25 Meet The Neighbors
"Hide and call Andrei. Now." I warned Clara, lifting my gun from the holster in my jeans.
I didn't have time to check if she listened. I hoped she did. But all I could focus on was Charlotte now. Standing there by herself. In that dark patio. What was she staring at? What made her scream like that?
I crept closer to her quietly.
Don't move.
She hadn't noticed me approaching yet. I kept getting closer, controlling my breaths.
Don't move.
I'm almost there...
But she ran off towards the unknown. She disappeared out of my sight. No! No, no, no-
I yanked the sliding door and hurled myself outside. Charlotte raced towards Niko, who laid motionless on the neighboring patio.
Something struck her. So quick, none of us saw in coming, ripping a scared breath from her lips.
She dropped next to her brother. Two limp figures now.
This had to be a nightmare. It couldn't be reality. I did not trust my eyes. Couldn't, couldn't, couldn't-
Then I saw it. Tranquilizer darts. One protruding from Niko's neck, the other from her arm. Their chests were rising and falling. Oh-Relief swept over me. They were alive. Oh, thank God.
"Don't be mad..." Anna emerged from the house, holding her hands up. She even had the nerve to smile. "I can explain."
Rage coursed through me. But she wasn't the one holding the tranquilizer gun. Through one of the windows, I caught a glimpse of a guy and fired at him.
The bullet shattered the window. Anna ducked. I was already charging at her, my legs devouring the distance between us. She didn't have a chance to breathe before I seized her by the throat and hurled her body across the sand.
She landed on her back with a pained cry. I stalked after her, my finger itching to put a bullet in her. But first, answers.
"Start talking." I hissed, looming over her.
She coughed. "Asshole," she spat, her voice strained. "They're just sleeping!"
"If I wanted them to sleep, I'd ask Andrei to tell a joke. Who sent you?"
"Felix hacked every security measure in your house. If you hurt me, he's instructed to make your location public." She smiled, making me hesitate. "Think about it. If I had such an easy time finding you, how long until Tomasso decides to stop by?"
Did she just say Felix? As in Felix Kowalski?
So that meant she was...
Oh, you have got to be joking me.
"Daniel!" Clara's scream pierced the air, tearing my attention to the house.
Andrei got flung onto the patio, his suit shredded, blood streaming down his face. Then another figure emerged, a bald mountain in leather and chains-Hugo Kowalski. Andrei had rearranged his nose. He snarled, blood trickling down his beard. But Andrei wasn't done either. They clashed again, fists hammering.
"Are you going to stop them or should I?" Raven Kowalski-not Anna-smirked. She rose to her feet. "Go ahead, Malik," she said into the earpiece I hadn't noticed she was wearing.
Malik, one of the most lethal snipers I'd heard about, hiding somewhere mysterious, targeted a red laser dot between Andrei's eyebrows.
"Tell Andrei to stop," Raven warned.
"Here's a better idea." With lightning speed, I threw my arm around her neck, pressing the muzzle against her temple. "If you think I won't kill you, 'cause you're a woman, think again," I said in her ear. "I'm a hardcore feminist."
She made a choked noise of panic. That's better.
"Tell your brother to stop and come out of his hiding place." I cooed. "Chop chop."
"He. Can't." She struggled for air, thrashing against me. "He's hiding in a palm tree."
"Huh?" I looked around us. "Are you serious? Which one?"
She pointed towards the nearest one. I caught a glimpse of Malik's dark camouflage outfit blending into the shadows.
"Well, tell him to jump."
"He'll hurt himself!"
"Tell him to jump slowly."
Malik dropped his weapon in surrender.
Grumpy Mr. Clean stopped fighting Andrei. He glared at me and I fought back a shudder. There was a rumor he performed acupuncture on people to extract information. With sewing needles from head-to-toe deep in their bones.
Clara sprinted to me with a kitchen knife. So terrified, but ready to stab a soul. I let Raven go and wrapped my arm around her. She was shaking uncontrollably. Once again my fault.
Across from us, Andrei limped to Charlotte. He picked her up against him to carry her inside. Begrudgingly, Hugo did the same for Niko.
"The rumors are right. You are deranged." Raven grumbled, rubbing the red fingerprints I left around her throat.
"Looks like they're right about you too." I eyed her skimpy black bikini. "The cheap seductress, I assume? Luring your foolish victims in before your brothers take over?"
"I only wanted to disconnect your security from CJ so we could talk."
'Yeah?" I picked up Malik's weapon and rested it against my shoulder. "How'd that work out for you?"
"Why aren't you more angry?" She gave me a wary look as I shifted to go in with Clara.
"Oh, I'm not the one you should worry about. Wait until Niko's sister wakes up."
"Here." Two minutes later, Raven thrust two syringes filled with flumazenil into my hand. "This will jolt them awake in seconds."
I passed the antidotes to Andrei who promptly strode into the living room where Charlotte and Niko lay unconscious on the couch.
Raven slouched at the dining table, while Hugo sat beside her, disgruntled that I had their weapons spread out on the island behind me.
"How long until the Jungle Terminator gets here?" I referred to Malik.
"Anytime now."
Niko gasped as consciousness flooded back. He jerked into a seated position. His disoriented gaze swept over everyone present. Then his eyes widened with realization.
"You!" He sprang to his feet and charged towards Raven. Noticed her bikini, but managed to refocus. "Yoooou tricked me!"
"Aren't you sharp?" She smirked.
I snapped my fingers. "Hush. I'll deal with you later."
"H-heeey guys..." A kid-seriously, he looked like he should still be in diapers-waved from the patio, flashing a nervous, dimpled grin. "Sorry about the lights, Mr. Volkov. Please don't kill me?"
