Chapter 11: Traitor!
Y/n- Your name
E/c- Eye color
H/c- Hair color
F/c- Favorite color
2/f/c- Second favorite color
Garroths POV:
Me and Kaitlyn soon approached Lord Aphmau's house. I sighed.
"Kaitlyn are you sure it was Aphmau you saw leave the house."
Kaitlyn sighed and glared at me, "For the millionth time Garroth. I am POSITIVE that it was Aphmau that left Y/N's house!"
I looked into her eyes and sadly I saw her eyes never faltered once during that sentence. I sighed and walked closer to the door.
The only thought that could go through my head was,
Why would Aphmau do this to Y/N? It makes no sense for a lord to behave like this.
Knock knock knock
Me and Kaitlyn waited patiently for Aphmau to open the door. She soon opened the door, a confused look on her face.
"Hey Garroth, Kaitlyn. What are you guys doing here? Well I mean I understand why Garroth's here. He is always here for our morning report but Kaitlyn, why are you here?"
Kaitlyn growled and hardened her gaze.
"You know exactly why I am here Aphmau. You can let up the whole good act now."
"Kaitlyn, what are you talking about? Are you feeling alright?"
Aphmau had a curious look in her eyes, but there was something else. I couldn't tell what it was.
I could tell Kaitlyn was getting mad and decided to step in.
"We just wanted to talk to you Aphmau."
Aphmau nodded and let us in. I always liked Aphmau's house. It always felt like home. It was nice and friendly with a lot of light shining through it. I looked down and noticed toys scattered across the floor.
The boys must have been down here earlier.
"Please take a seat. Excuse the mess. I haven't gotten a chance to clean up since this morning."
"Sure why not."
Kaitlyn plopped down on one of the chairs and relaxed. I sighed at the childish act and sat down.
"Aphmau we need to talk you about something."
Aphmau's POV:
"Aphmau we need to talk to you about something."
I forced a smile on my face.
They don't know... right?
"Of course! How can I help you guys? Is everything alright?"
I saw Garroth look down sadly and Kaitlyn looking at me strangely.
I knelt down a held Garroth's hands.
"Garroth, what happened? Is everyone okay?"
He sighed and looked at me with those gorgious blue eyes.
"Y/N was taken from her house in the middle of the night and was she is now missing."
I faked a gasp and stood up immediately.
"What happened to her?"
Kaitlyn looked me dead in the eyes.
"You should know Aphmau. You're the one who helped her disappear."
I felt my nerves getting to the best of me.
"What do you mean Kaitlyn? Why would I do that to one of my citizens."
She smirked at me.
"Then you will have no trouble taking this truth potion and telling us where you were last night."
I gasped. I immediately turned to Garroth.
"Garroth, you can't be serious. Why would I, the lord of the village, do something like that."
Kaitlyn sighed and stood up.
"Aph, we just want to make sure that you were not there last night. It shouldn't be a big deal."
I gulped, feeling my confidence slowly slipping away.
"Well, I just feel like it's pointless. I was in bed last night."
Garroth stood up and a stern look crossed his face.
"Aphmau, the sooner you take it, the sooner we can start looking for the person who did this to Y/N."
I stared at him shocked. He has never spoken to me like this before. He must be serious. I sighed.
I have no choice.
"Fine. I will do it."
Garroth shot me a grateful smile.
Oh Garroth. You won't smile at me like that after you find out what happened.
Kaitlyn got up and handed me the vile with the truth serum in it. I took a long look at it and sighed.
Now they will both know what I did to Y/N. This isn't going to end well for me.
I opened the vile and took it all. I put the vile down and looked at Garroth and Kaitlyn who were standing in front of me.
Kaitlyn cleared her throat and started talkng.
"Okay Aphmau, what were you doing at Y/N's house last night?"
Come on Aph, don't tell them the truth. Garroth will hate me.
"I was making sure the guy that I hired to get Y/N out of MY village had done his job."
My eyes widened.
Why did I just say that?!
Garroth's eyes widened and Kaitlyn's eyes burned into me.
"Who took Y/N? Why did they take her?"
