The Spider and Cat
Y/n sat with Blake as she read a science book. Curious Carnage appeared before wrapping his head around to see the book she was reading.
"Slowly they drew closer and hugged each others bodies before gently-" the symbiote went off causing Blake to blush making the host laugh as she was reading one of her lewd books.
"Can you not read over my shoulder Carnage?!" She yelled but the two people of the three got shushed by the librarian making them quiet down.
"So where did Sun go after I got here?" grabbing the Ninja of love book from her he placed it in her bag before flipping the page to what she had to study for.
"He said he needed to check on his team." She smiled gently as she rolled her eyes from her teammates actions.
"I see." Standing up he went down to one of the isles before running his finger on the spines of the books.
"What are we looking for?" His symbiote asked inside his head.
"Something with a symbiotic bond. If we learn more about it, along with ourselves, we can beat Cletus." Stopping in front of a book he pulled it out before reading the title along with the table of context making him nod. "This will do."
Carnage appeared before looking at the different books and pulled them out but its books were more about human biology. Blake looked up from her book seeing the Y/n holding eight books before placing them on the counter. She watched the boy as he waited for the librarian to finish stamping the books. Blake watched as he sat back down before beginning to read his book on Symbiotes.
The two sat in silence before the boys scroll went off. Grabbing it out of his pocket he saw it was a message from Eddie asking if he could help with some news articles. Putting the books in his bag the web slinger stood up causing Blake to look up at him.
"Gotta help Eddie with a news article." Going to grab his bag he was stopped by Blake as she grabbed his hand.
"Don't, I'll take them, you just go save people." She smiled making him nod.
"Thanks Blake. You're the best." Walking towards the window,Y/n felt Carnage get excited as the symbiote webbed the window open, shocking everyone. "Tell the girls I'll be back."
"I will." She smiled as the hero front flipped out the window shocking everyone as they rushed to the window.
Poking their heads out they watched as the boy shot a web at the wall before swinging sideways as Carnage consumed his body. After hitching a ride on a bullhead Y/n and Carnage sat down on the roof of the ship thinking.
"As much as i like our form Carnage. I think we should change it so people don't get too freaked out ya know?"
Sliding off the head of his host the symbiote looked at him.
"You mean change our look?"
"I mean we can try out a new look and see how it goes if it doesn't work we'll stay as our form. But I don't want people to mistake us for Cletus and vice versa."
"Why are you worried about people mistaking us as him? "
"Something makes me feel like he didn't get to his stop in Atlas." Looking out to the upcoming city the young boy felt Carnage pet his head making him confused.
"If he comes for you. I swear, I wont let me take you from me or your family." He smiled making Y/n smiled back before petting him with his open hand.
"Yeah. Same with you."
Covering up themselves Y/n stood up before boost jumping off the airship thanks to Carnages help as the two flew their look began to change. Swinging towards a building the two flipped into the air before rolling to a stop on the roof where Eddie and Venom waited for them.
"New look?" The photographer asked making his symbiotes son appear before nodding.
"Wanted to try something different to see how people like the new look."
"I see."
Venom appeared as he looked at his son with his giant smile.
"You want to throw away your symbiote look?!" He yelled causing both Y/n and Carnage to cover their ears and lack of one.
"We're not throwing our symbiote look we just don't want people to confuse us with him."
"Its just a phase." Venom said making Carnage look at him with anger.
"What us wanting to be heroes?" Carnage spat out making Venom growl causing their hosts to step in.
"Carnage/Venom." They scolded making the two look at their hosts then each other before retreating to their hosts. "Symbiotes" Eddie sighed making Y/n chuckle
"Right?" Hearing police sirens the two leaned over the edge it the building.
"Go time you two." Eddie smirked making Y/n nod as Carnage covered his face.
"We'll be back." Swinging off the symbiote and boy pair swung behind the police cars.