"You're the one who shot me?" Niko scowled. "How old are you?"
"Me? Oh, I'm sixteen, and I'm SO sorry-"
Oh. Thank God I missed when I shot through that window earlier.
Charlotte groaned from the couch as she woke up. "What just happened?"
"You got shot with a tranquilizer. You okay?" Andrei murmured. Charlotte nodded, wincing. Niko looked down with guilt. "Do you want some water?"
"What happened to your face?!" She choked.
"It's fine-"
Charlotte rose to her feet and marched up to Niko, delivering a sharp smack across his head. Raven snorted in amusement. Undeterred, Charlotte glared at her and strode to the other side of the table where Raven was sitting.
"Hey, hey! Not the face, not the face!" Raven protested, backing away, but Charlotte already had a fistful of her hair before delivering the world's most satisfying slap across her cheek. "Ow! You bitch! Ow, stop it! Stop!"
"So that time when I head-butted her..." Clara trailed off as Charlotte unleashed her anger.
"You got lucky." I sipped my coffee. Hugo grunted. "You stay where you are, big boy."
By the time Charlotte had her fill, Raven resembled someone who had been mauled by a feral cat. Her hair stuck out in every direction, her cheeks bore red scratches. Way to go, sis.
Someone cat-called from the patio.
Malik Kowalski. Raven's twin. The same sharp features. Same black hair, but pulled in a bun. The guy could pass for a model, if it wasn't for that crazed look in his eyes. Then again, who wouldn't go crazy as a sniper? Enduring hours of stillness and silence in brutal weather with barely any food or water. Plus, marksmanship could be trained. But excelling in stalking and camouflage? That required innate talent.
Malik swaggered over to Charlotte, his gaze lingering on her with shameless admiration. "Damn, you're even more stunning up close, angel," he remarked with a smirk.
Charlotte wrinkled her nose. Niko braced for confrontation-
Andrei slid between Charlotte and Malik with an almost casual grace. Despite the bruises and blood that marred his face, his smile remained relaxed, like a predator toying with its prey.
"Back off." His tone carried a hint of amusement that made his command even more intimidating.
Malik wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.
"Anyway." I set my coffee mug on the island. Clara stayed beside me, with Charlotte next to her. Niko and Andrei stood watch over the dining table, where the four Kowalski members were held captive. "Let's start with a brief introduction aaand why you're here. Who wants to start?"
A long, tense silence hung heavy in the air.
"Um, I can start." Felix raised his hand. "First of all, I am such a huge fan Mr. Volkov. I've read so much about you! But to see you in person, sir. Wow. I mean, incredible. Is it true-"
"Thanks, kid. But I'm still mad. Wrap it up."
"Oh, I'm Felix!" He blushed because of Charlotte and Clara. "I joined my sister's organization, um, not so long ago. I'm actually just focusing on finishing school, but you know. I try to help out here and there for important missions."
"He hacks," I clarified. "Next."
"Malik." Raven's twin crossed his arms, leaning back. "Also known as Ghost. Pretty self-explanatory. I shoot when people least expect it."
Bald Thunder gruffed across from him. "Hugo. I make people talk."
"With those dazzling communication skills, I'm not surprised." I sighed. "Raven."
"I'm Raven Kowalski." She rolled her eyes. "These are my brothers. We're assassins, if you haven't heard. And the reason we came here is because we want the same thing as you."
"Oh, yeah? What is that? World peace?"
Beside me, Clara tensed. Andrei and I exchanged uncertain glances.
"How do I know you don't work for him?" I asked.
"I'd never work for a sex-trafficker!" Raven hissed. "He hired us to get rid of a high-ranking official right before she exposed him." She nudged her chin at Clara. "We got the job done, but we never got paid. My dad needed the money for surgery. He still does."
Based on what I knew about the Kowalski family, their father served as their cornerstone, and his health was declining. Raven, his eldest, likely held him in high regard. It would make sense why she'd go to such lengths. But...
"How much does he owe you?" I asked.
"Enough to make us desperate. That's why we're here. I don't fight. Malik isn't trained in hand-to-hand combat. So it's just Hugo against Tomasso's men. You're the only other one who has the guts to stop him. I need your help. We know where's he's hiding. It's an underground bunk house under a suburban residence. Takes a couple of days on the road from here to get there."
"What's the address?"
She smirked. "I don't want the FBI to know. This is the only shot we have. The moment he suspects that the FBI knows his location, we'll lose him. I'm not risking it."
"And you just expect me to trust you?"
She sighed. "I don't have time to gain your trust. CJ will be here tomorrow to check on the security malfunction. Then he'll relocate you. And you can try to hide, but if a sixteen-year-old can find your location, then Tomasso can find it too."
"You sneaky witch." I shook my head. "So that's the real reason you shut the security off."
"My dad is dying. Can you blame me?" She pushed her chair back to stand up. So did her brothers. "We're leaving tomorrow morning. You have until then to decide. With our resources, you might actually have a shot, Daniel."
"Okay. Say we find him. Then what?"
Her eyes sparkled before she turned to leave. "After I get my money, he's all yours."
"Hey!" Clara stopped her. "What happened to the next door neighbors? Did you hurt them?"
Raven glanced over her shoulder. "I booked them a hotel room. If you don't believe me, ask them when they come back. Besides, I've got a soft spot for old people. I only kill them if I'm paid well."
Fuck. CJ lied. We weren't safe here. If Raven was telling the truth-which I still doubted-then we were out of time. My skin crawled. Tomasso would not stop until he found us. Not unless I took everyone on a road trip with a bunch of assassins and hoped to finally take him down.
Hope ya'll like this rising tension, eh?
P.S. Shoutout to daddy Andrei ;)
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