The nightmare dosen't end. Carnage shows his dominance.
Y/n smiled with his family after hearing the news from Ozpin, But a certain monster didn't agree. Y/ns eyes widen as he held his head and began to scream in pain as if his body moved on it's own Y/n jumped onto the ceiling. His teeth grew sharp and jagged,his back began to break creating cuts as red ooze leaked from them making the boy scream in pain.
Everyone looked in horror as the boy began to laugh with insanity but his voice echoed making them back up in fear.
"You dare try to seperate us. We will kill you. I will kill you. All of you!" Carnage screeched as he fully formed over Y/ns body and went to attack them only to be trapped in a glass cylinder. The symbiote looked in confusion before wildly jump side to side sticking on the walls. "This won't hold me forever Ozpin. When this goes down, I will rip you apart!"
Carnage begins repeatedly punch the glass and even started to headbutt it as if he's a mindless beast. He screeched at the people in the room. Ruby hugged her father tightly hiding her face into the mans chest as she didn't want to look at this embodiment of nightmares. Yang stepped back scared for her life as Carnage went on his rampage. Qrow and Tai looked at the monster with shock,they could only imagine how badly Y/n is having it at this moment. Glynda covered her mouth with her hand as Carange screeched at them with a mixture of his voice and Y/ns. Ozpin looked at the monster with a solemn look but cracking could be heard from the tube. But the monster stepped back holding its head in pain.
"Get him off of me Ozpin NOW." The symbiote yelled in Y/ns voice. "Please I can't hold him back much longer. Please!" The boy pleaded.
"Mr.Branwen this will hurt you as wel-." Ozpin warned but was cut off.
"I don't care get it off of me. There's nothing that this thing would do that he hasn't already. Please!" Y/n begged as Carange peeled off of his head down to his mid neck. Carnage has done major damage to the boy as cuts,and scrapes were present on his face. But what everyone else saw was black and red veins pulsating on his face all the way up to his hair. Even some of the veins were present in the eyes.
Looking up Y/n saw a giant speaker and smirked. Carnage quickly crawled over the boys face looking shocked and angry as he returned to punching the glass.
"Glynda." Ozpin said making the female turn to him as he held his hands together and looked at the beast with a serious look. "Do it."
Glynda nod and pressed a red button. Loud soundwaves began to exit the speaker making the symbiote fidget abit but he continued to attack the glass. Everyone watched as it kept going at it until the symbiotes own arms reached behind him and began to tore at his neck. The struggle became to much as the symbiote bumped into the glass tube with Glynda turning up the volume making the symbiote stretch out showing Y/n inside the creature with small a pained look. But the symbiote snapped back onto the boy.
Ruby looked at her brother as he struggled against the symbiote as it screeched in pain but Ruby looked at her brother as he brought his hands to his face and slowly began to rip Carange off his face. She watched as the symbiote became threads before being fully ripped off showing the boys face.
Y/n looked at the symbiote as it fell to the ground spazzing out from the sound. But the boy could feel his head throbbing. If he is gonna get Carnage off him,he has to do it fast. Not wasting anytime Y/n grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled the symbiote off his bicep. Then reaching down Y/n pulled at his chest and in once powerful pull the symbiote seperated showing his chest as it flailed on him.
Yang watched her brother as he ripped the beast off but what she saw made her worry Y/ns ears were bleeding.
Continuing to rip the symbiote off Y/n kept doing hard pulls as the symbiote fell from his body. Y/n went to his legs and continued to rip off the monster. Little by little puddles began to grow in form with each of the symbiote parts falling onto the ground.
Tai and Qrow kept watching in anticipation as Y/n slammed his fist onto the ground with the last of the symbiote falling off of him leaving him in just his underwear. A syringe appeared in the tube from the small compartment on it and filled the cylinder up with the symbiote. Glynda quickly turned the sound off and raised the tube.
Y/n collapse but was caught by his youngest sister as she looked at him. But getting a better look Y/n stood there with all his scars present.
The boys family teared up at the sight but Ruby looked at her brother.
"Y/n can you hear me?" She asked, after all, being blasted with loud sound can damage someone's hearing for a while. But she could only heard mumbling. "What was that?"
"I don't hear him. Ruby...I don't hear him anymore." The boy said as he had tears rush down his face with a giant smile present.
