Chapter 5
May 18, 2020 edited
Not perfect but better....No plot changes
The slow annoying dripping sound was what woke me up. Who the hell left the tap running? I tried to roll over and open my eyes but I couldn't. Everything hurt and my eyes refused to open. My head felt strange as well, I was extremely light headed and dizzy but with a massive headache all at the same time. The constant dripping was starting to irritate me but the buzzing, I just realized I was hearing, started to fade and other noises seemed to be getting louder. Talking or was that a growl?
Why couldn't I open my damn eyes? Something was wrong. Something had happened but I couldn't remember. I knew it was important but the pain in my head was getting worse. A moment later it felt like the earth shook and so did my body. The worst pain imaginable shot through my back than a piercing scream left my mouth. Before I could stop screaming I felt nothing. The sharp pain that pierced through my body was gone just leaving the pounding in my head and the throbbing pain in my arm. Taking deep breaths and concentrating on counting to 5 like my dad taught me, the pain in my arm settled to a dull ache. "Mackenzie, remember it is all mind over matter. Breathe through the pain." That was what my dad had told me over and over again when I was a kid. It always worked, well most of the time.
"Mackenzie? Mackenzie! Come on sweetheart open those eyes for me." A deep soft voice whispered. He sounded familiar but I couldn't place where from.
All I knew was that I wanted to listen to that voice. I wanted to obey that command. I needed to please this person. It was all those thoughts that had me fighting to do just that. I had to open my eyes. It was so hard. They were so heavy, it felt as if my eyelids were glued shut. I heard a whimper then more demands for me to open my eyes. It was those demands that pushed me ever harder.
What seemed like hours but was most likely minutes that had passed and finally I felt my lids twitch. I was so close to opening them but I was so damn exhausted. All I wanted to do was sleep. "Mackenzie! Open your eyes right now!" It was that command laced with anger that had me finally opening my eyes. "Good girl. You stay with me now." Those familiar bright blue eyes stared into mine. Those same eyes that were just like mine.
"Daddy! I missed you. Why are you upside down?" I was feeling dizzy again. Everything was fading. The last thing I made out was my father's smiling face fell right before everything went dark again.
"Wolf...weak...walk again...sorry." Then a loud crash. That was what I heard before the steady beeping sound followed by whispers.
I was so tired and wanted to sleep longer. I tried to tell whoever was in my room to get out but nothing escaped my lips. Fighting to open my eyes was stopped short when I felt something warm wrap around my hand sending a slight tingling sensation up my arm. It was so peaceful that sleep engulfed me seconds later.
Angry voices woke me up this time. I was exhausted but sleep was not going to come to me again. My head buzzed and these people arguing was not helping one bit. Sure if I could make out what they were saying then I would have kept my mouth shut but all it sounded like was a bunch of mumbled words and growling. Growling? When did we get a dog? Dad hated dogs. No matter how many times I asked for a pet he said no and if I asked again after that he got really upset. It was one of the few times he got angry. His anger always scared the living daylights out of me.
"Can everyone leave please? I have a headache and would like to sleep it off." I didn't recognize my own voice at first. It was soft, scratchy, and rough. My throat burned. My eyes stayed closed so I didn't see what happened but the room went deathly quiet for a good minute.
"Mackenzie? Could you open your eyes for me so I can take a look?" A soft, gentle male voice spoke right beside me.
I so badly wanted to tell him to go away but that kind of disrespect would surely upset my dad so I did the opposite. I fought to open my eyes. I blinked a couple times before squeezing my eyes shut again. The room was too bright and it felt like daggers were shooting into my brain. I heard another whisper than a click.
"The lights are dimmed now so try again for me please." I did what I was told. Above me was an older man in white coat with sandy blonde hair and warm light brown eyes. "Hi. I am happy to see you are awake. My name is Dr. Morris. I am going to ask you a few questions then do a quick check, ok?" At my nod he smiled back. "Do you know where you are?" I shook my head no. He frowned then a small smile slid back on his face. "Ah here take a drink. Your throat must be dry." Dr. Morris placed a straw near my mouth. As soon as the cool water hit my tongue I realized just how thirsty I really was. Sucking back the water faster than I could swallow it. "Slow down, I don't want you to choke. Ok can you tell me how old you are?" He asked me after taking the glass of water away from me before I was finished with it.
I cleared my throat after I tried to answer him. "12. Where am I?"
It was only a split second but I saw the smile on the doctors face slip before it was back in place. "You are in the hospital. There was an accident. What is the last thing you remember?"
Accident? I don't remember being in any accident. The last thing I remember is...? What was it? My head was starting to hurt so bad I couldn't think. I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to remember what I was doing before now. "Ah...Coming home from school? No, that's not it. I'm sorry but I don't remember." Why couldn't I remember? "My head really hurts. Maybe after the pounding stops I can think straight. I'm sorry." Why can't I remember!
"Shh's ok. The nurse will bring you something for the pain. We are almost done then you can rest again. Can you tell me what else hurts beside your head?"
I haven't moved since I woke but I knew my body was stuff. I opened my mouth to tell him that but I stopped myself. Something didn't feel right. One limb at a time I tried to move. My shoulder was stiff but ok. My left arm hurt and felt really heavy. When I looked down I noticed it was in a cast. I tightened my stomach. It was a little sore but nothing major. I moved my legs...nothing happened. I tried to sit up but the doctor stopped me. I looked at him and started to panic. "I...I...I can't...can' legs. My legs won't move!" I was starting to scream and pant at the same time. I couldn't move my legs!
I saw the doctor move his lips as he held me down gently but firmly, but I couldn't hear him. I couldn't hear anything over the pounding of my heart and my laboured breathing. I didn't understand what was going on. From the corner of my eye I noticed other people standing by the wall but before my eyes could linger a nurse barged into the room with what looked like a very big needle. Now I started to really struggle. I knew there were tears sliding down my face because my vision was blurry. I tried to fight against the doctor but I could barely move and he was just so much stronger than I was. The next thing I knew I felt a sharp pinch in my upper arm and my throat was sore again from my screaming.
I turned my head to the group of people against the wall when my body refused to fight. It was those beautiful green eyes that caught my attention. "Please. Please help me!" I begged the green eyed man. He had to help me. My eyes were getting heavy but I saw the green eyed man take a step forward. My hand reached out to his. "Please," I sobbed. I was so scared. I didn't know what was going on and for some reason I needed him. I knew he would help me. I think he wanted to but the others were holding him back. That was the last thing I saw before the world went black.
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