[ a/n; this is pretty rushed and messy lol ]
A major disruption in the final match of the FFI lead to the stadium stands being bombed. No matter what it took, Irina would have her way. She delved far too deep for her own good, getting involved with the worst organizations and making enemies of far more. She'd put her own two sons in such grave danger and feel not a thing - apparently her plans were all foolproof.
Her first mistake was bringing up politics, and her second. . . Was pissing off a certain hitman.
Inazuma Japan had no choice but to face the new opposing team; Shadow of Orion. The supposedly perfect disciples. Their coach would be Masato, the man that took the identity of Asuto's father in order to kidnap the poor kid.
"I'll recruit players myself for our. . . Makeshift resistance team." Zhao seemed far too nonchalant for such a dire situation. He proceeded to call a set of names, one of those being Fudou's.
"Fudou, is your leg all healed up?" Kazemaru chirped, surprisingly rather glad that the gremlin was back.
"More or less, yeah." The brunette kicked at the ground as a demonstration. Just as he said this, he was tackled to the ground.
"Fudou I thought I'd never see you again!" Park burst out, already bawling her eyes out as Fudou attempted to pry himself from her grip.
"Ah jeez, not this again. Yeah, yeah! Good to see you too, now get off of me!" Well, of course he was glad to see her, but this was gravely embarrassing. Kazemaru had to be the one to pull the girl off of him, but Fudou can't say that he didn't enjoy such a special welcome back.
"Everyone, I have a surprise, please pay attention!" Zhao clapped his hands, as if he was about to announce it was someone's birthday. "We'll have a new coach for this match! He's a very important person."
"A new coach. . . ? Now?" Endou quirked a brow, earning a simper from Gouenji.
"What shitty timing." Park heaved a breath, as everyone turned to the entrance. A very faint silhouette could be seen, slowly approaching the field.
"Park, Hayate-san." Zhao made the introduction quite simple, but even he knew to pay good respect to the mentioned male.
"Park-?" Kazemaru repeated, suddenly turning to the white haired girl beside him. She only shrugged, and shook her head. Park wasn't exactly an uncommon family name, it was possible that the person just had it as well by coincidence. This notion was soon shot down, as the new coach, looked so similar to her.
He was much taller, clad in a white dress suit left untucked, gray blazer and slacks. A loose red tie, and a rather unnecessary bright red scarf. His white hair parted to the side, falling over piercing red eyes behind a pair of glasses with a thick back frame. They looked so similar, yet so different. . .
"Wh-who is that-?" Park brought a hand up to support her suddenly aching forehead. Her other arm hugged onto herself as she took a few steps backwards. "M-my head hurts. . ."
"I'll make sure you're never hurt again. I'll protect you with my life. Mio."
"Hey, Mio!" Kazemaru reached out to the female who suddenly collapsed. He brought himself down to the grass, pulling her up against his chest. "What's the matter? It's alright, I've got you. . . !"
"I don't want to remember. . . !" Desperately, Park gripped onto her head, screwing her eyes shut. "I'm begging you God, please don't make me remember!"
Kazemaru had to deal with this before, but even still he had no idea how to calm her down.
Already, this had struck a lot of attention from the rest of the team.
The rest of the team, and Jin who just so happened to walk by the lounge and catch sight of the television. As well as Kim and Jae at home, watching the final match. Simultaneously, their hearts dropped.
A set of voices in her head caused a searing migraine from the sudden psychological shock.
She would never regain her memories, but she would constantly live with the torment the caused. Park would never really be able to shake the trauma. Even after seeing Hayate's face, after locking eyes with him, she couldn't remember a thing about him.
"You're not going to end up like me. . . You're going to be happy."
Her wailing went to sobbing, and then to mere whimpers.
"Get it together kiddo, you're gonna be alright." Fudou reached out to her shoulder, but Kazemaru's glare was enough to get him to stop.
"I-I'm fine, I'm fine. . ." Despite saying so, Park's breathing was uncontrollably shaking. "My head just. . . Hurts."
"Please sit out this match." Kazemaru himself knew he was wasting his breath.
"She's playing this match no matter what." The deep, unfamiliar voice could only belong to their newly decided coach. His red eyes just barely narrowed, at Kazemaru in particular. "Easing your worries isn't worth the lives of everyone in this stadium."
The tealette lowered his head, as Park sat up by herself.
