Chapter 41: No Choice In Death
Bonnie's P.O.V
"Where's your friend?" I asked. "Shadow Freddy is taking care of your friends and that will make sure I don't have too much resistance standing in my way," responded Shadow Freddy. "That's only going to even the score," I said. "Only if you don't see the odds," he responded. Suddenly Shadow Freddy appeared next to him, showing he had all the backup he needed. "Oh! Now you have a fair match, on out part!" said Shadow Freddy. "What did you do to Golden Freddy," I asked knowing he had something to do with him not being here. He would've been here by now, this was unlike him. And it was obvious Shadow Freddy was the cause since he has a distaste for him. "What do you think I did? I tried to beat his tough ass, and he won't be getting back up for awhile," responded Shadow Freddy. "Maybe you should recalculate your response with further thought." Everyone turned to see Golden Freddy walking besides me, showing his suit to be battered and damaged with marks on him. "You good?" I asked making sure he was fine. "For the most part, yes," he responded. "Shadow Freddy got the jump on me and Puppet came to help me, though he got knocked out in the process. Luckily he's fine and I was fortunate for Shadow Freddy to retreat." "Well now you get to give him a taste of karma," I said looking at Shadow Bonnie and Shadow Freddy. "Hmm, perhaps it is an fair fight then," said Shadow Bonnie smirking. Quickly he and Shadow Freddy stepped into the shadows, as me and Golden Freddy ran towards them. "Bonnie!" yelled Chica at me. I turned around to look at her and say something. I just wish I made time to say goodbye before I knew what I was getting into. Golden Freddy's arm grabbed mine and pulled me as it took me a second to figure out what happened. We were now at the shadow realm version of the pizzeria. "What the hell? We must've been transported by a portal," I said. "You aren't wrong," said Golden Freddy agreeing with me. For me to be in a spot where I could see everything in the room, I still didn't notice Shadow Bonnie and Shadow Freddy anyway. "What happened to taking over the pizzeria?" I asked finally noticing him and Shadow Freddy near the tables. "Obviously you've seemed to forget my primary objective. You," Shadow Bonnie responded. "I thought you would use a different way," I said. 'At least it puts the others out of harms way.' "Well you should be lucky I haven't had Chica apart of my conquest yet. She is suitable for it," he said smiling. "You should know she is not going to join your damn cause," I said trying to resist reacting, that was what he wanted from me." "She will, whether she likes it or not. If I'm going to be you, I have make sure I have everything to be you," he said. "You're not taking her!" I exclaimed. "I will be forced to bring her into this, not unless she complies," he said. "All this talk does is delay your opportunity to even achieve your goal," said Golden Freddy. "Your chattering only brings me closer to victory," responded Shadow Bonnie. Me and Golden Freddy glanced at each other before looking back and getting into fighting stances. "I see you both are eager for a fight," said Shadow Bonnie. "We've been ever since you've corrupted apart of my life," I responded. "The only thing that will be ruined is your ability to ever live again!" said Shadow Freddy. "Then I pray to have a second life to spare on me," said Golden Freddy. There was a moment of silence, which was needed in order to decide who would make the first move. Each group stared at each other, showing their feeling towards one another. I had a face to show I was determined to stand my ground, even if it meant sacrificing my life for others. Shadow Bonnie had a face that showed even he was determined to win, yet there was scummy and manipulative expression he presented, almost familiar. Shadow Freddy on the other hand had and expression that had pure famished hunger for blood. It was basically the face of a savage animal. Golden Freddy however had the face of someone who would be at my side and fight for the cause of someones own troubles that they couldn't handle alone. We stood watching and waiting for the first move, and to see who would prevail in the end. All of us had to focus on every movement someone made. Yet it was easy to predict who would be the one to strike. Shadow Freddy leaped up at Golden Freddy as Shadow Bonnie disappeared completely into the surroundings. I quickly and spontaneously looked around as Golden Freddy held off Shadow Freddy, while they exchanged words during their duel.
"Freddy was weak, but you hold my power and strength!"
"We're nothing alike!"
