One, Two, Carnage is coming for you.
Blood... The blood of Shrieks pet dripped from Carnages teeth as he smiled menacingly at her. Stepping over the corpse of her pet Carnage smirked as the inside it showed Y/n with a maniac's smile that would make Cletus proud. Y/n and Carnage were one and they're ready to bring chaos, to bring carnage, to get their answers.
"He's like my sweet." She muttered as the symbiote pair made their way to her. Each step and drop of blood echoed in the tunnel as she nervously backed away.
"Where are you going Shriek? We just want to play." The pair laughed as she jumped onto a train roof as the vehicle left. "We love it when they play hard to get." Cackling and swinging after her the two gave chase.
Shriek ran across the roof of the train as she kept moving. Sliding into one of the cabs she looked behind herself seeing if he was still following her. But she didn't see him. Taking a seat she sighed but grew worried as there wasn't anyone in the cab. Looking ahead to the next cart she saw multiple people running away but what scared her was the red and black monster in the center waving at her. Slamming his arms into the train Y/n and Carnage used the momentum of the train to stop the wheels causing it to break forwards scaring everyone that was sitting but injure the ones that were running. Y/ns tendrils began to wrap all around the train in quick succession as Shriek looked around seeing the red and black muscle fiber darken everything.
Yang and co all ran towards the bank after hearing about the robbery but now they sat in multiple cop cruisers as they got a 911 call about the carnage killer on her train. Everyone had different reactions Rubys was fear of losing her brother again, Weiss was scared somewhat, after all, he's been avoiding her as of late and wouldn't tell her what was up, Blake shook as she remembered that this was something that happened to a comrade of hers, yang held a determined look to get answered out of him. Ozpin held his natural blank stare but his leg shook in anticipation and Ironwood scolded himself for trusting Y/n too soon, if he knew this would happen, he would've locked him up given the chance.
Back on the train Shriek watched as the young boy lunge through the door ready to chomp on her but a sudden yellow tendril extended from her back swatting the boy away and through the glass window. Falling down the tunnel and towards the ground, the nightmare swung up and moved to the roof of the train as he rubbed his jaw.
"What was that?" He asked before noticing Shriek as she climbed out with a smile on her face.
"What? Did you truly think I was scared of you? That's hilarious, no, you can't hold a candle to how terrifying my dear is. I will admit you killing my pet was quite the surprise." She smiled as Carnage kept an eye on her as the wind blew past them once they left the tunnel and out in the open. The red symbiote pair noticed the yellow substance covering her as she smiled. "But let's see how you deal with your auntie," she smirked evilly as the symbiote covered her showing the yellow symbiote Scream.
Y/n and Carnage stood up excited as they found a worthy opponent. "Finally. We've been waiting for another symbiote user. We'll torture you and find out where Cletus and the other two are." They smiled as they referred to Riot and Phage. "Let's go!" He exclaimed before lunging at the symbiote pair.
Ruby looked out the window for any signs of Y/n but noticed two red and yellow creatures battling it out on a fleshy train.
"Up there!" She called out as everyone saw the train make its way to its next stop at fast speeds. Everyone gave chase.
Smashing him into the side of the cart Shriek watched as he tilted his head up before leaping off the train taking the symbiote flesh with him. Swinging from one building to the next he ran across a wall as Shriek smirked. Pulling out two people and shattering their aura she tossed them both off the track and towards the ground.
"Help us Carnage!" The citizens pleaded for their hero but saw no one swinging in.
Y/n and Carnage leaped off the building ignoring the people as they fixated on Shriek.
"That's right. Let them fall to their deaths. Focus on me so when you morph back into your hero state. People will see you failed them and they'll see the real you." She smirked before continuously doing the same thing.
Blake sat in a cop car before hearing a loud thud as the roof of a car was crushed. Stopping the car the officer and blake ran out to see what happened and what they saw horrified them. A corpse inside the dented roof.
On the other side of the incident, a big black creature ran across the roofs caught one of many victims that were tossed. Running he caught as many as he could before seeing Y/n and Scream fight. Jumping and landed on the train behind Y/n as Shriek tossed him to the bigger monster.
"What are you doing?!" Venom yelled at the boy as he looked up at him.
"We're getting answers from her!" The smaller fighter said causing Venom to scold him.
"You're allowing her to kill the people you swore to protect!" He yelled as Y/n and Carnage turned around and muttered to him.
"They're accepted casualties." He said causing Venom's eyes to widen along with Eddies.
Lunging at the female Y/n continued to fight Scream as Venom and Eddie looked in anger. Shriek giggled before having an idea. Going to the front of the train she pulled the accelerator and ripped it off before throwing it towards the hero causing him to stop and catch it.
