Happy birthday
Ironwood sat in his desk looking at the plans of his cure. He had one week to perfect the symbiote and he needed to get it done. Standing up he made his way to the lab that held one final symbiote. The final symbiote was a piece of the Venom symbiote. The symbiote moved back and forth in its canister before stopping momentarily as Ironwood stood over it. The symbiote formed a hand and placed it on the glass of its cylinder prison.
"Soon. But I won't be your host. I have someone in mind." He told the symbiote making it stop moving.
Picking the cylinder up James placed it into a holding room made out of glass with a singular table. Setting the symbiote down he exit the room and close the door as it sealed close. Grabbing a small mouse James placed it inside the room through a panel. Letting the mouse enter the room it did its expedition until it stopped curiously as a hissing noise sounded off with the canister unlocking. The Venom symbiote leaked out and towards the mouse as it bonded with it. The red eyes of the mouse changed to milky white showing the symbiote combined with it.
"James did you let the symbiote out?" A female voice asked as he turned to her seeing her shocked expression.
"I did. We can't wait anymore. We have one week. One week for us to perfect Project Cure."
"But that'll take weeks." She spoke making the general walk towards the room as the symbiote looked towards him.
"Which is why we're starting now. Sleepless nights is ahead of us Kate. We're gonna need to use your semblance to do it." He said before pulling out a picture of Y/n from his coat jacket. "Project Cure. This is your host. You two will work in harmony to save Vale." He spoke before taping the picture to the glass wall as the symbiote looked at it with curiosity.
"James. Why do you think this symbiote is gonna listen?" She asked him as the general smiled.
"You're semblance changes a person/animal and insects personality. If we amplify it to where the Venom symbiote combines with white blood cells we can test it and have it eliminate any kind of poison, any kind of symbiote, hell maybe even cancer . it'll boost the symbiotes healing ability and hopefully the way it bonds with the host. Where it won't feel painful or even makes them sick. He'll be our ultimate symbiote. Our ultimate hero." He said as the symbiote kept staring at the picture of Y/n. "I want there to be 24/7 video of Y/n when he stayed here along with his heroics at Vale. The more this symbiote recognizes the boy the easier it'll be to have it choose its host. We'll also modify him. The biggest weakness of the symbiotes is fire and sound. I want him immune to it."
"That might kill it though if it isn't!" She told him making the general nod.
"Which is why we'll save that for last. Get it prepared and strong."
Kate made her way towards the Symbiote as it kept its eyes in the picture before turning on the T.V in the room to a recorded news feed as it had Y/n swinging and saving people. This cause the symbiote to turn around to watch the TV.
"I'll have security here to watch the symbiote. I recently got a call from Brock. Him and Y/n are in a small area in Mistral. He's gonna have Venom heal Y/n before they comes here. Get him prepared till then." James explained to her as she looked at him.
"Does he know what you have planned for the boy?" She questioned before pulling out a clipboard with a wellbeing checklist. But she received no answer from him.
"Just get him ready. Once he's done we'll talk about permissions later." He ordered before walking out of the room.Leaving the scientist alone with the symbiote.
"Project Cure. I'm gonna amplify your connections with the white blood cells inside the mouses body. It won't hurt at all. It'll just tickle." She reassured it but it never turned away from the T.V. as it was in a trance.
Walking towards the glass wall Kate held her hand out as it glowed purple with the mouse glowed the same color. The symbiote felt itself become warm and fuzzy. It even let out a few squeaks of laughter due to her semblance. Kate moved her hand downward not wanting to tire herself or the symbiote out.
The symbiote watched the mental struggle the boy was in and lowered the mouses body in a sad manor similar like how a dog would fell upset. The symbiote was feeling saddened for the boy.
"Friend." It thought as it watched the videos playing.
Back at Oscar's farm.
Oscar was out doing his chores as Eddie and his aunt left to do some running around for the boy that was encases in the symbiote. He knew of Eddie and Venom but he was never afraid of the symbiote. Well 'never' was loosely used here. He actually got used to the two along with their weird banter. The one that confused him so much was when Eddie said "That's so eighties."
Oscar was getting some water out of the pump before getting hungry. After he finished pumping the water out and running it along the dirt for their next crop he walked inside. On the couch was a Venom incased body. The black with white vein mass looked fascinating as Venom worked on him. Getting some eggs Oscar began to make himself some eggs as a snack. Hearing the noise of webs attaching themselves to the wall along with the symbiote moving over to the boy.
"Hello Venom. Hungry?" He asked the symbiote as it formed a slimmer version of itself.
"I'm not. Y/n is though." He said making the boy fully turn to him seeing the symbiote missing his arm and leg. "The kid hasn't eaten in days."
"I know. He looked like a zombie when you brought him here." He said before putting them on a pan. "How is he by the way?"
"I healed his wounds and closed the holes in him. But I can't do anything else until I get the blood for him. He needs clothing too. He says he's cold."
"We might have some of Eddie's old clothes here. Can you watch this until I come back?" He asked as Venom nodded.
Leaving the kitchen and heading to the guest bedroom that Eddie and Venom only ever used. Oscar went through some of the clothes that they had. Pulling out a pair of pants, shirt, belt and a old sleeveless jacket. The boy brought it towards the kitchen seeing Venom not destroying anything as he was making the eggs.
"Venom I brought some clothes." Oscar told him as the symbiote had two tendrils move towards him. "They might be a bit big though." He lightly chuckled.