"Why are you so ignorant! You choose to ignore the signs! A pity I'm better than you!"
"Even if I we were the same, you still would fall!"
Then you fall with me bitch!"
Shadow Freddy ran into Golden Freddy causing to knock him down, as I walked over to them to help him. As soon as I did, Shadow Bonnie came out of nowhere, reappearing to have the element of surprise. He kicked me as I fell to the ground, not knowing he would do that. As soon as he approached me, I quickly punched him. Though it did no effect as my hand phased through him. 'Dammit, he impervious to my attack!' I thought. Shadow Bonnie then grabbed my arm as he threw me across the room. I hit the floor on impact as I could fell pain through my wires. "Dammit, I need a new strategy!" I said while trying to get up. The only problem was I didn't have one, there was no plan I had to counter him. I was vulnerable. I suddenly saw Shadow Freddy hit the ground as Golden Freddy ran to me. "You good?" he asked grabbing my hand to pull me up. "Mostly. But I can't fight Shadow Bonnie, he's too strong!" I said. "Well, I hate to say it but you'll have to figure something out, I barely can hold Shadow Freddy and I doubt having to hold two enemy's will increase my chances of success," he responded. I could see Shadow Bonnie walking up to me as Shadow Freddy got up. "I can't do much, I don't have any powers or anything to counter the both of them," I said. "You're still useful without powers. Try to draw Shadow Bonnie away from me so I can handle Shadow Freddy on my own," he said. "Yeah, I just gotta make sure not to get myself killed in the process," I said running off in a different direction. Shadow Bonnie looked at me as he went to take chase while Shadow Freddy went back to fighting Golden Freddy. "Look at you! So helpless, nothing you have to defend yourself with except the ability to survive. Even that is useless eventually," said Shadow Bonnie behind me. "You should've been more prepared." "If you want to kill me so badly and take my place, why hesitate to do so?" I asked. This seemed to get to him, he made a displeased face as he picked up speed towards me. I quickly jumped over one of the tables as I threw a plate at him. Even with it missing him it still had an effect on him. He stopped his pace a little as I ran around to where the stage was. I could see Golden Freddy and Shadow Freddy battling near the bathrooms, though no one was getting the upper advantage on each other. I could see Shadow Bonnie running towards me as stood still to time my next move. As he got close enough for where I wanted him to be, I quickly ran to the left. Though the luck of persistence wasn't on my side at that moment. He quickly grabbed me as he threw me back to where Golden Freddy was as I hit the floor hard. I could feel pain throughout my body, pain that wasn't going away for a long time. I slowly looked up as I could see Golden Freddy backing up to check on me. "I can't do anything. I'm just some normal animatronic that doesn't have the powers they do," I said trying to get up. "All I'm good for is to get beat around and do things for everyone as they command me to do so." "Don't say that! You're someone who will stand up to someone who tries to command you to do everything for everyone. You'll never back down from the one superior to you," said Golden Freddy. As soon as he turned back he was immediately punched as he fell down beside me. I looked to see Shadow Freddy towering above us as Shadow Bonnie walked up next to him. "I expected more from you Bonnie," said Shadow Bonnie looking at me. "Maybe I'm not the same as you after all then," I said. "Or you're trying to give us the upper hand without realizing it." Golden Freddy disappeared as he went behind Shadow Freddy and grabbing him by the neck. "How is it that he can touch him?" I thought. "Get off me you fucking animal!" screamed Shadow Freddy. "It's you who's uncontrollable!" yelled back Golden Freddy as he held on. Suddenly Golden Freddy threw him on the floor as he punched him. Shadow Bonnie ran towards him as Golden Freddy pushed him back with his hand without even touching him. As Shadow Bonnie hit the wall from his attack, Golden Freddy punched Shadow Freddy over and over again with all the strength he had. "No!" yelled Shadow Bonnie. This was the first time he showed emotion at all, perhaps there was still something left in him that showed he could be saved from the path he has taken. Golden Freddy still continued to punch Shadow Freddy as I watched. "Wait I think that's enough!" I said. He ignored my warning as still didn't halt. "Don't kill Fredbear!" yelled Shadow Bonnie. "Fredbear?" I questioned. Golden Freddy actually stopped as he turned to look at Shadow Bonnie, then back at Shadow Freddy. Or his apparent real name Fredbear. "Now you know why the hell I'm after you. You got me good here you son of a bitch. I've been beaten, now I suggest you end my suffering quicker then the pain I've experienced all these years," said Fredbear. There was a moment of silence, though I'm not sure it was because of Golden Freddy's decision or if no one had the heart to say something. "Do it! There is no choice is death!" exclaimed Fredbear. "No... You're right," said Golden Freddy. "Death is apart of our life's, the end of ours and to begin a new one. You can delay death however." "Hmm. I guess so," said Fredbear on the ground. Suddenly something blasted through Golden Freddy chest as he fell down. "Golden Freddy!" I yelled as got down on the ground to check him. Shadow Bonnie punched me as I fell onto the ground once more. He ran over to Fredbear to check on him, as I listened onto his conversation while resisting the pain.