"You got a train to catch. Now's your choice save them or chase me and let them die to their deaths." She smirked before waving off and swinging away.
Y/n went to chase her but was stopped and pulled towards Venom.
"What are you doing?!" He yelled as Eddie was now showing with his arm covered in Venoms mass.
"Kid you need to get control of yourself! Protect the people first she comes last!" He yelled as Carnage glared at him.
"If we get her now we'll make her talk. She'll spill the beans about Cletus. He's our main threat!"
"A threat we'll come to down the line. Right now you need to stop this train!" He yelled before pulling him closer staring into the boy's eyes. "They need you." He said looking dead into Y/ns eyes.
"HELP!" The train conductor yelled causing Y/n to gasp as he and Carnage looked down at themselves.
"We did......we let." He muttered before morphing to the hero and swinging toward the front of the train. Landing on the bumper of the train he looked around in the front trying to see what the situation he's working with. Looking behind himself he saw the end of the tracks hanging over the streets of Vale. "Tell everyone to hold on."
The group all stood at the end of the tracks on the side with the police cars as they all heard the train speed down the tracks.
Jumping down towards the tracks Y/n could feel his legs rip faster than carnage could fix them with wood shooting in all directions. Jumping back up he held his legs in pain. "Just endure the pain Y/n. You need to think about how to keep them safe." He thought before turning and seeing the scared lot.
"Everybody loves a hero." A motherly voice spoke.
Jumping down Y/n tried again with the tracks ripping apart as he felt his legs shatter as Carnage tried to keep up causing him to scream in pain. Bloodshot out from the boy as his legs kept tearing apart. Eddie and Venom shot multiple webs at the wall of the surrounding buildings.
"Courage self-sacrificing people."
"Hang on Y/n!" Carnage yelled as Y/n screamed louder and louder.
"Retract!" He yelled causing him symbiote to look at him with confusion.
"What?! They'll see who you are!"
"I need you're healing more than keeping my identity a secret."
"Just do it!" He screamed as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"People line up for them, cheer them, scream their names."
"Come one Carnage!" A man yelled as he saw the suit pull back showing black hair.
Y/n kept pushing his blood splashing onto the pavement down below. Team RWBY watched as the wood was starting to get closer to them as they saw the red liquid now splatter towards the ground in little doses.
"Hold on Mr.Carnage!" A little girl cried out as he kept pushing.
Eddie continued shooting webs while Venom held him in place the two symbiote users could feel their bodies get destroyed. The both of them kept letting out screams as Y/ns human form showed completely as his pants were now getting torn apart.
"Hang on kid!" Eddie yelled as Y/n kept going. The train slowly beginning to slow down.
"He's doing it!" A woman smiled as Y/n was starting to go faint from the blood loss.
"Just a little more Y/n. Keep pushing. Protect them." The motherly voice said as a pale hand touched his face. Opening his eyes he saw Summer hovering in front of him. The smile on her face made him catch his second wind. "Do it my little hero."
"I failed to protect her. I.... won't fail to protect them." Letting out a war cry Y/n and Carnage felt a sudden surge of adrenaline as the symbiote covered him completely before growing in size his skinny form gained more muscles as he fully turned around and held his hands against the train before Eddie helped him continue to use his symbiote to stop them.
Now using the tendrils from his back he stuck them towards the walls slowly making the speed of the train decrease. The two symbiote hosts caused the train to come to a final halt as the two collapsed. Eddie on the roof of the train. Y/n on the bumper of the train as the cops, RWBY, Ironwood and Ozpin saw him passed out on the train. His legs practically blue and black as Carnage retracted to his body before the wood underneath began to give out on him. Before he could fall to his death Y/n was caught by the train conductor as he and a few others carefully pulled him in the train.
"Is he?" A woman asked as a man held his fingers to his neck.
"He's okay. But he needs a hospital." He said looking down at his badly damaged and bloody legs.
As paramedics appeared they loaded all the injured into the ambulance as Ironwood walked up to the one holding Y/n as Team RWBY looked him over.
"I'm sorry but this Ambulance is now under Atlas authority." He said causing them to look at him. "Y/n will be taken to my brig ships and will be held in there until further notice." He said as they looked at him with shock.
"You can't just do that!" Ruby said causing him to correct her.
"I can. Ozpin gave me the green light. He and the officer he was with found a corpse. The head was off the body and Y/n along with Carnage was the only one to be near that subway. We also know that Carnage likes to rip off heads when he's let loose from past experiments. I'm sorry. We'll give him the treatment he needs but he will now be transferred to Atlas as soon as the vytal festival is over so I can personally make sure he gets there safely." He said causing the sisters to grow upset.
Shriek stood over them with a smile.
"Time for the plan to kick in." She smiled before taking off to Cletus.
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