The road to sanity. A hard but non decisive decision.
Everyone in team RWBYS dorm are all sleeping. Koda is resting on Y/ns chest sprawled out with his right foot against the boys cheek as the six of them all slept peacefully. That was until Koda woke up and quickly turned around in the boy and whined trying to wake him up as the small bear felt his fear grow. The small whine from the bear only managed to wake up Weiss. Weiss looked at the bear as she saw it whine and paw at the boy. The bear succeeds with the boy sitting up with tears going down his face,cupping his face, the boy cried into his hands.
Weiss got out of bed and walked towards him. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder making him jump in suprise as he backed away in a haste thinking it was Carnage. Weiss, being suprised, carefully walked to him as his breathing calmed down with him looking at her.
"Oh. Sorry Weiss. I didn't mean to wake you up." He said as he tried to calm down.
"Y/n what's the matter." She asked sitting next to him.
"I-I had a nightmare. It was as if something is coming for me, something, like Carnage. I...I need my pills." He reached for the pills with a shaking hand but Weiss gently grabbed his hand in hers.
"You can't use these pills all the time, because, you're not alone anymore. Let us help you." Gently helping him up Weiss and Y/n stood up as she sat him on her bed. "I'm gonna have you lah down in my bed for the rest of the night. I'll stay up with you so you can get some stuff off your chest." She smiled as Y/n nod at her and sat on the bed with her before the two laid down.
"I have a question Y/n. Why did you stop anyone from getting your last name wrong?" Weiss asked as he smiled.
"I guess with Carnage always getting my name wrong I never truly cared what name they used for me." He sighed as flashbacks of Carnage calling him all sorts of names and insults. "There were times when Carnage would try to eat me. I had to make sure I killed someone so I could survive. I always regretted killing when I was in control. One of them...was Ruby's mother." He cried as he remembered her forgiving smile as the boy cried with Carnage taking over completely. "She always told me that she would protect us. But I didn't expect it to go like that. When Carnage talked about it to everyone I felt myself die on the inside of what I did to Rubes. I'm a bad older brother." Chuckling Y/ns eyes shrank as he soon began to laugh.
"Y/n." Weiss said as she held his hand snapping it out of him.
"I'm sorry. I think we should sleep now." He smiled as he went to sleep making Weiss look at him before sleeping back to back.
Ruby woke up in the morning,looking over the bed, she went to check on her brother but only saw Koda sprawled out on his back as he slept like a baby. The young huntress looked around for him but found him in Weiss's bed. She smiled seeing her brother sleep peacefully as Weiss cuddled up to him.
"He looks so peaceful." She smirked devilishly as she noticed Yang awake as well. The two sisters quickly landed on the ground with Koda waking up and sitting between them. The small ursa cub looked up at them with curiosity before Ruby blew a whistle making the two jump but due to Caranges influence before separation Y/ns suprised jump make him hit hit head on the bunk above before grabbing onto it.
"Ruby what the hell!?" The two exclaimed as they saw the girl with a whistle in her hands.
"Good morning love birds!" Yang exclaimed as she smiled at them.
"Love birds?" Y/n looked at her in confusion as he landed on the bed while Weiss blushes. "Weiss was just helping me sleep cause I had a nightmare." He explained as Koda hopped on the bed and sat on his lap. The boy smiled as he began to pet the small cub. "Anyways who's hungry?" He asked making everyone raise their hand. "Alright. I'll make some chocolate chip pancakes."
-Jnpr dorm-
Nora was sleeping peacefully until her eyes suddenly snapped open.
-Rwby dorm-
Y/n began to make the pancakes with everyone playing with Koda. Y/n grabbed a knife but as soon as he did a flash of blood appearing on his hands and the knife along with his arms having the symbiote causing him to drop it and hyperventilate. "Come to me." Y/ns eyes widen as he looked around for the voice but remembered Carnage was gone. The rest of the team looked at him.
"Y/n you okay?" Ruby asked as she grabbed his arm in turn got a punch to the face by her brother.
"Ruby!" Yang yelled as she ran to her sister making Y/n snap out of it.
"Rubes." Worried over his sister Y/n kneeled down and looked at her. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Why did you do that Y/n?" Glaring at her brother Yang looked towards him.
"I'm sorry. It's just I had a very graphic flashback along with a voice I didn't want to hear." He explained making her look at him as the glare vanished into a sympathetic look.
"I'm sorry. I forgot that your separation was yesterday so your PTSD is still there." She apologized as the two older siblings looked at their sister.
"I'm okay guys my aura took that punch. But I'm sorry too. I shouldn't just grab you." Ruby said smiling.
"Yeah. Listen how about we go to the mess hall and get some food. I don't think I'm mentally stable to make food." He said sheepishly.
"It's fine. We just need to ease you into it. Come on let's go eat." Blake said making the team nod.
