Chapter 09: Pied Piper Pt. 2
The eldest was sweating like a hooker in church on the dance floor. Still, she was feelin' herself. Jisoo continued flaunting her petite body in a tight-fitting Dolce and Gabbana corset dress with her purple hair tied in a high ponytail.
She looked expensive and she knew it. Heck, everybody knew it.
A lanky guy with a baby face was unabashedly eyeing her up and down as she swayed her hips to Diplo's Welcome to the Party. She didn't give him any mind though; he looked cute enough but wasn't her type at all.
Kim Jisoo liked her men like how she liked her coffee: hot, strong, and, most definitely, rough.
In short, Kim Namjoon, her traitorous mind hinted at her.
Closing her eyes, unbidden memories of what transpired between her and the mobster the night before flooded her mind. The way he worshiped her body stuck to her brain like glue. There was still a dull ache between her legs from the way he gave it to her all night long. But, she wanted more.
Just thinking about him made her feel hot all over.
Namjoon and Jisoo, without the knowledge of their friends, were now officially fuck buddies and they shared a secret. Jisoo didn't actually meet the mobster for the first time during Yoongi and Jennie's rehearsal dinner.
In fact, they first ran into each other almost a year ago on the other side of the planet: in New York City, or more specifically, at a local pub in Brooklyn where Jisoo used to work as a part-time bartender.
That fateful Friday night, the 22-year-old recognized the face of the mobster right away when she entered the pub, Nicki's Ale House. He was standing by the bar, a beer on one hand, and was having a chat with her co-worker, Wang Jackson.
When Jackson greeted Jisoo with a nod, the mobster's gaze fell upon her immediately.
It was lust at first sight.
As if they read each other's minds, they didn't once acknowledge the elephant in the room; that Jisoo was a daughter of a high-ranking official in EXO and Namjoon was a member of BTS.
It became some sort of an unspoken rule that when they were in each other's company; he was just Namjoon and she was just Jisoo, nothing more and nothing less.
Long story short, they fucked each other's brains out all night long in Namjoon's hotel room. The experience was so wild, so raw, that she couldn't walk straight for days.
The next time that she would see him was during the rehearsal dinner eleven months later.
It was in her to-do list to simply ignore the guy during the whole ordeal. But, when their eyes met in the Mins' huge library, she instantly knew that her plan was not going to work. The sexual tension between them was still so palpable in the air, she could taste it.
Suffice it to say, she won't be seeing other men anytime soon; Jisoo was too wrapped up in Namjoon at the moment — literally and figuratively. The sex was phenomenal, to say the least, and best of all, there were no commitments.
Their relationship, or lack thereof, was just what the eldest needed right now.
It was truly a win-win situation, and Kim Jisoo loved winning.
You look amazing in that dress, Duchess.
I want to take it off of you.
i'd like to see you try 😏
You free later?
The eldest tried her best to hide her smile as she read the new message from Kim Namjoon who was sitting across from her in the deluxe lounge.
Grasping her smartphone close to her chest, she replied with a "yes".
The girls were back in their VIP booth but now in the company of half of the Bangtan Sons; Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin. Yoongi and Jin were apparently downstairs in the manager's office, still discussing mob business.
The boys' youngest, on the other hand, was in a booth adjacent to theirs with his college friends.
Your place or mine?
let's go to mine tonight
Okay. Just text me when you're
ready to get out of here.
"Who you texting?", a feminine voice slurred from beside her. She looked at Kim Jennie who was clinging to her younger sister like a koala.
"None of your business, you nosy hoe," Jisoo replied to her ever-prying cousin as she closed her smartphone and put it inside her Prada purse.
The eldest noticed how Jennie and Lisa, who were having a chat with Hoseok just a minute ago, shared a knowing smile. The former's hazy eyes gazed back at her, now with a devious glint in her brown orbs.
"Ohhh, defensive..." the older Kim sibling singsonged. "We know that look. You seein' a new man behind our back?"
Jisoo internally face-palmed; leave it to Kim Jennie to be always ready for an inquisition even though she was intoxicated as hell.
"Like I said, it's none of your business." She faked a smile as she nonchalantly took a sip of her Cosmo drink.
She badly wanted to say an outright lie to the girls so they would just drop the subject. But, of course, she could never do it. Growing up, they learned to read one another like open books.
"Oh my God, you totally are!" The youngest exclaimed, catching the attention of all the people inside the room including Chaeyoung who looked like she was having a heated argument with Jimin. "Who is he? Anyone we know?"
The eldest rolled her eyes. "Nice try, maknae, but these red lips are sealed."
"Is it that guy with the pink hair who kept hitting on you during the Bachelorette Party? He's cute." Chaeyoung asked.
Jisoo scrunched her face up. "I don't even remember his face."
"Or... is it that tall guy from the wedding? The son of a minister or something? I saw you chatting with him during the reception. He's just your type." Lisa quipped in.
"Ah, no. I talked to him for like five seconds." She complained. "Why are you two interrogating me, anyway? Leave me alone."
"Please don't tell me that your new man is from the mobs," Jennie looked the purple-haired girl dead in the eyes, "because biiiiiiiitch, I will cut you!"