Fredbear, can you move?" he asked.
"Springbonnie..." he tried to say.
"I need to get you out of here! We have to continue the plan!"
"No. Only you. I'm done with this. I don't want to be apart of this."
"Why! After all we've lost because of him!"
"But do we really have to go to great lengths? To take our own newborn versions of us? To risk our own life's"
"Don't say that! You can't waste all that hard work we've made all these years."
"I just did. Don't do this, it's not right. We're only raising our price to pay in hell."
"I-I can't! I need what I want! My life back!"
"Well I got what I wanted, someone to get me to realize the errors of my ways. Funny I just realized how big of an asshole and animal I am."
"I'm sorry. You've made things right for yourself, now I'll do the same for me."
Shadow Bonnie got up as he walked away from him and to the portal, but not before looking back one last time at Fredbear. He stepped in the portal and went through as I tried getting up. I slowly did so as I had some left over strength to get up as I went over to Golden Freddy. "Golden Freddy! Wake up!" I said shaking him. He wasn't moving, was he dead? "He's gone. His attack killed him," said Fredbear on the ground. "No, no, no!" I said shaking him over and over. "There is still a chance to save him," said Fredbear looking at himself. "I can give up my life to give him a second life and be reborn." I stood silent; there was a chance to bring him back. However I didn't want to force him to give his own life for Golden Freddy's. "You don't have to, you know that?" I asked. "Well lucky him he's getting redemption. And hopefully I do as well for this action," he responded. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked. "Believe me I do. He made me realize that involving the innocent doesn't satisfy and clench your thirst for revenge," he said. "And I'm giving my gratitude towards his respect." I stepped back as he stuck his hand out to grab Golden Freddy. "He was right, there is a choice in death. But consider this a sacrifice. Tell Golden Freddy that he made me realize I was the animal, and that I've been tamed," he said. "And now I'm off to redemption." Energy started moving through his hand as he transferred it to Golden Freddy, while a bright light appeared blinding me. The light was there for about ten seconds, until it finally died down. As the light faded completely I could see Golden Freddy in perfect condition, but Fredbear was gone. I quickly walked over to Golden Freddy as I awaited for a response. I wasn't sure if it had worked, until that question was answered finally. He opened his eyes as he looked around while getting up. "Your ok!" I exclaimed. "Yeah. However I can't seem to recall what happened," he said. "Shadow Bonnie... well, killed you. But Fredbear gave up his own life to bring you back," I said. Golden Freddy stared at the ground, not knowing how to react. "He told me to tell you that he realized what he had become, an animal," I said. He looked at me, and even his expression spoke more than his words. "Perhaps he is just like me. I would do the same," he said. "We need to get out of here." He tried to stand up as he collapsed onto the ground as I went to grab him up. "My legs, they're broken," he said. "Well he didn't fully restore everything," I said grabbing him to get him on his feet and head over to the portal. "All that matters is that I'm still here," he responded. "Shadow Bonnie went back through the portal, I just hope we're not too late," I said carrying Golden Freddy by his arm while heading to the portal. "I've had enough of this place forever."
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