"It's better than nothing." Grabbing the clothes Venom placed them around the boy before taking a new form. The symbiote morphed into having baggy jeans a shirt and a jacket with a spider on the chest.
(Like this)
"He says Thank you Oscar."
After Oscar took back the eggs the three began to eat as Venom made himself some tater tots. Peeling away from Y/ns mouth Venom prepared the young hero just incase he goes into shock from eating. But he was fine, even though he needed help to chew from the slight pain.
"So can you talk Y/n?" The farm boy asked the hero as Venom spoke for him.
"He can only talk through me. He's too hurt to speak. I've been relaying what he's been thinking." The symbiote spoke for him as Y/n did a small nod.
"What was he like Venom?" The farm boy asked as Venom grabbed Y/n a glass of water.
"Different from this. He was tough and a fighter. But the fight at Vale messed him up. He can barely move." The symbiote spoke as he gently brought the glass of water to Y/ns lips. He was able to drink it slightly before coughing causing the symbiote to stop and help him out with the cough.
Oscar could hear the boy wheeze in pain after taking his drink. Grabbing Y/ns and venoms plates he carried them to the sink while Venom carried Y/n towards the couch.
"What's wrong Y/n?" Venom asked suddenly making Oscar turn to them. "Oh."
"Everything okay?" Oscar asked as Venom turned to him.
"It's his younger sisters birthday today. With everything that happened he couldn't celebrate it for her. This would've been his first time in eight years to celebrate her seventeenth birthday." Venom spoke but Oscar had an idea.
"Why not text her when Eddie gets back? Plus you just need blood right? Im sure once we get it into him you guys plan on going to Atlas right?" Oscar asked making Venom turn to him with surprise.
That's right! Cletus never took down the CCT tower, communications with the world hasn't been lost since he wanted to keep one of the news Channels as a live feed of the destruction of vale.
"Oscar you just made Y/ns day." He said making the farm boy smile.
Back at Atlas.
Ruby was laying in the symbiote scanner once again for her daily check up. Today was her last day since they couldn't find any of the Carnage symbiote in her. After getting cleared she made her way back to the room but was stopped by Penny.
"Salutaions friend Ruby!" She smiled making Ruby wave to her. "I heard today is your birthday. So I got you a gift to celebrate." She smiled showing Ruby the newest magazine for huntress weekly. "It's not much but I think it's the thought that counts right?"
"Thank you Penny. It's perfect." She said with a forced smile causing the robot girl to smile.
Walking away Ruby made her way towards the room where her family was with Yang holding a cake.
"Happy birthday little sis. We got you a cookies and cream cake." She said with her normal chippy personality.
"Thanks Yang but I think I might skip out on my birthday today. It's not the same without Y/n. I don't want to celebrate it without him not anymore." She said making her family hug her.
But suddenly Tai's scroll went off showing a video call. Tai looked at it weirdly as it wasn't a number he knew but Yang told him with surprise that it was Brocks number. This made the young rose look at it with an intrigue look. Upon answering the group of four were met with Venom in his new look causing Ruby to panic a little but Qrow calmed her down.
"Eddie your alive!" Yang said relieve that him and Venom were okay. But they were surprised to see Eddie lean down showing himself separated from Venom.
"Yeah. But right now has been hectic. How's everything with you four." He said making the group surprised to see him separated from the symbiote.
"You're separated from Venom?" Qrow asked not sure if he was drunk or not.
"Yep. Someone needed it more than me." Slowly helping the symbiote cladded figure up Venom peeled back showing the group Y/ns right face. Making them tear up.
"Eddie how did you?" Tai choked out as his son was alive and inside of Venom.
"Had to hide and be separated from Venom for a bit. But Carnage had his pets up my ass for the past few weeks. We just got away from there today." He said making Ruby tear up.
"Is he-" Yang choked out as well before she had her sentence finished by Eddie.
"Okay? As well as okay is with being at Vale and going through hell. I'd rather not go about how his condition is. Y/n remembered it was ruby's birthday and wanted to give her a call." He smiled making the young Rose tear up.
"He remembered." She said making the boy put on a strong smile as he fought through the pain.
"We plan on making our way to Atlas in the next five days." Eddie said as the group were ecstatic to hear this but Ruby was confused on why not today. "If you're wondering why not today. Y/n lost a lot of blood and we need to make sure he's okay. Plus Venom needs to do a bit of physical therapy to get him moving right." He said as the group just noticed the I.V and blood bag. "Ruby you can wait till then to get your present right?" Eddie asked as she nodded.
"As long as he's okay then yes. I can wait. I just want my brother here." She said making the man smile.
"Alright. We'll see you all in five days." Eddie smiled as Y/n yawned. "Gotta go so he can rest."
"We love you Y/n." Ruby said as her smile slowly appeared.
"Love......you." He forced out before holding his mouth in pain as tears ran down his eyes making the family shed a few tears.
It was a bitter sweet moment for that love you but the family were to relieved to care, they were just happy to see him again and Ruby couldn't have wished for a better gift. This made her mood grow a little better.
"Thank you Eddie for keeping my son safe." Tai said with the rest of the family agreeing with him.
"It's my job as his Symbiote teacher." He smiled. "See you guys in five days."
"See ya." They replied back before ending the call.
"Five days." Ruby muttered "I can't wait."
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