1 Not as Planned
//Hello Yaoi Fans! As always feel free to comment any mistakes you find and I will fix them! I write these in such a hurry and never proof-read 🤦🏼♀️🤣//
Herobrine peers down at his open hands. The hands that destroy everything. It's just in his nature...to be the bad guy.
Back then, when he and Notch created the world, everything was perfect. Everything had a purpose and a place. Everything worked effectively, and everything co-existed in harmony. It was wonderful...
Until Notch ruined it all, by creating a tiny being in their image. He called them humans. Weak, pathetic, and uncontrollable beings that would wreck the world. Naturally, he and Notch fought once the human started creating new things. Useless things...
Their final fight was brutal, leaving Herobrine without his blue eyes and with solid white instead. Sometimes they burn a little from the charge Notch shot him with..and in the end, Notch created the Ather and Herobrine created the Nether.
Herobrine causes havoc whenever and wherever he can. He haunts the humans, and they are oh so very afraid of him. Notch often shows up, and Herobrine typically escapes and retreats to the Nether.
Today, however, is different.
Today, Herobrine is scheming something big. He wanted to sneak into Notch's castle, and delete the upcoming update Notch had been working on. It would allow the humans to reproduce, and that absolutely was not an option.
It has to be stopped.
So, he puts his plan into action. First things first, he can't go into the Ather as he is. Notch can sense him and his power...
To get by this, he is going to have to appear weaker, like a human.
He pulls out a potion of weakness, and despite the fear settling on his stomach, he drinks it. Every last drop...and it doesn't take long for him to feel it's effects.
This must be how humans feel. What a pathetic way to live, so weak and fragile. Notch's design is completely flawed, even structurally.
Still, this step was necessary. Now, he grabs a large black coat off the wall, and drapes the hood over his head. He will draw attention either way if he's spotted, but at least this way nobody will recognize him right away.
Next, to teleport close to Notch's castle. He should be outside the castle, far enough from the guards.
He teleports, and just as he thought, he's right on the outskirts of the castle. Carefully peeping over the hill, he can see a guard standing by the barracks. Guards in there right now should be sleeping; resting for their next shifts at night. It's perfect.
Herobrine smirks a bit, and then uses his powers to conjure up a bit of fire at his fingertips. He sets a tree on fire just in the guards view. The fire takes only a minute to build, and the smoke bellows over the hill, catching the guards attention.
Naturally, the curious guard leaves his post to find others who will help put the fire out.
Nows the time!
Herobrine teleports over to the door, and slowly opens it. It creeks a bit, making his heart beat faster. Luckily, nobody hears it, and so he enters and closes the door. In the entrance, he can see a hallway leading to another door. Here's hoping he doesn't run into Notch...
He sneaks passed a lot of guards sleeping in beds, and makes it to the door unnoticed.
Again, he slowly opens the door, and it's the castles main room.
He can clearly see Notch on his throne from behind. Guards facing away from Herobrine as he sneaks into the room and just passed them all to some stairs nearby. Notch continues to speak to some guards who are alerting him about the fire outside. The perfect distraction.
These stairs must lead towards Notch's work quarters. As Herobrine walks up the stairs, he finally enters another hallway, a wide one, with many doors lined through it. Ugh...he'll have to check them one by one to find the work quarters..
He opens the first door carefully, but it's not any sort of working area. It looks like maybe a study room. Lots of books and even an enchanting table. He closes that door and carefully opens the next one. It's a bathroom, with another door connected to it. That other door must be Notch's bedroom.
Herobrine blinks for a moment, curious about the bedroom, and what it might hold. Undoubtedly Notch has private items in there. Possibly, even notes.
Herobrine decides it's worth checking out. He closes the bathroom door, and opens the next door, and it is indeed Notch's bedroom. There's a huge, fancy bed against the wall, royal colors designed on the covers and pillows. Two nightstands, some dressers, and what appears to be a desk with some journals on it.
Herobrine steps over to the desk, picking up a book and opening it. It's Notchs notes, writing down the plans he has done and plans on doing. He flips towards the back, and finds notes on human reproduction, and how this will occur.
It says, humans will have to preform intercourse, the same way animals do in the world. Females will become pregnant with a fetus that carries genes from both human parents.
The act of sex, should be noted as pleasurable and...enjoyable.
Herobrine scoffs at these words. He's never felt that sort of desire. Poor females, being used to carry a fetus, regardless if the male stays or leaves afterwards...
Again, Notch's plans are flawed.
Herobrine closes the book, and returns it to its exact spot. That's when his eyes drift and land on a nightstand. There's slippers on that side of the bed so...that's gotta be the side Notch sleeps on. What would someone with as much power as Notch keep by his bedside? He wonders, and casually steps over to the nightstand.
He opens the top drawer, and much to his horror, he finds small bottles of lube, a box of wipes, and some sort of...device. It's blue, and has a dirty shape to it. One large piece, and one smaller piece as it divides. Herobrine can imagine what it's used for. It looks...uncomfortable, possibly painful. Who does Notch torture with such a thing? He questions, then drifts off to thoughts of him using it on a human.
He shutters at the thought, and somehow, feels quite warm all of a sudden. It's a sickening feeling, making his teeth grit against each other unconsciously.
Those thoughts are interrupted however, as Herobrine can hear obvious footsteps coming down the hall. Boots..Notch's boots. He'd recognize the sound anywhere.
