Chapter 1: Just Your Average Night
Bonnie's P.O.V
"Hey lad! Lad! Hello?" I could hear someone's voice, a familiar one. Yet I didn't feel like opening my eyes to actually prove my guess. "Wake up!" Something cold and metallic hit my head as that finally caused me to open my eyes. And not to my surprise, it was Foxy. "Really dude?" I asked. "You know what time it is?" he asked with grin that showed I knew what he was talking about. Except I didn't, or least I didn't want to know. I turned my head to the clock hanging on the wall that read: 11:58 on it. "I know what time it is, and I'm pissed again that you woke me up early just to force me to help you," I said. His grin faded away as his expression turned to disappointment. "Why do you refuse to help me?" "Because it's getting repetitive that you have the need to wake me up early just so you can kill the night guard, since you apparently incapable of doing it on your own," I said. "Also why don't you bother to ask Freddy or Chica to help you?" "For one Freddy refuses to help me because he's 'busy' during the first hour, and Chica gets bitchy when she's making pizza with Carl at this hour," responded Foxy. "Come to think of it, there is never a time she stops making pizza." "She's not a bitch, don't say that about her!" I said a bit annoyed at his comment. I'm glad her nor Freddy didn't hear that since they both were deactivated next to me. "What? I be saying the truth!" he said. "Whatever. I'll help you since I'm guessing I have no choice," I said. "Right on," responded Foxy as he was walking towards Pirate's Cove. Considering it was the smallest area and that was where he lived, he didn't mind it. I guess you get used to sleeping in a confined area each night, though for me that's something I couldn't do. The clock chimed twelve, indicating the night had just started. And that meant the night guard would soon walk in the front entrance any minute. And so he did. The doors opened as I hid down behind one of the tables as Foxy quickly got into his stage to act like he was still deactivated. Even though Mike knew of our existence, it still annoyed him that me and Foxy were active early. That thing about Mike was he was very persistent and knew how to deal with us. When he finally went around the corner, I got up as Foxy hopped off the stage. "So. What genius plan do you have tonight?" I asked. "I was thinking you be the distraction while I be the one that catches him off guard," said Foxy. "Of course I'm the distraction," I muttered to myself. "Now, you go to his door and try to drain his power, he'll be focused on you that he'll forget about me and I'll the element of surprise," he explained. "That's if he doesn't multitask," I added in. "Ha! Nobody's smart enough to do that," responded Foxy taking my comment as a joke. "You're in for hell then," I said. "Alright. Get in your position," commanded Foxy as he got on his stage. "I'll do my part." I nodded as I walked to the right side of the hallway, at least from Mike's perspective it was the right side. As I got closer, I could see him observing the camera system. Just like what every security guard did. "Let's see if this is another failed attempt like last week," I said to myself. I approached the door and as soon as I did Mike noticed. As usual he closed the door on me, the same tactic used every night as the only use of defense to keep us from getting to him. I stood waiting and waiting for Foxy to come, but nothing happened. It could've been easier if Freddy or Chica were here, but I doubt they would be up by now. It was only Monday, and they usually had more of a desire to kill Mike as the week progressed. After all I had known Freddy, Chica, and Foxy for years now. We were made when the first location opened, and ever since then we've stayed together. Even through all the troubles we've been through. When the first location closed down due to some murders, we were all moved to a new location. However the company decided to use us for spare parts for other new animatronics that were used for that location. Eventually we were moved to this brand new location for a second chance. For once it feels like we have a normal life, considering it's a life that nobody has except us. All of a sudden I could here someone running down the hall, which indicated it was Foxy. I peered through the window to catch a glimpse of Foxy's success. Except all I got to see was failure. As soon as Foxy was inches away, Mike quickly hit the button to close the door as it blocked Foxy from entering. Foxy had a surprised expression as I shrugged at him, knowing his plan wouldn't work from the start. "Fuck you!" yelled Foxy at Mike through the window. Mike just ignored him as I walked back around the corner, while Foxy did the same. "What the hell was that?!" he asked angry at me as if I was the problem. "Me? What the hell did I do?" I asked. "You screwed us up! You were just day dreaming the whole entire time!" he claimed. "What else am I supposed to do? You said stand there, not stand there and do something," I said. Foxy just sighed as he went back to Pirates Cove, not bothering to even respond. He was defeated for now but he was not giving up yet. "God, he never know's when to quit," I said walking away. "Or at least handle his obsession properly."
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