On the other end of town, Allen has been helping Macy and the rest of Mai's friends with decorating the palace for the festival. It was a very important and manly job, really. Even at this very moment, Allen was arranging the last flower arrangement in the main hall.
He took a step back to inspect his work. When satisfied, he turned around to report his success, but found the two lower guards giving him a look. Allen narrowed his eyes. "What?"
They glanced to one another before looking back at him with a set of smirks. "You're really enjoying yourself, aren't you?"
Allen glared with a pout. What gave them the right to gang up on him? Talking in unison and such. "And what if I am? What are you two going to do about it?"
Matt pushed up his glasses. "Nothing, I suppose."
Kevin, on the other hand, started laughing. "Dude! Y-You're killing me!"
The thug's fingers started to twitch. "Well, then..." He started chasing the laughing guard around the hall. "I can make it a quick death for you! Come here you bloody joke of a man!"
As the two went on with their chase, Matt only watched in amusement until his favorite messenger came up to him laughing. "What are those two doing now?"
He glanced down at her, giving a small smile, then looked back at the two as he answered. "Playing Cops and robbers, maybe?" Tyler laughed again. That's about the time Macy and Riley came into the hall. Once they saw that trouble was running amok, they gave each other a look and sighed.
So Matt and Tyler watched as the two women stood in front of the running men. Kevin had somehow come to a halt in front of them and Allen had almost ran into him, but was thankfully able to avoid collision.
The boys blinked at the women, who had their arms crossed and held disapproving looks on their faces. Both boys started to laugh nervously. "W-We were just playing around...Ha ha." Stammered Kevin.
Allen hurriedly nodded in agreement. "T-That's right, no need for punishment...Ha ha ha!" He had accidentally broken a jar the night before and was forced to wash the evening dishes. The chefs laughed at him for an hour!
The women only shook their heads. There was only one thing they could say at that point. "You two are hopeless..." Allen sighed. This was just great, now the women were ganging up on him too. He really may be hopeless...
Macy decided to clear her throat in order to gain everyone's attention, and so, everyone looked to her. "I have gathered you all to conclude the completion of the preparation for the festival. We can now do as we please until after the festival!" The rest of the crew cheered. Having the rest of the day off was an uncommon accomplishment.
Allen pointed to himself. "Um, Macy? What am I to do now?" She thought a moment. "Considering that Mai hasn't returned yet...I'm going to have to put our freedom aside for now. Listen up!" Everyone gave her their attention again, but this time they lined up as if she were a drill Sergeant. Allen followed the stand, being on the end, but raised a brow. They were really a bunch of weirdos...
Macy pointed towards the first pair. "Matt, Tyler, you stay here and wait to see if Mai comes back to the castle!" They nodded, shouting a "Yes Ma'am!"
Then she pointed to the next pair. "Riley and Kevin, you search the Garden Labyrinth. Just in case Mai came in the back way or something! She can be quite unpredictable." They also nodded. "Aye Sir!"
"Allen!" She pointed to him and he flinched slightly. "Y-Yes?" She stared him down a moment, making him sweat, before speaking. "You will come with me to look in town!" He nodded slowly, still wondering what he had gotten himself into.
Macy put her hands on her hips, a new determination in her bright golden eyes. "Alright! If you find anything out, report to Tyler, who will report to everyone else. Understood?" They all nodded. "Okay, lets go!" With that, the older teens were off in search of clues.
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