One Last Mission
Scarlet's POV (First person):
⚠ Gore, Violence, and Blood Warning (also mention of abuse)⚠
With a snap of my fingers, I disappeared away from the Radio Demon.
I couldn't help but giggle, remembering the look on his face. I bet he's just trying to wrap his head around what just happened. When I pictured meeting him, I thought he would be a little more intimidating and scary. But I would never have thought that I could make him blush of all things.
I carefully placed the tube of lipstick in my purse, not wanting to lose it again.
I couldn't stop thinking about the way he acted, if he did feel anything I don't think even HE would be able to figure out what sort of emotions he was feeling. That thought amused me.
Suddenly the sound of a whistle rose above all the other noise around me. I slowly turned toward the source of the sound. In a dark alleyway, was a big grey hellhound leaning against a wall, staring me down. Looking at me hungrily, his eyes looking up and down my body.
I could feel my blood boil at the sight of him, especially when he used his disgusting hand to motion me over. It took everything in me to hide my scowl and not to kill him at that very moment. Part of me wanted to ignore him, I was already late as is. But where's the fun in that?
Vox can wait, this guy can't.
I took a deep breath, put an innocent look on my face, and made my way into the alleyway.
"Hey sweetheart~" he said, not looking away for a moment.
"Hey big boy, I see you wanted my attention~," I said in a sweet, honey-like voice.
He just smirked, he was practically drooling.
He reeked of drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol.
"Yeah, I just wanted to ask ya for a favor."
I already knew where this was going, this would work out perfectly.
"And what do you want from a girl like me?~" I flirted, giving him a smirk.
"I think you know dollface.~" he flirted back, pushing me against the wall behind me.
But this didn't stop him from continuing.
"I've seen you around, sneaking around with other guys in alleyways. Giving them a good time.~" he slurred, his hands pinning my shoulders to the wall.
He must have thought I was a prostitute of some kind, just offering my "services" to any guy who wanted it. Oh, this was too good. He had no idea who I was, what I did to all those guys, and he was drunk out of his mind. This was too easy.
"Oh? And let me guess, you want some of what I gave them." I placed one hand on his chest, causing him to almost purr.
His eyes now staring at my lips.
"Yes~," He said, his heart beating like crazy.
"Oh, well you know it's gonna cost you," I said, getting slightly closer.
"Anything," he said.
He sounded desperate, it was pathetic really.
"Are you sure, because all I want is.."
But instead of finishing my sentence, I smash my lips against his.
He tasted even worse than he smelt, not to mention that he was a terrible kisser. It made me question how someone could be so bad at kissing.
His hands moved down my arms to my waist.
Ok, there is no way I'm letting this continue any further.
I pushed him away from me, breaking the kiss.
While he was panting for air, I moved my hand off his chest onto the side of his face.
"What I want is," I leaned up, close to his ear and whispered, "your life."
When I leaned away, he only looked confused.
I quickly made my dagger appear in my hand and stabbed it into his stomach.
He gasped, his eyes going wide when he looked down and saw the dagger.
His blood carefully ran down my hand, it made me feel alive.
"You see, Sweetheart," I said, my voice becoming demonic.
I could see the absolute fear in his eyes, I loved it.
"You know, I hate when men like you catcall girls like me. It makes my blood boil." I gave him a smug look while blood slowly started to leak from his mouth, "You know it's nothing personal, you were just too perfect not to pass up. Then again, I don't have any self-control so you might be the victim here."
I couldn't help but laugh, this was too good. This didn't stop me from continuing.
"Then again you did want what I gave to all those men, and I did. Man didn't you screw up?! Not knowing who I am was your first mistake, so allow me to introduce myself,"
I shoved the dagger further into his stomach, causing him to groan in pain.
"I'm Scarlet the Heartbreaker. And you're going to die knowing that it was your fault for being such a disgusting, ignorant, bastard!"
I pulled the dagger out of him, letting him fall to the ground with a thud.
I couldn't help but laugh as he wined, holding his stomach in pain.
"Oh stop that," I walked closer, stepping on him, digging my heel into his chest, "you think you can stop the bleeding, think that you're going to live but your dead wrong."
He then started to cough up blood, making me smile a wide, wicked, sinister smile.
