Chapter 2: Taking The Blame
Hania's POV
"It's my fault," Sunah runs inside the office as our father continues to lecture me on about leaving the school grounds and coming back home during dinner time.
I looked at her not even surprised that she's taking the blame. She always does that after all and I am grateful for it, but this time I won't let it happen. I already told our father the whole truth and he knows when me and Sunah are lying and when we are not. So, it's no use for Sunah to take the blame.
"Sunah, please take a seat," Our father, Hwang Moosong, who is also the headmaster of Moorim School, spoke up after taking a sip from his cup of tea.
Sunah does as she was told and sat on the brown couch near me since she is also scared of being near our father, who is still fuming from anger and disappointment.
Then our father continued talking, "I already heard everything and there is no need to take the blame, Sunah."
"Wait, what?" Sunah exclaims in shock and looks at me then back at our father.
"Hania has told me the truth, so please save everything that you've practiced to tell me," Our father adds and takes another sip again.
"So, that's it then?" Sunah asked me as we walked back to our rooms.
I nodded. "Yup! I'll be helping the new student tomorrow when he gets here."
"You're so lucky!" Sunah complains as we stopped in front of her and Soonduk's room.
"I'm definitely not lucky!" I exclaimed in irritation. "I need to study for the upcoming midterms, which is a few weeks from now!"
Sunah gives me the what-hell look and said, "It's a few weeks from now, Hania. Plus, if I where you, I'd be happy enough to miss my classes."
I shook my head and laughed. "You wouldn't. I know you too well, Sun," I teased.
"At least, I am not dating Top 2!" Sunah whispers with a teasing smile.
"Enough about Yeobjung, Sunah!" I whispered back and looked around making sure that no one is in the hallway, also to make sure that Nadet's drone isn't here. Then I added slowly, "Just because he acts cold and harsh sometimes, that doesn't make him a bad person. He is sweet and caring if I may add!"
My sister laughs out loud and says out loud in surprise, "SWEET AND CARING? REALLY?"
"YA! HWANG SUNAH!" I hollered and opened the door to her room and pulled my sister inside.
Then I continued, "Just shut up and leave my love life alone. Okay?"
Sunah smiles warmly and said, "Fine, I'll shut up and leave your damn love life alone."
"Good!" I muttered under my breathe. Then Sunah adds in seriously, "But if he hurts you, then I won't shut up."
I giggled and patted Sunah's arm. "Yeobjung? Hurt me? He would never."
My sister just nodded and then I left the room. I sighed and started walking to mine. Then I opened the door and walked inside my room, but I stopped all of a sudden.
"Yeobjung?" I called out in surprise.
My boyfriend turns around and faces me. I noticed how worried he looked like and my eyes widen at how red his eyes were. I ran towards him and placed my hands on his cheeks.
"Ar-are you o-okay?" He asked me as he wraps his arms around my waist.
"I'm okay, Yeobjung, but are you?" I replied back, softly.
"Uh, y-yeah," He whispers and brushes my bangs to the side. "I just.. Did you..."
I crossed my eyebrows in confusion. "What is it, Yeobjung?"
Yeobjung took a deep breathe in and asked, "Did you take any of the pills today?"
I stopped breathing for a moment and I looked away from my boyfriend. "I... I had to," I whispered, slowly.
"Yeobjung, please, calm down," I whispered softly. "Some people are asleep right now."
"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE ABOUT THEM?" He continues on, his temper getting to him.
Then my bedroom door opened and Sunah ran inside with Soonduk. Yeobjung looks at them and sighs. Then Sunah walks over towards us and pulled Yeobjung away from me.
"What do you think you are doing?" She asked him while standing right in front of me.
"Sunah, it's oka-" "It's your fault," Yeobjung cuts me off and glares at my sister in anger.
Sunah looks taken back by his words. Then she asked, "My fault? In what?"
Yeobjung looks at me and Sunah faces me. "She didn't tell you, yet?" Yeobjung asked, curiously. Then he asked me, "Why didn't you tell her, Hania?"
I took a deep breathe in and answered with my eyes shut. "Because I didn't want her to get worried."
"You took a pill?" Sunah whispers, finally understanding what Yeobjung was implying.
"I had to," I whispered, my eyes still close.
"She took two," Yeobjung exclaims, protectively.
"HANIA!" Sunah shouts in shock. "YOU COULD GET OVERDOSED!"
