Nice to Meet You
Scarlet's POV (Somewhere on the streets of Hell):
I'm exhausted.
I can only use my teleportation once a day, and I already used it when I got away from the Radio Demon. So now I had to walk to the hotel.
Vox didn't give me a car -surprise, surprise- and I hated taking cabs. Every time I took a cab, I would end up killing the cab driver for trying to kidnap me. Or something along those lines.
So now I was walking IN HIGH HEELS, carrying two heavy suitcases, and not to mention that I had absolutely NO idea where I was. I was lost in Hell...I have no idea what to do.
Vox tried to give me directions, but...I cannot read his handwriting for the life of me. It's like trying to make out the drawing that a 2-year-old drew.
At first I thought was to call Vox, but I quickly shut that idea down. Instead of getting a ride, he would probably just give me a good smack to the face. Then I thought I could hitchhike, but again...bad idea. So instead, I just decided that I should just sit down until I came up with a plan.
So the at the next bench, I sat down with my stuff while trying to come up with a plan.
Suddenly, the sound of thunder roared.
Shit, not now!
Sure we didn't get much weather in Hell, but when we did it all went to....well Hell. The weather mostly consisted of hellquakes, fire tornados, and rain. The rain could be the worse of those three believe it or not. There was too different types of rain: acid or heavy, powerful, flooding, nescience of rain. If you can't already tell, it was the second type of rain. And I would rather have the acid rain.
I sighed, looking as all the demons around me left to take shelter.
Luckily, the bench I was sitting at actually was on of those benches that had the roofs over it. Yay (that was sarcastic, so no yay).
Suddenly, a thought came to me giving me hope.
It isn't raining yet! Maybe I can make it to gas station or something, before the rain starts to-
As if on que, the rain started coming down. Hard.
I growled, crossing my arms over my chest.
Cold, of all days to wear a short dress. FUCK!
A gust of cold, wet wind hit me in the face.
Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket.
When I pulled it out, I saw a text from Angel.
Without even looking at the text, I quickly dialed his number.
He picked up the phone after 3 rings.
"Oh, someone's eager~" he flirted.
"What are you talking about Angel?" I said in confusion.
"I'm talking about the super hot text I just sent you. Did you even look at at?" He said very dramatically.
I took the phone away from my ear, looking at the text he sent me.
Angel: Miss you babe! Why don't you come over and we can have some fun~
I placed the phone back on my ear, before answering.
"Well I see it now." I said, earning a groan from Angel.
I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Well if that's not it, then why did you call me?" he asked, sounding more confused than ever.
"Well you see what happened is-"
"Ok what did you do?" he asked, interrupting me.
"Well I'm about to do something much worse if you dare interrupt me again!" I snapped.
His end went silent when I said that.
"Kinky." was all he said, causing me to physically facepalm.
"Angel, I'm serious. Listen, me and Vox had a fight. And he..I..I left. I just had to get out of there. So I thought I would come and visit you at the hotel, but I got lost. So now I'm on the streets, in the rain with my stuff, WEARING HEELS, and not to mention that I have no idea where I am."
Even though I only lied about me and Vox and for that being the reason I was going to visit him, I still felt bad for lying to him. Angel was the closest thing I had to a best friend, so it hurt me to lie to him but it's not like I had a choice.
Silence filled the line again, until he finally broke the silence.
"Sooo,...what do you want me to do?"
"Ok, Ok. I'll, uh, send someone to pick you up."
I let out out breath.
"Thank you Angel, do you know where I am?"
"Of course I do babe, I know exactly where you are. I see you you on Find My Demon. I'll send someone your way now."
I could practically hear the smile in his voice.
"Ok thanks, I owe you."
"Yeah, love you too babe." he said before hanging up.
Another gust of wind hit me in the face, causing me to shiver.
10 minutes! That's how long I've been sitting there, in the rain.
I was soaked, how? Because when the stupid wind would shift the rain would shift toward me, causing me to get soaked.
After a while, the rain managed to calm down some. It was more of a sprinkle now, which was better than before.
Where are you Angel?
I sat my elbows on my knees, burring my face into my hands.
The sound of footsteps from the distance caught my attention, making my deer ears to perk up. But I still didn't look up.
I sighed, causing my shoulders to slump down even more.
"My, my aren't you soaked." A static voice, making me jump.
I screamed, looking up to see a Radio Demon.
He was standing next to me, umbrella in hand. But even with the umbrella, he was still wet.
I placed my hand over my heart, trying to keep it from jumping out of my chest.
"My apologies my dear, I didn't mean to startle you."
I took a deep breath, looking down back at the ground.
"It's ok, I just wasn't expecting to see you."
"Were you expecting Angel?"
