Y/n's deal with Carnage. Weiss hears a new song.
Y/n was currently sitting in the hospital bed. Traumatized by Carnages killing spree last night. He killed a family of four with the mother being six months pregnant. Carnage brutality murdered them and even made Y/n watch as they screamed for mercy. No matter what he could do..Carnage will never leave him no matter what.
"Uhm Y/n?" A soft voice spoke making the boy look towards the door as he saw Weiss.
"Yes?" He asked in a dead voice as Weiss looked at him.
"I brought homework for you. I was hoping to study with you." She said as she entered the room and took a seat next to him.Y/n looked at her as she noticed bandages on him.
"What happened?" Reaching over to grasp his hand he moved away as he looked at the window.
"Carnage took over last night." Tears came out of the boys eyes. "Weiss I--I don't know what to do. I'm scared. What happens if he fully takes over. I could be a danger to the team and beacon. I can't take it anymore. Weiss I'm scared. Yang said that they'll help me but what happens if it's too late? What if-" Weiss quickly hugged Y/n as his eyes widen before he hugged back crying into her shoulder.
"Y/n I promise you. I'll never let that happen to you. We will find a way to help you." Looking at the boy she held him close.
"Why do you care so much about me. We only met three days ago." Y/n cried as she looked into his eyes.
"I know what it's like to fight against a force you can't control." She said as Y/n looked at her. "My father is a corrupt business man. I want to stop him before it gets worst." The two looked at each other as a small blush flushed onto their faces. "Have you had anything to eat?" She asked as the male shook his head. "I'll get something to eat for you. Just stay here." She smiled before leaving.
Y/n smiled slightly but his eyes widen as his pupil shrank with Carnage climbing up his body.
"You deserve no happiness. You only belong to me." It said as it went up to his neck but the two were shocked as it rushed back into his body with Y/n coughing.
"What was that?" He asked holding his chest.
"Something to keep Carnage in line." A authoritative voice said making the boy look to the side.
"Ironwood?" He asked as the general looked at him.
"Hello Mr.Brawnwen."
"What are you doing here?" He questioned as the general stared at him
"I am here to watch over you and Carnage."
"What, are you gonna have us do training, or are you gonna lock us up again?" Carnage spoke as if it used Y/n as a puppet.
"That is not my decision now. But it is for Ozpin. I won't be here all the time. Personnel from my military will be though. To keep you in line Carnage." Ironwood said as he looked at the symbiote.
"Oh goodie. More heads to rip off." It laughed as Y/n shook his head returning to normal.
"Carnage no. No more killing." Nervously Y/n looked as the symbiote looked at him and sighed.
"You're no fun." It replied making Y/n shocked as this time the symbiote didn't try to hurt him at all.
"D--Did you just." He asked but the symbiote retracted back into his body.
Ironwood looked at the two shocked as well before walking out and pulling out a recorder.
"December 10th. 5:11pm. Carnage seems to not attack the boy mentally or physically to the suprise of both myself and Y/n. But the reason as to why is still a wonder."
Weiss walked back into the room as she noticed Y/n holding his head as the symbiote caused the boy a migraine. Y/n grabbed the pills next to him and took one making him rub his head.
"Hey y/n I got food." She smiled making Y/n thank her after she placed it on his lap.
"Weiss. Have you ever wanted to end it all?" He questiond making the female look at him with worry. "I met Ironwood again....he shocked both myself and Carnage. I-I don't know what to do."
"The only thing you can do is be strong and learn how you can beat this thing or maybe strike a deal with it." She said making Y/ns eyes widen.
"A deal." Muttered by the boy he smiled and looked at Weiss giving her a massive hug with his claw like hands. "Weiss you're a genius." He smiled at her making her blush. "Oh here I finished the homework."
"Thanks. I'll turn it in for you. Anyways i got to go. We'll see you tomorrow." She smiled.
"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." Smiling Y/n watched as she left. "Hehehe. She's actually quite cute."
"She'll never date you Y/n. We're a murder." Carnage said as Y/n saw the symbiote eating some of his tater tots.