Then I opened my eyes which are now turning a light red. "SO, WHAT?" I SHOUTED BACK. "SO, WHAT IF I'D GET OVERDOSED? IT'S NOT LIKE I'M ALREADY SICK, RIGHT?!"
"Ha-hania..." Soonduk whispers.
But I just ignored her and continued to glare at my sister and boyfriend, who looks guilty and worried.
"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! ALL OF THIS!" I continued to shout at them as I left my room.
Sunah's POV
She just walked out.
"It's your fault that she had to go through the pain of not seeing anything," Yeobjung whispers behind me as I continued to look at the door.
Then I faced Yeobjung and glared at him. "She followed me that's why," I explained.
"Exactly, she followed you to make sure you wouldn't get into trouble. You know how your sister is. She is protective of you, but what about you? Haven't you thought about her well being when she leaves the institute?"
That hit me like a train would hit you.
"Stop it, Yeobjung," Soonduk cuts in and walks over to my side.
Yeobjung rolls his eyes at her and asked, "What? Are you going to be her bodyguard from now on?"
Soonduk was about to speak up, but she was cut off by the sound of the thunder outside in the sky. Everyone in the room looked out of the window and we all realized that it's Hania's doing right away.
"We have to find her," Soonduk tells me and Yeobjung after that.
Hania's POV
"Hania!" Jenny calls out as I ran passed her and Shannon, who is eating a subway sandwich.
But I just ignored her and continued running to the doors of Moorim School. I don't want to be anywhere near here right now. I just want to be alone and think properly. Then I stopped running when I am near the shield that protects the school and everyone else in it. Sometimes I wonder why my father needed a shield around the school. Why do we need protection? Are we still in danger after that night? After what happened to Sunah and her real family?
Are they still after us?
I couldn't control my emotions anymore. All of the pain that I held in me was suddenly released and I could hear thunder coming up from above me. Then I see the lightning that follows right after the thunder. Anger and pain is shown in the sky and everyone who sees it here in Moorim School knows that something is wrong.
"Hania!" Sunha calls out from behind me.
"Hania, get back inside!" Soonduk yells right after her best friend.
Then I hear Yeobjung's voice. "Hania, please, get back in here!"
I turned around and I know that my eyes are not its usual color. Instead of the dark brown or the silver, it's a dark shade of red.
"S-stay a-away from m-me..." I softly said, feeling tired.
"Ha-hania," Nadet, my best friend, calls out as the rest of the people in Moorim School went outside to see the commotion.
The he gently smiles at me and adds, "Come on... Get back in here... Don't you feel cold?"
Thunder strikes again in the sky which made all of them jump. Then the teachers ran outside with my father following right behind them. He stops a few feet away from me with his hand reaching out towards me.
"Hania, sweetheart, please, come back inside," My father calls out just like everyone else did.
"I want to, but I can't," I muttered under my breathe.
"Hania, we can't hear you," Professor Daniel tells me, slowly. "Please, say it out loud."
I took a deep breathe in and repeated my words, "I... I wa-want to... B-but I... I ca-can't..."
It's true. I don't know what is wrong with me. A few minutes ago, I was fine. I can move around, but now I am frozen stiff on the ground near the shield. Then Yeobjung spoke up.
"It's a full moon tonight!" He shouted, knowing why I am acting like this.
"What? Where is the moon though?" Shannon asked as she looked up around the sky.
Then Soonduk said out loud, "The rain clouds are hiding it."
Out of nowhere my energy starts to create a new set of thunder and lightning without my permission. To those students who doesn't know about my trauma and situation, they all screamed and ran back inside the school. To those people who knows about my past, they all stayed behind, looking out for me as they always had. Now, I regret running out here. If I just stayed put inside, then I wouldn't be in this trouble of trying to control my feelings and power.
All of a sudden my legs gave out and I fell on my side. My body feels too weak for me to move and my head starts to hurt a lot. Then I feel calm right away when the tears of the sky started to fall down onto my face and the dirty ground. As my eyes starts to close, I see a silhouette above me and I knew that it's my father. Because this wasn't the first time that this has happened.
"Hania, can you hear me?" My father asked me as he picks me up in bridal style.
I just blinked my eyes twice for a yes and then I closed them shut. I'm too tired to do anything, but breathe.
"Dad, will she be alright?" I hear my sister asked as we all got back inside the school.
"She will. Don't worry, Sunah," He replies back, calmly while holding onto me protectively, making sure that he won't drop me. "She'll get better by tomorrow morning. Your sister is... strong."
Are you sure, dad?
that's all for now...
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