I held the dagger up to where he could see it, when he did his eyes went wide.
"Do you know what this is lover boy?" I leaned closer to his pathetic lying, bleeding, body. "This is an angel weapon, known to make sure that when demons die they never come back."
I sighed, crouching down next to his now-shaking body.
"But to add a bit of...entertainment and a more painful way of dying, this blade is coated with a deadly poison. This poison will kill you in about," I picked up his wrist, looking at his watch. "60 seconds."
I brought the blade to my lips, licking the blood right off of it.
"But I'm immune to this poison, so I can taste your blood without being affected."
I licked the dagger again, tasting the sweet blood.
"Hmm, your blood is sweet. Let me guess your blood is A+ right? A shame too, for someone with such sweet blood to be so sour."
I sighed, looking down at the pathetic wolf who was barely holding on to his life.
I clicked my tongue, standing up.
"Well I have better things to do than watch you die so, I'll leave you to it." I turned around, about to leave when he spoke.
"B-bitch, n-not going to f-finish what you s-started?" he tried to chuckle but it came out as a cough.
I froze, not moving a single inch, letting the anger fill up in my chest.
When I turned around, he had a smile on his face. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh, does the puppy want me to put him out of his misery?" I said, poison dripping from my voice.
He didn't say anything, he just lay on the ground with such hate in his eyes. A look I knew all too well.
"Fine, I guess that's on fair."
He seemed to sigh in relief, which only made me smile.
"But that doesn't mean I won't make your death even more painful."
Before he could even blink, I lunged at him.
I ripped him into shreds, spilling out all of his organs, his blood, everything. When I was done with him and the screams stopped, there was barely anything left.
When I left the alley, covered in blood, every demon in sight disappeared.
With a snap of my fingers, all the blood disappeared.
My smile was gone, and I made my way to Valentino's club.
I looked at the clock tower, it was 5:53 pm.
I was supposed to meet Vox 2 hours ago, he was going to be pissed.
Oh well, I'm dead.
I quickly started to run toward the club, my heels clicking behind me.
Shit, oh I'm so dead.
~much time passed until she made it to the club~
When I got to the club, I was completely out of breath.
That's when I noticed that I was holding onto my purse tightly, shaking ever so slightly.
Everything will be ok Scarlet, calm down.
I took a deep breath, opening the doors to the club.
No one even gave me a second glance as I walked right to the VIP doors.
I came face to face with a bodyguard, and sent him my signature smile.
"Hi, Ted," I said, now standing in front of the tall demon.
He returned my smile with one of his own.
"Scarlet, you late."
"How's the wife?" I asked, ignoring his statement while giving him an innocent smile.
Ted was one of my only somewhat close friends, he had been a bodyguard for Valentino longer than I've been here.
"She's fine, Vox is waiting for you in Val's office."
"Oh straight to the point, I love that.~" I flirted, placing my hands on my hips.
"Scarlet," he said sternly.
"Ok sorry, sorry. I know the drill."
I walk closer toward the door, about to open it when Ted stops me.
"He's pissed Scarlet, be careful ok?"
His face seemed to soften, he always worried about me as if I was his daughter.
I gave him a soft smile, placing my hand on his arm.
"Ok." was all I said before I walked through the double doors.
The mood seemed to change, as I walked the dark hallway.
The music from the club was muffled, the air cold, and a negative feeling hung heavy in the air.
My eyes set on the door at the very end of the hall.
The next thing I knew I was standing in front of the door, taking a deep breath.
I slowly turned the door handle, letting myself in.
"Voxy~," I said, entering the room.
But before I could even close the door behind me, I was met only by a smack to the face.
I was so caught off guard that I quickly fell to the floor.
"You're late," Vox said, walking back to Val's desk.
I slowly stood up, and closed the door, while looking up at the tv demon, who looked furious.
"Yeah, sorry." I squeaked, walking over and sitting down in the seat in front of him.
"Sorry my ass Scarlet, I told you to come here at exactly 3 pm. And what time is it now Scarlet?" I looked at the ground, not answering him.
"It's about 6," I said quietly, loud enough for him to hear.
I could hear him get up and slowly walk toward me.
"Exactly, now I'm not going to ask why because then you'll just give me excuses. Am I right?" He asked, getting closer.
