Chapter 9: Part Of The Plan
Bonnie's P.O.V
"Foxy! Get in position!" I hissed at him from the stage. "What does it be look like I'm doing?" he asked. "Not wanting to play your part," I said back. "Well guess what, you're spot on! I have zero faith this plan will work, and if it doesn't you'll be my servant!" he said. "It will. And with it a surprise," I said. "Squeak, squeak!" said Carl at me. "He's ready," I said. "How do you know what that means?" asked Foxy. "It's obvious. He's never been this excited and I can tell he's eager to get Mike," I responded. "Yarr just guessing to only make it seem like you understand him," said Foxy. "No need to be jealous," I said. He gave me a face that seemed like he was offended by my comment. "I'm not jealous." "Keep on telling me that everyday and maybe at the slightest moment I'll reconsider my answer. If that ever happens," I responded. As I was talking with Foxy, I noticed Freddy had walked in the main room and was making his way towards me. "Whats going on here?" he asked in a demanding voice. "Can't you see Bonnie's trying to make the best plan to get Mike. Or so he claims," responded Foxy. "Really now? And why are you out of your mothers grasp you damn cupcake," said Freddy to Carl. You could tell Carl was a little intimidated by him since he was refusing to respond. "Leave him alone," I said. "And whys that if I can ask? Like why you're refusing to work?" he asked. "I'm having issues right now that I have to resolve," I responded. "Like that Shadow Bonnie problem? Forget about it!" he said. "What? No! I can't forget about him, he's not going to go away with the a single snap of a finger! He's just going to keep coming back until I get rid of him... if I can find a way to," I said. "Don't bring up the subject! You hear hear me!? he said raising his tone. "Freddy leave him alone. We're busy right now," said Foxy chiming in on the conversation. "Foxy! What did I say about how you respond to your boss!" he said angry now. "Like I give a shit!" responded Foxy laughing. For a second it looked like Freddy was about to blow up, almost like he wanted to strangle Foxy. But instead of hell breaking loose, the aftermath was acceptance but the thought of what would follow after came to be in our minds. "Hmm... Fine! You both can have it like that. But enjoy it while it lasts," he said, almost making it seem like a threat. He walked out of the room, leaving the three of us to wonder what would happen the next time we saw him. "Ha! Coward!" said Foxy taking it as a joke, as usual. Maybe one day he'll realize that not everything is light and dandy, and can be taken so lightly. Perhaps he doesn't even know what evil is. "Enough with that! We gotta start this remember? Let's get into positions," I commanded. "You better not disappointment me!" said Foxy closing the curtains for Pirate Cove. "Alright. Let's give Mike a proper introduction on how we strategize," I said to myself. I hopped off the stage as I walked into the 'Back Room' to make it easier for Mike in order for him to spot me. I walked in there and as soon as I did, I stared at the camera. The camera light was red now, which indicated he was watching me. 'Now Foxy has to do his part,' I thought. The light went off the camera now, and that was my queue to switch my spot. I quickly went into the main room, and Foxy's eye was already peeking out of the curtain. The light for the camera went red, and I held my current position. As I was waiting I could see Carl under the table, patiently waiting for his time to strike. The light went off, and I was off once more. I walked down the left hall as I went inside the 'Supply Closet.' 'Hopefully Foxy should be going by now if I calculated correctly,' I thought. I could now hear someone sprinting down the hall as I peeked over the door. "And I estimated correctly." Foxy ran past me as I heard Mike close the office door on Foxy. Foxy ran past me back towards 'Pirate Cove,' retreating to his one place that was apart of him. I quickly ran out of the 'Supply Closet' and towards the office. Like always, Mike closed the door on me as I was waiting behind the door by, while he used his door light to monitor me. After all, this was the only thing to counter the darkness. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the shadow of Carl from the right side right at the front of the office door. And then he struck. All apart of the plan. "Oh my god, he did it," said Foxy as he walked over to me. Carl ran in and jump-scared Mike, as he looked confused, probably because this was the first time he saw Carl face to cupcake. "Wait! Why's he not scared?" asked Foxy. "What the hell even is this?" asked Mike while laughing uncontrollably. I stood proud of my actions, as Foxy stood beside me dumbstruck on how he put all his trust and faith into Carl. Even if it was subtle. "So? About that advice?" I asked Foxy. "I swear," he responded while walking away. Carl went out of the office as he came to me, proud that he helped me. "Hey thanks for the assistance!" I said congratulating him. "Squeakems," he responded. I noticed something at the corner of eye, as I turned around. I thought it was Foxy since he left and instead decided to come back. But I regret guessing it was him. It was Shadow Bonnie. He was on the stage as he smiled at me. And then he was gone. I stood in shock, unsure of how to react to this. "Squeak?" asked Carl probably wondering why it seemed like I was in a trance. "I need to go," I said leaving him. "He's watching my every move. He's trying to learn everything about me," I said to myself. "He's trying to learn how to be me."
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