The team entered the mess hall but Y/n stopped as if he was being followed but shook it off. The boy sat in the mess hall with everyone and enjoyed his time. But once more he felt as if someone was watching him.
"You okay bro?" The yellow bombshell asked making him look at her.
"I'm fine. I just need to-" gasping the boy fell to his knees.
"Y/n." Ruby said as she looked at her brother with him collapsing.
Weiss helped Ruby pick her brother up as he began to sweat and cough uncontrollably as he began to mumble the word Carnage.
Ozpin walked into the medical bay with team RWBY, Qrow and Tai as he held a picture of Y/ns brain.
"I see." He mumbled as Y/n laid on the bed asleep. "Mr. Branwen can you please wake up?"
Y/n slowly opened his eyes as he sat up slowly as if on command.
"Huh? Where am I?"
"You're in the medical bay. I have some dire news though." Ozpin said as he took a sip of his coffee. "This isnt something good at all."
"What is it headmaster?" Ruby asked as she looked at the older male.
"It seems that during Y/ns partnership with Carnage has caused massive damage to his brain." He said as the boy held his head. "It not only broke your sanity but also made it to where your brain will send different signals to the rest of your body. More than what the boy can handle. Y/n can you tell me how Carnage would shape you to his image?"
"He.........He would force himself into my body and pick at my brain. He would coat my brain with his symbiotic ooze and scratch at it making my mind almost shut down if it wasnt for his healing. He would use it to force me to do his bidding." Y/n said as he held his head.
"I see. Y/n there is something I would like for you to know. But I only wish to speak to Qrow and Tai about this along with you though. Team RWBY if you please." The headmaster mentioned making them all nod and leave. Once the team left the four males stood/sat in the room. "Carnage wasnt the only project that Atlas had. There was another one before Carnage. They called it Venom. It was supposed to be a poison to the grimm for easier eradication. But it escaped and bonded with a human. That human was a huntsman and a dear friend of mine. Eddie Brock. Carnage came from Venom as they were known to repopulate asexually. This morning when I went to check on Carnage I found this." He pulled out a picture of a small creature in a bottle.
(Top left)
"This is Carnages offspring. It has no name but it's much more stable than its father."
"That's because it never had a host. Carnage told me that symbiotes gain their hosts traits. Since it hasn't gotten one its docile. Can you bring it to me?" He asked as the headmaster nod sending a message to Glynda making the teacher enter with said bottle she went to take it to the boy but he stopped her. "Set it at the edge of the bed." Y/n sat cross legged as he and the symbiote looked at each other. But the symbiote backed away against the glass. "I think I know why you told me this. The injury Carnage caused can cause me to die. The damage is too much for my aura to fix it. So you want me to bond with this." He said flatly making Tai and Qrow look at him with shock.
"Yes." Ozpin said making the boy shake in rage.
"Why, do you want me to break even more?!" He yelled at the headmaster as the symbiote stared the him. "I'd rather die than to join with another Symbiote."
"You'd both die." Ozpin said gaining the boys attention. "Carnage will try to break out as you can tell by the way the canister was. Carnage will bond with you again and make it worst. If you join with this version of the symbiote then Carnage can't take you from anyone." Ozpin said gaining Y/ns attention.
"You know it's only been twenty four hours since my separation with Carnage." Y/n said as he looked at the symbiote.
"Sometimes a hunter has to make hard decisions even if it's too soon." Ozpin said as Tai sat next to his son.
"Its your call son. No matter what I'll be proud on what you choose." Tai said as he smiled at his son causing him to look at him and back at the symbiote.
Y/n slowly began to reach for the bottle but stopped as he touched the cork before grabbing it. Y/n opened the bottle as the symbiote slithered out and sat on his lap looking at him.
"Can you truly help me?" He asked naming the symbiote tilt its head in confusion. "I need to trust you and you need to trust me." He said as he reached at the symbiote before he slowly stroke its head.
"Okay. I think I'm gonna have to do it. But please can we keep this a secret from my team until the time is right?" Y/n asked as he looked at the headmaster.
"Of course."
Y/n looked at the symbiote as it did the same with smiling. He smiled back and slowly placed his hand in front of it as the symbiote began to crawl over him before morphing into his causal clothing.
"So what should I call you?" He asked as a black and red head popped out of his shoulder looking at him.
"Toxin. I want to be toxic to my father and help you Y/n. I will heal and help your sanity along with your team." It said as it smiled at him showing all of its teeth.
"Okay Toxin. I trust you to help me. So please heal me and we'll go swinging later tonight." Y/n said as the symbiote smiled at him.
"Welcome to my body. Please don't hurt my family okay?" He smiled as Toxin nod.
"I only ask you teach me of this world." Toxin said making his host smile and nod at him. "Then I shall protect you with my life."
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