When I didn't answer, he grabbed my face harshly, making me look at him.
"Am I right?" he said, obliviously angry.
"yes." I squeaked, my eyes burning from staring at him for so long.
He harshly pushed my face away, before walking behind me.
He grabbed my shoulders, his grip tight.
"Now Scarlet, how would you like to do one last mission?" he asked, his grip loosening slightly.
I finally managed to find my voice, and I made sure that he could hear the poison dripping from every word.
"I don't want to do any more fucking missions."
He leaned closer to my ears, so close that I could feel his screen barely touch them.
"But you haven't even heard what you'll get from it."
"I don't give a shit Vox," I said, looking at my reflection in the window.
"What if I give you your freedom?"
My breath hitched, and my heart stopped.
"M-my freedom?"
"Yes," He let go of my shoulders and went over and sat on the desk directly in front of me, "and if you don't believe my word then I hope this will help."
He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.
I grabbed it and looked at it, and sure enough it was a contract of sorts.
"All you have to do is be my little spy at a certain 'Happy Hotel'," he gave me a sly smile as he continued, "Learn everything about a certain Radio Demon, his fears, strengths, weaknesses the works. If you do that while not getting caught, you can be free of me, Velvet, and Valentino."
This sounded good, too good.
"And what's this?" I said pointing to the writing on the bottom of the paper.
"A safety precaution, it just means that if you DO get your freedom, you can't hurt me, Velvet, or Val."
"And if I do?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.
His smile just grew, his eyes narrowing at me.
"If you do then the contract is immediately broken, which means that you have to come back and keep working for me and Val. So if I was you, I wouldn't screw this up because if you do then you'll never get your freedom back."
My eyes went wide, I looked back at the contract. It seemed all right, except..
"Wait, I have two months to do this?!" I shouted, standing up from my chair.
"I don't know why you're so shocked, you can do that." He reached up and caressed my cheek, "Use that charm of yours."
I pushed his hand away, giving him a warning stare. But it didn't even affect him in anyway.
"It's a simple job. Get in, earn their trust, learn what you need to know, report back to me, don't get caught, and if you succeed then you get your freedom. Simple."
He stood up and walk toward me, only inches from me.
"You'll report back to me at the end of every week, with this." he pulled a compact mirror and handed it to me.
I took it and slowly opened it, only to find a mirror. I gave Vox a leveled stare.
He took the mirror and pushed a small button on the side, reveling a small screen.
"When I call you just push that same bottom, and its the same for hanging up."
His hands were cold, hard, unwelcoming. I hated touching him in anyway, it made me only hate him even more.
I pulled my hands away from his, giving him a cold stare.
"You'll leave in exactly 10 minutes. And don't worry about packing, I already took care of that." he pointed toward the corner of the room, where two suit cases sat.
"Now just sign here and everything will be in order." he said, waving a pen in my face.
Think, think Scarlet. What should I do? Should I do it? Think!
I took a deep breath, closing my eyes.
"Will I still have to work for Val?" I asked, slowly opening my eyes.
"Of course. This mission is top secret, no one knows about this except for you and me." he grabbed my face and pulled it closely.
"So lets keep it between us." he let go of my face, stepping away from me. "Now sign the paper."
He stepped away, giving me room on the desk. I took the pen out of his hands, quickly signing the paper before I could change my mind.
When I was done, he took the pen and did the same. When he was done he slowly walked toward me until his face was inches from mine. His hands now on my hips, while he gave me a sadistic grin.
"Now before you leave, why don't you give your boyfriend a goodbye kiss." He said, giving me a sly smile.
I placed my hands on his chest, my eyes only on his.
"Of course, darling." I said, leaning only closer.
Without any other words, his screen and my lips met.
His kiss was always cold, harsh, and smug. He knew that I had no choice that's why he did it not because he cared. As long as this choker is wrapped around my neck, I have no choice but to do what I'm told. Like some dog, because I was his whether I liked it or not.
Hoped you enjoyed this chapter of Nothing but Heartbreak! Sorry it was so long, but I still hope you liked it. I also hope that you will get a better understanding of Scarlet and Vox's relationship. It's only going to get better I can feel it. I'll try to post a chapter every so often. Again hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and like always...
With Love<3,
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