032. best day
real life.
☆ MARGO HAD SPENT THE ENTIRETY of her day hanging out with people who made her happy, and she couldn't have it any other way. Luckily Beatrice, Matthew and Delaney didn't have to work today, so the four of them spent the day being tourists. They took a bus around Philadelphia and nearly got bombarded several times by fans while touring the city.
It was all okay though, they treated their fans like old friends and took pictures and had conversations with the ones who approached them. And in cases where some fans seemed hesitant to walk up to them, Margo would introduce herself and take a picture with them. She knows how it feels, being intimidated by someone you idolize, but in the end you'll regret not taking the chance so she'd help them take it.
Touring a city like Philadelphia was amazing for Margo and Co. They loved the rich history that was embedded in the city, taking one too many pictures with famous landmarks and the tour guide (whose name was Philip.) Margo definitely marked Philadelphia as a place she wanted to revisit more than once, due to the fact that she felt at home.
She's been in Philadelphia for two days and it feels as if she's back in France. Margo was glad to be surrounded by people who could make her smile even if she only got 6 hours of sleep during her stay.
What was sad however, was when the tour came to an end and they had to evacuate the bus to go on about their lives. But of course, that did not stop Delaney Rogers and Beatrice Faye from setting up a wonderful evening for Margo and Matthew (who were both oblivious to what they were doing.)
The two didn't understand why they went to a museum, or why Delaney and Beatrice made up a "buddy system" (you could guess who's paired up with who) and scurried off to "learn more about the art world."
Margo and Matthew ventured around the museum, taking turns to which exhibition to look at next. Their arms were interlocked with Margo's arms wrapped around Matthew's bicep as they walked around, trying to understand what each piece of art was saying.
Most of the time they were pretending to be art critics and exaggerate long explanations to how each art piece made them feel. It was all a good laugh though, Margo could stop laughing at Matthew's impersonation of each person in the photo, while Margo made small sarcastic comments to rebuttal her friend. They didn't care the odd looks they received from hardcore critics for their childish antics.
By the time they made it to their fourth exhibit, the museum was about to close. And what would you know, Delaney and Beatrice were no where to be found. The two devils wouldn't answer either of their calls, leaving the impression that they ditched Margo and Matthew (as well as make Margo and Matthew 100% certain that they were sleeping with one another or at least secretly dating.)
So there they were, Margo and Matthew wandering the darkened streets of Philadelphia with their arms still linked as they searched for somewhere to eat.
"What are you feeling, Margo?" Matthew asked as they passed a bunch of loud foriegn tourists, looking down at the woman clung to him. "Indian, Chinese, American?"
Margo grinned and looked up at him with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. "Honestly? No judgement whatsoever?"
"Me? Judging? Of course I wouldn't." He chuckled.
"Well," she bit her lower lip as she looked around and took in a deep breath, smelling various cuisines in every direction. "I'm kind of craving a good burger and fries. But I'm honestly up for anything."
"How about this," Matthew stepped aside to avoid passerbyers, bringing Margo along with him. "We're in restaurant heaven, so I'll close my eyes and just point to a place and we'll eat there."
Margo pressed her lips into a thin line and gave the tall man a hard look. "If you point at a trashcan I'm leaving."
"Margo," he gasped, "have some faith in me."
To cut the story short, Matthew almost point at a trashcan and almost got punched by Margo for doing so. But in the end, they settled on a pub across the street and were surprised to find that it wasn't jampacked.
They settled into conversation about horror movies as they waited for their food. Matthew was insistent that Psycho was an American classic, while Margo went on a whole rant about The Shining scarring her growing up (which made Matthew call her "a weakling" causing Margo to reply with, "at least I'm not a basic bitch.")
They decided that before Margo left, they'd have to watch some horror movies. And by the time their food arrived, they had another conversation about Edgar Allen Poe and which one of his works they'd want to be in.
It was safe to assume that Margo and Matthew were enjoying one another's company at this point. They laughed at lame dad jokes that Matthew made and shared their food with the other. (And let's not forget the neverending "you kissed my sister" jokes coming from Margo, making Matthew only think "is it weird I pretend you?" but say, "ha, I know, weird.") If it was up to Margo, she would like to stay in this moment for as long as she could. There wasn't a cell in her body that could deny that there was a shared attraction between them.
And as much Margo wanted to jump over the table and kiss the hell out of Matthew, she remained on the other side of the booth, listening to him talk about the newest season of Criminal Minds. She didn't want to ruin her friendship with Matthew, for he was a "one of a kind" of guy that was rare in the world. Plus, being able to hug, hold his hand and cling onto him platonically was good enough for her.
So as they finished their dinner and shared a couple of embarrassing childhood stories, Margo saw a piano on the other side of the room and smiled widely.
"Whoa, they have a piano here!" Margo rushed to the black piano that was sitting against the wall of the pub, dragging Matthew along by the hand (while muttering something under his breath along the lines of "Jesus Christ, she's fucking strong.")
Margo took a seat and untangled her arms from Matthew's. She ran her fingers along the keys as Matthew sat down next to her, a small grin spreading on his lips.
"I didn't know you played." He said softly as he watched her stick her tongue out of the corner of her mouth (which was something Matthew saw that she did that when she was concentrating.)
"This is one of my few talents." she joked and placed her hands properly between the C and G keys. "Plus, it's the perks of having controlling rich parents."
Before Matthew could ask about what she meant, Margo started to play "Happy Birthday" and promptly stopped by the sixth note. "Wait, give me a song to--"
"--Piano Man by Billy Joel."
"You fucking dork, I knew you'd say that." she playfully hit his shoulder as he grinned widely, making Margo's lips curl upwards at the sight before turning towards the piano, biting her inner cheek.
She began to play the song after a few moments, the melody soothing the pub's chaotic nature. Margo hummed along to the song as other people inside drunkenly sang along, her fingers gracefully dancing along the keys. Matthew watched the woman next to him, his grin turning to a smile before he started to sway along before singing along.
After a few more verses, Margo joined him as she played, the pub started to fill up after a while (probably due to Margo Faye and Matthew Gray Gubler being celebrities or something.) Song after song, after wine after song, was how most of the night went. With Matthew or anyone other patron in the pub giving requests to Margo, paying her in drinks which Matthew and her split. And if Margo were to completely honest, this would have to be the second best night she has ever had.
The first being the night she met Matthew.
quick note.
okay so this is the cutest chapter ever, try to tell me otherwise. AND LISTEN IF YOU LOVE SPENCER REID AS MUCH AS I DO: i posted a spencer reid fic a few days ago and i would appreciate it if you guys checked it out! it's called "better days" if anyone cares to check it out!!
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