"He's gone. Ruby. I'm free." He said as he cried harder making her hug him as she cried into his shoulder.
Yang, Tai and Qrow smiled with tears as the boy cried harder as he thanked Ozpin over and over. Ruby hugged her brother tightly and cried. She finally has her brother back.
A ding could be heard from the elevator as Weiss and Blake appeared with Weiss holding Koda shocking the two parents but saw the small bear jump out of Weiss' arms and towards the boy. Y/n looked at the small bear and smiled as it looked at him with a questionable look as it placed its paw on his right thigh. Y/n placed his hand on the bears head and stroked it.
"Koda he's gone. He won't hurt us anymore." He smiled as tears won't stop running down his face. This though brought a smile on the bears face as it's ears perked up and it stood up with its paws in the air as if its celebrating making the boy laugh as it fell onto its butt. Koda stood on all fours and climbed on the boys lap and laid his paws on the boys chest licking his tears away. Y/n smiled and laughed with the bear making everyone smile sweetly. But the moment had everyone crying tears of joy. Y/n stroke the bears back as it curled up on his lap. Y/n stood up holding the cub in his arms as he smiled, looking at Ruby he asked his little sister a favor.
"Rubes can you get moms cloak for me?" He said with Ruby nodding at him. She went downstairs using the elevator.
Y/ns happy look was replaced with pain as he fell to the ground, dropping the small bear, Y/n coughed into his hand. But everyone could see red liquid falling from his hand. Tai ran to his son seeing him do this.
"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked looking at his son as well as everyone else.
"Carnage never allowed me to get my shots and my body is pretty weak. I think I need a doctor. But before I....see one." The boy said as he stood up and walked to the syringe that held the symbiote. Grabbing the small tool Y/n gave it to Ozpin. "Ozpin. No one is to come in contact with this. If you fail to do so. He will come back and will do anything to get to me. I trust you with keeping this thing away from anyone. Please." He said looking at the headmaster.
"Of course Y/n. You can trust me. Carnage will never be let out." He assured the boy.
Y/n smiled and thanked him. The ding of the elevator went off as Ruby walked I with her mothers cloak. Y/n looked at his sister as she stared at the white cloak. Y/n looked at her and smiled. The small huntress handed him the cloak but felt the white cloak being placed on her. "Mom would want you to hold onto it. Keep it safe." He smiled making her cry and hug him but he groaned and coughed blood a little more.
"Come on Y/n let's get you to a doctor." Tai said as he walked over to his son but Ruby stopped him she covered her brother in the cloak.
"I don't want people to laugh at you big brother." She smiled making him hug her making her flail her arms. "Can't....Breath." she gasped making Y/n let go of her.
"I'll see you all later." He smiled and left with Tai and Qrow to go see a doctor.
Y/n walked off the bullhead as Qrow stood next to him. Tai sadly had to leave to take care of Zwei but gave his son one more hug. Qrow looked at his nephew seeing him wear new clothing.
"Looking good kiddo." He smirked.
"Well you did pick them out for me uncle Qrow." The boy said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly but suddenly he felt some latch onto his arm. Looking down Y/n saw Ruby.
"Y/n you're okay! I'm so glade to see you!" She squealed at him as Y/n gave her head pats.
"Ruby I expect you to help your brother with his recovery." Qrow said looking down at his niece.
"I will uncle Qrow. Team RWBY will help him out." She said smiling at him.
"I hope you four will. I will have to go shopping with Koda tomorrow so I can get him a few things. Do you and your team want to come with?" He asked looking down at her.
"Yes! Spending time with you is worth it." She smiled at him.
"Thanks Rubes. Now Uncle Qrow I need to go take some meds. I'll talk to you later." Y/n said as he looked at the hunter.
"Sure thing kiddo. Just take it easy okay?" Qrow asked looking at his nephew.
"I will. Later Qrow." Y/n smiled and left towards his shared dorm with team RWBY.
Upon entering Y/n was met with a funny sight to behold. Koda was running around trying to get away from Weiss as she had a towel in her hands with Koda leaving wet footprints everywhere.
"Well good to see everyone is enjoying Kodas presence." He thought to himself as he walked in with Ruby. "Next stop. Sanity city."
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