No one could find any data of 'Hayate Park', asides from the schools he attended, and an old Pachinko parlor he'd worked at as a teenager. For the past six years, he'd been under a code name; RAiD to protect keep his normal life separate from his career.
But, why would an infamous hitman be called to coach a soccer match? What experience did he have in soccer. . .
A natural born genius, that couldn't even save his younger sister.
"Who are you?" Kazemaru grit his teeth.
"That's none of your business." Hayate scoffed, his gaze averting to Park. The female quickly turned her eyes away, she'd rather not keep eye contact. He was rather. . . Intimidating.
Somehow managing to get past security, the raven haired doctor rushed as fast as he could. He'd dropped everything, and left without any warning - which will probably get him scolded for later on. Yelling at Hayate was far more important than his job right now.
Mio was far more important that his job.
"You blew it." Jin braced himself against the wall of the hallway, tightening his jaw. "You idiot. You blew it." It took every fiber in his being to not cry.
They promised to never go in her line of sight, to leave her alone completely, to never be in her life ever again. Yet there was a chance she could possibly die in this arena, due to that delusional woman's ideals, and Hayate couldn't bring himself to let that happen.
They'd accepted the fact that her happy live, didn't include them.
"I understand if you never want to see me again. If that's the case, I'll get as far away as possible and never bother you again - after this match." Hayate nestled his eyes shut. He could tell that Park already understood, that he was her eldest brother at one point. "I understand if you want me dead, too. I just want you to know that. . ."
Park slowly rose to her feet, her gaze fixated on the other male.
"That we did everything we could." Hayate dug his nails into his palms. "And I'm sorry."
There was a moment of silence.
"Do you really think you can show up after ten years, just because it's convenient for you-?" Kazemaru hissed under his breath. "Do you have any idea how much she had to go through!?"
Asides from Park's grandparents, Kazemaru was really the only one to experience her meltdowns. Every time she'd come by a trigger, she'd lose her mind, scream, cry, and throw herself onto the ground. It was unbearable, watching her like that.
"We'll talk after the match." Hayate only really spoke to Park, before walking off to give the rest of the team instructions.
Park helped the tealette off the ground, then told him not to worry, along with her signature smile.
Hayate chose the position, and every player. He perfectly predicted the opponent's moves, and gave out orders and tactics everyone could follow without a problem. The opposing team had brute force, but that alone and nothing else. The white haired male found working with kids so tedious, and yet he did such a good job coaching (despite being blunt and kind of sarcastic sometimes). His days in soccer as his younger sister watched; ah, how he desperately wanted to forget them at one point.
The match was soon won, Inazuma Japan reigned victorious.
Both Hayate and Jin asked to talk to Park - and she hesitantly complied after begging Kazemaru to let her handle it on her own. It was terribly awkward, these two grown men had known her for ages, and yet she couldn't even remember their names, or faces in the slightest.
"My mother was the one who crashed the car, and that accident was how I lost my memory. Asides from that, I didn't know much else about what she did." Park was the only one who sat down properly in the lobby. Jin sat on the handle of the opposite couch, and Hayate just stared out the window behind Jin.
"I don't remember the accident, I only remember being in the hospital for about two months or so. . . Just fragments of it." The girl continued, staring at her hands in her lap.
"We were never allowed to see you." Jin muttered.
"Yeah that woman is a piece of fucking work." Without any remorse, Hayate chimed in.
"Dude, she's just a kid, don't swear like that." Jin immediately reprimanded him.
"Oh, sorry Mio."
"That's alright. . ." Park trailed off with a nervous laugh.
"My name is Jin by the way-" Before the raven could keep going, Park had cut him off.
"You're the doctor who looked after Nosaka." She simpered. "I saw a bit of one of your interviews."
"R-really?" Jin brightened up, already flushing. "W-wow, I'm flattered!"
"And, you already know my name." Hayate sighed.
"My grandmother probably won't be very happy that I'm talking to you two." Park lowered her gaze again, and the mood fell somber once more.
"Oh, right. Your grandparents don't seem to like us very much, do they?" Jin smiled rather sadly to himself.
"But-" The white haired girl started again. "But if we were once very close, then I don't see why we can't be close once again."
Those words alone, were enough to make the both boys so very happy.
Jin had already started sobbing, so Park took the liberty to give him a hug, but this only made him cry even harder. For the first time in ten years, Hayate had genuinely smiled. It'd been so long since they hugged onto that little ball of fluff.
Their only hope.
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