Getting ajusted to being Carnage-less.
Y/n sheepishly chuckle as Weiss sighed before pulling out a cook book. The two looked at the book and smiled as Weiss started to list off the ingredients.
"Oh Weiss I don't see any chocolate chips. Do you know what happened to them?" Y/n asked as he had his head stuffed into the pantry as Weiss began to remember what happened to them.
"I might have an idea." She said as she grumbled.
"No prob. I'll just swing to the store." Smiling Y/n opened the window before jumping out. Throwing his hand out he went to shoot a web but nothing came out. "Uhm? Carnage?" He asked seeing the floor approach rapidly. "Carnage?!" He screamed but nothing from the symbiote.
Weiss ran to the window seeing him fall with his arms flailing around. "Y/n!" Jumping out of the window Weiss used her black glyphs to run along side the wall before pushing off of it and creating another black glyph to slow him down just enough to grab him. Flipping Y/n around she used her body as the two hit the floor causing Weiss' aura to take the damage from the impact.
"Weiss!" The boy said seeing his teammate underneath him as he quickly got off of her and flipped her around. "Weiss are you okay?!" Looking over her body he saw her slowly open her eyes looking at him.
"Are you okay?" She weakly asked making him slowly help her up.
"Answer mine first. Are you crazy?!" He asked making her smile.
"No. I know you don't have a aura yet and I wanted to make sure you didn't die. This wasn't my best landing though." She chuckled but hissed as she had a scratch over her nose as she smiled.
"Weiss. You're hurt. Stay here." He said opening a portal to their dorm room and grabbing a bandage. Going back to her he slowly put a bandage on her nose making her blush. "There better." He smiled causing her to turn pink.
"Thanks." She smiled as he helped her up and slinged her arm around his shoulders. "I think we should make peanut butter cookies." She said as he chuckled.
"Still thinking about baking when you just used your body as a comforter for our fall." He said sighing. "I shouldn't have jumped out of the window."
"Yeah why didn't Carnage help you?" She asked making him rub his head.
"We might be going through some stuff right now." he said making her look at him.
"You two got into a fight that stopped him from helping you?" She questioned as Y/n set her on her bed.
"Yeah." Looking down he sighed. "I just got tired of being his scape goat for everything he's done." Feeling a hand on his cheek he looked at Weiss as she smiled.
"I'm sure Carnage is thinking this over. A symbiote is only as strong as it's host. I'm sure you two will make up and when you do. You'll both be on each other good sides that even Cletus won't win against you." She smiled making him blush now. "So how about we get to baking." Still smiling Weiss and Y/n stood up as they went and started to get to work.
Small timeskip
"Okay now we just let them bake and we're all set." Placing the cookie sheet Weiss smiled as Y/n looked towards her as she wore a white apron and he wore a black and red apron with the words "kiss the cook" on it. Along with the two having flour, peanut butter and even cookie dough on their person.
"I feel like we forgot to add something to it though." Crossing his arms he began to think hard as it just didnt come up to him. "What was it?"
"It probably wasn't anything important if you can't think of it." The snow haired teammate said making him nod.
"Yeah you're right." Stretching he went to sit on a stool but Weiss stopped him.
"What do you think you're doing?" She said as she pulled him back by the aprons string.
"Uhm sitting?" Confused he answered as he stopped perfectly balancing on his right leg.
"Not when you look like that. You got peanut butter on your face, flour on your butt from when you slipped on the butter and cookie dough on the edges of you lips from eating the scraps. Which I'm still upset that you didn't save me some." Pouting at that last one he thought of an idea.
"You can still have some." He smiled making her confused as she let go of him.
"Oh and how's that?" She questioned as he leaned forward.
"Just gotta kiss me." Smiling innocently with his eyes closed.
This got Weiss to go pink faced as this came out of no where. She cupped her face as she got embarrassed from his proposal.
"Well what's it gonna be Ice Queen." He smiled,swallowing, she puckering her lips.
Weiss waited for it but felt a metal surface on her lips along with some peanut butter goodness. Opening her eyes she held a wisp with some of the batter on it still as Y/n began to chuckle before laughing. The schnee felt embarrassed from his joke causing her to grow angry.
"Y/n." Growling she chased Y/n around the dorm room with the wisp in hand as she tried to hit him with it.
"Hahaha. Come on Weiss it was just a joke." Laughing he ran outside of the dorm dodging the Schnee as Weiss gave chase.
"Oh I'll show you a joke! Get back here!" Using her glyphs she rushed to him pushing him and herself through his portal he opened as she summoned her glyphs.
Tackling him the two landed on the dorms floor as Weiss hovered above him with anger on his face but her ponytail was in the males face causing him to stop laughing but he was still chuckling.
Panting the schnee looked at him before raising the wisp. "Finally got you."
"Oh wow Weiss. We left for a hour and a half and you're already getting to second base with my brother." Yang said causing her eyes to go wide as she blushed in embarrassment as she looked at their position.
"Oh hey sis." Calming down his laughter he greeted them as Blake covered Ruby's eyes.
"So this is what the books are in reality." She mumbled as she smirked.
"I didn't know ice queen had it in her." Yang smirked causing her white haired teammate to jump off of the boy.
Y/n stood up as Koda ran to him and laid on his lap demanding belly rubs to which the boy started to give him his wishes.
"Why do I feel like you and Y/n gang up on me." The heiress said looking at the two siblings.
"Nah if they wanted to gang up on you. Then you should've seen how they were when we were younger." Ruby smiled as she climbed her bed and hugged her mothers coat. "They were much worst. Dad used to call them the hard hitters with their April fools jokes. They actually replaced dad's toothpaste with mud." She said as she chuckled at the idea. "They would've been grounded if it wasn't April fools day." Hugging her moms coat the small rose began to smell the cookies. "Cookies!" She yelled as Y/n stood up with Weiss.
Weiss carefully pulled the cookies out as she handed Ruby one wrapped in a napkin along with the other two as Y/n stood next to Weiss the both of them having smiles on their faces. The three members took a bite but had a sudden pained look causing the two bakers to be confused.
"Uhm. Did you two happen to try one?" Yang asked as the two shook their heads.
"No. Why would we check?" Weiss asked as the three yelled at them.
"So this wouldn't happen!" Causing the two to cover their ears.
"Sorry!" The two apologize as they threw away the batch of cookies.
Soon the day light was fading as night came. Y/n was playing on his scroll as the rest of the team fell asleep.
"Carnage are you there?" He asked but got no responce.
"Y/n are you awake?" A voice called out as he turned his head to Yangs bunk.
"Yeah. What's up sis?" He whispered as his sister looked down at him.
"I want you to know that. I'm glad you're back with us. Rubes was really depressed when you left. There was another reason on why we wanted to be huntress. We wanted to find you and bring you home." She said making Y/n smile.
"Well I'm glad I wasn't forgotten. Since I was in a STICKY situation. " Responding to his sister he got a chuckle at his joke.
"Are you okay with staying here in vale?" She asked as yawned.
"Yeah. Cletus is back at Atlas and I'm fine with being miles away from him instead of looking for him." He chuckled before closing his eyes.
"Yeah. Well I'm gonna let you get some sleep bro. See you in the morning." She smiled causing Y/n to mumble in acceptance as the two fell asleep.
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