For the next few days, each of them took turns in pairs guarding the outside of the dorm building. Every so often, one of them would also quickly go check on the other dorms to make sure they were safe, but so far everything was fine. One might have even said peaceful if not for the explosive blonde that lived there. Luckily for everyone, said blonde was usually in his room by eight in the evening, and asleep less than thirty minutes after that.
During the day, one person stayed with the class while the other three patrolled the school grounds. Usually, they drew straws to see who had to go with the class. They tried their best to keep Izuku away, despite his assurances that he would be fine as long as the teacher was there, and he wasn't completely helpless on his own.
Suffice to say, everything was going fine. That is, until Izuku finally drew the short straw.
"You don't have to do if you don't want to, you know." Idie assured, "I'm sure Billy would be glad to take your place."
Billy just sputtered before finally speaking; "Me? Why me?"
"Because you care about Izu-chan, right?" Noriko had taken to calling him Izu-chan as retaliation to Nori-chan. Jokes on her, though, he actually liked the nickname. It was at least much better than the nickname Katsuki gave him.
"Guys, I'll be fine. Don't worry about it." Izuku finally assured them, laughing at their arguing. He really did love his friends. "And before you ask, yes, I'm sure."
They each gave him meaningful look and a hug before making their way to their patrol positions. He watched each of them go, silently wishing he didn't have to spend an entire day with the ego-centrical boy named Bakugou Katsuki. But, he never did have the best luck. Side affect of his powers, probably.
By the time he made it to the classroom, their classes had just started, but that was fine. He could stand outside for now. If they left, he would just join them outside.
So he stood at the door for a very long time before lunch finally came along.
When Izuku finally made it to the cafeteria after making sure all of the Class 1-A students were already there, he found the other three at a table beckoning him over. They all got to go to the lunch room during lunch since all of the students had lunch at the same time.
He sat at the table once he had gotten his food and surveyed the room. If there was one good thing that came out of this experience, it was the authentic katsudon at lunches.
Their table was in a corner that easily allowed them to see the entire room in case of emergency, none of them taking the spot that would block that view. It probably looked weird, all of them shoved together on three sides of the table, but none of them really cared about appearances any more. It worked for them and that was all that mattered.
"So, how is class going? Nothing happened, right?" Idie asked, ever the worrier.
"Yeah, everything went fine. I got there after classes had already started, so I haven't even gone in the room yet today. Don't worry about me." Izuku assured, continuing to chow down on his bowl of katsudon as if it were the end of the world.
"Just be careful." Billy warned, taking a sip from his drink, "Hero class is right after lunch, and it lasts a while. Bakugou will probably challenge you or something."
So far, Bakugou had challenged all three of the other heroes to a fight. None of the others had been stupid enough to take him up on it yet, though. Destroying a kid that early in his career was bound to leave some self doubt that would only spiral. Too bad Izuku knew that there wasn't much of anything in the entire universe that could deter Bakugou Katsuki. Especially not losing in a fight.
"I will be."
After lunch, it was just as Billy had warned. Hero classes began with All Might bursting into the room before deflating and introducing himself to Izuku. He had somehow still not met the man in the few days that he had been there, but the news of his battle against All for One had been international. Everyone had seen the footage.
"Hello, Catastrophe. I am All Might." Izuku found it refreshing that he didn't just naturally assume the other hero would just know who he was, even if that was the case.
"Nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to seeing how the hero class works. My school's hero course wasn't very expansive." And it wasn't a lie. Really, not many mutants wanted to be heroes. A lot of them (like Izuku almost had) had already given up on their dreams by the time their mutation made itself known. Izuku had actually been one of only four people in the class at the time, one of which was Billy.
The taller man just let out a gentle laugh as he lead the class out to one of the training grounds.
"We will be sparring today. Your partners will be chosen at random." He turned to Izuku once he had finished and whispered; "We have an uneven number of students, would you mind filling in? You're their age, right?"
He almost laughed at the assumption that being the same age meant the same thing as having the same amount of experience. He had been a pro hero for over four years, and even if he hadn't done much at first, he was a hero. But he would get a chance to show that on whoever he was up against, so he nodded once and All Might smiled.
Izuku didn't pay attention until his name was called, which may have added to the surprise at his partner. Maybe if he would have listened, he would know that he had been in the last group to be announced. If he even just watched, he would have seen the predatory grin on his partner's face when he realized exactly what would be happening. But Izuku hadn't seen any of that. And, maybe, just maybe, he had actually flinched when his name was announced with Bakugou Katsuki of all people, but that was his business.
Of course, Katsuki saw it, and wouldn't let any sign of weakness slide. He really hadn't changed from the bratty six-year-old he used to be.
"What, afraid to go against me? Apparently your friends were, too, because when I challenged them they ran away. Are you going to do the same thing?" He mocked, ignoring his friends' admonishments from behind him. At least his friends had upgraded from brainless followers to actual people with morals.
Izuku didn't deign respond to him, instead walking to the middle of the sparring field.
"You don't mind if we go first, right? I just wanna show you all how it's done." He glared at Katsuki as he said the last part, earning a growl and a glare ("oh my, is that supposed to scare me?").
Katsuki stepped up to his own spot in the field, waiting for the ok from All Might before rushing forward, right fist raised.
"Lesson one, feel free to take notes." He grabbed Katsuki's arm and threw the boy over his shoulder. "Hide your attack until the last moment. It makes it much harder for your opponent to defend or prepare a counterstrike."
He heard a growl from behind him and the stomping of heavy boots.
"Lesson two," Izuku spun around and grabbed Katsuki's wrist just before he could fire off an explosion, squeezing until the tiny pops of light died down before kicking the back of his knees forcing him down into the ground. He then kneed the boy's back, pushing him face down. "If your opponent's back is turned, be as silent as possible. They can't prepare for an attack if they don't even know one is coming."
"You piece of shit!" Katsuki yelled, getting up from where he had been laying on the ground to charge at Izuku, fingers already sparking.
"And, finally, lesson three," Izuku waited for Katsuki to get close enough that he could smell the burning nitroglycerin before ducking down and grabbing both legs, running between them before letting go, effectively throwing Katsuki onto his face once again before sitting on his back, one foot on each of his hands restricting his quirk usage. "Never ever underestimate your opponent."
"C–Catastrophe wins," All Might finally managed to get out after a moment of silence.
Izuku leaned down as everyone finally yelled out, expressing their surprise (or not, depending on who you asked) and whispered in Katsuki's ear.
"My friends didn't accept your challenge because they didn't want to destroy you without even needing to use their powers. Just like I did just now." He pushed his feet down just a bit, adding to the pressure on the boy's wrists. "But I had a feeling a blow to your overinflated ego might be just what you need."
Izuku finally got up, offering a hand out to Katsuki for show, who only shoved it away with a growl.
Yo, Katsuki was asking for it though. Nobody insults Izuku's friends and gets off without punishment. One of the many pros to being his friend, with the few cons being: he's a little shit and he has no regard for his own safety, so you're constantly worrying about him.
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