Chapter 30: Before Things Were Complicated
Bonnie's P.O.V
'I can't believe I managed to do it. My help was false due to my own actions, and I caused tension between everyone here,' I thought. 'Now the army is only a resistance that will be short lived.' I sighed as I stared at the animatronic heads in front of me, wondering what to do now. My desire to rid Shadow Bonnie had corrupted and blinded my feelings and emotions. In which that consequence costed me an important factor that everyone had. Friendship. "I see things didn't go to plan." I shifted my head to my side to see Golden Freddy hovering over me a couple inches away. "I saw what happened." "I wish you didn't, your interpretation probably changed due to my unorthodox behavior," I said. "I can't say you take the full blame, but you own some of it," he said. "This recent occurrence has effected your attitude and personality, which has resulted in a new you. One that nobody wanted." "I'm just so desperate that I'm forgetting the necessities that I need to show to everyone," I said. "And in doing so I split my friends apart... except Freddy." "You still have hatred feeling towards him?" he asked. "He acts like this isn't a serious matter, he doesn't care that I might be sitting in the back room to rot because Shadow Bonnie forcefully took my position," I said. "I wish things were less chaotic, maybe even a second chance to ask out Chica. Just like how it was back at the second location, I honestly would prefer that over this current situation." "You mean during the time of when you and the others were at the second location and had to purpose?" asked Golden Freddy. "Yeah. Well, I wouldn't say it was memorable, but more of a fresh new start and life to experience. I can't forget that thought," I said. "I guess it couldn't hurt to explain what it was like when the more complex times had a purpose."
Date: November 8, 1987
Time: 12:02
Night: 1
My circuits were rebooting, I could feel my systems coming online. How long was I deactivated for? The last thing I remember was shutting off for the night, and that's it. It felt like it was the first time I was active in like years. Yet something felt off, out of place. My vision had static and seemed to be malfunctioning. Was I broken? As my vision restored, at least the best it could do, I looked around to observe my surroundings. I wasn't on the stage, in fact I didn't recognize the room I was in at the moment. It was new, it was too clean for it to be in the pizzeria. I noticed something on the ground, it was brown and appeared to be a bear. It took me a second to realize it was Freddy, yet it was hard to tell it was him. He had parts of his suit missing, not too major but noticeable either way. "F-F-re-ddy!" I said speaking. My voice box was glitching, I guess it was in terrible condition. Though it didn't make sense why it was broken in the first place. Maybe that was why I was here, but then it wouldn't explain why the others were here as well. I could see him moving his head a little, probably getting used to being a functioning being after all this time he was deactivated, which who knows how long that was for. "Bonnie?" he said still on the ground. He slowly got up as he faced me, until he stopped while staring at me. The silence and air that surround us confused me why this was necessary. "W-W-What happened to you?" he asked shocked. "Wh-hat d-d-do you m-mean-n-n?" I asked. "Your face and arm! They're gone!" he exclaimed. I didn't move for a couple seconds until I finally forced myself to move my left arm. Except there was nothing to move since it wasn't there. I quickly moved my right arm to feel my face, except my sensors felt wires that were exposed from my nonexistent face. "W-What th-h-he-e he-el-l?" I said. All of a sudden I noticed something moving near me and Freddy. I realized it was Chica and her current state seemed to be worse than mine. "What? What's going on?" she asked. She was talking, but her mouth and jaw weren't. It seemed her jaw was stuck in place, which was unfortunate. Not only that but both of her arms were missing as well and the only things left of it were the wires of her once present arms. "I-I wish-h I-I kn-n-new," I responded. "W-What happened to the both of you?" asked Chica. "That's what we're trying to figure out right now," responded Freddy. From behind Freddy, I could see Foxy walking from around the corner. "What the hell is the fuss all about? I'm trying to sleep," he said. His expression suddenly turned to the realization of our reality. "Am I dreaming or not?" "I we all were," responded Chica. "We just woke up, and to this," said Freddy. "A-And we-e're n-n-not-t a-a-at ou-ur pi-i-i-z-zeria-a," I said. "Shit, you're in terrible condition.," said Foxy to me. "It's safe to say we are all in poor condition," said Freddy. "But where are we then? Why are we missing parts?" asked Chica. "We're about to find out," said Freddy. "This room appears to have a intricate design towards it; perhaps we were transferred to another location." "Though it still doesn't explain are condition," said Chica. "Ya, look at me! I'm a pile of shit!" exclaimed Foxy while pointing at himself. "Foxy, you're the only one who's the least damaged, at least be happy. The rest of us are like a toy ripped to shreds by a child," said Freddy. "I guess it's time to find out where we are then," said Chica. 'I just hope it's nothing too bad,' I thought. 'Because this sudden change feels forced upon us.'
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