Jisoo locked eyes for mere seconds with the quiet mobster in front of her. Namjoon had his poker face on, but she couldn't help but notice the apparent amusement in his eyes. He was waiting for her to lie to her friends about them.
The eldest sighed, she had no choice but to counter-attack.
"Jennie, darling, why are you so worked up about this?" She chuckled. "Oh, I get it. It's because I'm getting more action than you thanks to your MIA husband. It's not my fault that men love my milkshake, sweetie."
Jennie gasped. "Are you saying that my milkshake is... inferior?"
Glancing at the faces of the mobsters, they looked just as amused as the two younger girls who couldn't hold back their laughter anymore.
"Your words, Jen. Not mine."
Jennie gasped again before abruptly standing up. She was about to fall over the couch but eventually regained her balance. "Imma show you Jisoo Kim," she slurred, " that my milkshake is better than yours."
The eldest chuckled at her cousin. "Darling, you're not even single anymore." She handed another shot of tequila to Jennie who gulped it down in one go.
"I know..." Jennie winked before stumbling her way out of the lounge and disappearing into the crowd.
"Should we follow her?" Lisa worriedly asked.
The eldest shook her head. "Just let her be. Jen's a grown-ass woman, I'm sure she can handle herself."
"You are the devil's advocate, Jisoo," Hoseok said. "Yoongi hyung won't appreciate this turn of events though."
The girl only smirked in response. The others hadn't seen Kim Jennie truly shitfaced yet and they will be in for a surprise.
Jennie descended the stairs at a slow pace, careful not to fall on her face in front of everybody. Her clouded mind begged her to just go back to the VIP booth and cuddle with Lisa, but her stubbornness willed her to just continue on with her plans instead.
It took her quite a while to find the room she was looking for. When she did, she knocked on the mahogany door before stumbling her way inside with an embarrassed smile. "Did I interrupt anything...?"
She looked at the surprised faces of Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi.
"No, I was just about to leave, actually. I, uh, I'll see you guys later." Jin smirked at the married couple before walking out of his office.
When the door closed behind him, Jennie watched as Yoongi observed her sorry state from the leather couch.
She must admit that she did not look her best at the moment: her bright red Versace mini dress was looking a bit limp, her black hair was a tangled mess behind her back, her makeup must be a little smudged already and there might be a permanent blush in her cheeks because of the excessive amount of alcohol she consumed all night.
Her husband, on the other hand, looked like a snack.
"Yoongi," she made her way to where he was sitting. Without a second thought, she straddled him, made herself comfortable on his lap, wrapped her arms around his shoulders and nuzzled her numb face in the nook of his neck. "I hate you..."
His arms instantly went around her as well and she felt his hand at the small of her back. She realized then just how much she craved his touch. "Oh? Why is that?"
She blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "'Cuz, you hate me, too."
Yoongi started rubbing her back, "what made you think that?"
"You leave me alone in the h-house all the time," she mumbled, "and you didn't come home to me last night." Jennie looked up to see the somewhat amused face of her husband. "You hate me... so I hate you, too."
The mobster softly chuckled, "I don't hate you, Jennie. You're being ridiculous. I told you, I was busy."
"I— I'm..."
"Go on."
"I'm sad when I'm alone in the penthouse." She pouted, "I feel neglected..."
"Is that so?" Jennie nodded, feeling lightheaded. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
She had no answer for that one and just snuggled closer to Yoongi.
The mobster sighed before he started caressing her long black hair. "Jennie, we need to work on our communication. I'm no mind-reader. I won't know that you have an issue with me unless you tell me."
"Okaaay." She hiccuped before nuzzling him again. His heady spicy cinnamon scent invaded her nostrils this time and it sidetracked her altogether. "You smell nice," she impulsively pressed open-mouthed kisses in the expanse of skin along his neck. Jennie couldn't seem to get enough of it, of him.
"What are you doing, Jen?" He whispered into her ear, giving her goosebumps.
"Love... your... smell...," the black-haired girl managed to say in between her neck kisses. Then, she stopped to look at her husband's pink lips which she had the sudden urge to kiss. After an internal battle with herself if she should do just that or not, her hoe side won. "I wanna make out."
Before he could react, she covered his mouth with hers in a delicate kiss. He kissed her back just as swiftly.
When his tongue slipped inside her mouth, she couldn't help the low moan that escaped her lips. Deepening the kiss, she softly raked her fingers through his disheveled locks and his grip on her thin waist tightened. She could feel herself get wetter and wetter by the second, and it took everything in her not to grind on him. Her mind and body were in a frenzy.
After what felt like a minute or two, they finally stopped making out to catch their breaths; their foreheads touching.
His intense stare made Jennie feel self-conscious. Yoongi's dilated pupils were definitely doing something to her and she basked in the feeling.
Remembering what led her to this situation in the first place, the girl chuckled to herself before unsteadily rising to her feet. "C'mon," she slurred, "let's go to the others."
She pulled a bemused-looking Min Yoongi from the couch, pecked him messily on the lips one more time, and dragged him towards the VIP booth to show everyone who had the best milkshake in the area.
End of Chapter 9
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