I tried to stop my words but they seemed to flow out without my permission.
"It was Zane who took her. I didn't know it was him until after made our deal. He said he wanted her back so I told him I would make sure all of the guards would be at the gate so no one would be near her house in case Y/N made any noise."
Garroth gave me a hurt look that brought me to tears.
All he could muster out was, "Why?"
I yelled out, "BECAUSE YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH HER AND NOT ME. I loved you and I thought you loved me, but then she came along and you fell in love with her. I was not going to let that girl get in the way of what we could be. Can't you see Garroth, now that Y/N is gone, we can be together."
Garroth took a few steps back from me. Horror etched on his face.
Kaitlyn turned to face Garroth and they started whispering to each other. Garroth walked over to me and slammed a hand on the table.
"Lord Aphmau, you are under arrest for the dissapearance of a villager and you just confessed to making a deal with Zane."
I quickly scrambled up.
"Wait Garroth please reconsider."
"I don't think I can do that."
"What if I told you where she is?"
Kaitlyn intervined then.
"Tell me where she is NOW!"
"FINE! Zane is keeping her in the dungeons. And from what I heard, he is planning to marry her tonight at sundown."
I cursed under my breath.
Stupid truth spell.
Garroth grabbed Kaitlyns arms and started to walk towards the door.
"Come on Kaitlyn, if we leave now we can save Y/N."
Kaitlyn nodded and ran out the door to get horses ready.
Garroth, with his back still turned to me said something that broke my heart, "I will never love you like that."
He ran out the door and slammed it behind me.
I curled up in a ball and started crying. They will never trust me again. I lifted my head up with fire in my amber eyes.
She will never get away with this...
Garroth's POV:
I ran to the wall, a million thoughts going through my head.
Why did Aphmau do that? What is Zane doing to Y/N right now? Is Y/N okay? Will we make it on time?
I shook those thoughts out of my head and climbed up the ladder and quickly spotted the 2 people I was looking for.
"Laurance Dante! We have situation going on. I will explain on the way just come with me."
Laurance nodded and yelled at Brian, "Brian! Watch the wall."
Brian nodded as the 3 guards climbed down the watchtower and ran towards the stables. We ran up to see Kaitlyn standing with four horses ready for us. We all mounted the horses and rode past to the wall and exited Phoenix Drop.
"So Garroth, do you want to tell us what is going on?"
So as we rode towards Okasis I told Laurance and Dante about what had happened.
Dante looked at me shocked, "I can't believe Aphmau would do such a thing. She didn't see like the kind of person to do that."
Laurance looked heartbroken. I knew he liked her, this must be hard on him.
"I know, she fooled us all. As soon as we get back I think we should confide Aphmau to a cell and try to figure out what to do with her. I don't know if the people will want her to be a lord after what she just did. They will fear her."
Everyone seemed to come to agreement except Laurance.
"Garroth, are you sure we need to take such a drastic action. I mean, she know what she did was wrong, right?"
Kaitlyn added in, "Well, she never said she was sorry. She never even looked disapoined, she almost seemed proud of what she did, but she was ashamed of what she did also, but I think it was just cause Garroth was there. If he weren't there, I think she would have had a different reaction."
Laurance looked at Kaitlyn confused, "What do you mean Kaitlyn? Why would it matter if Garroth was there or not?"
"Well... she said the only reason she did it was so Garroth would love her. Sorry Laurance but it looked like Aphmau doesn't return your feelings."
Laurance looked away. I could tell he didn't handle that way.
Dante spoke up, "Listen Laurance I am sorry Aphmau doesn't return your feelings but right now we have to worry about Y/N. She is in real danger and we need to rescue her. Right Garroth?"
I nodded, "Right. Come on guys ride at full speed. We have to get there before the wedding starts."
We all rushed the horses and made our way full speed the wedding.
Hang on Y/N, we are coming!
Hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am sorry that the reader's POV wasn't in this chapter but I have something planned. Don't worry. Guys we are so close to 500 readers. I can't wait till we get that! It will be amazing!
Until the next chapter, fly hight my butterflies!
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