Chapter One
Running out of breath, my chest about to explode.
I couldn't take it anymore if only I had left before it got worse. My skin is bruised and blood runs down my face from a cut above my eye.
Why can't he just love me? I am his own flesh and blood.
But I still manage to get there although it is to an unknown destination but still I run as long as I'm far from him, but to where?
My feet gave way with an hard thub, I fell face first giving myself more bruises
Something caught my eyes, a poster it's dull and hard to see with my hazed gaze but I still manage.
No one was around considering it was early in the morning but that didn't concern me, I didn't care for the criminals around here they can't do what I haven't went through already.
I pick myself up stumbling over the lamppost. The glow of its light helped a little. The poster was my only aim at this point.
"Camp justice Marines
Basica training for recruits,
The camp lasts four to five months long, boys will be dropped throughout the camp if they can not meet the requirements to become a United states Marine,
Boys only
Located: Pairs island south Carolina.
Pick up local bus stop in your town or city.
Time 12:00 pm.
Through my hazed gaze I sight the words as careful as I can. The words brought light feeling to be present within this is my opportunity and as clear as day I have to take it, ain't no way I'm going back to that monster.
The requirements kinda a mock to me 'boys' is the only word highlighted and honestly at this point I wish I was one.
Maybe all this that has happened to me for years wouldn't exist maybe I would be on the road to a crack head or maybe gone insane.
I laugh, I don't know why but I did feel I had to. If anyone saw me right now they would think I'm mad.
And maybe I am mad
I stand straight searching where I actually was.
Where the hell am I?
It didn't seem formiller although I never went anywhere otherwise from home to school.
It was still too early for any business place to be open and honestly I'm glad no one is here.
I made my way towards a bathroom near a hair salon. I needed to cut my hair to be that character to just change from this abused girl.
I found a razor on the bathroom sink and I immediately begin to cut my hair, well I try to, but with only a razor I can only do so much.
Picecs of my hair fall down to the dirty white ground, I cringe at the sight but I know I have to do this if I want a better life.
A sigh passes my lips I needed to move fast before people start filling out onto the streets, Out the window I saw the clear view of the sun.
I curse the only way I could be able to go is to get boy clothes and I'm not sure how I'm gonna attend with thses clothes.
They probably would kick me off the bus without a second thought
Before I dispose of all the hair I look at my new self in the mirror and honestly it's werid but I got to adjust, if I wanted to escape this hell hole.
I cup my hands together and pour some water from the sink onto my face rubbing the blood off, I hiss at the pain but I simply ignore it
I made my way out finding the nearest bench. I sat and waited with a plan in mind that may cost me my life.
"Hey miss." I pretended not to hear needing to be in my role. "Hey miss." His voice gets louder and honestly it pisses me off.
"What dirt bag!?" I turn and yell in his face, it was an homeless guy by the way his clothes look old and dirty.
"Could you move the f**k away please." I sat there puzzled my anger took over the top, how dare he tell me to move it's a free mother f**king country.
I glared at him until it register, I was sitting on a cardboard box not a bunch.
Well, that makes a lot of sense
I got up thus making my way to stand next to the lamppost. I felt the burning glare of the guy but I choose not to ignore it.
I didn't have a clock but I could tell the clothes store is close to opening time, I need clothes and it's not like I got money to buy any
"I'm gonna be in so much trouble."
I whisper to myself, my nerves showing. With a deep breath I casually walk through the opened clothes store door. Doing the normal searching for the items I need and pretty soon I find a pair of lose black Jean's I can't get tight ones because I have a bigger butt and they would probably get suspicious about how big my booty is, because I don't think guys have that much back there but hey I could be wrong.
Anyway I grab a black t-shirt. I don't have big boobs so I don't worry about if it is tight or not.
Now the only problem is how I'm gonna leave with these on.
I threw my old clothes in the bin and wait til the store attendant was busy and made myself out, I didn't waste any time to see if anyone was following plus I didn't care.
It only drawn to me after a good run that I made it out alive, so just need
To survive the hard part THE MILITARY!!
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