Chapter 05: Red Wedding
The day Kim Jennie dreaded to arrive for the past five years was finally here. But, instead of feeling terribly sullen, she was rather feeling fine... more than fine actually.
She looked back at her reflection in the mirror for the nth time, making sure that she looked perfect on her special day. Her black hair was in an elegant updo, her makeup was flawless and her designer gown hugged her petite body in all the right places. She looked exquisite.
In just an hour, she will walk down the makeshift aisle — in the sprawling garden of the Mins' mansion — to stand beside Yoongi and take him as her husband. And she didn't dread it for a single second. In fact, she felt elated.
It was quite funny how a friendly dinner completely changed her opinion of a person she despised for a long time.
Sauntering to the vanity table, she picked up and opened the iconic Tiffany blue box again to reveal the beautiful diamond necklace Yoongi gave her as a wedding present. She loved it, the design was just her style. But more importantly, his thoughtfulness warmed her heart.
She promised to buy him a gift after the wedding, too. It was the least she could do.
The door to her room opened and the rest of Blackpink entered looking as fabulous as ever in their black-colored gowns.
"You're so beautiful, unnie!" Lisa exclaimed.
"Thank you, my Lisa bear."
"I still can't believe you're getting married today," the youngest wailed. "I don't know what to feel..."
"Now, you're just being overly dramatic." Jennie rolled her eyes playfully at her baby sister.
She looked up to the speculative gaze of the eldest. "You seem different, Jen. You seem at peace. How did this happen?" Jisoo interrogated.
The bride figured she needed to put her girls' mind at ease so she blurted out the truth.
"After last night, I changed my mind about Yoongi. He was not the person I thought he was."
The three girls sported confused expressions on their faces.
"What happened, unnie? Are you sure you're okay?" Chaeyoung was being cynical as per usual. "Did you hit your head this morning?"
Jennie smiled, "I'm more than okay, Chaeng. Stop worrying and just be happy for me. Today's the Red Wedding, after all." She kidded.
"Exactly. And you're saying that you're actually okay with this sham of a wedding after all these years?" Chaeyoung Park wasn't going to let it go that easily.
"Look, do you really want me to be unhappy on my wedding day? I need to marry Yoongi one way or another and I loathed him for it. But after last night, I came to realize that he was as much of a victim in this as I am. Of course, he also has his own reservations of marrying a girl he barely knows. However, he is doing this for his family and that's something we have in common..." her bright eyes wandered back to her reflection in the mirror.
"To be honest, I don't want to be miserable for the rest of my life. That is why I am finally choosing to make this bad situation into a good one. I, at least, deserve that. Today, I am choosing to marry Min Yoongi." She finished her little speech with a determined glint in her eyes.
"I want to be like you when I grow up." Lisa quipped, already teary-eyed. Jisoo and Chaeyoung also looked like they were on the brink of tearing up.
"Don't cry, Lisa. You're going to ruin your makeup! Now come here, you three. Give me a hug."
"You really are a crazy bitch, Kim Jennie," Jisoo concluded. The bride giggled as the eldest pulled them into a warm group hug.
When she heard the familiar notes of the wedding march playing across the vast garden, Jennie's heart hammered loudly through her chest. It felt like she will spontaneously combust any second now.
She was Kim Jennie for god's sake and being nervous was not in her repertoire. But, it was different on her wedding day, especially when his attention was completely on her. And by his, she meant Min Yoongi's.
As she slowly walked down the beautifully-decorated aisle at sunset, she fixed her gaze at Yoongi's brown orbs which were staring intently back at her.
He looked amazing in his tailored black tuxedo and white bowtie. His unblemished skin looked like it was glowing and greatly contrasted with his dark hair. It was a powerful sight.
Upon reaching him, he took her right hand, a barely noticeable smile forming in his thin lips. With a soft squeeze on her delicate hand, he led her to the end of the aisle where the officiant, Kim Seokjin, was waiting to preside over the ceremony.
Both of them decided to skip the cringe-worthy speeches and went straight to the vows instead.
Repeating every word Jin said, Min Yoongi and Kim Jennie promised to be with each other for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, until their last breath.
Despite her cool facade, all Jennie felt was a great deal of excitement during the whole ordeal. Her immense enthusiasm even surprised her.
She suddenly had a crazy idea, maybe the craziest one she could ever come up with. Even crazier than having a boyfriend when she was engaged to a future mob boss.
We just got married anyway so what was the worst that could happen?
No one deserved a loveless marriage and God forbid that it happens to her.
After exchanging their wedding rings, Yoongi finally lifted the bride's veil for the kiss that will bind them forever.
She showed him her most genuine smile.
Yoongi tilted his head to the side and playfully narrowed his eyes at her. "You've got the devil in your eyes, Kim Jennie. Are you aware of that?"
The bride laughed, "I've been told."
I will make you fall in love with me, Min Yoongi, even if it's the last thing I do.
And she kissed the groom.
End of Chapter 5
Author's Note:
This is my first ever book in Wattpad and it has been in the works for almost two months. 😭😭😭 Would really appreciate it if you vote and write a comment if you liked it. Thank you!
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