that there was no mess. No weird smell that roams around the house. He was happy here.
He went to Aleks' room and opened the door, found out very quickly that it's also James' room too. He watched the two adults kiss and holding hands. James seems very happy, never has Peter seen him kiss like that. Small and soft. Peter smiled and slowly closed the door.
Best day of his life. New house, new life, new hoodie, new smile.
And best thing of all, a new dad.
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