Swinging behind them the two looked up as they saw the cops stopping at a bank. Swinging to the side of the building Y/n and Carnage looked at the front confused before jumping down and swinging behind the cop cars.
"Hey, who are you?" One of the officers called out only for the hero to ignore them and jump over the hood as their eyes widen.
"Y/n what do you see?" Eddie asked as he placed his hand next to his ear.
"Yeah. Hey,uh is there another symbiote with black webbing you know besides Venom?" He asked.
On the other side Eddie was shocked to hear this along with Venom as Eddie placed his hand on the communicator.
"Y/n you need to get the police out of there now!"
Back with the two Y/n and Carnage only heard "to get the police out" before being hit by a slab of concrete making the two fly back and into the hoods of two cop cars.
Moaning out a ow the hero stood up seeing a buff man with white slick back hair, he had a grey tank top and pants with black boots. His skin was tan and his eyes were a dark black with grey veins connecting to the pupils.
"Well, well, well. We were wondering what happened to Phage. Now we know. He couldn't bring you back to our brother." He said in a Russian accent causing the hero to look confused.
"Yes, we."
Webbing up a slab of concrete the man threw it at the hero making him back flip over it before webbing it up and sending it back to the sender causing it to hit the man as he smirked with his wounds healing. Looking ahead he saw Y/n and Carnage push kick him inside the back before grabbing the heros leg and tossing him behind himself making him bounce off the wall.
Landing on a knee Carnage blocked a punch for his host before boosting off his foot and hitting the man in the chin with his partners knee as his human shot a web backwards to gain some distance.
"Alright. Who are you and how do you know Phage?" Keeping his guard up the hero perched himself on the wall before webbing up the entrance stopping him from escaping.
"Hehehe. He said you would be an interesting person, but he never told me how much of a bond you have with your symbiote. This might actually be a fun fight." Covering his arm ina grey liquid the man shot multiple spike like object at the boy making him leap to the side and dodge them. Shooting a grey appendage at the boy the man slammed him to the ground before flicking him to the ceiling of the bank making the hero cough from being winded.
Jumping up the man went to step on his back with his grey ooze encased leg but a expanded red ooze stopped his attack and tossed him away before the ooze turned into webs and attached themselves to the ceiling. Pulling Y/n up Carnage got his human into a fighting pose.
"Thanks Carnage." Y/n coughed out before seeing the man place his hands on the ground as a wave of grey ooze rushed towards him.
Jumping to the ceiling the boy swung towards the man and went for a punch but was stopped by a ooze hand.
"Uhm." Was all the hero could say as the man smirked while slamming him into the ground.
"Is this all you got?" The man asked before webbing him up and close lining the boy.
Flipping in the air Y/n felt his jaw dislocated making the boy tear up in pain before Carnage fixed it. Shifting his head up the boy rolled to the side dodging a blade made of ooze as it imprinted itself into the ground. Encasing his foot in red the two kicked the man through the building and out towards the safe. Standing up the man smirked as his wounds healed before throwing coin bags at the hero making him kick two away while carnage caught two and rushed them to the heros hands as his threw one with massive force causing it to explode upon impact of the defending man. Running forwards Y/n slammed the second back into the mans chin making him smirk in the air before he grabbed the bottom of his face.
Slamming the hero to the ground the man picked him up and stabbed through him with a spike as the hero held the spike before covering it in red as the symbiote moved forwards and ripped his arm off. Hissing in pain the boy pulled the spike out and towards the ground. The man hissed in pain but smirked as his arm attached itself to its owner.
"Your bond is powerful between you two. But its not powerful enough." The man smirked as his arm was good as new.
"We can do that right Carnage?"
Stopping their small talk Y/n and Carnage jumped to the ceiling. Swinging to the side they dodged a attack from the man but was grabbed as the man smirk with his body being encased into the ooze.
Y/n and Carnage looked in shock as the man stood before them in his new look.
"We'll make sure to bring you back to him,and by the way, the names Riot."
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