Herobrine quickly closes the nightstand, creating a small noise.
He hurried to the bathroom door, enters the bathroom, and closes the door. He doesn't dare move once he's on the other side of the door. He instead listens, and realizes the footsteps have stopped. His eyes widen, and he heads to the door in the bathroom that leads to the hallway.
He still needed to find the working quarters, and delete the update and it's content. He opens the door slowly, assuming Notch had went into his bedroom. His heart stops, however, as the door gets caught on something.
He's looking down, and it's a boot.
His eyes peer up slightly, and the door is snatched open. Notch's dark blue eyes meet his white ones, and Herobrine wants to teleport away instantly. Notch however, would only teleport with him wherever he tried to flee to now that he's sensed his aura.
Though weaker, it was now noticeable. His aura was a bit different from a humans. Notch must've picked up on this, or found the fire too suspicious.
Either way, he's in trouble.
Notch: "Well well. What a surprise. Seems you've become quite ballsy, entering my kingdom and such."
Herobrine can feel his eye twitch at the mere sound of Notch's cocky voice.
Notch: "You've come to delete my next content, correct? I'm afraid, I somewhat suspected this ahead of time...there's several back-ups in various places. You'd never find them all anyways."
Herobrine peers up, the black hood making his white eyes really glow.
Herobrine: "Oh just shut up you pampered princess. You'll end up regretting this damn update. I mean really, humans breeding? Not only are you delusional, but you're also a fucking pervert."
Notch scoffs a bit, smirking slightly.
Notch: "I'm no pervert; reproduction is necessary for all forms of life to continue."
Herobrine: "That little toy in your nightstand says otherwise."
In an instant, Notchs smirk falls, and his eyes widen a bit. That surprised stare is all it takes to make Herobrine realize what he's just done.
He just told Notch that he went through the nightstand. That he knows he's been having sex with humans.
Notchs smirk slowly crawls back into his lips, and before Herobrine can jerk his arms away, Notch grabs his wrists and drags him into his bedroom. Herobrine can feel his heart racing. This was a different type of fear. One he had never experienced before.
Herobrine let's out a gasp as his back hits the bed, and Notch crawls on top of him.
Dear lord!!!
What was he thinking?! Notch really was a pervert!
Herobrine: "Are you out of your fucking mind?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Notch has that shit-eating grin on his face as he responds.
Notch: "Me? You're the one who sounded quite jealous just then."
Herobrine looks dumbfounded, eyes wide and mouth slightly open before he spouts.
Herobrine: "J-jealous?! I'm not fucking jealous you dumbass!"
Notch's smug expression doesn't change, but his position does. He grabs Herobrines legs, pulling them apart so he can slide his hips in between them.
Herobrine: "Stop that! Look, I'll leave, ok?! I'll leave and stop trying to delete the update!"
Notch: "You'd leave when you're like this?"
Herobrine: "Like what?!"
Notch presses against Herobrines front, and it's painfully obvious now...Notch isn't the only one who's hard. What is this shit? Why is he reacting to something like this? With Notch nonetheless...
Notch: "I always thought you were a bit of a masochist."
Herobrine: "A masochist..." he whispers to himself, questioning himself entirely. It's like his body and his mind are at war with each other.
Notch: "Yes. You like to feel pain and be afraid."
Herobrines eyes pull away from his erection and up to Notchs eyes yet again.
Notch: "You like to be afraid of me~"
Somehow, his voice was husky and raspy just then, and it sent chills up Herobrines spine.
The way Notch was trailing his fingers all over him, the way he was gently thrusting against Herobrines jeans, and the way he was slowly but surely undressing him, it all made Herobrine feel some type of way. A mixture of nervous, disgusted, and...apart of him was also lustful.
It was like, every single action was setting his skin on fire. His heart was thumping so hard that Notch could probably feel it. His back was arching with the movements, and his eyes were closing and opening with each gasp.
He's loosing his senses...and fighting back in this weakened state wasn't a smart idea. He wouldn't stand a chance. Hell he probably wouldn't even be able to push Notch off of him. This was going to happen, regardless of what he says or does, so why not...make Notch work for it.
Herobrine bites his lip a bit once he's down to just his jeans. It felt so hot in the room despite him being nearly naked. Notch looks curious. Herobrine seemed to suddenly be more willing, and almost...enjoying this. It'd be a lie if he said he wasn't happy about that. Truth be told, secretly, he'd always had this fetish for Herobrine. It was disgusting and strange but...it's always been there. Possibly, because Herobrine was the only one by his side back then...They are also so different. Herobrine wasn't like him at all. He was more aggressive, more judgmental, more controlling, and most of all...more fun. Notch always loved to press his buttons and get a reaction, and this reaction, that "fuck me" look in his eyes right now, was definitely the best reaction he's ever seen.
Notch: "I'll give you what you want. Relief. All you have to do is say you want me to."
Herobrine rolls his eyes, not that Notch could see it...So it's like that is it? Notch wants him to beg? He wants him to say he wants to be toyed with like these filthy humans by Notch's hands?
Herobrine decides, he'll play Notch's little game. He'll feed into his desires..because now that he knows Notch is hot for him, this could prove useful. He'll let Notch play out his little fantasies, no matter the cost. Then, once he lets his guard down, that update is as good as gone.
Herobrine: "I want you inside of me Notch."
Notch smirks yet again, his eyes closing with satisfaction.
Notch: "That's a good boy~"
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