Found true Carnage. A much needed sibling talk.
Y/n swung through Vale as a bullhead flew above him. The symbiote covered male looked around for a speck of evidence that Carnage was around his area, but nothing, resting on a roof Toxin peeled back to the neck of his host as he placed back and forth.
"Where the hell could he be? If Carnage doesn't appear anytime soon then someone could be in danger. If he controls someone innocent then..." Y/n spoke outloud until a explosion went off causing the boy to look towards the highway. "What the hell was that?" He asked as Toxin covered his face once the male jumped off the building room. Shooting his hand out Y/n swung towards the highway. Y/n landed on a pillar as he looked at what happened to his suprise the boy saw his team. Jumping down Y/n landed next to them with Toxin retreating back into his clothes.
"Ruby,Blake,Weiss, Yang. Are you guys okay?" He asked as he crouched down next to them.
"Oh they'll be okay my son." A voice spoke making Y/n slowly turn around seeing someone he never wanted to see.
"H-How are you here? You were in Atlus...wait did Carnage bond with you again?!" He asked as he backed up with Cletus walking towards him.
"Oh Y/n you should know.....Carnage never leaves it's hosts." He laughed as Y/n screamed in pain with Toxin morphing into different colors.
"N-No. I seperated with Carnage. How can it still be here?!" Y/n yelled as he noticed the red symbiote climbing up from his feet.
"He will always be with you cause he is a part of you." Cletus smirked as he pulled Y/n towards him and held him close. "You should be glad. Now we can terrorize the world together." He laughed making Y/n headbutt him but was forced back as Cletus grabbed the boys head. "You will always be a part of me. So long as Carnage stays with you." He laughed as Y/ns Carnage symbiote moved to his chest. "Why don't we have you come home with us? We can be a happy family." He laughed as Y/n tried desperately to escape the killers grasp but felt Carnage force itself down Y/ns mouth making him gag as the symbiote fully formed around him."Let's go make friends Y/n.hehehahahahaha"
Y/ns eyes snapped open as he shot up screaming his head off making a nurse run towards him as he screamed in fear. "No. I don't want to be him... I dont want to kill anymore!" Nurses and doctors rushed to the boy but Y/n kept his distance before running out of the room. Beacon students walked down the hallways but were pushed away once Y/n ran past them wearing a hospital gown. Just then Y/n suddenly stopped running. He tried desperately to grab the floor but noticed red webs holding him back as Cletus stood behind him.
"What's the matter Y/n? Why don't you want to talk your pops?" He asked as Y/n tried to run but felt himself be pulled back.
When Y/n saw Cletus the rest of the students saw Glynda. Glynda pulled Y/n towards her but saw he was freaking out badly to the point he was beginning to foam at the mouth. Glynda quickly brought him to the nurses as they did everything they could to treat him.
Glynda looked at his heart meter seeing it pulse. "This poor boy...." she said as Y/n was laying down in the bed but was tied in it.
Team RWBY entered the room as Y/n laid in the bed breathing heavily. His eyes twitched every so often and his body tried to break out of its containment.
"Is he okay?" Ruby asked as she looked at the teacher.
"We don't's as if his condition is getting worst." Adjusting her glasses Glynda looked at the team. "You said that once Y/n was done talking to Ozpin he just started to have a seizure?"
"Yeah. We heard him speak about Carnage and he just started to freak out." Yang said as she looked at her brother.
"I see. We'll keep an eye on him. But he will have to stay here for medical treatment." She said as Y/n began to cry as he was having a nightmare.
"Excuse me but we need to do an exam on Mr.Branwen." a nurse said as the five females nod and left.
Soon night fell and team RWBY were anxious to see their teammate. Yang just then got a text from Glynda saying they could see their brother. The four girls entered the room seeing Y/n sitting up on the bed as he flipped through channels trying to find something to watch. His eyes looked dull and lifeless but what everyone saw made them scared. Y/n held the remote with a red claw.
"Y/n?" Ruby asked as he kept flipping through channels. The room was eerily silent. Dropping the remote Y/n just kept moving his fingers as if the remote was still in his hands.
Yang walked to her brother and held his hand/claw. "Y/n.....please snap out of it." She begged as Y/n looked down at her. "Please."
Y/n pulled his hand back and shot a web picking the remote back up into his claw. The team was about to leave but Y/n spoke.
"He's still with me."
This one sentence made them stop as they looked at him.
"He never left......he's a part of me.....he's never gonna leave me alone." He cried as he held his head in his hands. "Why.....why did it have to be me?"
Yang and Ruby walked to him and held him close as he cried.
"I can't do it anymore......I want death." He said causing his sisters hug him close to themselves. "It hurts so,so much. Please let me die."
"Y/n." Weiss muttered as he cried. The room was quiet with the only thing was Y/n cries of death.
Soon night came making the team leave but Yang stayed back as she sat at his bedside.
"Y/n. I know that you're going through a lot of pain. But I want you to know that your sisters are here for you. We will do everything we can to bring you back from this. We will try to seperate you two forever. I'm so sorry we can't do anything right now. But know we will try everything to get you back from Carnage." Hugging her brother Yang cried as Y/n shook in her arms. "I don't know how much damage Carnage has caused but just know we will be here for you. Your team has got your back. We love you brother." She smiled before kissing his head motherly before leaving.
Y/n looked towards the table next to him and grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills before taking them all. That would happen if Carnage threw them out the window as it stared at him.
"We are one. You will never die so long as I'm with you." It smirked at him as it covered his body fully before going outside and taking off to the night for some torture.
"Carnage will never leave.....Toxin never existed. But I did. I will forever be a part of you."
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