Now we randomly check in on Team B. What? You weren't expecting it? Well, I can be unpredictable. At any rate, Team B just entered the palace to meet back up with Team A. The two had gotten lost- I mean searched the back garden mazes for two hours and couldn't find anything out of the ordinary.
So they returned to find Tyler and Matt sitting on the floor playing a seemingly intense game of Go-fish. Kevin raised a brow at their serious expressions. "So who's winning?"
Riley whacked him in the shoulder. After yelping in pain, he gave her a 'What the heck was that for?!' face, which she only glared at. Riley expected Tyler to cry at such a comment, but to her surprise, she gave a proud look while holding up a score sheet.
The other maid and knight took hold of the sheet, blinking down at it before looking up at their friends. Tyler started laughing like she had just won the lottery, and Matt only sighed, hanging his head.
As Tyler laughed and Matt sulked, Kevin and Riley could only think of one thing as they stared at the two. So, Matt sucks at Go-fish...
After a few more minutes of staring, they turned their gazes back done to the paper in their hands.
Tyler: 42 Matt: 0
~ ✿ ♥ ✿ ~
As you have most likely figured out, Team C is made up of Macy and Allen. Both at this moment, have been looking around town in search of any sign of the Captain. With sadly, no suck luck of finding her.
Macy sighed, leaning against a pole with a thick flower garland wrapped around it. Allen stood next to her, looking around in the crowd. Suddenly, a familiar chestnut headed young man flashed through the many faces. Allen blinked as the man turned his head, revealing his face. "Ah!"
Macy lifted her head in his direction, a brow raised. "Ah..?"
Allen pointed. "It's Lucas! He climbed down the cliff after Mai and Zed fell!" He quickly grabbed the confused maid's hand and headed in Lucas' direction. "Lucas!!!" Allen noticed that he had stopped, and quickly caught up to him, that's when he noticed the strange girl by his side, slightly hiding behind him. Allen raised a brow at him, Lucas reflecting his expression as he gazed towards Macy.
"Who's the girl?" Said the two boys. The woman next to them, however, stared towards the other as if they were each being haunted by their ghosts. Macy took a step forward as Elizabeth's eyes widened. "I-Is that you...? Elizabeth..?" She whispered her name, trying to keep herself from breaking down completely.
The princess stared for another moment, covering her face with her hands before Macy tackled the poor girl to the ground, much like Mai had. Macy started crying and Elizabeth laughed softly, comforting her in the same way she had Mai when she sobbed. Thankfully, this didn't attract very much attention as people briefly looked their way before returning to their own business.
As the girls were catching up, Allen looked over to his companion. "So who is this?"
He shrugged in reply. "Long story..." He glanced over to the other girl. "And who is that?"
Allen sighed. "Friend of the Captain. You know, the one you made me go find before you went down the cliff?"
Lucas' eye started to twitch as Elizabeth turned to him, a brow raised. "What cliff?"
Lucas gave a pointed look to Allen, who the princess turned her gaze to, wanting an answer. Allen didn't seem to understand why not to tell her and did so anyway. "The one that Mai and Zed fell off of."
Elizabeth blinked, whipping her head to Lucas. "They what?!" Lucas glared at Allen, secretly platting revenge. The princess had way too many other things to worry about, she didn't need this on her plate...
Though after a few minutes of her staring him down, he relented. "Okay, okay. So they may or may not have fallen off a cliff, landed in a river, and camped out in a cave. That's actually how we were able to find you in the first place..."
She stared him down for another moment before smiling. "I'm glad you told me the truth. They're fine now, so I suppose there's no need to worry."
Macy, after she had calmed herself down, turned to her newly found friend. "Liz, do you know where they are? I want to see that Mai is alright with my own eyes..."
The lost princess smiled. "Yeah, and it's about time we go meet up with them too."
So Elizabeth grabbed onto her maid's arm before dragging her off with her. The boys in tow. Lucas glanced to Allen with annoyance. The British had such great timing... First he came at just the right moment, not giving Lucas the chance to tell the princess how he felt...Then he goes and tells her now-useless information. With a sigh of frustration, he looked to his comrade. "Allen? Do you realize what an annoyance you are?"
Allen turned to him, mouth agape slightly. "How could you say that to a main character?!"
Lucas put a hand on his chin in contemplation. "No, I'm pretty sure you're supporting cast."
The redhead gasped. "I am not! Take it back!" Lucas only looked forward, ignoring his friend with great pleasure. Revenge complete.
As the four came closer to the docks, they noticed their two friends sitting on one of them, their legs dangling off over the water as they sat in silence. Elizabeth quickly took hold of the others and dragged them behind a bush with her. She gave them a sign to be quiet and noticed that one person was missing. She turned only to find him walking towards the couple. Before she could react, Lucas ran past her, grabbing Allen and cutting off his sentence. "Zed! I'm glad you're sa-Ah!"
By the time the suspecting couple turned, Allen had already been shoved back into hiding, making it seem like no one had been there at all. As the two turned back around, Lucas had Allen's mouth covered, which muffled his cries of panic. Lucas had to shut Allen up somehow...A slick smirk slowly appeared on the thug's face. "Say, Allen, you know that pineapples are for sale this time of year..?" When Allen stopped struggling and turned pale, Lucas continued. "I hope you know what would happen if I get a hold of one. So if you don't want that to happen, be quiet please."
Lucas released the poor lad and he quickly scooted away from him with a terrified expression. "Y-You are one bloody madman Lucas....Mad I say..."
Elizabeth leaned towards Lucas, confused. "Pineapples..?"
Lucas smirked as he whispered back. "He's allergic, goes nuts at the mere sight of one."
Macy took this chance to ask the question that's been on her mind since she was stuffed into the bush. Gazing at her captain with an unknown friend. "So who is that guy..?" Lucas and Elizabeth shared a gaze before looking back to her, explaining everything from the beginning. She might as well know.
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