Runaway Death Eater
Another week had gone by and the Weasley's were leaving today and Mollie practically beg Sirius to allow them to stay. Though she had to stop as he found her behaviour to be very strange, they were staying for dinner then going home. As Mollie came back upstairs with her breakfast and a little something for Theo.
She often forgot that he needed food too though he would often take hers as she could just head back downstairs and get something for herself. She left the plate on the bedside table, he decided to take a shower, the first shower he had taken since he had been here. Two weeks of using cleaning charms weren't doing him any justice, as it cleaned his clothes just not him.
'Where the hell is my damn wand' she thought as she looked everywhere in her room she definitely knew she never took it downstairs with her. Then it clicked.
"Shit," she muttered, she walked across the room to her bathroom, she knocked on the door, "Can I come in and get my wand?"
"Do you need it?" he sounded annoyed that she interrupted his shower.
"Yes, I'm heading out," she heard him sigh loudly, she opened the door, seeing her wand by the sink.
"Mollie?" she heard Ginny enter her room
"I'm in the shower!" she shouted
"I'm coming in," Ginny said, Mollie quickly stepped into the shower, clamping her hand over Theo's mouth, she kept her eyes, locked on the ceiling.
"What is Gin?" she said
"Fred said that you had his jumper and apparently I need to get it for him, I told him to get it himself-
"Gin, I'm getting soap in my eyes can you hurry this up,"
"Oh yes, anyway, I basically wanted to ask if you and Fred, are you know,"
"No we aren't and never have, that really could have waited," Mollie flicked her eyes to Theo she could feel his smirk under her hand.
"I'm sorry, I'll wait for you downstairs," once she heard Ginny leave she sighed, removing her hand from his mouth, he smirks at her,
"Not a word," she warned, her eyes trailed down,
"See something you like," he asked, snapping her attention back to his face, she rolled her eyes at him.
As she stepped out of the shower, she had to take a moment to think before she went downstairs. 'His personality makes him a dick, but he's very attractive,' she shook her head. Trying to get the thought out of her mind. She joined Ginny and as they headed out into the muggle street, taking her to meet Michael at his new job.
"Do you still talk to Michael?" Ron asked
"Yes, it's nice to have a conversation that doesn't involve any bad topics like death or wizard wars," Mollie told him as they walked through the park Mollie stayed close to Fred almost clinging to his arm.
"What's the matter with you, I thought you walked through this park every day,"
"I do, I guess I just wanted to be near you," she said, the ordeal with Nott, caused her to be wary walking through the park now, he cocked his brow at her.
"Seems you're scared-
"I'm not scared, nothing happened here-
"We don't blame you if you are," George told her, "there are a lot of frightening things happening right now, it's understandable if you are scared,"
"Well, I'm not scared, and we're here anyway," she said as she hurried to open the door for them, they looked around the cafe.
There was a cosy, feeling to the cafe, it had a very welcoming appeal to the place, they found a table big enough for them to sit at. Harry, Ron and Hermione sat at a table on their own, most likely to talk alone, Mollie shuffled in next to Ginny. Fred and George sat opposite them, playfully nudging Mollie and Ginny's feet.
"Hi Moll, what can I get you all?" Michael asked
"Four coffee, or shall we just get two?" Mollie asked Ginny, "wouldn't want to give them more energy than they already have,"
"Shut up, four will be fine," Fred said
"Do you still do breakfast?" Ginny asked
"Yes, breakfast is served until 11:30," he told her, Ginny looked through the menu, deciding to get a bacon sandwich.
"Is everything alright?" George asked, he and Fred looked at one another, Fred leaned over waving his hand in front of Mollie's face.
"We said is everything alright?" Fred asked
"Yes, why wouldn't it be,"
"You keep zoning out and looking all around you," George said
"Plus you're not in your room near half as much as you would be," Fred added,
Mollie nodded knowing that someone was going to notice her acting differently at some point, she wished it weren't Remus or Sirius. Although she didn't expect any of the Weasley's to notice maybe Molly might have noticed, but not her children. If she knew Fred and George as well as she did, they wouldn't rest until they got to the bottom of what was bothering her.
The last thing she needed was everyone finding out that she was harbouring a runaway death eater. 'Did he run away?' She wasn't even sure why he needed to hide. 'Did he feel guilty for his crimes?' 'Had he even committed any crimes?' these were the questions she need to ask. He was forcing her to keep him hidden the least he could do was answer her questions.
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