"Hey! That's my food." Y/n said as the two fought over the tater tots before coming to an agreement to split it. Y/n finished off his roast beef sandwich as he smiled before yawning. "Carnage. I want to strike a deal." The boy said making the symbiote look at him as it at its last Tater tot.
Team RWBY were on their way to go see Y/n until they heard someone singing a soft song.
You are the ocean’s gray
waves, destined to seek
Life beyond the shore just out of reach
Yet the waters ever
change, flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Team RWBY made their way to the medical bay as the vocals got louder with each step.
In endless dreams,
countless realms collide
Hope falls only to rise
like the changing tide
But all dreams come to an end,
Just whispers on the wind
Ruby began to tear up as this song was something she held dearly to her heart. The song that echoed through the hallways was the same song she would sleep to after Y/n left
Sing with me one last time,
for light’s sacrifice,
Endless dawn came but
not without a price,
Lost in the waves there
glimmers, a pale blue stone.
I think of you, all alone
Yang smiled softly as she listened to the music making her smile. When ever she or Ruby would cry over something like getting a haircut, or not getting the last cookie, he would sing this song for them.
You are the ocean’s gray
waves, destined to seek
Life beyond the shore just out of reach
Yet the waters ever
change, flowing like time
The path is yours to climb
Blake smiled as she listen to the song as it gave her a sense of comfort and safety.
You are the ocean’s gray waves.
Weiss and team RWBY stood outside the door frame as Y/n finished singing with the sound of running water splashed into his cup.
"What did you think of the song guys?" He smiled at them the look of pain and fear vanished after he sung the melody. "It's one of the things Carnage sleeps too."
Ruby smiled as did Yang along with Blake. Weiss walked towards Y/n as she sat next to him as she saw the pills next to his bed.
"You didn't take any?" She asked making the male nod.
"Didn't need too. Carnage kept me company. See." He smiled before showing the games of tic-tac-toe and monopoly on the ground. "Carnage cheats half the time but we have fun."
"Wait you and Carnage are buddy-buddy now?" Yang asked making Y/n smile.
"Well, I realized that once my mind was shattered I couldn't really do anything specific anymore. Sooo we just talked and played games along with making him a mummy." Y/n smiled as his eyes seemed to shrink before returning to normal as he coughed. "Sorry. I've been trying to keep my mind in place."
"Wait so you truly bonded with Carnage?!" Blake said scared for her life.
"If you want to see it that way. Then yes we did." He smiled as team RWBY looked at him with shock.
"But what about your personality will it drastically change?" The team leader asked making Y/n shrug.
"I'm not sure. But I'm sure it'll be fine along the way. I mean I might have crazed episodes but I just need to calm down and I'll be fine. The doc said I will be experiencing some hallucinations and well graphic flashbacks but I think I'll be fine I mean I did put up with Carnage for eight years. What's the rest of my life gonna be? Oh that will just be a treat." He smiled as he rubbed his hands together. "I just get all excited thinking about it." A crazed smile appeared on his face as he reached for a seperate pill bottle across the room before extending a red and black arm out and grabbing the pill bottle before taking one. "Anyways what are you guys doing here? Don't you have class?"
"Well we're actually going on a mission and wanted to see if you'll be fine by yourself." Weiss added making the boy look at her.
"Oh a mission how exciting. I do hope you'll all come here and visit me afterwards. I do get lonely."
"Yeeeaaah. Well we gotta go. Talk to you later bro." Yang said as she walked out slightly freaked out as Blake and Ruby followed her.
"We'll see you tomorrow possibly Y/n. Kota is with JNPR so he'll be fine." Weiss reassured making the male nod.
"Thanks for everything Weiss. I might see you sooner than you think." He smiled as he muttered that last part.
"What was that?"
"Oh nothing good luck snowflake." He smiled as the white haired female walked out of the room with a slight blush.
"She digs me."
"But will she dig this version of you?" Carnage asked making the boy smile.
"Give it time. Now where were we?" He asked as Carnage pulled up a game of chutes and ladders.
"I believe it was my turn."
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