I looked back up at the Radio Demon, a wide smile on his face.
"Yes, I was actually."
"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Angel sent me instead."
Why him? Why couldn't Angel pick me up?
"Angel had some business to attend to, so he sent me instead. I hope you don't mind." He said, as if he could read my mind.
"Oh no I don't mind, not at all." I said, standing up about to grab my suitcases when-
"Allow me my dear." He said, grabbing the suitcases before I can grab them.
"Oh I can-"
"Nonsense my dear! I insist." he said, handing me the umbrella that he was holding before.
I just stood there dumbfounded, umbrella in hand while he just stood there with a smile on his face.
Then without a warning, he stepped right out into the rain and started to walk along the street.
I quickly followed after him, trying to catch up.
"W-wait. Where are you going?" I asked, now walking along side him.
"Why the Hotel of course! Where else would I be going?" he asked, not looking away from the street in front of us.
"But I thought-"
"That I would have came in a car? Teleported? Well you are mistaken, I walked here." He said, interrupting me.
I hated when I was interrupted, it made my blood boil.
Deep breath, Deep breath.
"Why would you want to walk in the rain? Aren't you worried about getting wet?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"Not at all my dear!" he spins around in a circle, bags still in his hands, "There is nothing like a good walk in the rain don't you think? It is refreshing, letting the worry about getting wet wash away. Why worry about such little thing like getting wet, ruin such a rare occasion like this? Dance or even a walk in the rain, can make someone feel young again. Don't you agree?"
He turned around, his back to me while I just stood there.
I did know what he was talking about, letting go of all your worries. Letting yourself see things in a new light.
He is much different from how Vox described him. Alastor was a gentlemen, smart, and actually kind of sweet.
Stop! You need to focus!
"Yeah, your right. I see that now." I said, staring to walk.
Silence filled the air, the only sound was the rain hitting the pavement.
I heard him sigh from next to me. He snapped his fingers, summoning his shadow.
"Take these to her room." He said to the shadow handing my bags to the shadow, the shadow nodded and disappeared with my bags.
He must have seen the confusion on my face because he cleared his throat.
"I just thought that you wouldn't like your things to get wet." He explained, looking at the street in front of him while walking.
"Oh, yeah thank you." I said, still holding onto the umbrella.
As he walked along side me, silence filled the air again.
A cold breeze hitting me, making me shiver.
Suddenly, I feel something warm being wrapped around my shoulders.
When I look, I see Alastor's overcoat on my shoulders. His hand brushed my shoulder, sending a sort of electric shock all along my arm.
What was that?
When I look up at him, I see his red undershirt that was wet from the rain. His hair wet and laying flat on his head, a big smile on his face.
He's actually pretty handsome. NO! What? What am I thinking?! Focus Scarlet, focus!
Then I got an idea. I stepped in front of him, causing him to stop.
"Can we start over?" I asked, hugging his coat closely.
"What?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Can we start over? Our first meeting was...strange. So I want to start over, introduce ourselves."
I extended my hand, holding the umbrella and coat with my other hand.
"I'm Scarlet, Scarlet the Heartbreaker." I said, curtseying slightly.
His smile seemed to grow as he grabbed my hand, shaking it.
"Alastor, Alastor the Radio Demon." He said, bowing.
I couldn't help but giggle a little.
"And might I say, that it really is a pleasure to make you acquaintance, my dear." He said, his radio static voice seeming to get lower.
He brought my hand to his lips, carefully kissing my hand.
My heart seemed to skip a beat.
What the hell was that?
I gave him a big smile.
"Well Mr. Radio Demon, it is very nice to meet you. I hope that we can become close friends." I said letting go of his hand.
"I agree." he said, starting to walk again.
We walked along side each other, the rain carefully falling from the sky.
"I do understand where your coming from, about the rain. It can be quite pour-ing at times."
I stopped walking, processing what he just said.
"Did you just make a rain joke?" I asked, a big smile on my face.
He slowly turns around, giving me a smile of his own.
"I don't know wat-er your talking about, my dear."
I chuckled slightly, our eyes meeting.
"Where you saving that for a rainy day Alastor?"
We both started laughing, laughing until we were crying.
"That was perfect my dear! Oh, perfect timing indeed."
I smiled before we both stared walking again, side by side.
Good, now I just need him to trust me, learn his secrets, then I'll never have to see or talk to the Radio Demon again.
For some reason, that thought made my chest hurt for some odd reason.
Hoped you enjoyed this chapter of Nothing but Heartbreak! I also hoped that you liked the way I wrote this, it took much longer than I thought. I don't know why, but I picture Alastor to be the kind of guy who likes to walk in the rain. Let me know if you agree! And like always..
With Love<3,
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